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Japan GAF |OT| I'm not planning a trip; I live here!

Hey guys, just thought I'd pop in to give and update and apologize for not updating the thread.

Long story (somewhat) short:
-Bought a house and didn't have internet
-Work blocked neogaf (even the workaround didn't work) and has been crazy busy
-Finally got internet at home this week
-Last night I got t-boned in my car that pushed me into oncoming traffic that then led to a head on collision with another car

Parts of my body are hurting right now and I just don't have the energy to go through the thread to update. So sorry to everyone for not keeping this up to date since I started it.


Hey guys, just thought I'd pop in to give and update and apologize for not updating the thread.

Long story (somewhat) short:
-Bought a house and didn't have internet
-Work blocked neogaf (even the workaround didn't work) and has been crazy busy
-Finally got internet at home this week
-Last night I got t-boned in my car that pushed me into oncoming traffic that then led to a head on collision with another car

Parts of my body are hurting right now and I just don't have the energy to go through the thread to update. So sorry to everyone for not keeping this up to date since I started it.

Seriously, are you alright? (Welcome back!)
Congrats on your house and internet! And wow, I'm sorry about your car accident. :<

Stay strong, buddy.


Hey guys, just thought I'd pop in to give and update and apologize for not updating the thread.

Long story (somewhat) short:
-Bought a house and didn't have internet
-Work blocked neogaf (even the workaround didn't work) and has been crazy busy
-Finally got internet at home this week
-Last night I got t-boned in my car that pushed me into oncoming traffic that then led to a head on collision with another car

Parts of my body are hurting right now and I just don't have the energy to go through the thread to update. So sorry to everyone for not keeping this up to date since I started it.
Don't be sorry! Wow! I'm glad you're okay. That sounds like a really terrifying experience...

My aunt was hit by a train last week, but only has some cracked ribs. Pretty amazing that you're both okay. I hope you get some rest.
Hey guys, just thought I'd pop in to give and update and apologize for not updating the thread.

Long story (somewhat) short:
-Bought a house and didn't have internet
-Work blocked neogaf (even the workaround didn't work) and has been crazy busy
-Finally got internet at home this week
-Last night I got t-boned in my car that pushed me into oncoming traffic that then led to a head on collision with another car

Parts of my body are hurting right now and I just don't have the energy to go through the thread to update. So sorry to everyone for not keeping this up to date since I started it.
Wow, absolutely no problem, don't worry about it. Just concentrate on getting better. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

down 2 orth

Great thread.

As for those who are stressing teaching English, let me just say that you can make shit money and get shit on all day in any industry. If you’re satisfied with the money you’re making teaching and you’re happy with your job, there’s no reason to feel bad about it. There’s always a couple people in every expat community that will try to prop themselves above everyone else, but behavior like that usually arises from low self-esteem (isn’t it ironic?).

I think if you’re really stressing out the long-term viability of your livelihood, you should be thinking more in the sense of how much of a stake you have in your own productivity. If you’re a partner or profiting 100% from your own efforts, then that’s great. The sky’s your limit. If not, and you don’t like what you’re doing, find a way to make money by your own design.

Just my two cents.


I am thinking about taking Japanese lessons. I have wanted to learn the language for ages now but just been lazy. First lesson is on Wednesday. It's a 10 week course one evening each week. Apparently I need to buy a dictionary for the class however I wasn't sure on the most appropriate kind.
I am thinking about taking Japanese lessons. I have wanted to learn the language for ages now but just been lazy. First lesson is on Wednesday. It's a 10 week course one evening each week. Apparently I need to buy a dictionary for the class however I wasn't sure on the most appropriate kind.
If you have a smartphone there's a bunch of dictionaries you can use. My personal favorite is Imiwa. It's free on iOS.

If you don't have a smartphone, I'd suggest an electronic dictionary.
JP youngish native Girls that are extremely &#21487;&#24859;&#12356; kawaii character in Japanese and collect sweets bears cat shirts etc. Talk in Japanese is also like OH SO CUTE etc etc.

But they are in the middle of learning English and their English Language sounds like they are some pissed off chick from suicide girls. adding fuck as the most used adjective and talking trash.

The gap really puzzles me from a physiological perspective. anybody else has met this type of person and have any insight on what's going on psychosocial?


JP youngish native Girls that are extremely &#21487;&#24859;&#12356; kawaii character in Japanese and collect sweets bears cat shirts etc. Talk in Japanese is also like OH SO CUTE etc etc.

But they are in the middle of learning English and their English Language sounds like they are some pissed off chick from suicide girls. adding fuck as the most used adjective and talking trash.

