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Japan GAF |OT| I'm not planning a trip; I live here!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
It's about how much I paid for a machine that was pretty top of the line almost a decade ago.. kind of weird to see the prices never change though the technology is obviously much better. I built mine though at pc koubou or somewhere similar.


Been living in Japan long enough to start properly missing playing games. I wanna build/buy a good gaming PC as I'm here for the long haul. I found this http://www.dospara.co.jp/5shopping/detail_prime.php?tg=13&tc=504&ft=&mc=4716&sn=0
what do you guys reckon? I'm English and right now the pound is mad strong so it's not out of my price range... but if I can get something similar for cheaper then I'd obviously go for that. Cheers!

You can get the same processor and specs (the difference is that this tower has one has 1 less TB memory) for cheaper here: http://www.tsukumo.co.jp/bto/pc/game/2014/GA7J-E63ZE.html

Also, always keep in mind that tax is not included in the prices listed. So you have to add 8%.

Would you be willing to build one? Should be cheaper. And to the honest, that computer isn't great.. won't really play a lot of games well, at least the heavy ones from the last years.

If you're comfortable with it, it would be cheaper/better to buy components and build it yourself. Gaming PC isn't really a big thing in Japan, so most of them don't know what would be considered good or not. That's why a lot of them offer i5 as ~the best processor~. I think the most "consistent" and proper prices would be if you use international companies, like Dell. Anyway, do you have a budget on this?

Some link worth checking out:


You can get the same processor and specs (the difference is that this tower has one has 1 less TB memory) for cheaper here: http://www.tsukumo.co.jp/bto/pc/game/2014/GA7J-E63ZE.html

Also, always keep in mind that tax is not included in the prices listed. So you have to add 8%.

Would you be willing to build one? Should be cheaper. And to the honest, that computer isn't great.. won't really play a lot of games well, at least the heavy ones from the last years.

The GTX750 and 760 are entirely different graphic cards. An i7 with 8 gigs of ram and a GTX760 is enough to run just about anything at 1080p on high settings with a good frame rate. The 750, however, is not adequate.

I would second the notion of building one. There are countless guides out there and it's pretty hard to mess up.


The GTX750 and 760 are entirely different graphic cards. An i7 with 8 gigs of ram and a GTX760 is enough to run just about anything at 1080p on high settings with a good frame rate. The 750, however, is not adequate.

I would second the notion of building one. There are countless guides out there and it's pretty hard to mess up.

Yeah, I was already editing/writing while reading so I forgot to edit everything, I also had a bunch of spec tabs open while looking around. :<


I'm also thinking of putting together a PC so keep the info coming! I'm probably only staying 2 years so maybe sub 6 or 7 man if possibile (I already have a monitor)


I'm also thinking of putting together a PC so keep the info coming! I'm probably only staying 2 years so maybe sub 6 or 7 man if possibile (I already have a monitor)

Maybe we can all agree on that buying components is the best. So you can try the PC building thread, find the components you want and then search for them in Japanese stores.

You can probably find everything you need to know about what components to choose here:


Comiket was fantastic today, even if the weather was slightly suboptimal.

Would greatly appreciate the input of some experts :).

Im interested in one particular circles doujins. They are located in the middle of a row near the middle of the hall. Shouldn't be nearly as much demand a for the circles who have the outwards facing stand.

1) when does the cosplaying begin? On the last day it ends earlier, correct?
2) is arriving at around 8am soon enough to have a reasonable chance at the desired items? As stated above, die to the location I doubt that the kids astronomical demand.



Comiket was fantastic today, even if the weather was slightly suboptimal.

Would greatly appreciate the input of some experts :).

Im interested in one particular circles doujins. They are located in the middle of a row near the middle of the hall. Shouldn't be nearly as much demand a for the circles who have the outwards facing stand.

1) when does the cosplaying begin? On the last day it ends earlier, correct?
2) is arriving at around 8am soon enough to have a reasonable chance at the desired items? As stated above, die to the location I doubt that the kids astronomical demand.


1) The cosplay square closes earlier tomorrow, yes. Generally, it's always open as long as the market is open. (Please make sure you ask cosplayers before taking photos, and only photos outside is allowed.) Read this: http://www.comiket.co.jp/info-a/TAFO/C83TAFO/C83eng.html (CTRL+F for "Anyone who wishes").

