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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


Received my KEYTALK album, huzzah!



New Good Morning America PV, so good.
After Jpopmusic died, the whole community basically scattered. Some went over to Jpop Central, but Yuku sucks ass.

Jpopmusic? Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
I just found this thread and wanted to say hello to you fine folks. I've beem listening to Japanese music for a long, long time. Can't say that equates to taste, though.
A few quick tracks I'm listening to:
黒木渚 - 虎視眈々と淡々と

Kero Kero Bonito - Picture This
It's not Japanese, but the vocalist does this cool Japanese rap that reminds me of Halcali. I heard it listening to Ban Ban Radio.

Oh, and basically this entire album:

Shishamo - Shishamo 2
Though only vaguely, they remind me of GO!GO!7188.

Nice to meet you folks.


its sad that youtube basically made my own playlists for me

thats why they're always in random order. I should probably stop being lazy


Has anybody posted 吉田ヨウヘイ (Yoshida Youhei) before?
Awesome guitar in this song. The flute is sweet, too! Damn catchy.


Kurita, I've seen the light of 星野原. Are there more songs like this? Also, full, uninterrupted version somewhere?


Kurita, I've seen the light of 星野原. Are there more songs like this? Also, full, uninterrupted version somewhere?

Actually this is his most danceable song so far, his songs are usually slower.
Full version here : http://www.jpopsuki.tv/video/Gen-Hoshino---SUN/7d50b58cc222dfe5da6468a6f568b307
Victor often put DVD trailers/whatever right in the middle of their videos on Youtube.

Though Crazy Crazy was a super catchy song, too. Featuring Ling Tosite Sigure's drummer Pierre Nakano and OKAMOTO's bassist Hama Okamoto :

化物 was also catchy.

Him and Takahashi Yu (well, there's Yonezu Kenshi, too) are my favorite solo artists. Can't think of other solo singer-songwriters who come close to them right now.


can anybody help me find a band?? a band I'm not sure actually exists, but I hope it does!!

basically, Every Little Thing came out in 1997, then after their 3rd album one of their members left to produce a group called Day After Tomorrow whose style was exactly the same as ELT was when they were still a 3 member group.

DAT broke up in 2005, then one of the members went on to create a new group called Girl Next Door, which again has the exact same style of the previous 2 groups.

GND broke up in 2013.

so now it's 2015, does anybody know if another group has came out carrying the same style and structure as the previous 3 bands? I really adore this style of jpop, but I've been so out of what's going in the genre these days as all I do is listen to Miliyah now...
Has anybody posted 吉田ヨウヘイ (Yoshida Youhei) before?
Awesome guitar in this song. The flute is sweet, too! Damn catchy.

Just stumbled upon this today. One of their members used to be the singer for OK?NO!!, who once did this cover of tofubeats' SO WHAT for his Lost Decade remixes. I was trying to figure out why OK?NO!! broke up when I found the video. I like the track, it's nice and bouncy and I dig the vocal hook.


haha. I'd love to check it out one year. Kawasaki's not far from Tokyo, which is good since Kawasaki's not a very exciting vacation destination unless you're really into temples.
My friends have said it was awful the past two years, due to bad weather and rowdy 外人.
Also, Kawasaki is worth going to just for Kawasaki Warehouse. It's my favorite gamecenter of all time.


BLUE ENCOUNT announced the release of their first major full album on July 22! Their singles have been really good so I'm guessing the album will be quite solid.
I wasn't a huge fan of them back when I watched their PV HALO for the first time but their 2014 completely changed my mind. And they're pretty fun guys so, what's not to like.

And Kyuso Nekokami will release their first single the same day!

Too much stuff to buy aaaaaaah. Guess I'll grab them in Japan...

Hitorie released a teaser for their new mini-album, hnnnnnngh. Sounds chaotic :lol Stoked!


Am I the only one who refuses to call 凛として時雨 "Ling tosite sigure"? It's just awkward, incorrect transliteration—I don't care if that's what they think it should be. There name is Rin Toshite Shigure.

Anyway, TK from Rin Toshite Shigure has a new acoustic single. If you haven't listened to his side project still, do it now.


It's not wrong, they just don't use the Hepburn system. I couldn't care less tbh. They use Ling Tosite Sigure so I also use it. It's not a big deal :lol

東京カランコロン (Tokyo Karankoron) released the music video for スパイス (Spice)
Currently used as the ending theme for the Shokugeki no Soma/Food Wars anime. I don't watch it but if people start listening to this great band thanks to it I'm all for it.


I wanted to but it's expensive and a pain in the ass to get tickets if you're not in Japan.
Summer Sonic has a system to get tickets for foreigners but there are way too many Western artists I don't care about/know so it's not worth it. Don't really want to pay a lot of money just to see 5 bands (there's KANA-BOON but heeeeh).
Rock in Japan will always be the best summer festival...
Rising Sun Rock and Sweet Love Shower also have damn good line-ups.

