Argh, these fucking study abroad bastards changed our fucking schedule again today. They are the least organized, most incompetant bastards EVER.
Anyway, I'm now out for tomorrow, since they decided to reschedule a mandatory event (it counts as a class and has a graded homework assignment pertaining to it) for tomorrow at 6:30! On our day off!! ARGH!
I should have just come here on vacation. But nooooooooooooo, I wanted to try and "learn the language" so I have to deal with these clowns.
For the record, I skipped out on my Japanese class today to go to the lounge/computer center and TEACH THE CLASS TO MYSELF as an experiment. After meeting back up with my classmates afterwards, I found that I had taught myself FAR more than they had learned in class. For example, today was our first day we covered kanji in class, and they learned the numbers 1 - 5. I learned the numbers 1 - 10, plus 100, plus 1000, plus 10000 (meaning I can basically write out numbers into the millions in kanji now), as well as the kanji for ji (time). I also managed to teach myself how to use the te-form to describe events or activities currently in progress, as well as actions which have caused some kind of change, AND I taught my self a whole host of descriptive adjectives. The class only learned how to talk about events in progress and SOME adjectives. And I did all of this in 2 hours, as opposed to the class, which is 3 hours and 20 minutes. In short, the Japanese educational system and teaching method blows, and these study abroad people suck.
The big problem is that despite the fact that I'm still going to be here for another week and a half plus, almost the entire rest of my time here has already been scheduled out. There is a slim chance that I might be able to do something on Monday or possibly Tuesday of next week, but those are by no means solid and that's about all I think I have for free time (or at least, free time that can be used for meeting up) for the rest of my time here.
Oh, and sorry about that rant about the study abroad business. I just hate stupidity and bulshit, and they have it in spades.