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January Wrasslin' |OT2| Stop watching this garbage and get HBO Go

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nashruary Wrasslin; |OT|


So I just got back from the event. I figured I should write something up to contribute to the community. Especially since stro is banned and unable to contribute lenghty posts nobody reads. All-in-all I had a lot of fun even if things didn't work out the way I wanted them to. A shame about some fans taking their frustration out a bit too far, I didn't see anything dubious as I was walking out but I left in a mad hurry after the finish.

First of all, I'm disappointed in my Philly brethren for cheering JBL and Lawler during their entrances. I'm just happy I was spared from their commentary. We got Booker T to acknowledge our chants towards him to a massive pop. So there is that at least.

Roman Reigns got immediately booed in the Royal Rumble intro whenever he popped up. Set the stage nicely for what was coming up.

The New Day vs Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

I'm not gonna lie friends, I was chanting with The New Day. Its the kind of fun and playful style that is good in small bursts. I guess it helps that this was the first time I watched them in action since I don't watch Raw much anymore. There was a couple of dumb fucks in the crowd that tried to start a “you're not equal” chant that got killed quickly thankfully. Cesaro was fucking red-hot and the only man in the match the crowd gave a damn about, save for Tyson Kidd in that ending sequence. Probably the best match out of all the filler matches. Thinking back on it though, not letting Cesaro get the pin was foreshadowing the tone-deaf nature of the WWE. The place would have erupted if he landed the Neutralizer.

The New Age Outlaws vs The Ascension

This match should have just been an NXT-style job with a little bit of Billy Gunn offense. The New Age Outlaws are only good for their entrance now. Really awesome hearing the whole crowd deliver the promo in unison. But seeing Konnor/Viktor apply headlocks to old men isn't my idea of entertainment. Crowd was pretty much against The Ascension in a finish-the-damn-match-already kind of way. Rest assured Sunny, there were at least two Ascension fans in the arena with my brother included. I can only assume JBL was ranting about them only beating up has-beens or something in his continued quest to bury them.

The Usos vs Miz and Mizdow

As played out as the Miz and Mizdow act has been, I couldn't help but join along in the dueling chants. Just one of those things that just feels better as a live-crowd experience. Again though, another missed opportunity to not have Mizdow tag-in to the match for a massive pop. Match itself was alright. Nothing special. The Usos were reasonably over, but you could tell the crowd was more invested in the Mizdow shtick than the outcome of the match.

The Bellas vs Nattie & Paige

Lol. Mass exodus once the Bellas' music hit. I'm not going to say much besides its fucking hilarious that Paige got like no offense. Women of NXT, stay there until Vince is dead.

Brock Lesnar vs Seth Rollins vs John Cena

Absolutely amazing match and made the PPV worth it. The WWE needs to pony up whatever Brock asks to keep him in the company. One of the last TMF'er left alive in the company. He commanded the crowd's attention after that amazing first sequence ending with the double German on J&J. Brock was probably the third-biggest face of the night, right behind Daniel Bryan and Bubba Ray. Glad to see so much WWE2K shit being pulled everywhere. I think the biggest downside though was bringing in the stretchers. I ain't gonna lie: I was being worked a bit when the possibility sunk that Lesnar wasn't walking out champ. But I don't think a swerve like that really helps when it takes attention away from what Cena and Rollins were doing. Rollins is indeed the future. Easily overshadowed Ambrose and Reings in terms of reaction.

The Royal Rumble

I'm gonna cut to the chase: Vince and co. have no balls. If you're going to stick with your golden boy then at least have the decency to treat Daniel Bryan with the respect he garners from the crowd. Fucking carniest shit I've ever seen, pulling his carcass out and treating him like a big deal only to make him into a jobber. Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns as the final two participants is what you book 99 times out of 100. I'm not gonna retread what a bunch of y'all already covered, but suffice to say the crowd saw through all the bullshit even with The Rock finally coming out.

The worst part is it could have been a pretty damn good Rumble. Sure there were some boring entries, but as long as you had Bryan in the match it wouldn't have mattered. The crowd was on fucking fire until the Bryan elimination. It literally killed the hopes of everyone in the arena. Just to wrap things up.

-Holy shit Bubba Ray got a fucking huge pop. It erupted, probably even overshadowing the pop Daniel Bryan got. Having R-Truth act as Devon's replacement was great for pulling out the signature moves out of nowhere. None of us where expecting the spots until they were already executed. Shame Devon couldn't have come out for a Wyatt vs Dudley face-off.

