Here is one thing that I will say about the WWE and their mentality as of late.
Ever since Lesnar beat Undertaker at WM and it gained national attention (ESPN and other major outlets covering it and talking about it), I feel like the WWE goes for shock value more often now than ever.
Everyone's hopes and dreams were crushed last night when Roman was the #30 entrant after teasing so many different people. Everyone is talking about the Roman thing. Its got word of mouth going. Even if all the word of mouth is all negative, it has people talking. That is what the WWE wants now.
I feel that's part of it, certainly. This booking is especilly true at the last few Big 4 (Summerslam-Orton stoppage, Surivor Series-Goldberg Squash, Royal Rumble-Orton winning out of nowhere)
These are endings that will at the least get the attention of a lapsed fan, maybe get them to tune into RAW to see what's going on.
Zayn or Samoa Joe winning last night would not have gotten that interest.
The question is if the interest of those lapsed fans will outweigh fans that might be upset with the booking and not tune in anymore.
We'll see, but I think if you stuck with WWE through the putridness of 2015, quitting after Orton last night is a weird point. Especially if Wyatt is getting elevated.
BTW: While I enjoyed the Rumble tremendously last night, I agree that Bray winning would have felt more natural. It just didn't change my feelings on the event.