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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA

'Whaddya mean no more hazing pledges, breh?'
Dailymotion.com is your friend.

I'm actually re-watching episode 1 of LU right not before going to bed. Really hope they release these as "seasons" on Blu-ray.

It lends itself almost perfectly to releasing blu rays. I'd almost assume they are going to do it.

Not like El Ray has on-demand content does it? Otherwise they are just leaving money on the table, which is incredibly unlike Rodriguez.


Awesome NXT show tonight, some match highlights were:

Kalisto vs Solomon Crowe

Blake & Murphy vs The Vaudevillains

Hideo Itami vs Finn Balor vs Adrian Neville

Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte vs Bayley

Sami Zayn vs Tyler Breeze

It was kind of awesome to have Itami vs Balor vs Neville because it wasn't advertised before hand and they announced it as a triple threat match with guys who want to get into the title picture. Itami came out first, people went crazy.....then when Balor came out, some people knew something special was happening and the place went off when Neville came out. The match was great for a house show match, and the crowd gave them all a standing ovation. Neville won it with a red arrow.

Also, another running thread of the night was Kevin Owens. He ran in on the first match of jobbers and crushed them to much applause and after that he got on the mic and said he wasn't done yet. At the end of the show he disrupted Zayn vs Breeze and had a bit of confrontation with Zayn to end it.

Oh...and Drake Younger is incredibly over as a ref. Everyone there knew who Drake was to the point that he got involved in the Blake / Murphy match and chopped Gotch a couple of times. It was a fun moment....I kind of want them to do a ref to wrestler angle with him, but it was probably just a bit of house show fun.

Also, Enzo and Big Cass and Carmella cut a promo. I'm not usually a fan of theirs, but Big Cass pulled out a cell phone and made like he was calling HHH. He said "the Vigilante is here...no he's not in the rafters, he's in the fourth row." There was a guy at the show dressed completely like Sting, even had the bat and all. It was kind of cool and reminded me of something DX would do.

The main event was great, even if it was a bit slow....but that was all Breeze's character being the heel that always steps aside and delays the momentum of the match a bit.

Oh and before you ask about the Blake / Murphy match, yes they did have them.

I've been to main roster house shows where I felt like I paid too much and was ripped off.....this show, I would have gladly paid more for my $20 ringside seat. It was a packed house tonight though, I'm sure they made out good.

A few pics before bed:

Finn Balor:


Adrian Neville:




Sami Zayn Face Off with Owens:

There are rumors that Solomon Crowe will finally make his WWE NXT TV debut at next month's Takeover event. Crowe working dark matches has become a running joke among the NXT regulars at Full Sail University.

About damn time.
I watched all of Wrestlemania 21 today and it was a pretty good show up until the two world title matches.

Rey/Eddie was a lot of fun, where both guys got shine. Rey felt legitimately over, and the people were excited when he got the 619. Eddie looked huge, and it made things a little uncomfortable watching back.

Money in the Bank was maybe the best one of these ever. Everyone went all out, but it never felt like there were any contrived spots for the most part. Then Benoit does the diving headbutt off the ladder and damn near kills himself. Kane also didn't look shitty.

Taker/Orton was pretty basic, up until Bob got involved. The crowd starting getting heavy into it then. A few sloppy spots stop it from being great but I still pop huge for the chokeslam into RKO spot. Never gets old, and overall was a good streak match for Taker and a fine showing for a young Randy Orton.

Trish/Hemme wasn't good at all. Trish tried, but Hemme just wasn't at the level to have a good or even decent match at this time. Was there really no better option for Trish to wrestle?

Angle/Michaels was in-freaking-credible. Both guys wanted to prove they were the best in the world and in the moment, I'd have believed them. I forgot who won this match before rewatching, and it may have been for the best because there was no loser. Both men looked tremendous coming out of this. I bought the desperation superkick Shawn threw as the finish, but it kept going with high drama up until Shawn taps.

Akebono/Show was really bad, but not too long. Just Show and Akebono waddling around the ring powdering their hands and then they have a short Sumo match where Akebono throws Show out of the ring. More time was spent with them setting up the match than the match itself. Could have done without.

