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Japan Travel |OT| One does simply not visit just once

Well I wouldn't have thought it possible before too, and while I admit it might be tight, I still think it's doable. From my research, if I buy my airline tickets not too far in advance, the prices will be more reasonable, somewhere between $1100 and 1300 which is reasonable to me. The 2 places to stay at in Kyoto and Tokyo have really decent rates per night. The place in tokyo is 4500 yen plus tax, and with current exchange rates could be about $40-45 a night... assuming I stay a week at most, that's only a little over $300. The place in kyoto I might want to get a private room which will cost about 5900 yen, or approximently $50 a night... I'm thinking 5-6 nights there, and that too is only about $300. With my $2500 budget, for airfare and bed...I'm already up to $1800, and yeah, that doesn't count my my rail pass...but I'm hoping I'll get some help from family on that.

I'm still thinking I'll have about $800-$1000 left for food and sightseeing if I play my cards right. Being just one person, I doubt i'll spend more than $300 on food, maybe $400 if I wanna get fancy.

Try searching hostelworld. You should be able to find places with cheaper rooms especially in Kyoto. If you're only going to explore Kyoto and not go to Nara/Osaka on more than 1 trip or Kobe/Hiroshima at all, then it might be cheaper to NOT get a rail pass. $300 on food for 14 days is a bit low, especially if you're buying drinks. You'd probably have to drink tap water all the time with that kind of food budget.
Try searching hostelworld. You should be able to find places with cheaper rooms especially in Kyoto. If you're only going to explore Kyoto and not go to Nara/Osaka on more than 1 trip or Kobe/Hiroshima at all, then it might be cheaper to NOT get a rail pass. $300 on food for 14 days is a bit low, especially if you're buying drinks. You'd probably have to drink tap water all the time with that kind of food budget.

Well the place in Kyoto does have a cheaper rate that's only about half the price I mentioned if I am willing to sleep in a bed that's part of a shared room, but I think I might prefer the privacy, and a private shower at least...I have a hard enough time sleeping in a bed that's not my own, but to be surrounded by others might make it difficult lol


Hm... Where in the world are you from? $2500 with airfare might not be enough for both Tokyo and Kyoto if the airfare from wherever you are is like $1200 or something. June isn't the best month to travel either with the rainy season and all.
June is however the cheapest time to travel to Japan. At least from the states that is. But yeah the rain sucks. But it's maybe better than the summer. :)

Doing my hatsumode today. Figured I would go on the second and it would be better. It's a bit but the line is still really long.
Well the place in Kyoto does have a cheaper rate that's only about half the price I mentioned if I am willing to sleep in a bed that's part of a shared room, but I think I might prefer the privacy, and a private shower at least...I have a hard enough time sleeping in a bed that's not my own, but to be surrounded by others might make it difficult lol

You can find private rooms in nice hostels for like $30-40 a night in Kyoto.
You can find private rooms in nice hostels for like $30-40 a night in Kyoto.

Well thanks for the heads up then, I'll look it up. I guess I was kinda set on that other one, because the friend I've been mentioning has stayed there personally, and said it was close to the rail station which sounded convenient, since I am a little worried about getting lost lol
I'm starting to read the entire thread for suggestions. I'm currently planning a trip sometime this year. I'm trying to convince a friend to come with me, and I was planning April but apparently November is also good?

My situation:

* I was in Japan in 2001 when I visited Kyoto and Osaka. I don't really need to go back.
* I know basic Japanese but my vocabulary sucks.
* I want to do shopping but not stuff that can be (semi)easily found through Yahoo Auctions or similar. I mostly want obscure game stuff, possibly figures etc. However, I don't plan to buy as many games as I did last time.
* Last time I was jetlagged the entire time so I had really early mornings and early evenings. I want to visit restaurants and bars this time to see people (although I don't drink, so it would be more for company - having a friend with me would certainly help here).
* I'm staying for 2-3 weeks depending on costs. Looking at mostly being around Tokyo exploring the city.
* I'd like to do some martial arts related tourism. I'm checking if the Tokyo dojo of my art is anywhere close to where I want to go. I'd like to see the Kyushu origins of the art but I don't really think it would be worth the pilgrimage. It's a hassle to bring back swords but if I can somehow get a good iaito it would be interesting.

Anyway, lots of stuff to read up on now, but any suggestions would be appreciated.
Google Maps seems to indicate that the Pokemon Center near Minato/Odaiba is permanently closed...? :(. We're headed to Odaiba for most of the day. Is there one still open near there?

Oh. Looks like it moved to Sunshine City in Ikebukuro a few weeks ago.


We have a spare half day left in Tokyo on this trip. Can we make a legit Onsen trip happen?

Any recommendations?

Google Maps seems to indicate that the Pokemon Center near Minato/Odaiba is permanently closed...? :(. We're headed to Odaiba for most of the day. Is there one still open near there?

Since you'll be in Odaiba, you can go to Oedo Onsen. Bruh you should've posted in the Toronto thread, a few of us there could've made suggestions!


