bean breath
This setting is doing this program WONDERS.
Duncan, say it ain't so.
This setting is doing this program WONDERS.
What year did Scott Steiner come up with the Frankensteiner?
Because this was in 87.
What year did Scott Steiner come up with the Frankensteiner?
Because this was in 87.
In other news, WWEin2015.gif
enjoy the wwe shitshow, friends
I'll look out specifically for your Raw posts tonight, Sweeney Tom.
A not-bad Reigns promo
And all it took was a historic blizzard
David Guetta feat Skylar Grey - RiseQuick question: what's the music used in the WM31 promo? It's catchy and I want to check it out on Spotify.
Hey, Sweeney Tom, how ya' doin'?
So guys,
was whatever the fuck they showed tonight good?
I just have the feeling this is only going to leave me wanting something like a less sanitized version of Total Divas, except with the boys on the road. I'm sure you can imagine the stories that could be told, dream.
rollins vs. brock at mania would be so great
anything but reigns
Cause Booots left us for twitter
WWE is finally putting some stuff up on Spotify.
Like the entire Anthology Album Collection:
WWE Anthology Vol.1: The Federation Years
WWE Anthology Vol.2: The Attitude Era
WWE Anthology Vol.3: Now!
Now I can finally listen to such classics as the Billy & Chuck theme and The Hurricane theme, yay!
Eric Bischoff's theme is GOAT.
The Raw after Wrestlemania where all the hardcore fans are still in town though, that's going to be a fan burial.
They had D.Brine tell the world how great Roman Reigns was and that we shouldn't boo him. We should boo D.Brine instead for disappointing us and himself. He will also NEVER wrestle Brock Lesnar but he did still pitch us on what a great match it would have been in a hypothetical alternate universe where Vince listened to his fans.Haha some of you idiots watched RAW again!
What did they actually do besides showing the Rumble again?
You're right on that. Blown spot was probably more Jimmy's fault than Miz. It's just fun to mock Miz for his lackluster catching skills which is why he took most of the initial blame.Looks like he got caught on the rope and didn't make the distance.... the other Uso got the distance.
Miz got to much hate. I don't know that Miz had to sell that he legit got a kick to the face.
Growing up I always thought Bischoff sang his own theme song and for some reason that makes me laugh.
Axel's just treading water until he gets future endeavored.Just remembered the whole Axel and Rowan bit in the Rumble.
Fuck was that about?
Axel moaning on NXT he wants to kick start his career off again and doesn't even make it to the ring....
Whatever they're paying him it's not nearly enough. They clearly recognize his value too as JBL was putting him over on commentary as "the best manager of all-time" at the Rumble.WWE should be paying Heyman a lot more money, dude fucking nailed that promo with Roman insanely hard.
"I'm just a sexy Kurt!"
I'm still waiting to see what this whole "genesis of McGillicutty" thing is all about. Is that happening anytime soon?the ax man will have his day, I believe
I'm still waiting to see what this whole "genesis of McGillicutty" thing is all about. Is that happening anytime soon?
Well, this was a better Raw than usual. Apart from that bullshit Bryan interview. He was great actually but the content itself was bullshit. Trying to justify something that has no justification and trying to put Reigns over.
Ambrose was great, that guy is a blast. Reigns wasn't half bad, he did is job well. Same for Lesnar and, of course, Heyman.
Also, apparently Reigns's dad tried to kill him when he was a kid. Explains a lot.
EDIT: Also, I wasn't the biggest fan of the Seth interview. It felt off.
threw him into the deep end of a pool when he couldn't swimWhat!
hahahaaaaaaaaI never noticed before that Brock still has a pretty deep scar from that time he met up with El Gran Campeon Cain Velazquez and got his shit rekt.
Brock should definitely be afraid of Roman if that's the case. He doesn't fare well against dudes with no personality.
what happens when the Samoan genes kick in and Roman goes all super-chubby? WHAT HAPPENS THEN VINCE!??