2) What exactly do you want to buy? If you're looking for specific limited items from industrial booths (like artbooks fro Type-Moon, SHAFT, etc), then there are people lining up even from the night.. It is extremely hard to get those items if you show up too late. Even if you show up early, they might sell out before it's your turn. If you hear the start of the line clapping, that means they've sold out. If you don't mind hours long waits, then 8 AM should be okay. Just make sure that the stuff you want is still there on Day 3. A lot of booths sell out the first day. Trains start around 5 AM, Comiket opens at 10 AM. It's up to you how you wanna do it. I don't wanna tell you to show up at 6 AM and then you waste 5 hours in line for an item that sells out right before it's your turn. So please be aware..

My biggest advice would be to know exactly what you want to buy, and where it is located. All the maps are Japanese, so you need to write down the Kanji for easy/west etc, based on where the booth you wanna visit is. If the doujin you want to buy is not so popular, then regardless, I suggest you check tonight on their Twitter (if you can find it) if they sold out today or what. Again.. it's difficult to say because you never know when they will go empty. But a lot of doujin circles go on Day 3, so there is still hope. If you want from popular ones, maybe 11 AM would be good. But don't take my word for it - it all depends on the situation.

If you're not looking for something specific and just wanna browse/buy on impulse, then anytime of the day should be alright. But, it's actually advised you show up later if that's what you wanna do. Maybe around noon.


You can get the same processor and specs (the difference is that this tower has one has 1 less TB memory) for cheaper here: http://www.tsukumo.co.jp/bto/pc/game/2014/GA7J-E63ZE.html

Also, always keep in mind that tax is not included in the prices listed. So you have to add 8%.

Would you be willing to build one? Should be cheaper. And to the honest, that computer isn't great.. won't really play a lot of games well, at least the heavy ones from the last years.

If you're comfortable with it, it would be cheaper/better to buy components and build it yourself. Gaming PC isn't really a big thing in Japan, so most of them don't know what would be considered good or not. That's why a lot of them offer i5 as ~the best processor~. I think the most "consistent" and proper prices would be if you use international companies, like Dell. Anyway, do you have a budget on this?

Some link worth checking out:

I built one in England about 8 months before I moved here (sudden change of plans meant that I thought I'd have that PC for a lot longer) so I'd be fine building another one. Yeah building doesn't seem to be super popular here, shame. I wish there was a Japanese option on www.logicalincrements.com

As for budget... it's not unlimited but I could put aside up to around 150k yen.
Will check out Dell or the time being though, thanks!


1) The cosplay square closes earlier tomorrow, yes. Generally, it's always open as long as the market is open. (Please make sure you ask cosplayers before taking photos, and only photos outside is allowed.) Read this: http://www.comiket.co.jp/info-a/TAFO/C83TAFO/C83eng.html (CTRL+F for "Anyone who wishes").

2) What exactly do you want to buy? If you're looking for specific limited items from industrial booths (like artbooks fro Type-Moon, SHAFT, etc), then there are people lining up even from the night.. It is extremely hard to get those items if you show up too late. Even if you show up early, they might sell out before it's your turn. If you hear the start of the line clapping, that means they've sold out. If you don't mind hours long waits, then 8 AM should be okay. Just make sure that the stuff you want is still there on Day 3. A lot of booths sell out the first day. Trains start around 5 AM, Comiket opens at 10 AM. It's up to you how you wanna do it. I don't wanna tell you to show up at 6 AM and then you waste 5 hours in line for an item that sells out right before it's your turn. So please be aware..

My biggest advice would be to know exactly what you want to buy, and where it is located. All the maps are Japanese, so you need to write down the Kanji for easy/west etc, based on where the booth you wanna visit is. If the doujin you want to buy is not so popular, then regardless, I suggest you check tonight on their Twitter (if you can find it) if they sold out today or what. Again.. it's difficult to say because you never know when they will go empty. But a lot of doujin circles go on Day 3, so there is still hope. If you want from popular ones, maybe 11 AM would be good. But don't take my word for it - it all depends on the situation.

If you're not looking for something specific and just wanna browse/buy on impulse, then anytime of the day should be alright. But, it's actually advised you show up later if that's what you wanna do. Maybe around noon.

Thanks for the very detailed response. Got some very good practice at saying onegaishimasu and arigatougozaimasu when taking the photos ;-).

I know what i am looking for, some dozjins by a small circle. Did a trial run to the booth today, so i know where it is. They are only there on the last day.

Going too early night be Overkill then, if it only opens at 10am. Took me 50 minutes station to station, so leaving at 8 or 9am should be okay.



No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I'm also thinking of putting together a PC so keep the info coming! I'm probably only staying 2 years so maybe sub 6 or 7 man if possibile (I already have a monitor)

Btw I wouldnt want to put together a "good" PC at the moment with the prices being kinda messed up currently. Had a buddy of mine check that out since hes the gear head and thats what he told me. Was thinking of doing an upgrade myself but when I hear that info yeah decided to hold off. Though will most def need to fix the rig or get the other up and running before this one bursts into flames.

