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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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How is there even an argument when it comes to Nintendo not packing a proprietary charger with New 3DS? How is there another side?! Do these people get a share of the money Nintendo saves from not including it?
You don't buy the "you already have a 3ds" or "it's only 5 bucks on ebay" stances?


Um... obviously Nintendo has to do this because they are losing so much money. Do you want them to go out of business DM? Then who will make good video games? No one!

Hey guys, I reviewed the Pequenos Reyes del Air match from CMLL (It is a Mini's Cibernetico) so if you want to check it out go here!

TL;DR It is awesome, #3 MOTY right now

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How is there even an argument when it comes to Nintendo not packing a proprietary charger with New 3DS? How is there another side?! Do these people get a share of the money Nintendo saves from not including it?

This is nothing new. People have been on the 'Well they don't get them in Japan so you should be grateful' trip for years. One of the NA bundles last year wasn't gonna have one and they threw it in last minute.


Ten years from now when Nintendo is reduced to even worse shadow of its former self, and Miyamoto is begging for coins on the Tokyo subway, we can all look back at DM's push for chargers to be included with hardware as the turning point.

Back in my day, we were more reasonable. We didn't expect chargers. We charged hardware with power of our natural energry. But as time changed and methods evolved, people forgot the old ways.
How is there even an argument when it comes to Nintendo not packing a proprietary charger with New 3DS? How is there another side?! Do these people get a share of the money Nintendo saves from not including it?

Nintendo fans have a lot of insane ideas. I think a lot of it comes from a persecution complex many of them have adopted and the fact that many of the hardcore fans make Nintendo a large portion of their personal identity. It gets worse the farther you wander away from heavily moderated areas like NeoGaf.


Hopefully Barack destroys for the first ten minutes of the triple threat match this weekend.

Just german suplex Seth into the crowd from the ring.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
How is there even an argument when it comes to Nintendo not packing a propriety charger with New 3DS? How is there another side?! Do these people get a share of the money Nintendo saves from not including it?
Exactly, sham company.

That and the shitty hardware, the premium pricing, the struggle online, limited printing on amiibo's, closing club nintendo and that one size only new 3DS for the sole purpose of an ugly ass port.

Fuck you Nintendo fuck your system fuck your gamepad fuck your controller adapters fuck your american branch fuck your dated tech fuck your ass fuck your you go fuck yourself

Hopefully Barack destroys for the first ten minutes of the triple threat match this weekend.

Just german suplex Seth into the crowd from the ring.

Cena is trying to get up, Brock germans Seth, but he reverses it into a curb stomp on Cena . Brock charges at Seth for a take down, he evades and Brock goes through the ropes. Seth goes for the pin ONE TWO .. KICKOUT. BROCK COMES BACK IN. J&J INTERFERE. AA TO ALL FOUR OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME SINA WINS SINA WINS!


Exactly, sham company.

That and the shitty hardware, the premium pricing, the struggle online, limited printing on amiibo's, closing club nintendo and that one size only new 3DS for the sole purpose of an ugly ass port.

Fuck you Nintendo fuck your system fuck your gamepad fuck your controller adapters fuck your american branch fuck your dated tech fuck your ass fuck your you go fuck yourself

Nintendo games are fun.


Hopefully Barack destroys for the first ten minutes of the triple threat match this weekend.

Just german suplex Seth into the crowd from the ring.

In Cagey's perfect world of perfectness, Brock does the above and then enters the Rumble and wins.

I don't much care what happens next.


Exactly, sham company.

That and the shitty hardware, the premium pricing, the struggle online, limited printing on amiibo's, closing club nintendo and that one size only new 3DS for the sole purpose of an ugly ass port.

Fuck you Nintendo fuck your system fuck your gamepad fuck your controller adapters fuck your american branch fuck your dated tech fuck your ass fuck your you go fuck yourself


So every game company should fuck themselves?


Here is the announced people in the Rumble right now:

(1) Roman Reigns
(2) Daniel Bryan
(3) U.S. champion Rusev
(4) IC champion Wade Barrett
(5) Bray Wyatt
(6) Dean Ambrose
(7) Big Show
(8) Kane
(9) Goldust
(10) "Stardust" Cody Rhodes
(11) The Miz
(12) Damien Sandow
(13) R-Truth

So the Miz and Sandow are in. 17 spots remain open or 18 if Bryan loses.

plus the new Venture Brothers special was great as usual.


Cena is trying to get up, Brock germans Seth, but he reverses it into a curb stomp on Cena . Brock charges at Seth for a take down, he evades and Brock goes through the ropes. Seth goes for the pin ONE TWO .. KICKOUT. BROCK COMES BACK IN. J&J INTERFERE. AA TO ALL FOUR OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME SINA WINS SINA WINS!
More like F5 to all four of them. Barack wins.

