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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Splatoon is going to bomb and they will still not understand why it did. There will be threads about it and how the reason why it didn't sell is because people didn't "get" it. Rinse and repeat with the next new Nintendo IP. Like.. do people expect any of these games to sell well when Mario gets fucking outsold by KNACK?



He's not a very good wrestler but I think he works well as a heel. He's one of those guys who takes the "chicken shit heel" style that most of us are sick of and makes it work
If they let him, I think The Miz could excel at either commentary or a manager gig down the line.
He'd certainly be an improvement over that former protégé of his, A-Ry.
I give Splatoon 2 months before it flops and gaf completely forgets about its poster child 'niche' game.

It's a guaranteed flop. There is a group of Nintendo fans on GAF that live in a bubble and attack anyone who dare say anything negative about Nintendo or their king Iwata.


I wonder why they keep Slater around. He seems to be going nowhere in his career even though he seems to be well liked backstage. I do like him though.
Dude's one of the finest enhancement talent jobbers on the roster.
He knows what his role is, excels at is and doesn't ask for anything more than that.
He also knows how to bump like a mofo.

Slater is exactly the kind of guy you WANT to keep around.

Let's not understate his role as a humorous jobber, you can throw him into a segment, watch him make an arse of himself and then get wrecked while also often selling in an entertaining fashion. Really he's like that guy you love to see get one-upped because he plays the part well, maybe WWE see him handy in that way.
This guy gets it.
The strange sentiment I get from some on Gaf is the idea that people can't possibly anticipate or enjoy games that don't sell particularly well.
Splatoon will financially be RIGHT on the cusp of 'failure' and 'catastrophic failure'. This will make them try again, and it will fail again. Stupid Nintendo.

Anyways, wrestling. How good should a wrestling-related thread be for it to work in the Off-Topic section?


The strange sentiment I get from some on Gaf is the idea that people can't possibly anticipate or enjoy games that don't sell particularly well.

also a game is automatically bad if it doesn't sell well

Splatoon will financially be RIGHT on the cusp of 'failure' and 'catastrophic failure'. This will make them try again, and it will fail again. Stupid Nintendo.
how does trying something different make them stupid?


some marks on reddit wrote up the Romans Reigns promo in the styles of The Rock and Stone Cold

The Rock: You want to come out here Big Show and say the people feel... (slight pause) "intimidated?" You want to make up stories about (slight pause) the people?
Well The Rock has a story to tell you. Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a man considered to be The Great One. One day, he bought some magic beans and grew the people's beanstock... Don't get too excited Lillian. He decided to climb the people's beanstock to the top. You know what he found....?
He found the people's goose, he found the people's golden coins, and in the far distance, he could hear a giant go "ARARARROORA". He walked up to the Giant. The Great one told the giant to KNOW HIS ROLE AND SHUT HIS MOUTH. The Giant got angry and came at the Great One. So the Great One picked up the goose, shined it up real nice, turned that son bitch sideways and stuck it straight up his candy ass! You know what the difference is between you and the giant in the story Show? He actually had Balls! In two weeks, you'll be going One on One with the Great ONE. The Rock is going to whoop your Roody Poo Candy Ass. The Rock will then proceed to win the Royal Rumble. If ya smellaalalalaal what The Rock is Cooking.
SCSA: You wanna come out here and run that big giant mouth of yours. Talkin' about "I'm intimidating because I'm a giant!"

Well, the mistake you've made as far as I'm concerned is assuming that Stone Cold Steve Austin doesn't have giant hunting experience. Now, I know it may be hard to believe, but back when I was a young lad, I happened upon some magic beans. I planted them sunvabitches and grew a giant damn beanstock. So of course there waun't nothin to do but climb the sunbitch. When I got the top I found:

The golden goose What A golden egg What A refrigerator What One beer What Two beers What Three beers What Four beers What Five beers.. What

...you get the point. But just as I'm about to crack into some ole Steveweisers, who comes along, but a this meely mouth Giant. He starts running his mouth, telling me I need to put his treasure right back where I found it. I took one look at him and said "EH! EH! Ain't no man or giant gonna take from Stone Cold Steve Austin what he's claimed as his own!" Well, the Giant didn't like that one bit, so what did I do?

I proceeded to STOMP A MUDHOLE IN THAT MEELY MOUTH SONAVABITCHES ASS. So, Big Show, don't think for one second, son, that I won't walk up that ramp right now and drop a FEE FI FO FUM stunner on your stupid giant ass. The way I see it, you got two choices: you can keep standin' up there running your little giant mouth and take an asskicking tonight, or you can turn tail and take your ass back to lockerroom and receive your asskicking at The Rumble. It don't make a bit of difference to me! And that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold Said so.

belee dat
USA Network just announced they're bringing back Tough Enough.

Austin or bust.

He already has 2 tv shows now right?
Both have finished taping though, would depend on contracts I guess. I recall him saying on the podcast he only had 2 weeks notice before taping started on the Redneck show (he couldn't get a promo tshirt he wanted in time) so I expect they might both be unconfirmed for more seasons.

I can breathe easy for the first time in a month. My mom has polyps around her uterus. Today, just found they're benign.

Sorry if I've been extra grouchy recently. It's been weighing on my mind heavy.

Awesome news! Cancer fucking sucks.

lol no.

