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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


Daniel Bryan @WWEDanielBryan
· 27m 27 minutes ago
I’m in! “@HEELZiggler: Yo DB, was pulling for you, brother.
but if you really want to steal the show #Wrestlemania Im here
& angrier


No, dream. How is it?

It is excellent, and it is on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVicVOH6jXA&list=PLBDC882C301948836

It's infinitely better than that WWE 24/7 shit, which is very much a perfect microcosm of this wretched company's modus operandi, in which they shit out nuggets of mediocrity to an audience who eagerly laps it up like it's locally sourced free reign chicken salad. "Ohhh look they're showing Daniel Bryan getting ready to come to the ring." Fuck that. It's chicken shit.





Wow, dream. I'm watching that motherfucker Mark Calaway roll down the ramp in a chopper to a live Limp Bizkit performance, with pyrotechnics launched on Fred Durst's command. To me, this is professional wrestling in its purest form.


Plus, Heel, The Mania of WrestleMania actually told an interesting story, which WWE 24/7 didn't even try to do. And isn't that just like WWE today?

It's also interesting that this documentary, which covered WrestleMania 19, was centered around Brock, SCSA, HHH, Dwayne Johnson, and Undertaker--all of whom were all over WrestleMania 30. 0 new top guys created. My god.


Heel you're really going to like the moment when SCSA retires in the ring and Dwayne Johnson thanks him. Storytelling.

You're also going to like when Brock does a SSP and lands on his head and freaks out backstage at the EMTs. Storytelling.

You know what we got on that WWE 24/7 piece of shit I just wasted an hour of my life on? Undertaker putting on his hood backstage. He walks out. They show some highlights of the match. Cut to Vince in the gorilla position asking for some help (presumably for Undertaker, but we didn't actually see him so it could have been a wardrobe fuckup for all I know). Then they show some stock footage of an ambulance while playing Michael Cole's line from Monday Night Raw Supershow about Taker being taken to the hospital.

Fucking pointless.
Ziggler/DB at Mania would be great. Probably would be given 10 minutes but I'm sure they're both pissed off enough to wrestle an extra 20 out of pure spite.


This really is the most 'WWE in a nutshell' gif I've seen in quite some time. Popular would-be stars thrown out of the ring by two old big dudes to make way for the star that Vince wants you to have.

It's the 'Hogan pins Yokozuna' of the #RealityEra

So that means that by July 2015 both Kane and Beeg are gone? Awesome.


Roman gives a Cena "entitled to their opinion" promo and Bryan pretty much says that Roman had everything handed to him. Why do I have a bad feeling they're setting up a Daniel Bryan heel turn that will clearly backfire?


Roman gives a Cena "entitled to their opinion" promo and Bryan pretty much says that Roman had everything handed to him. Why do I have a bad feeling they're setting up a Daniel Bryan heel turn that will clearly backfire?

Bryan as a heel right now would work, because it would be an Eddie Guerrero in 2003 heel, more of a tweener, especially since he's going after a guy people don't want.


You know what we got on that WWE 24/7 piece of shit I just wasted an hour of my life on? Undertaker putting on his hood backstage. He walks out. They show some highlights of the match. Cut to Vince in the gorilla position asking for some help (presumably for Undertaker, but we didn't actually see him so it could have been a wardrobe fuckup for all I know). Then they show some stock footage of an ambulance while playing Michael Cole's line from Monday Night Raw Supershow about Taker being taken to the hospital.

Fucking pointless.

What the frick? That isn't what "24" means in the context of sports entertainment programming as popularized by Floyd "Money" Mayweather Jr., and they fricking know it.


What the frick? That isn't what "24" means in the context of sports entertainment programming as popularized by Floyd "Money" Mayweather Jr., and they fricking know it.

To be fair, we got clips of Alexa Bliss, Charlotte Flair, and bomb dotcom getting dolled up to be HHH's tramps and Ric Flair cried because his baby girl got her WrestleMania moment. Hard hitting, compelling, and real.
The WWE 24/7 hype, and the Triple H interview on Austin's podcast hype were both well done and made me wish I could actually get the Network in Canada. That type of original programming is what fans want.