I booked tickets for me and my girlfriend for May 2015, but since then she has kinda decided to not go. (she's told me she is 90% not coming at this point)

So I was scrambling for someone to go with and my best friend and his wife have decided to tag along, this is both bad and good.

Its good because he actually speaks a modicum of Japanese and they have both been to Japan numerous times.

Its bad because:
1, I still have a spare ticket god knows what I'm gonna do with that. (its non refundable)
2, I might feel a bit like a third wheel on a trip I organized,
3, they are into a different kind of Japanese weird than I am. (they are really into avant-garde noise/punk modern art kinda stuff, not so much the otaku gamer historical stuff I'm into).

I have a few quick questions for people

Capcom bar? any good, does it give off any kind of capcomish vibe? Any other game companies done things like this?

A sumo tournament is on while I'm there I'm interested in going but do I have to be there all day?, can I just show up for the last couple of matches? I don't want to blow a whole day on Sumo.

Which is the better themed restaurant: robot, Ninja or prison hospital?

Are there any haunted houses open in mid May?, I know there are a lot open in Summer but I'd like to check one out. I'm thinking of going out to the one at the Fuji amusement park but that seems like a long way to go, I'd prefer to check out something a little closer to Tokyo.


I booked tickets for me and my girlfriend for May 2015, but since then she has kinda decided to not go. (she's told me she is 90% not coming at this point)

So I was scrambling for someone to go with and my best friend and his wife have decided to tag along, this is both bad and good.

Its good because she actually speaks a modicum of Japanese and they have both been to Japan numerous times.

Its bad because:
1, I still have a spare ticket god knows what I'm gonna do with that. (its non refundable)
2, I might feel a bit like a third wheel on a trip I organized,
3, they are into a different kind of Japanese weird than I am. (they are really into avant-garde noise/punk modern art kinda stuff, not so much the otaku gamer historical stuff I'm into).

I have a few quick questions for people

Capcom bar? any good, does it give off any kind of capcomish vibe? Any other game companies done things like this?

A sumo tournament is on while I'm there I'm interested in going but do I have to be there all day?, can I just show up for the last couple of matches? I don't want to blow a whole day on Sumo.

Which is the better themed restaurant: robot, Ninja or prison hospital?

Are there any haunted houses open in mid May?, I know there are a lot open in Summer but I'd like to check one out. I'm thinking of going out to the one at the Fuji amusement park but that seems like a long way to go, I'd prefer to check out something a little closer to Tokyo.
In these situations always go yourself. Never be afraid to travel alone.


In these situations always go yourself. Never be afraid to travel alone.

I wasn't afraid to travel alone, I travel alone for work quite often. The problem with travelling alone is not fear, its boredom. I'm not really a "meet new people and hit it off" kinda guy so usually by day 4 of a trip I start to miss having someone i know to bounce shit off. When in a non-English speaking country i find this is exaserbated by the language barrier.


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Staff Member
I wasn't afraid to travel alone, I travel alone for work quite often. The problem with travelling alone is not fear, its boredom. I'm not really a "meet new people and hit it off" kinda guy so usually by day 4 of a trip I start to miss having someone i know to bounce shit off. When in a non-English speaking country i find this is exaserbated by the language barrier.

Then find something that make you not get bored :)

There is places in Tokyo where you can get along only with English.
I wasn't afraid to travel alone, I travel alone for work quite often. The problem with travelling alone is not fear, its boredom. I'm not really a "meet new people and hit it off" kinda guy so usually by day 4 of a trip I start to miss having someone i know to bounce shit off. When in a non-English speaking country i find this is exaserbated by the language barrier.

I find girls to date. I'm not bored and it helps immensely with the language barrier and finding cool thibgs to do. I've done this in 6 different countries so far - it is lots of fun.

I'm currently at a spa in Tokyo, chilling after an hour or so of seeing more male bush than I ever wanted to see in my life.


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Staff Member
I find girls to date. I'm not bored and it helps immensely with the language barrier and finding cool thibgs to do. I've done this in 6 different countries so far - it is lots of fun.

I'm currently at a spa in Tokyo, chilling after an hour or so of seeing more male bush than I ever wanted to see in my life.

Expect this males hit on you.

It was so funny in Kagoshima.


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Staff Member
Is it too late to get into Jiro? Has anyone ever been there? I'm leaving the states on March 20th - April 12th.

You need to call the same month.

Also good luck getting an appointment, i tried to get of when EL came to Tokyo, but was impossible, and i had my secretary call all day, for 3 days.

There is a few more better restaurants of sushi in Tokyo.

Doc Az

Neo Member
I'm planning a visit to Japan by the end of the year, and I was wondering if there's anything you'd recommend I'd do in particular preparation for this trip? I mean, aside from the obvious stuff like planning properly.

I'd be traveling alone, and it'd be my first time in a completely foreign country, well, one that doesn't speak my language at least, and it is a little intimidating. I've always wanted to visit though, just to take in the culture of the place, because it just seems so different to little old Scotland where I've spent most of my life.