The gap really puzzles me from a physiological perspective. anybody else has met this type of person and have any insight on what's going on psychosocial?

I think it's a very small part of the population. Perhaps girls at "international parties" who want to use cool English to meet a foreign boyfriend and don't really get what they're saying? I used to use "maa" a lot, and in some contexts it was incredibly rude and I didn't get it.

There's also feeling freer in another language to express yourself and show other sides of your personality. Foreign languages can seem not real, and so it's easier to show parts of yourself.

It's definitely hard to convey the same personality in English and Japanese (at least for me), and you usually mimick the people you are around (Japanese girls = foreign dudes, foreign dudes = Japanese girls, I knew a guy who refered to himself as "atashi", and foreign girls who learned "majide" before "hontoni"), so it's not easy.

As an aside, it kind of sounds like you're "othering" these girls, which I don't find so cool. If I misunderstood, my apologies in advance.


( ≖‿≖)
&#12473;&#12540;&#12497;&#12540; was so busy this morning right when it opened. I thought there was a holiday or something since it's usually dead but I guess typhoon prep lol.
Gotta love that disaster hoarding. After 311, you'd think most people would have the basics down. I know I do. I will never take any natural disaster for granted again. This kind of behavior just inconveniences everyone else. The funny thing is that they hoard all the perishables. And you know it's bad when all the tissues and toilet paper's gone.


Where are you guys?

Here in Osaka we already got some strong winds. Tonight we'll be in the middle of the typhoon supposedly, though?

Oh well, I don't understand hoarding stuff for a typhoon when it's usually around just for one day or so, unless you live in some small town that might close all shops even the next day.


I just went shopping to the nearest supermarket and didn't really notice anything out of ordinary. Maybe a little less people since the rain is quite strong, but no one was buying all the toilet paper etc.


Where are you guys?

Here in Osaka we already got some strong winds. Tonight we'll be in the middle of the typhoon supposedly, though?

Oh well, I don't understand hoarding stuff for a typhoon when it's usually around just for one day or so, unless you live in some small town that might close all shops even the next day.

I just went shopping to the nearest supermarket and didn't really notice anything out of ordinary. Maybe a little less people since the rain is quite strong, but no one was buying all the toilet paper etc.

I'm in central Tokyo (Jingumae). It's raining very hard here but no wind yet! The local Lawson seemed completely normal here too, full of food and toilet paper. Meh, it's not even a big deal - it'll pass. I hope no one catches a cold, though! Stay dry, guys~


Time to pray that they still have it at my konbini.. been sleeping all morning & ran out of toilet paper last night. lol

don't worry, I bought enough to create my own black market. I'll make sure to give you the usual gaf-discount ;)

Where are you guys?

Here in Osaka we already got some strong winds. Tonight we'll be in the middle of the typhoon supposedly, though?

Oh well, I don't understand hoarding stuff for a typhoon when it's usually around just for one day or so, unless you live in some small town that might close all shops even the next day.

southern yokohama, heavy rain, no wind at all. I can even hear some birds in the distance, which seems kinda strange...


Sorry if this has been asked before, but will the JR pass work on city subways? For example, could I use the JR pass for the metro subway/rail system in Kyoto and Osaka?

Also, can I use the JR pass for travel between Kyoto and Osaka? I noticed there were some restrictions, not sure if this was one of them

As an aside, it kind of sounds like you're "othering" these girls, which I don't find so cool. If I misunderstood, my apologies in advance.

Thanks for your take it makes sense, not sure what othering means in this context: I'm just amazed by the gap here. sat there for the night as a person was switching back and forth between gangsta English and cute Japanese like split personality disorder and got me wondering what is this person's true identity, I love everyone!


Thanks for your take it makes sense, not sure what othering means in this context: I'm just amazed by the gap here. sat there for the night as a person was switching back and forth between gangsta English and cute Japanese like split personality disorder and got me wondering what is this person's true identity, I love everyone!

Ah, my apologies.

Some Westerners in Japan look down at certain Japanese subgroups as if they're subhuman. I mistakenly got that impression, but probably because I'm too sensitive.

Identity is an issue I think people get hung up on. I'm different to my wife than I am to my friends or my mom ory boss. I think that's normal, but perhaps it's debateable.


I had work today (last weeks work didn't get finished), and work tomorrow until late. Guessing I'll be late as the Sobu will be delayed for anything.


The weather was pretty horrendous today. I tolerated it during my morning run, but it became unbearable when I later walked to he station (Funabashi). It's a good thing I didn't go through with my cycling trip, which had been my original plan this week!