I'll try to go to the HighApps show in Tokyo... THE ORAL CIGARETTES, go!go!vanillas, フレデリック, LAMP IN TERREN... just for 3000 yen is a reaaaaaally good deal.


Did anyone go to LA to watch SCANDAL this past weekend?

They played at The House of Blues Sunset and Downtown Disney.
It was fun! They're a great live act

Rina's very pretty in person and Mami is absolutely adorable :3


I'll try to go to the HighApps show in Tokyo... THE ORAL CIGARETTES, go!go!vanillas, フレデリック, LAMP IN TERREN... just for 3000 yen is a reaaaaaally good deal.
Do you have plans to go back to Japan soon??

Let's go to Rock in Japan 2016!
My YesAsia order for Superfly's White album is processing and ready to be shipped. Yesss! I can't wait to receive it! I loved White Light so much and A Ha Ha sounds funky!

EDIT: Annnnnd it shipped!


i dont think ill ever see a band i like here in canada

so i guess ill really need to iron out my plans for japan next year


i dont think ill ever see a band i like here in canada

so i guess ill really need to iron out my plans for japan next year

I'd say your chances are much better than mine in New Zealand. Though Boris did come and play two shows here a few years ago.

Speaking of Boris, my Boris CD came today!

I bought this because I felt like an ass getting them to change the size of my shirt order twice ...
and because Boris


How long will you be there? Going with the family again? I assume you'll go to some concerts this time.



Yes, been checking out Namie's music on and off throughout the years, but man I've been waiting weeks for Golden Touch since I heard the snippet and the whole song is amazing, and the PV is on a whole nother level.
Am I the only one who refuses to call 凛として時雨 "Ling tosite sigure"? It's just awkward, incorrect transliteration—I don't care if that's what they think it should be. There name is Rin Toshite Shigure.

Me too, duder. Me too.

...it's...a pain in the ass to get tickets if you're not in Japan

Yeah. I found that out when I visited for the first time last fall. I was very saddened that the Rip Slyme show I wanted to go to was sold out. Most artists were only doing a single show in December, and they didn't line up with the dates I was in various cities. Oh well, there's always next time.


Needs more Ulfuls because there are not enough fun bands like this in the world.


Ulfuls Gutz Da Ze Featuring a Samurai elton john thing and assassins.


Ulfuls Ryouhou for you Featuring cavemen dying hilariously


Ulfuls Samurai Soul featuring modern day Samurai and lyrics that would surprise you in english.


Ulfuls Suttobasu featuring walking through town clutching your penis like a boss


Ulfuls Osaka Strut Featuring the main guy seeing how many ridiculous characters he can play in a single video :D


Ulfuls Eenen Featuring close captions giving you a great message that its okay no matter what goes wrong.

There is a reason this band's name means something like "soulful" in english. They're pretty uplifting and great and they speak from the heart in most of their non silly stuff.
Needs more Ulfuls because there are not enough fun bands like this in the world.

There is a reason this band's name means something like "soulful" in english. They're pretty uplifting and great and they speak from the heart in most of their non silly stuff.

Thanks for posting! I love bands like these too, going to go dig a little on them and listen some more!


Anyone seen Kinoco Hotel live? They came to Birmingham last week and they were incredible live. They were really energetic and played all their tracks well. They made the people who came from all over Midlands pumped and they were so good that their encore lasted another 30 mins.


New SEKAI NO OWARI single on July 29!
The single will be used as the ending theme for the Attack on Titan live-action movies, and they worked with Dan The Automator and Sigur Ros's producer for this one. That's... unexpected to say the least :lol
Looking forward to it!

EDIT : actually it's one song for each movie.
The single ANTI-HERO is the theme song for the first one. Guess we'll have to wait to get the second song.
I'm stoked anyway. Tree was a great album, and they're a pretty versatile band so I don't know what to expect haha


New SEKAI NO OWARI single on July 29!
The single will be used as the ending theme for the Attack on Titan live-action movies, and they worked with Dan The Automator and Sigur Ros's producer for this one. That's... unexpected to say the least :lol
Looking forward to it!

i dont know how to feeeeel


That was actually hilarious thanks to Atsushi :lol

MONOEYES, Hosomi Takeshi's new band, announced the release of their first album this July. More details next week!
Two songs from their first single (release date June 24) aired today. I'll have find to some ugly radio rips... :lol From what I can gather it's not similar to ELLEGARDEN and the HIATUS...

EDIT : 15 seconds extract!!! Based Hosomi.
This is too good (well, 15 good seconds)
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