-DDP!!!!!!!!!! I fucking called it in jest somewhere here but damn am I glad it came true. Looked amazing. Glad he got to pull out so many Diamond Cutters. BANG!!!!

-Boogeyman. Great spot, the crowd looked a bit split between people that knew him and didn't. It should have lasted a lot longer than it did though. Not often you get to see that type of unexpected, but amazingly appropriate, confrontation in the ring without expecting it.

...I'm done. Was fun. I just wished someone in the company had the balls to tell Vince to listen to the fans so we couldn't have all left 100% satisfied.
Well, I'll just post here what I wanted to say.

I was in the house for the Royal Rumble in 1992, when I was 9 years old. I was a huge Hulkamaniac. And I hated Ric Flair. But when he came in at #3 and had the performance he had, I changed my mind. I no longer was a Hogan fan. I became a wrestling fan. And from that moment on, I respected the wrestlers for the quality of their performance, and as I grew older, I branched out my horizons. I fell in love with Puroresu in college, and looked for great wrestling first and sports entertainment second. And I always felt the performance should overcome the entertainment. And I'll admit, I was a bit of an idealist...I felt with the WWE's growth in social media, they would start to listen more to what the fans like.

Tonight, that all changed. Vince McMahon is so out of touch with what people want I'm convince he's the largest troll on the internet. He doesn't care about his Universe, and after tonight, I'm convinced he doesn't care about merchandise (I'm not exactly seeing people with tons of Reigns merch on at shows). It's insane how much this company is now all about children, when they should be committing for an all-ages audience. Roman Reigns has had a silver spoon in his mouth from a figurative sense since the moment he walked into a WWE ring. Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan, a guy who came form the indies, and got over BECAUSE he was a GOOD WRESTLER, despite him being sabotaged at every opportunity, is treated like shit.

What do you expect the fans to think, Vince?


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Meltzer-esque insight. Maybe even better.

Bryan didn't do a yes chant after he got eliminated. Looked pissed after he got eliminated.

The funniest part is how quickly after he says "forget about kayfabe" that he argues Bryan looking mad after he got eliminated must have a deeper meaning and is clearly not a result of Daniel Bryan being a performance actor in a spot where his character should be mad.

Well, I'll just post here what I wanted to say.

I was in the house for the Royal Rumble in 1992, when I was 9 years old. I was a huge Hulkamaniac. And I hated Ric Flair. But when he came in at #3 and had the performance he had, I changed my mind. I no longer was a Hogan fan. I became a wrestling fan. And from that moment on, I respected the wrestlers for the quality of their performance, and as I grew older, I branched out my horizons. I fell in love with Puroresu in college, and looked for great wrestling first and sports entertainment second. And I always felt the performance should overcome the entertainment. And I'll admit, I was a bit of an idealist...I felt with the WWE's growth in social media, they would start to listen more to what the fans like.

Tonight, that all changed. Vince McMahon is so out of touch with what people want I'm convince he's the largest troll on the internet. He doesn't care about his Universe, and after tonight, I'm convinced he doesn't care about merchandise (I'm not exactly seeing people with tons of Reigns merch on at shows). It's insane how much this company is now all about children, when they should be committing for an all-ages audience. Roman Reigns has had a silver spoon in his mouth from a figurative sense since the moment he walked into a WWE ring. Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan, a guy who came form the indies, and got over BECAUSE he was a GOOD WRESTLER, despite him being sabotaged at every opportunity, is treated like shit.

What do you expect the fans to think, Vince?


Uh, Daniel Bryan won the WWE title last year in the main event of Wrestlemania with like 80,000 fans cheering for him.


The funniest part is how quickly after he says "forget about kayfabe" that he argues Bryan looking mad after he got eliminated must have a deeper meaning and is clearly not a result of Daniel Bryan being a performance actor in a spot where his character should be mad.

Right? Why would Bryan be chanting "Yes" after being eliminated lol
The funniest part is how quickly after he says "forget about kayfabe" that he argues Bryan looking mad after he got eliminated must have a deeper meaning and is clearly not a result of Daniel Bryan being a performance actor in a spot where his character should be mad.

Uh, Daniel Bryan won the WWE title last year in the main event of Wrestlemania with like 80,000 fans cheering for him.

Because they had to. Not because they wanted to.

It's going to be the same thing this year. Fans are going to shit all over the main event, but WWE is going to put it on anyway because ROMAN REIGNS IS THE NEW FACE OF THE WWE, DAMMIT.


love on your sleeve
It's a shame all of this Roman Reigns business overshadowed another positive night for Seth-kun which ended with a standing ovation.