Sigh house is leaking again (happens whenever it pours like this).

Don't recall ever seeing lightning happen as a typhoon approached before... Maybe just because I'm close to the coast.


I wonder if any trains in Tokyo will actually stop running tomorrow morning. This thing is going hit here right when I'm going out to work, sigh.


I've always been told that weather talk is pretty normal around japan...

are there any websites where I can check when this thing is supposed to hit my area?
it has been pretty quite for the whole day and I'm kinda worried that I may have to go to university tomorrow after all :7


Had to work 13 hours today...
Having a hard time getting along with co-workers, think I will give up trying to make friends...
Windy as fuck here in Fukuoka...


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I wonder if any trains in Tokyo will actually stop running tomorrow morning. This thing is going hit here right when I'm going out to work, sigh.

generlly ones that are connected chiba direction stop esp ones along the coast like keio line due to winds and such.

things like chuo and yananote hardly stop due to weather unless lightning strikes it or something or stuff winds up on the tracks


I've always been told that weather talk is pretty normal around japan...

are there any websites where I can check when this thing is supposed to hit my area?
it has been pretty quite for the whole day and I'm kinda worried that I may have to go to university tomorrow after all :7
It's mostly just &#29105;&#12356;&#12397; or &#36229;&#23506;&#12356;&#65281;

If you search with Google Image, you can find a bunch of different graphs with information on the estimated places and times it hits. Here, for instance:


Hi Japan GAF people.
I need some help, so I'm planning to ho to Japan on Christmas and happened to know that Jump Festa will be held while I'm there.
I went to their site but can't read a thing, can someone tell me if the ticket sale began already?

Thanks :D

Edit: Oops, should be in Japan Travel GAF. Sorry.


Well I cancelled my &#20154;&#38291;&#12489;&#12483;&#12463; for this morning since the trains are being affected by the typhoon. I wasn't looking to drinking barium anyways.

Luckily I took the day off work for it or I would have to make some effort and I'd be spending my morning at the station or on insanely crowded trains. I guess I'll play Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor instead. : )


Well I cancelled my &#20154;&#38291;&#12489;&#12483;&#12463; for this morning since the trains are being affected by the typhoon. I wasn't looking to drinking barium anyways.

Luckily I took the day off work for it or I would have to make some effort and I'd be spending my morning at the station or on insanely crowded trains. I guess I'll play Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor instead. : )

I'm doing my &#20154;&#38291;&#12489;&#12483;&#12463; next month! It'll be my first, so I'm kind of excited (not about the barium though).

Trains are on time and emptier than usual. Zero students.


( ≖‿≖)



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Staff Member
Had to work 13 hours today...
Having a hard time getting along with co-workers, think I will give up trying to make friends...
Windy as fuck here in Fukuoka...

I can be your friend!

I'm doing my &#20154;&#38291;&#12489;&#12483;&#12463; next month! It'll be my first, so I'm kind of excited (not about the barium though).

Trains are on time and emptier than usual. Zero students.


I have 0 notifications in my phone :(

Well I cancelled my &#20154;&#38291;&#12489;&#12483;&#12463; for this morning since the trains are being affected by the typhoon. I wasn't looking to drinking barium anyways.

Luckily I took the day off work for it or I would have to make some effort and I'd be spending my morning at the station or on insanely crowded trains. I guess I'll play Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor instead. : )

Good for you!, My line had 0 delays and i'm here at the office working.


And then suddenly it was sunny as hell with blue skies outside. I love how creepy typhoon weather is.

I was thinking the same thing. My bathroom flooded a bit, but that was it besides some knocked over bikes outside.

RIP to the people who died in Okinawa though.


No more rain? I guess I'd better go do some of the stuff I didn't get to do yesterday now.

Yesterday's rain was relentless and I did notice a single thunder while I was awake, but winds weren't too strong around here AFAIK.
So about that get together, I only have plans for November 7th, so any other day would be fine for me. I'd prefer a weekend personally.

I'm just going to throw a date out to see what people think. How does Friday the 14th sound to everyone?


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Staff Member
So about that get together, I only have plans for November 7th, so any other day would be fine for me. I'd prefer a weekend personally.

I'm just going to throw a date out to see what people think. How does Friday the 14th sound to everyone?

My mom leave Tokyo on Nov 10th, so 14th sounds perfect for me.

Count me in.


even though Fridays can be somewhat problematic, I think the 14th should work out fine, as long as you pick an easy to reach location - the closer to &#22823;&#38272; or &#21697;&#24029; the better...(any location along the &#27973;&#33609;&#32218; would be ideal)
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