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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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MC Safety

Sliced bread isn't even that great. Such a weird way to judge how great something is. Also not great are Roman's pops. He gets pretty tepid reactions most of the time for a guy who is being positioned so hard.

It used to be you got a hunk of bread and you had to slice it yourself.

With the advent of the bread slicer, man was forever freed from the tedium of having to slice his own bread.

As far as Roman Reigns goes, at least they have him enunciating.

ALSO: Sliced Bread (From Wikipedia):

It was first sold in 1928, advertised as "the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped".[1] This led to the popular phrase, "the greatest thing since sliced bread".
Pretty sure Undertaker's done this?

Well yeah, the fucking Grim Reaper is probably gonna wind up killing some dudes, but I'm talking about having it happen in place of the usual firing angle. Trips and Steph gun down Daniel Bryan whenever he gets defiant again. The Ambrose/Wyatt feud end with a "Loser is Executed via Lethal Injection" match. Cena only manages to defeat Lesnar by giving up his physical form and AAing Lesnar with the force of the entire Cenation before crossing on into the great beyond.


Some NXT notes. The Saturday show had its largest attendance at 500 or TNA levels. So its slowly building a live fanbase it seems.

Also, Itami had an awesome match with Crowe. So it makes sense to debut Crowe against him on NXT. He needs an opponent to show off his skills and Crowe from the match is willing to make the match stiff as possible. Here is Crowe current look:


Plus Buddy Murphy and Wesley Black debuted glow in the dark masks to go with there dub step theme:

The rumble match plays well into his moveset, this is true. Plus this was also before we found that that he was an mediocre singles wrestler who can't cut a promo.

How was that a surprise to anyone? The writing was on the wall from The Shield's debut. Hey there's two indie wrestlers with a good rep and... a guy that looks exactly like someone WWE want to push. I wonder what the purpose of this stable is.
I wonder if Reigns is going to have his "top guy" moment that has been around since Austin. In the past you had

  • Stone Cold's submission match with Bret and 3:16 promo
  • The Rock turning on the Corporation
  • Bryan's entire Yes Movement saga

Hell even Sheamus had one when he SHOCKED THE WORLD by putting Cena through a table. Ironically both Cena and Orton took a long time getting to the top. I think both Cena and Orton weren't even considered "THE GUYs" until like 2007.


I wonder if Reigns is going to have his "top guy" moment that has been around since Austin. In the past you had

  • Stone Cold's submission match with Bret and 3:16 promo
  • The Rock turning on the Corporation
  • Bryan's entire Yes Movement saga

Hell even Sheamus had one when he SHOCKED THE WORLD by putting Cena through a table. Ironically both Cena and Orton took a long time getting to the top. I think both Cena and Orton weren't even considered "THE GUYs" until like 2007.

Knowing Vince he'll try to give us multiple "top guy" moments in order to convince us.


"I was partners with Hansen. We were raping and pillaging, just having a blast over there."

-Hogan on life in Japan

Still shitty word choice.
Knowing Vince he'll try to give us multiple "top guy" moments in order to convince us.

Both Cena and Orton had "moments" that were supposed to cement them but didn't. Cena had the match with JBL at WM 21 but that just put him in the main event. No one remember's Cena's first reign until Edge cashed in, and Edge's first reign sucked. Cena in my mind wasn't THE GUY until he returned at the '08 Rumble way before he was supposed to come back and got the massive pop.

Likewise Orton being the youngest WHC ever and the breakup/feud with Evolution was supposed to be his, but it didn't work. Instead Batista got the infamous "thumbs down" moment and went straight to the main event while Orton languished in the midcard, albeit with his memorable "legend Killer" gimmick. It wasn't until 2007 with the age of Orton that Randy really cemented his spot.


Both Cena and Orton had "moments" that were supposed to cement them but didn't. Cena had the match with JBL at WM 21 but that just put him in the main event. No one remember's Cena's first reign until Edge cashed in, and Edge's first reign sucked. Cena in my mind wasn't THE GUY until he returned at the '08 Rumble way before he was supposed to come back and got the massive pop.

