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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|


So last friday I finally managed to actually attend a Live by Charisma.com cos they were on-tour to promote OLEST, their second mini-album. It was sick.

Anyway, if I like Charisma.com, what other artists do you think I'd like? Rec me!

don't click the links, they chose their band name poorly for web purposes


So last friday I finally managed to actually attend a Live by Charisma.com cos they were on-tour to promote OLEST, their second mini-album. It was sick.

Anyway, if I like Charisma.com, what other artists do you think I'd like? Rec me!

don't click the links, they chose their band name poorly for web purposes
Try 水曜日のカンパネラ

You can also check The Mirraz's latest EDM mini-album


KKB was great last night. Momma Bonito came out on stage and was giving us that Bulma Dragon Ball realness and the audience went nuts. I don't care if you were a boy or girl or supercomputer, everybody got their lives that night.


Dsagree. For every other artist he works with - yes. His inspiration ran out with Kyary. Kyary NEEDS someone else. He gets lazy even with capsule albums. But for Perfume? He always seems inspired. Even if I don't like the direction of every single, at least it sounds like he's trying - they're not predictable, almost always interesting in some way. There's a special chemistry there central to Perfume's career.

And if he actually let them co-write this song that's a miracle considering how stubbornly he's held on to solo credits. Source?

Yeah, they don't really need a new producer, but it would be nice to hear them produced by someone else, even as a one-off. And I still enjoy nearly everything Perfume does, Pick Me Up is great. Star Train is just really disappointing, it's a song to celebrate their anniversary and it doesn't sound like he even tried. I read A-Chan said that in an interview, I'll try to find it. Kyary definitely does need someone new though.

Born To Be Free sounds like a mix of IV and Jade. Plus it's 5 years old, yeah they've re-recorded parts and it's a proper studio version but I'd rather hear something new. I hope half the album isn't re-recordings of old songs like originally planned.


People shitting on god Nakata the same year he delivered Pick Me Up?

I understand people not being on board with Star Train, because it's not the typical Perfume song. But I really appreciate the sentimental/dreamy/anthemic vibe to celebrate their 10th anniversary.

Though I have to agree with kyary needing a revamp sonically (with or without Nakata).
People shitting on god Nakata the same year he delivered Pick Me Up?

his Perfume stuff is the only thing he does that does anything for me anymore. and even then he's pretty hit or miss lately.

that last KPP album was a disaster. The new songs were total trash and the older songs were garbage-tier remixes of the singles. Kira Kira Killer was good I guess. Good thing she's apparently rich as hell because she might as well retire soon at this rate.



huh, YUI from Baku Baku Dokin and Itsuka contributed to the new Team Syachihoko mini album (the one coming out this month, not the one from last month).

e: and TOFUBEATS and Basement Jaxx (lol)


I've been slacking on that Dempa international podcast, but someone has uploaded the past episodes to niconico


I don't know why they don't just make the old episodes available themselves, japan's culture of not archiving things is weird to me

Pinky is still so adorable it hurts. "Hey boss! Make it fire!" "Sorry boss!"



So last friday I finally managed to actually attend a Live by Charisma.com cos they were on-tour to promote OLEST, their second mini-album. It was sick.

Anyway, if I like Charisma.com, what other artists do you think I'd like? Rec me!

don't click the links, they chose their band name poorly for web purposes

Try something that combines high-octane electronica and Rap-like vocals.

We talked about them earlier in this thread but we all have the same opinion that group_inou are the shit!

Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_os8HqfxHc
Therapy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACEBZ-KmuQo
Orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE2ywCcKkdQ
People shitting on god Nakata the same year he delivered Pick Me Up?

I understand people not being on board with Star Train, because it's not the typical Perfume song. But I really appreciate the sentimental/dreamy/anthemic vibe to celebrate their 10th anniversary.

Well I for one do not understand it at all


People better get on the damn train 🚂🌟


I never got the chance of talking of Moshi Moshi Nippon Paris, but let me do a small recap. Fake edit: Fuck, this ended up being quite lengthy :/


This is the introductory part with zero talk about music (jump to the next section if you are not interested about this rant)

So, to start, the organization of the event was a bit messy. the event was announced in February or so, but we didn't get any specifics of the event until a couple of days before that weekend.

We discovered 2 days before what included the "VIP" [citation needed] tickets. That was the chance of getting into meet&greets with the artists limited to 20 people and distributed with a first arrived = first served system at 11am.

So, I arrived to Paris the day before the event and met with two hardcore Capsule friends that I met in last year's Perfume concert in London. We were so hype and scared of the possibility of not getting VIP tickets if we weren't there soon enough (we had as a reference the Perfume concert, where people were queing a lot of time, just to access the theater, with numbered tickets). We also thought of the possibility of hardcore japanese fans camping there or whatever. The paranoia was gradually increasing until we decided wew were going to be at the place at 5am to secure the Capsule meet&greet spots.

