I was hoping for Samurai Bandicoot myself
Lee N said:What are you talking about? 10 letters, "e" on place 3 and 6..
Sule said:Previewing has I's in it, he already revealed where the I's are, so unless he made a mistake by not putting the I's in the third word, previewing is not it.
I didn't know we were playing hangman, I thought he could add a letter at a time regardless of how many of the same letter appears in the rest of the sentence.Sule said:Previewing has I's in it, he already revealed where the I's are, so unless he made a mistake by not putting the I's in the third word, previewing is not it.
Lee N said:What are you talking about? 10 letters, "e" on place 3 and 6..
That I wasn't there when I started trying to figure out what it said.. maybe Radioheadrule83 quoted an old version.nofilter said:Nice pic.
Except in his post there are two spaces between the last E and the I.
Lee N said:That I wasn't there when I started trying to figure out what it said.. maybe Radioheadrule83 quoted an old version.
But good point, it's not "previewing"..
.. and who cares? You were right, lets leave it at that.nofilter said:Who knows...?
Cdammen said:I want to import and play this so bad but the language barrier will be dense![]()
They should've let TSA present Twilight Princess at E32006, Bill's demo was embarassing (LET'S NOT WOW YOU WITH THE FIRE BOSS) and made me less excited about the game.SCReuter said:
plank said:I've been seen the latest screens and previews, and noticed that I'm not seeing any other enemy besides chus and bats. :/
ant1532 said:Damn it Yesasia! Ship my game already!!!
Mhm, but don't you have to know how to write in Japanese (hiragana, katakana, kanji, romaji or whatever) to complete some of the tasks in this game? I'm pretty sure I've read it somewherenofilter said:It's Zelda though.
And now I am scared. I ordered from them once(Ouendan) and got it fine and quickly but never preordered.Vyse The Legend said:YesAsia is dreadful. I preordered FF3 DS from there, and it was backordered a month before they cancelled it. Never again.
TSA said:Jun 22, 2007 05:15:00 US ALISO VIEJO OUT FOR DELIVERY
Jun 22, 2007 03:00:00 US ALISO VIEJO ARRIVAL SCAN
Jun 22, 2007 02:01:00 US ONTARIO DEPARTURE SCAN
Jun 22, 2007 01:08:00 US ONTARIO LOCATION SCAN
Jun 21, 2007 23:26:00 US ONTARIO IMPORT SCAN
Jun 21, 2007 21:26:00 HK CHEK LAP KOK DEPARTURE SCAN
Jun 21, 2007 21:15:00 HK CHEK LAP KOK DEPARTURE SCAN
Jun 21, 2007 19:42:00 HK CHEK LAP KOK HUB SCAN
Jun 21, 2007 18:40:00 HK KWAI CHUNG PICKUP SCAN
It arrives...dun dun dun dun!
Conversation said:ant1532 said:I know you might be under an NDA but you said by NoA. Question is, please tell me if I should wait to import if you think the english copy is coming sooner then I think (october)
I am at the order page now...TSA said:Oh no, it's coming out later than sooner. It's something else I can't talk will be awesome though when I can talk about it.
Spill it or lose your account. We don't encourage that type of "I KNOW SOMETHING BUT YOU DON'T AND I CAN'T TELL LULZ" teasing and baiting like that around here.TSA said:Sorry guys, I do wish that was what was happening. You guys are VERY close, but just a bit off. Keep the guessing up![]()
Hold up, if he really can't tell can we at least let him get away on a warning just this once!? I mean he is making translation guides and is gunna be a lot of help to importers of Phantom Hourglass when we all get it in this weekend!(and next week depending on shippin)BuddyC said:Spill it or lose your account. We don't encourage that type of "I KNOW SOMETHING BUT YOU DON'T AND I CAN'T TELL LULZ" teasing and baiting like that around here.
Well lets not make it worse then it is now so lets just drop it for now.sphinx said:just passed by to say: TSA really screwed up with the " secret message " thing. He already pissed off a mod, not a good sign at all.
I wonder what's going to happen now.
Awesome keep em coming!TSA said:Alright, got the first part of the story:
Shiera (the fairy) says she lost her memory after being in a situation similar to Link's. She just remembers waking up in that island and being helped by Shiwan. Then she tells you that there have been many earthquakes recently, and that the number of monsters has increased. Also, Shiwan mentions many people have disappeared at sea lately, but none of them has come back.
Hold on, did you get this because you're interviewing him too or is it just because you have amazing skittles?Kobun Heat said:_ a_ __e__e____ _______ _________ a_ __ __i_ _e__.
i am interviewing shigeru miyamoto at E3 this year.
Kobun Heat said:_ a_ __e__e____ _______ _________ a_ __ __i_ _e__.
i am interviewing shigeru miyamoto at E3 this year.
TSA said:Apparently there are 28 islands and 8 dungeons. Playtime around 15-20 hours. Niether Ganon nor Vaati are the final boss. Courage, Wisdom, Power theme for the dungeons. Fire Dungeon boss apparently is "cool".
Somebody said this on my site.
TSA said:Apparently there are 28 islands and 8 dungeons. Playtime around 15-20 hours. Niether Ganon nor Vaati are the final boss. Courage, Wisdom, Power theme for the dungeons. Fire Dungeon boss apparently is "cool".
Somebody said this on my site.
Kobun Heat said:_ a_ __e__e____ _______ _________ a_ __ __i_ _e__.
i am interviewing shigeru miyamoto at E3 this year.
Oblivion said:Oh, shit. So it's nothing more than a cell shaded?TP/OoT clone
Can't wait to see the endless bitching, now.
MasterMFauli said:You know, such spoilers should be bannable.
This isnt even talk between gamers who play the game right now, it´s just...a spoiler.
Well, now it happened, just would be nice if it didnt happen again in the future![]()
TSA said:and I mean, it is marked as a spoiler. It's not bannable to post a marked spoiler, is it? Nobody made you read the spoiler...
I support this..Linkzg said:ask about Mole Mania 2 and tell him to put it on DS.