You know what we got on that WWE 24/7 piece of shit I just wasted an hour of my life on? Undertaker putting on his hood backstage. He walks out. They show some highlights of the match. Cut to Vince in the gorilla position asking for some help (presumably for Undertaker, but we didn't actually see him so it could have been a wardrobe fuckup for all I know). Then they show some stock footage of an ambulance while playing Michael Cole's line from Monday Night Raw Supershow about Taker being taken to the hospital.

Fucking pointless.



We also got SCSA and Dwayne Johnson talking to Hulk about getting the name of the arena wrong. Far more interesting than following SCSA as he walks into what he knows is (but hasn't revealed to be) his last match. Or Kurt Angle walking in to fight Brock with a broken freakin' neck at a time when he's finally found peace with his family and wants to be able to raise his baby girls without pain or paralysis.
TBH I dont know how they save this mania.

Putting Bryan in the main event again as the 3rd man just seems lame and returning to the well.

But on the other hand no one else is suitable for that.

Its Rock Cena 2 levels of not giving a fuck all over again
This was such a refreshing show. Beyond having JBL do the weather, they should really consider putting at least one full PPV match on a post-PPV Raw show. They've already budgeted PPV buys as zero, and by only doing one match (and not always having it be a main event), you don't piss off Network subscribers. The sitdown interview stuff was so great too. Seth put himself over as a top guy and then did a deal with Brock that should logically lead to a Brock match at Fast Lane. They're already giving away Cena-Rusev and a HHH-Sting confrontation for that show, so you might as well go all-in and get one more match out of Brock if you're determined to sacrifice so much of WM's card. Have Seth-Brock in a one on one match to cement Seth, even with a loss, as the top dog. Hell, I'd have Seth beat him and either do a triple threat with Brock cashing in his rematch and saying it's a chance to beat up two guys again, or do Brock-Bryan and calling it a number 1 contender's match.

They seem to think that Brock's leaving, although if I was WWE, I'd look into a dual contract with UFC. It seems insane given that WWE is such a control freak of a company, but they do allow him to have sponsors and UFC does allow Josh Barnett to do IGF matches. UFC has far more to gain with Brock being exposed on WWE's TV than just being on their currently-struggling TV setup and it would be best for both companies to have Brock's services right now. WWE needs the roster depth and star power, and the same holds true for UFC. Having him do one fight per year for UFC and then long before and after that doing a match for WWE would work for the companies and allow Brock to line his pockets like never before.

The Roman interview was a disaster. Between the audio issue at the start and Roman offering up patty-cake responses, he came off as doomed. The weirdest bit was them bringing up him being hand-picked by the higher ups, who in storyline are opposed to him as evidenced by the end of the Rumble match, and he thanked them for the opportunity. LOVED LOVED LOVED the Arnold parody bits - Paige and Ryback shined, while Vince probably went through his personal collection for the bodybuilding pics. Loved Dean walking and hitchhiking to the building, then asking "Hey, you guys got any posters of me I can look at!?" Bryan's interview with Renee was a great way to set up a Brock match in the future. They've really got more matches they need to get out of Brock - shame they wasted three matches on a year-long feud with HHH. Heyman cut among the greatest promos in history with Roman Reigns here. This promo was worth every penny they've paid Brock since 2012 if it winds up helping Roman out. If this was just in a vacuum with nothing else until WM, it would be a million buys.

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WWE 24 - WM 30 -

WWE built this up pretty big and while it was really good, it was greatly hurt by time constraints and painting as rosey a picture as possible for things. It was Connor-heavy, which is fine but Steph saying they invited him to WM to give him something to live for came off as one of those self-congratulatory lines that they throw out. It was nice to have Warrior's family in this, but if you didn't know otherwise, you wouldn't know he passed away since that didn't get a graphic while Connor did.

The biggest letdown here was the Taker-Brock stuff. We got the briefest of glimpses of Taker backstage and I loved the hug with Vince, but they didn't even talk about what caused the injury or Vince going with Taker to the hospital. They went with a surface-level approach to everything and I get why they would do that from a corporate perspective, it did make the special a lot worse than the Mania of WrestleMania/WrestleMania: The Movie this was patterned after.


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