Unless you have a good amount of cash already saved up in yen / work on base and can get what you want via US sites to your on post address.


well, this is more like a media box system than a good rig, since i'm not staying long and it'd be a right pain to carry a big monster back overseas. I just want something that can run stuff at medium-high (not extreme) settings for the next year or so. I'd normally want to future proof for 3+ years, but... yeah, not planning on setting up roots, so...

but I'm playing games on this fucking laptop right now and... nope. Good thing I have the handhelds and the wii U or I'd go totally bonkers nuts


I'm happy to say that I'll be switching over to this thread in 2016 :p

2015 is my last year in Canada. Pursuing CELTA (an EFL teaching course) this year and then saving a bit of scratch.

Due to Canada's friendly relationship with Japan, I can get a one time, one year working holiday visa pretty damn easy (allows you to work even before finding someone to sponsor you). In that one year timeframe I'm confident I can find a sponsor for a work visa the following year (if we decide to stay).

I'll be moving in with my girlfriend who already lives and teaches in Kawaguchi, Saitama. I fell in love with the area when I was there, so I'm looking forward to spending more time in Japan.



Well Comiket was great. Too bad it's over. Must schedule another vacation during this time. Sad to see all the ninja photos, but i kind some petty good reactions to standing in line, along for permission, for a different pose and the like.

Alai got the doujins i wanted. Damn the halls were viciously full and pushy. Almost felt like the HOLD scene in 300.

1 What's a good place to see the old year off? I heard there are festivities at the meiji shrine?

Are the new years celebrations more focused on the 31st of December, the first of January or both?

2 looking to buy a new 3ds, but i am a bit paranoid about dead pixels. Is it simple to return the console the same / next day of this occurs, or are stores strict (and new several dead pixels or other problems for a return)?



You might have to send your console back to Nintendo, but there shouldn't be any problems with that.


The only "problem" I see is that this PC actually costs 147k with tax. That's about it, but I've been out of the loop for quite some time.

Yeah, luckily because the pound is strong this works out to around £790 which is a pretty good price... I think?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
You're pretty much paying the convenience tax. You could easily build better and spend less.. I mean.. 8 gigs only?


I mean.. 8 gigs only?

Some people like to live dangerously!

^ I agree w/ IAE (is it okay to refer to you as that, I'm an expert?). You'd want at least the double RAM. And since RAM is cheap, building it yourself will give you a chance to go higher in specs with the same amount of money, maybe even cheaper.


any idea how someone could spend new years eve besides visiting the nearest shrine watching someone hitting a bell throwing coins at a box?

btw: shops/restaurants closed on the 1st, right? I remember reading something like that...


Some people like to live dangerously!

^ I agree w/ IAE (is it okay to refer to you as that, I'm an expert?). You'd want at least the double RAM. And since RAM is cheap, building it yourself will give you a chance to go higher in specs with the same amount of money, maybe even cheaper.

What would you say was the best site for buying separate parts from? Tsukumo?


any idea how someone could spend new years eve besides visiting the nearest shrine watching someone hitting a bell throwing coins at a box?

btw: shops/restaurants closed on the 1st, right? I remember reading something like that...
Parties, rappongi, bar hopping?
Found some info here also:

Odaiba is open tomorrow and I think akihabara is as well.

Not sure what mu group is gonna do. Maybe bar hop in shibuya or shinjuku. Wonder how Golden Gai is during NYE..


I went to a shrine! But I was like an hour early so I went to a jazz bar. Then I went to the shrine. Then I asked a guy from England if he spoke English. Good times.


Happy New Year guys. Hope you have a good one.

can't get any worse than the last...
and then it does, like every year.

spontaneously decided to go to Hakkeijima with a friend, despite the bad weather forcast/storm warning. It was pretty nice and they even had a countdown followed by 10 minutes of fire works.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I built one in England about 8 months before I moved here (sudden change of plans meant that I thought I'd have that PC for a lot longer) so I'd be fine building another one. Yeah building doesn't seem to be super popular here, shame. I wish there was a Japanese option on www.logicalincrements.com

As for budget... it's not unlimited but I could put aside up to around 150k yen.
Will check out Dell or the time being though, thanks!

Building is totally popular in Japan. Where do you live? Don't buy a pre-built machine if you can put one together yourself. Do you have access to Akihabara (Tokyo) or Nipponbashi (Osaka)?