Cena/JBL was a decent midcard TV match for the WWE Title. A whole lot of fucking nothing happened with the crowd not giving one shit and then Cena won with the AA. Didn't get the vibes that Cena would be the next big star here for sure.

Hunter/Batista was better than Cena/JBL but not by much. Hunter has to go long, and my god it felt like 40 minutes by the time it was over. Crowd didn't care except when Flair interfered. Batista was sloppy, Hunter was slow. Eventually after a bunch of garbage Batista won. Match should have been half as long and it would have been a good TV main event. As it was, a lackluster World title match.

So overall a pretty good show, but that weighs heavily on how much you enjoy the HBK/Angle match. Turn the show off after that match, and it's great.
Rey/Eddie was a lot of fun, where both guys got shine. Rey felt legitimately over, and the people were excited when he got the 619. Eddie looked huge, and it made things a little uncomfortable watching back.

I just watched No Mercy 2005, Eddie's last PPV before he died. He is so huge and roided out, he looks like his skin is about to shred open at any point.
Cena/JBL was a decent midcard TV match for the WWE Title. A whole lot of fucking nothing happened with the crowd not giving one shit and then Cena won with the AA. Didn't get the vibes that Cena would be the next big star here for sure..

As we look into the past, we get a glimpse of our future.

Believe that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA


That match was very enjoyable though it was nearly 2 god damn hours long. The worst part was by far when Akebono had his portion. He did have one cool spot though. Obata looked really strong even if he couldn't beat a weakened man. His moveset is still very 'Japanese wrestling' but he's very good at it, so with some of those other guys around he could be amazing. Sugiura is always the shit.


Christy Hemme and Trish happened because Christy was the Playboy girl that year. She was only 24 though and I doubt had much experience at that point.

Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson was the same deal in 2006.
Just because someone (myself included) hates on the thing you like doesn't mean to stop posting the thing you like if there's somebody else that enjoys it.

Actually, it does, because I'm sick of the same fucking arguments that always arise from the same fucking people, as they're seemingly incapable of ignoring the shit they dislike without getting their 2 cents in every goddamn time. It's shit.

Fuck wrestling. Fuck all y'all.

Nah, fuck you stro.

MC Safety

I think it would be hilarious if the Bella twins resumed their twin magic gimmick.

The referee could be perpetually bewildered by the entrance of a twin who neither looks nor dresses like the other twin.


Hopefully we get some actual suprises in the Rumble , Like a Bully ray return or random taker gong instead of someone coming out.

We're going to get the Bunny in the Rumble.

Honestly this year's Rumble match seems like the least star-studded Rumble ever. Like...barely anyone in the match is over with the fans at all.


Honestly this year's Rumble match seems like the least star-studded Rumble ever. Like...barely anyone in the match is over with the fans at all.
I wonder why that is. Hmmm...

And yeah, I'm fairly certain the Dudleys will be in the match. Back-to-back in that typical "improbable that their numbers would actually be consecutive if there was a random draw" nonsense WWE way.
They'll do their table spot on some ham-n-egger like Fandango and then get promptly eliminated by Superoman or some other monster cleaning house.
We're going to get the Bunny in the Rumble.

Honestly this year's Rumble match seems like the least star-studded Rumble ever. Like...barely anyone in the match is over with the fans at all.

Please god not the bunny in the Rumble or any comedy skits for that matter. I still shudder at the Cena/Hornswaggle section of the rumble a few years back.


Please god not the bunny in the Rumble or any comedy skits for that matter. I still shudder at the Cena/Hornswaggle section of the rumble a few years back.
The Bunny is going to be involved in the Rumble match. You have to accept it. Vince needs his laughs. He'll either be in the match proper or he'll run in as a non-participant and eliminate Rose. They'll probably have a pool set up ringside that the Bunny can push him into as well so Rose can scowl and flail about while Vince laughs in the back and recounts his many madcap adventures pushing unaware saps into his pool to anyone within earshot.