Likewise Orton being the youngest WHC ever and the breakup/feud with Evolution was supposed to be his, but it didn't work. Instead Batista got the infamous "thumbs down" moment and went straight to the main event while Orton languished in the midcard, albeit with his memorable "legend Killer" gimmick. It wasn't until 2007 with the age of Orton that Randy really cemented his spot.

Bold 1 - Agreed, that was when Cena became the "top guy" for me too.

Bold 2 - I miss that gimmick. I always thought Randy was more entertaining than Batista back in their Evolution-era days. Batista surpassed Randy later in their careers though with Douchetista.
Monday Night prime time 8:00pm to 9:00pm eastern

CBS Big Bang Theory/Mike n Molly
TNT Major Crimes
NBC All Star Celebrity Apprentice
FOX Emprie
ABC The Bachelor
TBS Family Guy
MTV Catfish The Show
ESPN College Playoff

Raw is going to get killed tonight. Serves them right to for not promoting Bryan and Lesnar as being on the show

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I really wish WCW Mayhem 2 leaked in whatever form it's in like RE 1.5 and that Sonic thing. If just to see what it was going to be. I mean, it was Def Jam before Def Jam. Aki and all. Even if the roster sucked, I would have liked to seen it.

When CM Punk does it, 'what a great wrestler. Truly adhering to kayfabe and keeping it alive!'
When Randy Orton did it, 'what a disrespectful piece of shit! He should be lucky to realize his position and know when to turn it off'


Did the Big Show ever do anything worthwhile in the WWE?

Outside of his debut and maybe Mania 2000 everything else was just the perfect booking of WCW...
He once had Vince McMahon's face stuffed squarely into the asscrack of his giant buttocks.
That was pretty worthwhile.
So I got a New 3DS (which I will thoroughly regret when the Credit Card bill comes around at the end of the month) and Persona Q. Life is good now.

Get Persona Q guys, that game is good, real good.

How does it look? I started playing Pokémon Y the other day and it looks like something from 2003. Usually that doesn't irk me but the image quality is terrible overall.

I've money put aside from DJ Persona Max so at least I'm supporting the franchise in some manner!

I hardly want to use my 3DS XL right now knowing that there is a better model out there with improved 3D.

The 3D is almost perfect. It's night and day compared to the old system, quite shocking really. It was so bad for me on the OG 3DS I never used it beyond flicking it on once or twice per game to see how bad it was. I'd probably run it nonstop on the New one.

I'm going to make a spreadsheet and sort chronologically by what I watch. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with it though. 1000 matches is a lot...

That's only 3 a day, watch all of Goldberg's streak for a head start!


I seriously think that Looney Tunes promo was more the writers than him. He seems to have a (I did it, are you happy?) kind of attitude about it.

It's almost like they're testing his delivery with shitty lines like this.
I seriously think that Looney Tunes promo was more the writers than him. He seems to have a (I did it, are you happy?) kind of attitude about it.

It's almost like they're testing his delivery with shitty lines like this.

Then why record and broadcast it? Why not just try it in a studio or not show it so it doesn't undermine fans' interest in the character?


Then why record and broadcast it? Why not just try it in a studio or not show it so it doesn't undermine fans' interest in the character?

Either A) some writer's idea of a joke or B) they probably have a mentality where doing things like this in a studio does not match doing it in a live environment
Either A) some writer's idea of a joke or B) they probably have a mentality where doing things like this in a studio does not match doing it in a live environment

If it was a writer and not Vince, the writer should be fired for making the character that the company is lining up to push look foolish.

Even if they wanted Reigns to have experience speaking before a live audience, it's a promo on SmackDown. They can decide to edit it so he doesn't look like a gibbering, out of touch moron. The basic question is: why present anything that diminishes your characters' key characteristics unless you have no idea what your character's key features are?
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