It feels bad friends but I have to hold onto the network just on the off chance he cashes in at Wrestlemania.
Seems like something they would save for RAW after Mania.
It feels bad friends but I have to hold onto the network just on the off chance he cashes in at Wrestlemania.
Maybe I'm not reading you right but the dirtsheets aren't actually on the show. We knew Vince was in love with Reigns muscles and appearance months ago, but Reigns never really looked particularly strong at any point after the Shield breakup nor did he even do anything in the match.
Sooooo...Bryan vs. Wyatt at Wrestlemania? Bryan gets his win back from last year's Rumble?
The funny thing is Roman doesn't even have the look tho
Did you miss that two month period in the summer where every single RAW and Smackdown ended with Reigns standing tall? That only ended when Brock/Cena took the center stage, Reigns was kept invincible during that time, then he got injured.
Thousands of women, and some men, would disagree with you.
I feel bad for Roman. He's gonna become Lex 2.0 this dude has a chance to be huge... Just not right now. I'm wwe and the fans wants a new face... but it's still too soon for that guy. It's not him we should hate.. it's WWE.
Some of the worst cornball shit I've seen in my life. I couldn't and still can't believe this was something involving The Rock. He did some garbage promos when feuding with John Cena, but this was apocalyptically bad.
Thousands of women, and some men, would disagree with you.
I think I'm going to take a break from WrassleGAF guys. I just keep making stupid decisions that are affecting my psyche. The fact is that I'm just not intelligent enough to be here.
With Rock's rub not working on Reigns, Vince is going to try to have every legend try to rub him before WM.
Roman found a way to suck the fun out of the fucking Rock. He truly is the successor to Cena
He is gay.
Roman "Beta" Reigns
Roman "Cuckold" Reigns
Some of the worst cornball shit I've seen in my life. I couldn't and still can't believe this was something involving The Rock. He did some garbage promos when feuding with John Cena, but this was apocalyptically bad.
Fucking really?
This just in: Stone Cold Steve Austin's special guest Triple H has just been replaced by the 2015 Royal Rumble winner Roman Reigns
Balee dat.
He'd do well in that situation, He can be charismatic when not strangled by WWE creative.
So Jeff Hardy should have been a world champion shortly after his debut?
He'd do well in that situation, He can be charismatic when not strangled by WWE creative.
Watch New Japan or something good, friend. You're absolutely intelligent enough to be here, you just need to watch something that doesn't insult that intelligence so frequently.
...I'm giving the correct answer. Don't shoot the messenger.
I'm happy to watch this if the match consists of 15 minutes of Roman killing him.Remember guys, advertising says we are gettingnext month at the PPV.Reigns vs. Big Show last man standing
also lol at rock threatening the announce for no reason, what a dick
Zack Ryder discusses his return at the Royal Rumble
He was probably tired from being TMF in the avatar rumble last night and eliminating jobbers in that, so i can't blame him for not lasting long here. Fully aboard the #RyderRevolution!
He'd do well in that situation, He can be charismatic when not strangled by WWE creative.
he's gonna study...some tape
also lol at rock threatening the announce for no reason, what a dick
He seemed pretty chill on Gamespot and the powerbombcast.
Some of the worst cornball shit I've seen in my life. I couldn't and still can't believe this was something involving The Rock. He did some garbage promos when feuding with John Cena, but this was apocalyptically bad.