Balee dat.


Cena is trying to get up, Brock germans Seth, but he reverses it into a curb stomp on Cena . Brock charges at Seth for a take down, he evades and Brock goes through the ropes. Seth goes for the pin ONE TWO .. KICKOUT. BROCK COMES BACK IN. J&J INTERFERE. AA TO ALL FOUR OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME SINA WINS SINA WINS!
I want this to happen now.
Don't be this guy. Just don't. Your priorities and your small TV aren't someone else's.
I have a 55". I could play a game on it at 1080p and play it again at 720p and I wouldn't be able to say that it made an important difference with a straight face. It is a negligible, very ethereal difference, which is why sites "breaking news" about a game being 720p have magnified screenshots with pixels outlined to show how they figured it out. That's not indicative of refined preferences, it's a comedy routine.

When the pixels are moving, it just doesn't matter if there's one brown one and one white one, or just one tan one in the same one millimeter spot on the screen. It is literally a millimeter, and it's literally just twice the number of pixels-- viewed from a few feet away. You have to con yourself into thinking it's materially better.

It's a much more concrete difference to have 60Hz instead of 30Hz.


Here is the announced people in the Rumble right now:

So the Miz and Sandow are in. 17 spots remain open or 18 if Bryan loses.

plus the new Venture Brothers special was great as usual.

Remember when the US title and the IC title were worth a damn enough to be defended on a ppv?
Yeah it took me a while too but I was able.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Brock comes across so convincing on television that I want him to win the triple threat. I don't care if he never shows up again. I just have trouble buying this world where Brock isn't destroying everything in his path. He makes me want to believe. One of the best compliments I've ever thought to a wrestler was during Brock/Punk where I thought, 'Brock.. Brock knows this isn't real, right?'

And I'll have to buy a Wiibu when Xenowhatever comes out.


Friends, I am strongly considering a Mac Mini for my next computer.....thoughts or opinions?

Going to be getting it in April, I think. It will be my first Mac, but I'm ready for the change.


Uh, it is true that Bradshaw started using a black dialect last night during the MLK edition of Monday Night Raw SuperShow?


So not worth it
Friends, I am strongly considering a Mac Mini for my next computer.....thoughts or opinions?

Going to be getting it in April, I think. It will be my first Mac, but I'm ready for the change.

Got one last month, the midprice model, really like it. Needed something that could be on 24/7, didn't make noise and not have a major impact on my power bill.


Here's one significant advantage Brock has over most others.

Everyone is booked like shit so WWE is hardly ever worth watching. But who, in the midst of that shit, gives you instantly quotable phrases like "I will see you on SUNDAY." This is something you can use in everyday life, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I have many times. In that exact way. Even if its elicits a response that amounts to asking what the hell I'm talking about.

The last time I got such a memorable and dynamic quote was from Batista's all about Triple H speech back in 2005, since I could fit it to all kinds of situations.

These moments are precious. And when Brock leaves, we probably won't get another moment like that again in a long time.

Think about that for a second. You have nothing. Nothing left.


Hi folks, long-time lurker and first (or maybe second) time poster. I spend enough time reading these threads, I figured I might as well actually contribute a little.

I started watching wrestling with my granddad in the early 90's with WCW, and got into WWF as well right after the Austin 3:16 era kicked off. I've been watching WWE on and off for the past few years, and most recently started paying attention again with Wrestlemania 30 (right after which everything seemed to go to hell, of course). I don't know much about wrestling outside of WWE/F, NXT, WCW & ECW, but I'm getting better about that.

Also, mandatory new guy Top 5:

5. Sami Zayn. I know nothing about his El Generico days, but I love his NXT performances. I also appreciate that he's one of the few good guys in wrestling who isn't a cocky jackass, a fiery Cena-type, or "crazy" like Dean Ambrose. He's actually a... Well, a good guy. A nice person who also happens to be a hell of a wrestler. What a concept.

Also, I really like his theme music, and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

4. Sting. Loved original recipe Stinger as a little kid, and Crow Sting and the buildup of him against the nWo was just awesome.

3. Austin. Again, I started watching WWF right when the Stone Cold/ Evil Vince thing started, so Austin's always been a big deal with me.

2. The Rock. The single most charismatic talker I've ever seen in wrestling. Didn't hurt that he was a great wrestler as well.

1. Mick Foley. I first became a fan of Cactus Jack in WCW, and have loved (almost) every time he's appeared on my TV since. Amazing matches, amazing commitment to nearly everything he did, entertaining as hell in almost any aspect.

Oh, and I've owned every Nintendo console since the SNES and love Zelda games. So, yeah... Looks like I'll fit in nicely here.
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