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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go


Gold Member
My only issue with this Reigns situation is that he has had no meaningful or memorable singles matches under his belt and he's being built up as the only guy who can stop Lesnar. When Cena said, "I don't know who can stop Brock Lesnar" in a post show interview, what they are going for is so unbelievably transparent and it makes me sick because its all so unearned.


The problem is the obvious and logical response to your top guy being booed is to, you know, change the top guy so that he is no longer booed. Instead they just keep him the same and brush off the boos with those non-answers in promos.

Exactly. As I said, it isn't like this is an actual sport and you have to have him on top since he is the best. You can have whoever you want on top as long as you can make money off him.

That's one of the problems I have with this "blurring the lines" type of segments. Makes no sense.


So not worth it
Act like a human being. Don't "respect" the crowd every time, don't give a damn because he does what he wants when he wants and right now, he wants to go to Wrestlemania and kick Brocks ass.

Hogan was an asshole
Austin was an asshole
Rock was an asshole

Here's the thing a lot of people tend to forget, but Vince especially since he actively rejects the term... But this is WRESTLING.

It's supposed to be fake fighting.

People want ass-kickers, people want people that are out for blood, that love to foight, fella. Of course they were assholes, they were fighters fighting other people for fame, fortune and championship belts.

Macho Man was Hogan's competition, they might have been allies at times against other assholes, but at the end of the line, Hogan and Macho Man were competing for the same top spot and were always in competition with each other.

Coincidentally, Reigns was pretty well over when he was a silent ass kicker, if they had kept him like that and gave him a Goldberg like streak, just beating up goon after goon in minutes while building a winning streak, he would still be over today.


It's the most lame, flaccid way to respond to bad crowd reactions, and all it does is encourage them. Imagine if Rocky Maivia had just stayed as a corny babyface and said "You can chant die Rocky die that's your right as human beings, I just want to entertain all you great fans". People do not react like that, emotionless corporate robots do.

Given they were trying to push Reigns as a badass later in that very show, it's a bad way to handle it. And they will never get him to the top spot if they're pushing him as "Cena 2". The next top guy has to be different from the last one.
It's what they do to skirt any accountability for shit writing whatsoever.

"What? The fans didn't react how we told them to? Well, they're the ones who are wrong. And, if they don't like it, they can back up their reactions with their wallet and fuck off. And if they don't, well, I guess they weren't really all that upset now, were they? Perhaps they just like being mad."


Also, right now, in NJPW, Tanahashi is an asshole. So is Nakamura, and Okada, and they're the top guys.
Tanahashi is even in that Cena role of the kid friendly babyface, but he's still an arrogant ass of a character.

That's not to say you do the WWE "asshole face" thing, at all. Like Sheamus, who is just this unlikeable cockbag of a character. Just have someone out to be the best, knocking people out of the way. Look at Brock, technically he's like the worst human being on the planet, but he's actually likable because of it, because he feels real, and cool.

The way they do the Cena response to everything makes him such a wimp. Why would I cheer for a wimp?

You have received a push from the BABY BAGWELL OF HAPPINESS. Great fortune in your career will come to you but only if you cut a promo that says "Thank Mr. Bagewl"


I don't know why, but waking up to Ithil's example of the blue chipper Rocky Maivia talking about how great it is that the WWF Universe gets a chance to express themselves is insanely funny to me, and I'm slightly less angry at all of you for enabling a show like WWE 24/7 to happen.




So, this is what a top guy looks like now, huh? Nearly a decade since Cena started this shit and no signs of it abating, so we'd best change the definition of what a babyface actually is, because it isn't 'good guy who's beloved by the majority of the audience' any longer, it's 'good guy who's vilified by at least half of the paying audience, but he respects the fan's right to express themselves!'. Wouldn't it be nice if they had someone on the roster who can deliver in the ring, who connects with the audience and who gets huge reactions in spite of his flaws? If only, if only....

I hate that attitude.....HATE. "The fans can chant what they want, they paid good money, I'm here to wrassle!" Seriously, listen to them....they don't like you....and they don't like the last guy that said that. We can tell the difference between booing for heels and fans not liking someone, why can't they?


They caught a break from the blizzard as they were able to dodge an immediate post-PPV backlash and frame the narrative for Lesnar vs. Reigns without any outside audience intervention or forcing Roman to react in a live environment.

The one drawback is that Lesnar is probably not going to be around for the next month or so. So this will largely remain a program carried by Heyman and the Authority up until the Mania push really begins post-Fast Lane.

I hate that attitude.....HATE. "The fans can chant what they want, they paid good money, I'm here to wrassle!" Seriously, listen to them....they don't like you....and they don't like the last guy that said that. We can tell the difference between booing for heels and fans not liking someone, why can't they?
They can tell the difference. They just don't care because they have a narrative they intend to see through to the end.

The fans can either embrace "the chosen ones", continue to bitch and pay the WWE money to do it (because apparently fans that do that must enjoy being angry) or they can go away and seek out an alternative that respects their reactions. Alternatives that Vince McMahon's ego doesn't believe are out there.


Also, WWE missed an opportunity last night by not having Brock Lesnar go out and challenge Juno while Heyman holds the belt up high.


So not worth it
The only thing Vince understands is money, I do hope the Network cancelling sends a message, provided enough people did it and they're not all resubbing before their sub runs out.


I chuckled this morning.

