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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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TNA News:

I found it funny them running ads during RAW but they were also after some former WWE talent:

We noted before that TNA officials wanted former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio to debut on last Wednesday's Impact Wrestling premiere on Destination America but that obviously didn't work out. They also wanted WWE Hall of Famer Edge, who had just appeared on WWE TV the week before.

Edge and TNA didn't make it to serious negotiations and never discussed money or anything like that. The situation was described as TNA putting feelers out but "the fish didn't bite."

TNA wanted Edge to be the new TNA authority figure as Kurt Angle re-signed from the position because he returned to active competition.

lol, TNA really?


It went downhill from the moment he sprayed people with ketchup and mustard, Bray just killed it even more

now he's making poopy jokes and being fed to Pyceb

He may also be the first one to get a pin or sub on Rusev in this whole thing out of this.


Edge on TNA?



TNA is in such a shitty situation. It is so easy to get into indy or Japanese wrestling that there is no reason at all to bother with TNA.

Well Edge has some free time now. Haven is over. They have the final episodes this year and its done. So I wonder if he go to another series sponsored by sfy or be lead in one of there horrible made for tv movies.

Plus right now the number 2 promotion if you go by being able to see it on tv is ROH then TNA and then lucha underground and New Japan.


I really appreciated that Big Show was used to deliver a knockout punch to Cena in the first hour then Roman in the second. Clearly the director is trying to establish a theme of their duality and parallel their journeys as they move towards the story's apex (at Wrestlemania).

I think an interesting distinction between the two was made as Big Show had to first knock Roman down and slam him AFTER the match before punching him, whereas with John Cena Big Show simply pulled him out during the match and punched him. Big Show is obviously a represents for time. They almost beat you over the head with this metaphor as Big Show regularly talks about major milestones - last night talking about a first job and has once portrayed the New Years Baby (the physical embodiment of time).
I believe that the distinctions in Big Show's attacks were subtle storytelling devices, Roman is on the rise and while Big Show (time) wasn't able to prevent him from losing a match against Luke Harper, there may still be some time before Roman is ready to ascend to the top, a fact that was beaten into him. The Big Show assault on John Cena happening during the match represents time catching up with him and preventing him from being as successful as he once was, further demonstrated by using a youthful opponent like Rollins and surrounding the ring with much younger men and their representation of time - Big Show.

I think that the Roman/Cena storyline is that of two hero's journeys. One on the rise and one on the fall. There was another brilliant touch that tied this theme together in having Roman tell the story of "Roman and the Beanstalk". Jack is a common nickname for John, so Roman literally replaced John with himself in the telling of a traditional folk tale, revealing his desire to replace John Cena as the hero of WWE.

Bravo Mr. McMahon

I'm Hasney and I approve this post


Watching Raw. What the fuck jbl? I mean the Ascension is awful, but christ you're supposed to be the heel announcer why the fuck are you burying them?
Well Edge has some free time now. Haven is over. They have the final episodes this year and its done. So I wonder if he go to another series sponsored by sfy or be lead in one of there horrible made for tv movies.

Plus right now the number 2 promotion if you go by being able to see it on tv is ROH then TNA and then lucha underground and New Japan.

I'd argue that they aren't even #2 anymore. I don't see how it is an alternative at all.


Can we get a running count of how many self-hating white guy threads Sunny has posted in OT?

Seriously man, we get it. You're a tall white dude who was probably a complete racist bully bastard in High School. We understand, we forgive you. You've looked for forgiveness for long enough. Stop with the self hating threads. We forgive you, brah.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Can we get a running count of how many self-hating white guy threads Sunny has posted in OT?

Seriously man, we get it. You're a tall white dude who was probably a complete racist bully bastard in High School. We understand, we forgive you. You've looked for forgiveness for long enough. Stop with the self hating threads. We forgive you, brah.

I'm sorry, what's being white have to do with anything?


All white guys hugging other white guys. Anything less than The Rock hugging El Torito is not progressive enough.

Huh? I see a Goat hugging a Demon, an Atheist hugging a Jew, and a Sentient Corporate Billboard hugging a Dudebro.

You need to see past color, breh.


Meltzer is doubling down on "Bryan should main event WM again", not because he thinks he's a draw, but because he thinks its the only thing close to a draw they have right now lol

He especially thinks Roman ain't the guy, and not even close to it after what they've done to him over the last several weeks.


Meltzer is doubling down on "Bryan should main event WM again", not because he thinks he's a draw, but because he thinks its the only thing close to a draw they have right now lol

He especially thinks Roman ain't the guy, and not even close to it after what they've done to him over the last several weeks.