So yeah, I ended up being the first one in the venue, and we were only the three of us until 8am or so. The we were joined by a couple of Capsule fans (one german and one french) and we stayed there seeing how people were casually arriving. We were told at that moment that the event was a complete failure in terms of sales, and that the staff had been giving out invitations like crazy to fill the theater. We still have no idea how is this possible with the really solid lineup.

Anyway, when the doors opened, we were around 30 people there, so anyone that wanted could end up getting 2 or even 3 ut of the 3 meet & greet events that day (Capsule, Charisma.com and Tempura Kidz). I got Capsule and Charisma.com without a doubt and decided to let Tempura Kidz pass because I felt that would have been really selfish, since I barely know them or their music. The only thing going on between 11:00 and 20:00 was the really short meet&greets and one place to buy cosplay props and 2 food mini shops. So anyone, I was super HYPE for the meet&greets, I bought some capsule and charisma.com goods before them.

First it was the charisma.com one. I was completely star struck whe I saw them. I greeted them, we streched hands and took a picture (I'm with the biggest smile I've ever been on a photograph). Both of them were really adorable. Gonchi (the DJ) is just supercute, and Itsuka (the MC) is hilarious, pulling weird faces in all the pictures. Both (and his manager) were really thankful that I had a charisma.com towel around my neck (I was the only one that had it at the meet&greet). They gave each of us a signed poster (being framed as I write this) and that was pretty much it. Super short, but so good.

Before the Capsule meet&greet, Cheeky Parade (generic idol group that I had no idea of their existance before this event) were writing the names of people in, I think it was, kanji, but could be wrong. We just had to pick one member of the group and they'd would make it for you. I did some quick google/tumblr research while I was in the queue, and decided to go with Yamamoto Marin (the criteria was that she like KARA, lol). She was quite boring, but the girls were playing around constantly when they weren't signing, doing some random dramatic acts and giving some fanservice to the surprisingly coordinated french fans.

But the big event was there, just around the corner: Capsule's meet&greet. There was a hugeee amount of security compared to the familiar vibe the charimsa.com had. We were told a lot of times that we weren't allow to use the phone/camera/anything while we were in the room. We were all frozen on the spot when they appeared. As expected, they looked so damn cool and perfect, their presence was just unbelievable. We were rushed to shake hands and get our poster as fast as possible. M contact with them was just seconds, but it was great. Both of them were super smiley. Toshiko made fun of me because I was shaking my hand and holding it with the other. I just shaked one hand with god Tanaka that was unexpectedly super smiley. Me and my friends could barely speak for the next couple of hours, it was an unique experience that we were sure it isn't going to happen ever again.

Then, for the concert, we had to queue again, and VIP people didn't had any priority, which kind of sucked. Oh well. we ended up being really close to the stage for some reason.

The order of performances was Charisma.com, Tempura Kidz and Capsule.

Charisma.com logo was just in front of us, while Capsule's Caps lock music was playing in the background, waiting for the thing to start. Gonchi showed up setting something in her DJ set and I was already screaming. Then they opened up with Itsuka spitting some verses with a sample of their GOAT SONG with Tempura Kidz in the background (you can briefly listen to it here), it quickly transtioned to HATE. Their set was really good, there were some songs missing, but overall a really good selection taking into account it was a 30min set. there wasn't a time to breathe, and both of them had really prepared their performances, interacting with the crowd that was maybe a bit cold at first, but quickly got into it, with spontaneou fanchants that were quickly adopted by everyone. Really really solid performances but that felt super short. So suddenly they say this is their last song and I'm expecting to perform next to Tempura Kidz... but that didn't happen. They went out of the stage with the crowd chanting "charisma, charisma".

Tempura Kidz was next after a couple of minutes, performing with some random DJ that was randomly using the typical chep horn sounds that just didn't belong there, but anyway. The first song they perfromed was stupid cutesy dumb song that doesn't do it for me. I was still salty because of the lack of Charima.com and Tempura Kidz performance. Luckily, they switched up gears for the 2nd song, which I'm assuming is their most popular song, Cider, Cider, which unfortunately is not as good in the studio version. I was into it just the second that beat started. The boy of the group (P), was so damn crazy, pulling random faces during the whole thin, I really couldn't take my eyes from his face. They were doing some hardcore energetic dancing which just got everyone quickly into it. In general, they weren't as good as charisma.com, but I was pleasently surprised.

And when they were about to end, out of nowhere Charisma.com reappear and perform THE SONG ;_; So good ;_; I was screaming so hard. Really really fun performance. Itsuka was hilariously carrying a baguette and Gonchi some french flags.

Capsule.com was THE MAIN EVENT, and you could tell. People jumping a singing along during the 90min glorious set. There were some Nakata "solos" in the middle, but everything was great. hit after hit after hit, non stop. Opening with More more more, and following with Striker, Sugarless girl, World of Fantasy, Jumper, etc. Just all their damn hits, non stop. Even a random Chocolate Disco remix. Really really good. There were some songs from the last album of course, but the setlist was just incredible. I lost my voice on the second song already.