Any general tips?
I'm planning a visit to Japan by the end of the year, and I was wondering if there's anything you'd recommend I'd do in particular preparation for this trip? I mean, aside from the obvious stuff like planning properly.

I'd be traveling alone, and it'd be my first time in a completely foreign country, well, one that doesn't speak my language at least, and it is a little intimidating. I've always wanted to visit though, just to take in the culture of the place, because it just seems so different to little old Scotland where I've spent most of my life.

Any general tips?

When I went last year I was also by myself and had never really traveled much before. The language thing ends up not being as intimidating as it first seems. During my trip the two most important things I had were a pocket wifi (details in the OP) and the NAVITIME For Japan Travel app. Getting around in Tokyo could be mind-numbing on your own, that NAVITIME app was a godsend. GPS, train schedules, maps, fare costs, etc. I had very few problems actually getting around thanks to that app.
NEX Tokyo Direct changes in mid-March:

On March 14, 2015, the NEX Tokyo Direct Ticket will be discontinued and replaced by the NEX Tokyo Round Trip Ticket. The new ticket will provide a round trip from the airport into Tokyo/Yokohama and back to the airport within a 14 day period. Unfortunately, the cost will increase to 4000 yen, effectively reducing the discount over regular tickets to "only" 33-55 percent. A one way option will not be available.


Then you're out of luck.

what a dumb fucking decision.

..So... people living here aren't able to buy NEX tickets at all? Unless we also pay 4k for a round trip? Oh my god. How dumb is this?

Edit: Wait, does this work both ways? If I go on vacation, I can get the round-trip ticket from Nippori (or wherever) → Narita → Nippori (back to wherever)? If so, then whatever. It's good, because it's a lot cheaper for me. I think it's like ¥3000 for residents/non-overseas people.

Pretty shit if it only works from Narita → Japan destination → Narita only though..
..So... people living here aren't able to buy NEX tickets at all? Unless we also pay 4k for a round trip? Oh my god. How dumb is this?

Edit: Wait, does this work both ways? If I go on vacation, I can get the round-trip ticket from Tokyo (or wherever) → Narita → Tokyo (back to wherever)? If so, then whatever. It's good, because it's a lot cheaper for me.

Pretty shit if it only works from Narita → Japan destination → Narita only though..

Details here in Japanese:

Looks like you can only buy the ticket at Narita airport? So I guess it won't work the other way :p

Edit: You can still buy normal priced tickets without any foreigner discounts for the NEX.


Guess the writing was on the wall after the Suica deal was taken away.

I think we'll still be able to make use if it since I can't really imagine we'd be able to stay more than two weeks anyway, but it does suck that the option is no longer there.
Guess the writing was on the wall after the Suica deal was taken away.

I think we'll still be able to make use if it since I can't really imagine we'd be able to stay more than two weeks anyway, but it does suck that the option is no longer there.

If you're there for less than two weeks and planned to use the NEX both ways, then it's a better offer than the old one.

Just sucks for people who are there for more than 2 weeks, planned to use something else on the way from Tokyo -> Narita or leave from Haneda instead.


Surely they could've figured out a better deal.. like a month, at least. But most tourist visas are 90 days around the world, and you don't really count as a tourist anymore after 90 days so why not just 90 days. ._.

At least 1 month seems more reasonable than 14 days.. Or you could've been able to choose 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4.. And the price would decrease the longer you waited. Or something.

But yeah, it is a win-win if you're actually there less than 14 days, right? I mean, you pay half price from Narita and full price to Narita?


Tbh I use both, depending on how much time I have before my plane departs, etc. I always take the NEX back to Tokyo though, at least usually.


Neo Member
Planning a trip to Tokyo in September. Has anyone stayed at the "Empire Hotel in Shinjuku" it has cheap rates so it causes me a little bit of concern. Anyone with first hand experience at this location?
Planning a trip to Tokyo in September. Has anyone stayed at the "Empire Hotel in Shinjuku" it has cheap rates so it causes me a little bit of concern. Anyone with first hand experience at this location?

No, but the reviews on Agoda are okay, I suppose.

It's not THAT cheap, though...

Oh, September? Damn, you are planning pretty far ahead.


Neo Member
Yeah I'm definitely planning far in advance. Only time where my friends and I could all come together an make it work due to our work schedules. Thanks for the link!
Planning a trip to Tokyo in September. Has anyone stayed at the "Empire Hotel in Shinjuku" it has cheap rates so it causes me a little bit of concern. Anyone with first hand experience at this location?

Can't speak for the Empire Hotel, but I've stayed at the Shinjuku Washington three times now and they're pretty good. Net access, laundry rooms, 24 hour Family Mart inside the hotel and the beds aren't the worst :)


Can't speak for the Empire Hotel, but I've stayed at the Shinjuku Washington three times now and they're pretty good. Net access, laundry rooms, 24 hour Family Mart inside the hotel and the beds aren't the worst :)

This alone makes it worth it since you can go buy their awesome fried chicken in your revealing Western underwear.
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