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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Reigns anit winning, the dude hasn't been booked as the guy. If you compare pre hurt to post hurt he looks like different people.
He's not even an established main eventer. He's leagues behind even Rollins on that front. All he's done is wrestle Big Show for a few months. I get that Vince likes him. I mean, he's dreamy and everything. But WM main event? Crazy talk.


Xenoblade and metroid prime are better than 99% of the n64 games.


Apart from a handful of games, you're right.

I wish I could huff whatever the people who think Reigns isn't winning are huffing.

Eh...I haven't really given it too much thought.

Is it possible Reigns wins the Rumble? Sure.
Should he? Probably not.
Will people bitch about it if it happens? Yup.
Will people bitch about it if it doesn't happen? Probably? (Depends on who actually wins.)


Yeah, talking with Velvet a bit at HOH, she definitely wears a lot of makeup. To each their own, though.

Speaking of HOH


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also I think the internet has exposed Jericho as a real piece of shit on the same levels as Hogan. But Jericho doesn't get near as much shit for it,


Hi guys. I don't post here much but this is my fave five of all time.

1.Chris Benoit. I know what you guys are thinking! I still can't compute what happened but Benoit is the best all-around wrestler I have ever seen. He was the best. The WWXX main event is the best WW main event of all time, the cage match against Kurt angle is the best cage match all time and the RR 2003 match against Angle is the best pure wrestling match of all time. So yeah. He was the best and still the best for me.

2. Stone Cold. The best all-around entertainer of all time. Best talker in the business and amazing wrestler. His anti-WCW promo in ECW is the best promo of all time along with this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tibDfZ0llJQ

3.Mick Foley. Human demolition derby, amazing wrestler and one of the best talkers of all time

4.Eddie Guerrero. I just loved everything he did! He was amazing

5.Shawn Michaels. I loved his first DX run. He was amazing during that period as a character. His best matches are in the 2000s tho.


Also I think the internet has exposed Jericho as a real piece of shit on the same levels as Hogan. But Jericho doesn't get near as much shit for it,

Don't really see it that way. Can you give some examples? Only thing I don't like is how he thinks all his matches are amazing these days.


So does everyone still think Reigns is winning the Rumble, after Raw?
I've thought Superoman was winning the Rumble this entire time... up until last night.

I still believe he does but I may change my mind if Bryan loses his Rumble spot in tonight's stip match.
Because that move would imply a swerve of some kind.
i.e. Vince overrules Hunter and puts Bryan back into the match after he's declared to be out.
They pull the same stunt as last year, play Rey Mysterio's music at Number 30 as a swerve... and then Daniel Bryan comes out and Philly goes apeshit.

But Reigns facing Lesnar still makes the most sense because Orton needs Rollins free for his Mania program. There could still be shenanigans involving the title with one more PPV before WM31. I believe Cena vs. Rusev, Orton vs. Rollins and The Vigilante Sting vs. Triple H are locked in while the rest is pretty fluid. (Obviously, Bray vs. Taker will happen if Taker can go and they've been booking Bray like they expect he will.)

I'm leaning towards Bray and Ambrose being the two guys that will draw #1 & #2 at the Rumble incidentally. They always like to give us the pairing we're completely sick of to kick off the match. So either those two or D.Brine and Kane.


Also I think the internet has exposed Jericho as a real piece of shit on the same levels as Hogan. But Jericho doesn't get near as much shit for it,

He's been exposed as an annoying shill and MASSIVE dad boner, but he isn't even on Hulk's radar, brotherjackdudefriend.
Reigns falls into the latter. Bryan returning had us fooled for a second though.

I have no idea why he falls into the latter at all. If anything, everything points to Bryan first, then Ziggler second, then Ambrose, then Reigns, and that's only if Rollins wins the title at the Rumble.

Brock vs Reigns ain't happening, especially since they clearly know he's not great at singles yet


Nothing clear about it. How does wrestling Big Show and not being in the main event for months on end suggest a Rumble victory?
The fact that Reigns has been the planned Rumble winner for MONTHS suggests a Rumble victory. The only variable is whether minds have been changed over the past 3 weeks of comically awful Superoman promos and the buzz around D.Brine's surprising return.


I have no idea why he falls into the latter at all. If anything, everything points to Bryan first, then Ziggler second, then Ambrose, then Reigns, and that's only if Rollins wins the title at the Rumble.

Brock vs Reigns ain't happening, especially since they clearly know he's not great at singles yet
Exactly. Brock vs Reigns would suuuuuck. Whereas Brock vs Bryan would be awesome, and an easy sell.

Whilst I'd love to see something exciting hapoen in Sunday's title match, there's no way Brock's gonna enter Mania as anything but champion. In that respect, I don't expect Rollins to cash in at the Rumble. He'll save that for when Bryan beats Lesnar at Mania, for the mega heat.

The fact that Reigns has been the planned Rumble winner for MONTHS suggests a Rumble victory. The only variable is whether minds have been changed over the past 3 weeks of comically awful Superoman promos and the buzz around D.Brine's surprising return.
Planned, according to sources. As if those decisions don't change regularly. Those variables you mention are pretty dramatic.
Nothing clear about it. How does wrestling Big Show and not being in the main event for months on end suggest a Rumble victory?

I have no idea why he falls into the latter at all. If anything, everything points to Bryan first, then Ziggler second, then Ambrose, then Reigns, and that's only if Rollins wins the title at the Rumble.