You could put together a pretty damn good computer for gaming if you can spend up to 150k Yen.

What would you say was the best site for buying separate parts from? Tsukumo?

Tsukumo can be good, but definitely check Sofmap and Amazon, too, if you're shopping online. If you're a convenient distance away, I'd recommend buying in person, though.


Happy new year. Was at a shrine. Quite the amazing atmosphere. Also had some free blessed sake (not sure if truly blessed, but was very good).

Didn't like the fortune, so got another one at the meiji shrine, and another smaller one, today. Surprised at how many stores are open.


Building is totally popular in Japan. Where do you live? Don't buy a pre-built machine if you can put one together yourself. Do you have access to Akihabara (Tokyo) or Nipponbashi (Osaka)?

You could put together a pretty damn good computer for gaming if you can spend up to 150k Yen.

Tsukumo can be good, but definitely check Sofmap and Amazon, too, if you're shopping online. If you're a convenient distance away, I'd recommend buying in person, though.

I live about an hour and a half south of Tokyo, an Akihabara trip could be possible if I bought stuff in stages. Will check out Amazon etc and compare some prices, cheers!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I live about an hour and a half south of Tokyo, an Akihabara trip could be possible if I bought stuff in stages. Will check out Amazon etc and compare some prices, cheers!

Maybe order the case and monitor (if necessary) online and then make a list of everything you need and head into Akihabara. You'll often find a lot of in-shop specials and there are tons of shops that sell computer parts and don't online presences. Definitely worth checking out if you have a chance, but my main reason for preferring to buy in person is that it's easier to exchange things if you get a faulty part. Then again, if you're an hour and a half away from Tokyo, online may be more convenient!

Either way, I suggest you take a visit to the I NEED A NEW PC thread and get some advice on the best parts for your money. With 150k Yen as your maximum budget, I could see you putting together something quite awesome. Definitely a lot better than that machine you linked earlier.


Maybe order the case and monitor (if necessary) online and then make a list of everything you need and head into Akihabara. You'll often find a lot of in-shop specials and there are tons of shops that sell computer parts and don't online presences. Definitely worth checking out if you have a chance, but my main reason for preferring to buy in person is that it's easier to exchange things if you get a faulty part. Then again, if you're an hour and a half away from Tokyo, online may be more convenient!

Either way, I suggest you take a visit to the I NEED A NEW PC thread and get some advice on the best parts for your money. With 150k Yen as your maximum budget, I could see you putting together something quite awesome. Definitely a lot better than that machine you linked earlier.
Cool thanks for the info! Will do some research and let you know what I'm thinking. I've only built one computer before so I wanna make sure the stuff I get will all be compatible with everything else.
Getting to Tokyo isn't really a problem, I used to go back and forth there when I was living half in Shibuya and half in Kanagawa
Hello Japan GAF. I just have a quick question. I was going through my closet and found this paper given to me by one of my old teachers. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the kanji is? I know the lower left is her signature but I just forgot what the word is lol.




by itself, it mostly refers to peace and harmony, in combination it's usually "something japanese", like japanese style food &#21644;&#39135;
I'm not sure if there are any special calligraphy meanings though

any great fukubukuro hauls anyone?


Maybe order the case and monitor (if necessary) online and then make a list of everything you need and head into Akihabara. You'll often find a lot of in-shop specials and there are tons of shops that sell computer parts and don't online presences. Definitely worth checking out if you have a chance, but my main reason for preferring to buy in person is that it's easier to exchange things if you get a faulty part. Then again, if you're an hour and a half away from Tokyo, online may be more convenient!

Either way, I suggest you take a visit to the I NEED A NEW PC thread and get some advice on the best parts for your money. With 150k Yen as your maximum budget, I could see you putting together something quite awesome. Definitely a lot better than that machine you linked earlier.

a guy in the I NEED A PC thread suggested me this, what do you think?

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($317.88 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($28.75 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97-GAMING 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($146.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($76.97 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Samsung 850 Pro Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($169.98 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($149.75 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB ACX 2.0 Video Card ($329.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case ($64.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1355.29

just had a look for the parts on Amazon and it's a bit over budget, is it worth it?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
a guy in the I NEED A PC thread suggested me this, what do you think?

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($317.88 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($28.75 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z97-GAMING 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($146.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($76.97 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Samsung 850 Pro Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($169.98 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($149.75 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB ACX 2.0 Video Card ($329.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Corsair 300R ATX Mid Tower Case ($64.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $1355.29

just had a look for the parts on Amazon and it's a bit over budget, is it worth it?