As a casual fan of current wrasslin', Bryan definitely should main event WrestleMania. That's much more interesting than what Roman Reigns or most other guys could bring to the table this year.
Some day after thoughts on Bryan's promo:

I don't like that he seems to be straddled with Stephanie as opposed to Hunter. I get Jericho vibes from that treatment. Also I don't like him bringing up "I'm average and so is everyone else" - you are not average, and average people don't like to be reminded they're average. His whole speech about "We're gonna do the whole shabang over again" is about the laziest way to phrase something people actually want. Why would you put it like that? It also doesn't seem like the type of words that indicate a win for him. This is his last promo time on RAW, right? Seemed like a whimper when it should have played up emotions.

Some positive counterpoints to what you're saying.

Bryan was one of the only people last night booked like a top babyface. His gimmick is man of the people, and he loves to throw it in Stephanie's face that he's successful in spite of her and Triple H. Did you not hear him say he was going to win the Royal Rumble?

Interesting in that he is the only babyface thus far to say it. WWE doesn't let people throw that term around lightly, is all I'm saying. Bryan wants his title back. It's a simple story. Doing it all again would be doing it all again, and he was just acknowledging that.

Bryan got to brow beat Stephanie right back, called her DVD stupid, and then beat up Kane. That's the best he's been treated since Wrestlemania.


Another thing about the Jericho/Bryan comparison, Bryan did something Jericho never did, he beat Steph and Triple H at WM. Jericho came out of WM18 looking like a complete loser and hurt his main event star power for years after that.


Meltzer is doubling down on "Bryan should main event WM again", not because he thinks he's a draw, but because he thinks its the only thing close to a draw they have right now lol

He especially thinks Roman ain't the guy, and not even close to it after what they've done to him over the last several weeks.



Ah, contract season in NJPW, when a bunch of people see Okada follows NXT on twitter and start getting way ahead of themselves. He's on a losing streak, man! Clearly on his way out of the door.

Didn't they sign him to a two year contract when WWE was looking around last time? He isn't going to go when he is that high up on the card.

Plus Balor already got the Young Boys scouted for WWE:

Yeah, I shouldn't complain too much as he did actually get the best of Steph and Kane. I'm hoping for a squash match on SmackDown where he just lays it into Kane but I imagine we're getting a "CAN HE SURVIVE!?" sort of match where he'll come out on top. Also, I see he is now booked for RAW next week so there's that.


Yeah, I shouldn't complain too much as he did actually get the best of Steph and Kane. I'm hoping for a squash match on SmackDown where he just lays it into Kane but I imagine we're getting a "CAN HE SURVIVE!?" sort of match where he'll come out on top. Also, I see he is now booked for RAW next week so there's that.

If this was NXT, I would expect Bryan's return match against a nearly 50 year old jobber to be a 2 minute squash match that shows Bryan is back and stronger than ever, making his Rumble appearance much more anticipated and get people to watch it on WWE NETWORK.

But this is Vince, so Kane is big and strong and should dominate the match and lead to a non-finish to keep Bryan "strong"


Another thing about the Jericho/Bryan comparison, Bryan did something Jericho never did, he beat Steph and Triple H at WM. Jericho came out of WM18 looking like a complete loser and hurt his main event star power for years after that.

Jericho has always, ALWAYS, "done the job" so to speak. If you listen to his podcast he has no qualms about losing to anyone on the roster.

Jericho is one of the few guys in the WWE to remove his own ego and realize, "Oh wait a second, of course this isn't REAL. And I'm still getting paid the same? Of course I'll do what ever you want, Vince! Let Fandango beat me! WHO FUCKING CARES."
Looks like Triton & Mistico II were hurt at the Fantasticamania show today, Mistico hurt his neck taking the Polvora Driver and Triton caught his feet on the ropes hitting a tope con hilo and had to be stretchered out. No word on either guy's condition, but Mistico's doesn't sound too serious.

Didn't they sign him to a two year contract when WWE was looking around last time? He isn't going to go when he is that high up on the card.

Pretty much, just people putting two & two together to make five and a few trolls fanning the flames.


Watching Seth's promo again, I think his improvement on the mic is really damn great. The promo written for him was the standard WWE heel stuff, but it was his cadence and selling of it that really helped pull it together. Seems like he's found his "voice" and confidence.


If there's anything positive to take away from The Ascension and how JBL and Co., have crapped on the team, I'll say that it looks like it'll mirror their NXT run. They squash jobbers in good fashion. They get bored. Ask for more competition. Then get rekt by the Lucha Dragons in the first match of a PPV special, lol.

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