Brock vs Reigns ain't happening, especially since they clearly know he's not great at singles yet

Brock vs Reigns might not happen. Or it might happen and not for the title. I honestly don't know. But it's surprising to hear you guys write him off. Other than Bryan I don't know why anyone else would win other than him.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Getting butthurt about people 'taking your moves'
Getting butthurt about Zbyscko not 'putting him over' on commentary despite the fact that Zbyscko put over Malenko tons of times and Jericho. Basically looking to blame anyone but himself for not being bigger in WCW.
'The Madonna of Wrestling'

And yeah the thing about Jericho saying he had to teach Hall about how to do a rollup in his book which is one of the worst wrestler books I've ever read. And this was after Hall changed the finish to give Jericho a win over him to help put him over. He is absolutely as much a liar, full of himself as Hogan when it comes to himself. But unlike Hogan or even Bret, he's not even kind of justified.

Getting butthurt about people 'taking your moves'
Getting butthurt about Zbyscko not 'putting him over' on commentary despite the fact that Zbyscko put over Malenko tons of times and Jericho. Basically looking to blame anyone but himself for not being bigger in WCW.
'The Madonna of Wrestling'

And yeah the thing about Jericho saying he had to teach Hall about how to do a rollup in his book which is one of the worst wrestler books I've ever read. And this was after Hall changed the finish to give Jericho a win over him to help put him over. He is absolutely as much a liar, full of himself as Hogan when it comes to himself. But unlike Hogan or even Bret, he's not even kind of justified.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Not to mention, until the last few years(likely so he could get him on his podcast), Jericho was always 'goldberg can't wrestle, goldberg shouldn't have gotten a push, goldberg's a bully'

then you have interviews with Goldberg, 'Oh the cruiserweights were awesome! Jericho and those guys did a lot of great stuff.'

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wish he spoke quicker. He just took forever to say anything. The words were fine but the delivery was slow and shit.

Sounds like Big Show. Dude's always got mouth breather problems in his promos. I remember someone telling me his 'I'm going to ECW' promo was good, and I was more amazed that anyone could understand him through all the breathing.


Also, Cena is a turd as a face. Just awful. Calling his opponents idiots and being cocky and smarmy as fuck. Awful role model. If I had a son, I'd never want him cheering on Cena's inconsistent bullshit hero character. Dude wants to have his cake and eat it too.

And hey, Bray and Dean, two guys who were chosen by the legends panel to win the Rumble, won their Raw matches. And Bryan's winning on Smackdown. I'm cool with Dean or Bray winning it even if that's just a pipe dream.



Getting butthurt about people 'taking your moves'
Getting butthurt about Zbyscko not 'putting him over' on commentary despite the fact that Zbyscko put over Malenko tons of times and Jericho. Basically looking to blame anyone but himself for not being bigger in WCW.
'The Madonna of Wrestling'

And yeah the thing about Jericho saying he had to teach Hall about how to do a rollup in his book which is one of the worst wrestler books I've ever read. And this was after Hall changed the finish to give Jericho a win over him to help put him over. He is absolutely as much a liar, full of himself as Hogan when it comes to himself. But unlike Hogan or even Bret, he's not even kind of justified.

Ask and ye shall receive!


Guys, what if...

Ambrose wins the Rumble and faces Rollins in the main event of Wrestlemania?

It's kind of a shame this isn't a possibility because a Shield triple threat for the title would be such a money match for Mania and they're probably going to instead give that shit away for free on Raw some week. It even lets them give "their guy" his big moment by winning the belt at Mania without exposing him in a singles match that would suck.

If Orton wasn't due to come back with a ready-made program against Rollins, I'd entertain that possibility more. Orton's the guy spoiling that fantasy booking scenario.


It still fucking kills me that the WWE Network is (allegedly) available in 170 countries, yet Canada isn't one of them. Such bullshit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sure Ambrose would be fun to see winning the Ramble. Crowd goes nuts for him.

If only we haven't seen Ambrose/Rollins before though! :(
It's kind of a shame this isn't a possibility because a Shield triple threat for the title would be such a money match for Mania and they're probably going to instead give that shit away for free on Raw some week. It even lets them give "their guy" his big moment by winning the belt at Mania without exposing him in a singles match that would suck.

If Orton wasn't due to come back with a ready-made program against Rollins, I'd entertain that possibility more. Orton's the guy spoiling that fantasy booking scenario.

Shield triple threat for title will be a Mania match. Not this year but I'd put money on 32 or 33.


It's kind of a shame this isn't a possibility because a Shield triple threat for the title would be such a money match for Mania and they're probably going to instead give that shit away for free on Raw some week. It even lets them give "their guy" his big moment by winning the belt at Mania without exposing him in a singles match that would suck.

If Orton wasn't due to come back with a ready-made program against Rollins, I'd entertain that possibility more. Orton's the guy spoiling that fantasy booking scenario.

Ooooh, how about a double elimination between Reigns and Ambrose, which forces a Shield triple threat as the ME of Mania. Hmm...or not. I just wanna see Ambrose and Rollins.

Gotta say, the E's done a good job of making this a fascinating Rumble. Between the uncertainty of the title match and the "will they, won't they" question surrounding Reigns, I'm definitely intrigued.


It's kind of a shame this isn't a possibility because a Shield triple threat for the title would be such a money match for Mania and they're probably going to instead give that shit away for free on Raw some week. It even lets them give "their guy" his big moment by winning the belt at Mania without exposing him in a singles match that would suck.

If Orton wasn't due to come back with a ready-made program against Rollins, I'd entertain that possibility more. Orton's the guy spoiling that fantasy booking scenario.
The problem is, it makes too much sense. Sense has always been WWE's downfall. It wouldn't even have to be for the World title. All it would take would be for Ambrose to eliminate Bad News in the Rumble (or vice versa), leading to a feud and an inevitable title match at Fast Lane. Have Dean go over, and have the other Shield members get all pissy: feud writes itself. Seth's briefcase is the partty pooper in that scenario though.

But yeah. Orton's a motherfucker.
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