Why'd they boo Roman?
corporate champion
Why'd they boo Roman?
The real telling thing will be if they edited out the "We Want Refunds" chant.
How long has Roman been getting pushed to the top? And why do people hate him so much?
He's a shit worker, but I remember these threads being behind him this time last year when he was still in a stable. What's changed?
Yep. The editing is in commercial breaks, not in audio doctoring.It's not edited. It sounds just like it sounded last night.
How long has Roman been getting pushed to the top? And why do people hate him so much?
He's a shit worker, but I remember these threads being behind him this time last year when he was still in a stable. What's changed?
You guys seem to eager to point out edited crowd noise, I wouldn't be surprised if there was confirmation bias going on.
How long has Roman been getting pushed to the top? And why do people hate him so much?
He's a shit worker, but I remember these threads being behind him this time last year when he was still in a stable. What's changed?
My rawalternative tonight is twin peaks. This show is magnificent.
Crowd isn't edited; outside of cutting out filler (which they cut out parts of the triple threat match as well, so it's not just a RR thing) - only thing they did was add in the commentator audio feed directly into the video; making it louder than it was last night (since it isn't being mixed in with the crowd noise directly).
The commentator feed being added in directly is something they do to most replays that aren't extremely high quality (ala NFL). That way exterior noise doesn't drown out commentary (as a Seattle native, local Game Rewind playback has this done due to the stadium).
But but d bry didn't winIs that a CM Punk chant? I thought they edited those, guys?
My rawalternative tonight is twin peaks. This show is magnificent.
Kane still wrestles?
Kane still wrestles?
He's a 1000 year old korporate daemon. He feeds on the youth of other 1000 demons that just happen to look like 12 year old girls to stay in shape
That would be a fine enough idea. Have Heyman and Lesnar screw Reigns, and have them say they think Bryan is an easier dude to beat because he's small and injury prone.Prediction: Bryan vs Reigns at Fast Lane for the WM title shot.
Wow, they left the CM Punk chants in too. Wow, they really aren't editing this at all for sound.
and he votes libertarian
So what will the main event be at WM?
Anyway it's Bryan vs Brock vs Roman?
I think it's weird that no one ever talks over the cm punk chants. Like why draw attention to them
So what will the main event be at WM?
Anyway it's Bryan vs Brock vs Roman?
No way they would do the EXACT same thing as last year.
So what will the main event be at WM?
Anyway it's Bryan vs Brock vs Roman?
Cuz Rock/Cena didn't happen twice in a row. Nor did HBK/Taker or HHH/TakerAccording to Meltzer, Vince doesn't want to go that route because he feels it'd be a repeat of last year.
Cuz Rock/Cena didn't happen twice in a row. Nor did HBK/Taker or HHH/Taker