Fuck you, Vince.


Look, I'm sorry, I'm so legitimately pissed off at this company right now and how out of touch they are with their audience. It's ridiculous.

Don't worry. This is the same company crazy desperate for Network subscriptions, and they consistently find a way to make that a hard sell at even $9.99 outside of nostalgic content.

Let that really sink in for a moment. They have found a way to make something like the Royal Rumble look like shit when you had one of the best WWE championship matches of the last five years on the same show. Usually a good main event title match is like finding drinking water in a desert.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Look, I'm sorry, I'm so legitimately pissed off at this company right now and how out of touch they are with their audience. It's ridiculous.

WWE has always fucked up handling its stars, especially at the beginning. Its just more obvious now that the Network is up and people simul-watch them with entire internet communities.

If I were booking it, I would have Rollins walking out of WM with the title, not Bryan.

Because they had to. Not because they wanted to.

It's going to be the same thing this year. Fans are going to shit all over the main event, but WWE is going to put it on anyway because ROMAN REIGNS IS THE NEW FACE OF THE WWE, DAMMIT.

The problem with Lesnar as his main event partner is the same problem with Reigns winning at RR. The result is telegraphed by obvious outside factors, here its Brock being a part timer who probably isn't coming back.


Meanwhile, at the Briscoe homestead...


(Delirious, ODB, Matt Sydal, Mark Briscoe, Jay Briscoe, not sure (sister Briscoe?), Briscoe mom and dad)

The ROH show in Philly on Saturday night was apparently really good.


Look, I'm sorry, I'm so legitimately pissed off at this company right now and how out of touch they are with their audience. It's ridiculous.

Its a shame because they have talented people.

And its not like Reigns can't be good. Fans rooted for him last year.

Fans want to choose the faces.

Hulk was originally a heel when Vince Sr brought him over and fans grew to love him.
Don't worry. This is the same company crazy desperate for Network subscriptions, and they consistently find a way to make that a hard sell at even $9.99 outside of nostalgic content.

Let that really sink in for a moment.

Yeah, well, I took it way, way too far. God, I feel like a complete idiot.


FGC Waterboy
Roman Reigns has had a silver spoon in his mouth from a figurative sense since the moment he walked into a WWE ring. Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan, a guy who came form the indies, and got over BECAUSE he was a GOOD WRESTLER, despite him being sabotaged at every opportunity, is treated like shit.

What do you expect the fans to think, Vince?


Everyone here does remember Daniel Bryan beating HHH, Batista, and Randy Orton in the same night at Wrestlemania, right? I think Bryan was quite happy being "treated like shit" if beating the three biggest heels in the company in the same night is what being "treated like shit" means.
Everyone here does remember Daniel Bryan beating HHH, Batista, and Randy Orton in the same night at Wrestlemania, right? I think Bryan was quite happy being "treated like shit" if beating the three biggest heels in the company in the same night is what being "treated like shit" means.

Does WWE remember that? Because a guy who did all that should not have gone out like the way he did tonight.


Everyone here does remember Daniel Bryan beating HHH, Batista, and Randy Orton in the same night at Wrestlemania, right? I think Bryan was quite happy being "treated like shit" if beating the three biggest heels in the company in the same night is what being "treated like shit" means.

Yet for all that, he went out at number 15 or so like a jobber and played no big role in the match. Your point?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Meanwhile, at the Briscoe homestead...


(Delirious, ODB, Matt Sydal, Mark Briscoe, Jay Briscoe, not sure (sister Briscoe?), Briscoe mom and dad)

The ROH show in Philly on Saturday night was apparently really good.
Sydal looks so happy. #smokeweedeveryday

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I just hope no one says 'I gotta watch Raw tomorrow to see how they make up for this!' or 'I gotta watch that trainwreck!'

Because otherwise the WWE wins either way.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Imagine him in WCW or prime WWF?

Dude would be such a fucking star making Nash money.

I think Rollins is better than Bryan, really. I never watched Bryan in the indies or whatever, but at this point in WWE as a relative newcomer to current stuff, its a bit puzzling. Most of his matches are him running through the same five-moves-of-doom and he isn't amazing on the mic himself.

Seth is very good on the mic (especially as an entitled heel) and pretty awesome in the ring.
Authority should have clubbed Dolph on the ramp at 30, plugged in Seth, have Seth win the Rumble and get ANOTHER titleshot on top of his briefcase. Lesnar is pretty much a face at this point anyway, after he valiantly fought off two men and a million finishers, stairs, tables, and barricades to defend his title clean.
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