The Bunny is going to be involved in the Rumble match. You have to accept it. Vince needs his laughs. He'll either be in the match proper or he'll run in as a non-participant and eliminate Rose. They'll probably have a pool set up ringside that the Bunny can push him into as well so Rose can scowl and flail about while Vince laughs in the back and recounts his many madcap adventures pushing unaware saps into his pool to anyone within earshot.

Either the bunny or torito eliminate cesaro from the rumble



Either the bunny or torito eliminate cesaro from the rumble

My money is on Superoman. Cesaro is breaking Santino's record for fastest elimination this year... or he won't even be in the match. Being Swiss and all, he might sleep in and miss his cue.


Actually, it does, because I'm sick of the same fucking arguments that always arise from the same fucking people, as they're seemingly incapable of ignoring the shit they dislike without getting their 2 cents in every goddamn time. It's shit.

Nah, fuck you stro.

Fuck you, fuck your country, and fuck your bullshit indie wrestling garbage.


can you guys shoot yourselves out of the shoots you worked yourselves into because you worked a work that you didnt know was a work, jabronies?
Money in the Bank was maybe the best one of these ever. Everyone went all out, but it never felt like there were any contrived spots for the most part. Then Benoit does the diving headbutt off the ladder and damn near kills himself. Kane also didn't look shitty.
My man, still the gold standard for MitB, it flows so well without feeling like people are setting up spot structures in a bizarre way, the various participants constantly shuffling in and out of the action (bar Edge whose latter half vanishing act plays into the finish), Kane not actually dragging it down and playing the one big guy in the match card well especially as a foil to Benoit.
I love it Maggle.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I know that he is not taking participants yet. Besides, that's the avatar rumble, not the lottery.

THANK YOU for knowing what the fuck is going on! I love you.

Actually, it does, because I'm sick of the same fucking arguments that always arise from the same fucking people, as they're seemingly incapable of ignoring the shit they dislike without getting their 2 cents in every goddamn time. It's shit.

Wait, there are people that don't like the Young Backs? Even though I hate them, I enjoy watching their work. Doesn't everyone? They're so much fun to hate because they're shitheads, but I'll never turn away.


Reigns winning is best for business. I've accepted it. You should too. As long as Cena isn't champ coming out of the Rumble, it makes sense. And I feel like Rollins NEEDS to get the belt at the Rumble, but I'm not sure if the WWE would let Reigns and Rollins main event Mania. Would be a bold move.

Pretty much everything so far indicates Reigns winning is not best for business, just best for Vince.
Watched an All Japan show from '95 the other night, the one with Kawada & Kobashi's hour long draw (which was amazing), and I forgot how fun the all-gaijin 6-man tags were. This one had Hansen & the Can-Am's vs Williams, Ace & Smith. The Can-Am Express are an all-time underrated tag team, as far as I'm concerned, and took part in one of my favourite tag matches ever (vs Kobashi & Kikuchi in 1992). They were great in this, but even better was Hansen yelling orders at them from ringside. Also, classic blind as a bat Hansen came in to break up a submission on Danny Kroffat and kicky poor Danny right the in the face, lol. Hansen was being a massive prick to Williams, as well, just sucker punching him for no good reason. Generally, I'd say it's a bad idea to piss off Dr. Death, but if you're Stan Hansen then I guess it's OK. Johnny Smith was a bit shit (UK wrestler who tried to get by as a fake younger brother of Dynamite Kid), but fucking drilled Kroffat with a piledriver. Also, Johnny Ace was a mean son of bitch in this, Kroffat getting a face full of boot on a stiff-as-fuck spinning heel kick.

That's some nostalgia shit, Shenmue 1 was ass
Shenmue 2 was good though

Shenmue's more of an ideal than a game I'd ever want to play again. I'm waiting for something to come along and capture that same sense I got when playing Shenmue for the first time, though. I doubt it'll ever happen and that's why the game's remembered so fondly. It captured people's imaginations, not only in the richness of its story and surroundings, but in terms of what was possible in computer games. Red Dead Redemption came close, for me. I spent waaaaaaay too much time just being John Marston in that game, not even doing missions, just enjoying the world.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shenmue is the sort of thing you have to say you like to establish bona fides as a true gamer, so a lot more people claim they loved it than likely did.

Please. I still go check on the kitten.
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