He said he jumped to PC gaming because he's sick of Microsoft and Sony basically injecting DRM into video games and wants to be free of that. He's apparently not aware that Steam is DRM and that with Steam he technically doesn't even own the games he paid for.

Convince him it's totally legit to use wallhacks in CounterStrike and then wait for the ban lol

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The strange sentiment I get from some on Gaf is the idea that people can't possibly anticipate or enjoy games that don't sell particularly well.

Don't know why you get that. I liked Dynasty Warriors games, but I know they're not going to be mega sellers. As does the community here on Gaf.

Which means we realistically anticipate and talk about the game. We don't do the marketing for Koei by making 'Dynasty Warriors fan art thread', 'What ways will Dynasty Warriors One Piece change the industry?' 'What game are you looking forward to most and why is it Dynasty Warriors?' 'If you don't like Dynasty Warriors why do you like generic brown shooters?' 'How many GOTYs will Dynasty Warriors win?'


Also, no one watches Tough Enough to see a star of tomorrow. They watch it to see the stars of today and yesterday bully nobodies.
If they really wanted ratings, they'd make Tough Enough into a comedy and give them the worst coaches imaginable.

Roman Reigns - Promo coach
John Cena - How to sell your opponents offense / How to punch an opponent
Kelly Kelly - How to run the ropes
The Miz - How to apply submission holds
Alex Riley - How to do color commentary anything
Bill DeMott - How to be an all-around nice guy
Kevin Dunn - How to produce a weekly television program
If they really wanted ratings, they'd make Tough Enough into a comedy and give them the worst coaches imaginable.

Roman Reigns - Promo coach
John Cena - How to sell your opponents offense / How to punch an opponent
Kelly Kelly - How to run the ropes
The Miz - How to apply submission holds
Alex Riley - How to do color commentary anything
Bill DeMott - How to be an all-around nice guy
Kevin Dunn - How to produce a weekly television program

Daniel Bryan -



Gold Member
If they really wanted ratings, they'd make Tough Enough into a comedy and give them the worst coaches imaginable.

Roman Reigns - Promo coach
John Cena - How to sell your opponents offense / How to punch an opponent
Kelly Kelly - How to run the ropes
The Miz - How to apply submission holds
Alex Riley - How to do color commentary anything
Bill DeMott - How to be an all-around nice guy
Kevin Dunn - How to produce a weekly television program


What's the general consensus here on Sasha Banks? I friggin love her so much. She's one of the more interesting women wrestlers the WWE has right now and I hope they keep her gimmick the same when she goes up to the main roster.

What's the general consensus here on Sasha Banks? I friggin love her so much. She's one of the more interesting women wrestlers the WWE has right now and I hope they keep her gimmick the same when she goes up to the main roster.

She's a muppet face.

That's what I hear anyway.
also a game is automatically bad if a game doesn't sell well
Well there goes a good half of my personal GotY list, for like every year I've been on Gaf to boot!

Basically "If you're not John Cena then you're a jobber"

It's official, we've watched far too much WWE in the Cena era.

I promise you that's not my opinion. I've liked tons of unpopular games. Splatoon just doesn't look fun to me at all.

Oh I'm directing more at the sales obsessive and that goes on both sides of that coin.
Personally I wasn't really on board with Splatoon until they showed that there was a decent looking single player component, not much of a third person shooter guy myself.

Don't know why you get that. I liked Dynasty Warriors games, but I know they're not going to be mega sellers. As does the community here on Gaf.

Which means we realistically anticipate and talk about the game. We don't do the marketing for Koei by making 'Dynasty Warriors fan art thread', 'What ways will Dynasty Warriors One Piece change the industry?' 'What game are you looking forward to most and why is it Dynasty Warriors?' 'If you don't like Dynasty Warriors why do you like generic brown shooters?' 'How many GOTYs will Dynasty Warriors win?'
I think you're exaggerating the mock threads here, people make threads for games they're excited about and that sometimes leads to certain games suddenly having an arse load in a short space of time, but rarely do they go as far as your examples here though.



What's the general consensus here on Sasha Banks? I friggin love her so much. She's one of the more interesting women wrestlers the WWE has right now and I hope they keep her gimmick the same when she goes up to the main roster.

Banks is someone who started out in WWE as a generic scrub, who had no speaking ability, a boring look, was pretty green, and in about two years has totally transformed into a legit contender. She's a good wrestler, got a good gimmick/look, she's even decent at talking now (and she was dogshit at that when she got signed).

She's pretty much the best example NXT has of taking a raw rookie and making them into something.

In short:




Don't know why you get that. I liked Dynasty Warriors games, but I know they're not going to be mega sellers. As does the community here on Gaf.

Which means we realistically anticipate and talk about the game. We don't do the marketing for Koei by making 'Dynasty Warriors fan art thread', 'What ways will Dynasty Warriors One Piece change the industry?' 'What game are you looking forward to most and why is it Dynasty Warriors?' 'If you don't like Dynasty Warriors why do you like generic brown shooters?' 'How many GOTYs will Dynasty Warriors win?'

I didn't know there was a One Piece DW game. Sounds like something i wanna play
I didn't know there was a One Piece DW game. Sounds like something i wanna play

There's two and soon to be three.
I had the first, it was enjoyable enough though limited, might as well wait on the third one or grab the second on the cheap if you're intrigued, I think that one had quite positive word of mouth coming to think of it.
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