It looks good. Personally, I'd drop the 2TB hard drive and get a 512GB SSD instead. Here's the one I recently bought:


You could also probably drop the processor down to an i5 4690k to save some money. If your main usage is gaming, you really won't get a huge boost from the 4790k.

I'd then spend that money getting a better case and power supply. The one's listed actually aren't bad, though, so maybe just save the money.

The GTX 970 will probably cost you a little more in Japan, but it's totally worth it. Really an amazing card.


It looks good. Personally, I'd drop the 2TB hard drive and get a 512GB SSD instead. Here's the one I recently bought:


You could also probably drop the processor down to an i5 4690k to save some money. If your main usage is gaming, you really won't get a huge boost from the 4790k.

I'd then spend that money getting a better case and power supply. The one's listed actually aren't bad, though, so maybe just save the money.

The GTX 970 will probably cost you a little more in Japan, but it's totally worth it. Really an amazing card.

Cool cheers, will check everything out, exciting! Playing Mordor on the lowest settings at 33% resolution is perhaps not the ideal way to experience it.


Any one know of any good cold medicine?
Every body at work seems all sick and shit so I figure it's a matter of time before I catch it too. But I'm not sure what to buy.
In Canada I used to buy NeoCitran which worked pretty good. Is there anything similar here?


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
Any one know of any good cold medicine?
Every body at work seems all sick and shit so I figure it's a matter of time before I catch it too. But I'm not sure what to buy.
In Canada I used to buy NeoCitran which worked pretty good. Is there anything similar here?

I have Frenadol from Spain (cold/flu) if you need it, just poke me : ) and i will pass it to you.


Any one know of any good cold medicine?
Every body at work seems all sick and shit so I figure it's a matter of time before I catch it too. But I'm not sure what to buy.
In Canada I used to buy NeoCitran which worked pretty good. Is there anything similar here?
I got some stuff I always use that helps me so much. Will show you once I get out of bed! You need to go to a specific place to buy it though (&#12488;&#12514;&#12474; Tomod's). Just a regular cold, right?


Any one know of any good cold medicine?
Every body at work seems all sick and shit so I figure it's a matter of time before I catch it too. But I'm not sure what to buy.
In Canada I used to buy NeoCitran which worked pretty good. Is there anything similar here?
During my time here I've noticed that going to a doctor and getting medicine there is way cheaper than buying anything on my own tbh.


I got some stuff I always use that helps me so much. Will show you once I get out of bed! You need to go to a specific place to buy it though (&#12488;&#12514;&#12474; Tomod's). Just a regular cold, right?
Thanks but there isn't a Tomod's in Fukuoka.
Yea just a cold. I'm personally feeling alright, I haven't been sick in Japan yet. But working with people that are coughing and sneezing all around me makes me worry I might get sick too.
I just wanted to know before hand what was something that would work, so if I do get sick i will know what to buy and be able to go into work.
During my time here I've noticed that going to a doctor and getting medicine there is way cheaper than buying anything on my own tbh.
That sounds like a bit of a hassle.
I was hoping to just pick up something decent at a convenience store or supermarket.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There is no such thing as good cold medicine. You're better off not taking anything unless you've got a really high fever.

With that said, I remember a lot of people downing some Pabron (&#12497;&#12502;&#12525;&#12531;) variety when they had a sniffle or sore throat.

I wouldn't recommend it, though. Better to just let your body do what it needs to do unless it's really bad and you've got a high fever, but at that point, you should probably be seeing a doctor anyway.


There is no such thing as good cold medicine. You're better off not taking anything unless you've got a really high fever.
Err, that's not true for everyone. It works for me! If you know what works for you, it works pretty well too. Even different kind of cold, sore throat vs none vs slimy w/ cough etc. runny nose and what not.

But it would also require you to take good care of yourself. I see a lot of foreign people with a "idgaf" attitude when they're sick (not just foreign but many of my friends too don't care about at least trying medicine). It's bad if you work in an office.. I got the stomach flu and almost a normal flu because my friends came visiting without telling me they were sick... But I guess that's another matter!


This tag is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance...
Staff Member
Err, that's not true for everyone. It works for me! If you know what works for you, it works pretty well too. Even different kind of cold, sore throat vs none vs slimy w/ cough etc. runny nose and what not.

But it would also require you to take good care of yourself. I see a lot of foreign people with a "idgaf" attitude when they're sick (not just foreign but many of my friends too don't care about at least trying medicine). It's bad if you work in an office.. I got the stomach flu and almost a normal flu because my friends came visiting without telling me they were sick... But I guess that's another matter!

You should talk with your "friends".

My policy is no visits or contact when sick.
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