I had added some girl I knew from HighSchool on Facebook. Wasn't too long before I had to set her profile to not show any posts. Damn nonsense she would write would just drive me up the wall. I wondered how the husband put up with her.

Today she posts she's getting a divorce. I was as shocked as when Reigns got booed.


They caught a break from the blizzard as they were able to dodge an immediate post-PPV backlash and frame the narrative for Lesnar vs. Reigns without any outside audience intervention or forcing Roman to react in a live environment.

The one drawback is that Lesnar is probably not going to be around for the next month or so. So this will largely remain a program carried by Heyman and the Authority up until the Mania push really begins post-Fast Lane.

They can tell the difference. They just don't care because they have a narrative they intend to see through to the end.

The fans can either embrace "the chosen ones", continue to bitch and pay the WWE money to do it (because apparently fans that do that must enjoy being angry) or they can go away and seek out an alternative that respects their reactions. Alternatives that Vince McMahon's ego doesn't believe are out there.

Well people keep giving them money no matter what they do so I get why they do it.

Things would only change if people didn't love it so much that they paid 300 dollars when they knew a guy they didn't like was going to win the match.


I chuckled this morning.

I had added some girl I knew from HighSchool on Facebook. Wasn't too long before I had to set her profile to not show any posts. Damn nonsense she would write would just drive me up the wall. I wondered how the husband put up with her.

Today she posts she's getting a divorce. I was as shocked as when Reigns got booed.

I often end up blocking family members for this reason. I don't want my feed filled with random animal videos and images with Facebook quotes. I'll be your friend, but I don't want to see your shit.


I chuckled this morning.

I had added some girl I knew from HighSchool on Facebook. Wasn't too long before I had to set her profile to not show any posts. Damn nonsense she would write would just drive me up the wall. I wondered how the husband put up with her.

Today she posts she's getting a divorce. I was as shocked as when Reigns got booed.

Maybe she could have avoided a divorce by saying "If you like or hate me you gotta respect me, I'm just happy to be here in this marriage with this lively argument".


Hmm, Rusev vs Cena should not be Fast Lane match up. I guess shenanigans are going to happen on that PPV, but why not just slowly develop a story between the two all the way to Wrestlemania?

And I wished I knew what Rusev was saying when he was ranting after the RR loss. Oh well...


"Hey John, would you mind going out in the middle of a fucking blizzard in a suit to film this skit?"
Dude climbs mountains for fun. They probably figured he'd enjoy that sort of thing.

Hmm, Rusev vs Cena should not be Fast Lane match up. I guess shenanigans are going to happen on that PPV, but why not just slowly develop a story between the two all the way to Wrestlemania?

And I wished I knew what Rusev was saying when he was ranting after the RR loss. Oh well...
That match will end with shenanigans of some kind. Rematch at Mania. Cena will triumph over the Bulgarian Brute there in some kind of stip match.
Perhaps a Flag match. Nikki and Lana will be tied to poles holding their respective country's flags and whoever frees their woman first will get to use the flag as a weapon.
Hmm, Rusev vs Cena should not be Fast Lane match up. I guess shenanigans are going to happen on that PPV, but why not just slowly develop a story between the two all the way to Wrestlemania?

And I wished I knew what Rusev was saying when he was ranting after the RR loss. Oh well...

Because they need to hype Fast Lane to recover subscriptors because of #CancelWWENetwork


I've enjoyed the latest gifs in this thread since RR but I have to say it's missing one that would really cap off the experience of RR 2015.

Can anyone recon last years WM 30 gif where the crowd is shocked by the Undertakers loss to Brock and put Daniel Brian's elimination at this years RR instead with that shocked crowd?


Hmm, Rusev vs Cena should not be Fast Lane match up. I guess shenanigans are going to happen on that PPV, but why not just slowly develop a story between the two all the way to Wrestlemania?

And I wished I knew what Rusev was saying when he was ranting after the RR loss. Oh well...

Somebody on Reddit translates what he says in Bulgarian and he says he will be translating what he said soon.


I will say, last night's interview with Roman was his best segment in a long time. When he's not cracking stupid jokes or making analogies about fairy tales he comes across as a decent guy you can get behind.


Junior Member
I will say, last night's interview with Roman was his best segment in a long time. When he's not cracking stupid jokes or making analogies about fairy tales he comes across as a decent guy you can get behind.

That's what kills me about this Wrestlemania push. The guy has a lot going for him, he's just not ready. They could have taken their time to build him up properly, let him get his feet under him and define a character that works with his toolset. But they are going to Cena him up and push him too early and it's going to set him back by years if it doesn't outright kill his career.
I still can't believe Reigns/Lesnar is actually happening despite knowing for a year. To have it be actualized and moving forward is hilarious.


I pray to the wrestling gods that Roman gets booed on Thursday and next Monday. Roman/Lesnar will end up being a C+ match at most and that's mostly because of Lesnar's awesomeness.


Are there any reports of the backstage reaction to Sunday night's clusterfuck around? Surely there are some furious rewrites happening. At least one person should be fired. I mean, Jesus Christ.
I'm kind of dumbfounded why they had Daniel Bryan come back for the Rumble and not save him for Fastlane. He could say in an interview or something he's cleared for February and the Authority can book him at Fastlane vs a mystery opponent or some shit. Just make it 100% clear he won't be at or in the Rumble. The Rumble match sells itself.
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