Toshiko looked flawless with her outfit with cape from their last tour. She was smiling during the whole thing and enjoying every second of it. We managed to get Toshiko to wave at us when we were shaking our capsule banners like maniacs. What a damn experience overall.

2nd day

Learned our lesson, and we were there at 9:00am or so. There was a huge amount of Cheeky Parade fans already, doing the manchants and cheering, which was just really unexpected. Also some really dedicated japanese World Order fans, that were really cool, doing their dances and everything. There was Meet&Greets for Charisma.com, Tempura Kidz, Cheeky Parade and World Order. I went with charisma.com, again. They were really thankful that I was there again, and had another set of pictures in which I have, again, one huge grin on my face and Itsuka has a baguette in her hands.

The opener of the 2nd day was Cheeky Parade featuring the fanboy fanchants. They were cute and everything, but everything sounded so monotone. They had a couple of good vocalist, but the song were so damn generic and safe that it's a complete waste. The highlight was probably their first song, C.P.U., which had an amazing video in the background with some Star Fox, F-zero, Maga Man and Street Fighter knock offs.

Then it was Charisma.com and Tempura Kidz doing a carbon copy of the previous night, but I'm not even complaining, because it was really good and it meant I could enjoy again their collab.

Last but not least was World Order that just made everyone stand there in awe during the whole thing. The performances were really good, and there was this long interlude were the singer was intoducing all the members that was hilarious from top to bottom. It was a completely different vibe from all the energetic, high BPM that were all the other acts, which made it really stand out the second day, with the amazing atmosphere building and intrigue.

Overall, the show was kind of a failure, since not a lot of people attended, but I have mixed feelings about this, since that helped us to get a lot of meet&greets and nice spots in the theater. I would definitely go if something similar happens again. Really worth it and interesting.


If anyone knows and doesn't mind giving done recommendations, are there good bands similar to ART-SCHOOL?

if I wasn't old and tired and it wasn't on a tuesday night I might have. it's a bit of a trip into the city.
Yeah, I can understand that. I'm going up to DC from Indian Head, on top of having to do construction work tomorrow at 6AM. I'm only 21, but I'm already feeling that my window for being able to pull this kind of stuff is quickly closing. Thankfully it's just a BC backstage show, so the chances of things getting really crazy are pretty low.

And when they were about to end, out of nowhere Charisma.com reappear and perform THE SONG ;_; So good ;_; I was screaming so hard. Really really fun performance. Itsuka was hilariously carrying a baguette and Gonchi some french flags.
Should've came out dressed like this to complete the look:
But that all sounds awesome. I'd love to go to something like that if it ever came to the East coast in the US.
Yeah, I can understand that. I'm going up to DC from Indian Head, on top of having to do construction work tomorrow at 6AM. I'm only 21, but I'm already feeling that my window for being able to pull this kind of stuff is quickly closing. Thankfully it's just a BC backstage show, so the chances of things getting really crazy are pretty low.

hah, I was doing it through my late 20s, so you've got some time left.

I don't know if you've seen a show on that stage, but last time I saw one, the actual stage was about a foot high so you might want to get yourself a good place to stand to actually see the tiny japanese ladies :p

Anyway, if I like Charisma.com, what other artists do you think I'd like? Rec me!

not that they sound alike or anything but if you want some more OLs making dope-ass music, how about one of my favorites of 2015?




If anyone knows and doesn't mind giving done recommendations, are there good bands similar to ART-SCHOOL?
Well, they're kinda unique, and even if their newer stuff wasn't as good as their classic albums it's still a bummer that they're taking a break. Anyway

THE NOVEMBERS, mostly their early stuff (they're fans of ART-SCHOOL)

PELICAN FANCLUB (they have a song on their first mini-album called 1992 that reaaaaaaaally sounds like ART-SCHOOL)

killing Boy (same vocalist and the bassist was an original ART-SCHOOL member)

Yesterday was RADWIMPS's show in Paris. It was just incredible. The setlist, the livehouse, the crowd, the members, the sound...
The members were clearly impressed and super happy to have a crowd like that for their first show in Europe, a lot of Japanese fans were there (including a guy from my school haha). Crowd singing いいんですか?, jumping like madmen during 会心の一撃’s “MIRAI”, Akira speaking French, Yusuke/Akira battles… Everything sounds amazing live, their pop-rock tunes like ます。, the ballads like Tummy... Wonderful, one of the best bands ever. Their energy is off the charts, Noda just oozes charisma... I'll never forget it.


Hoshino Gen heard my prayers and will release his fourth album on December 2nd!
Chances are it'll be his best album so far with killer tuners like SUN, Crazy Crazy, Snow Men... Can't wait.

THE ORAL CIGARETTES released their new PV! Already bought the song a few days ago, nice to finally have the video. Love that intro and all the changes of tone the song goes through, from kinda funky/quirky bits to more dramatic stuff.

New QOOLAND is also pretty great

New plenty, from their latest album. Haven't listened to it yet, I have to!

Gesu no Kiwami Otome released the full version of 無垢な季節
The single is pretty great, the B-sides are good surprises.


Illehuty, just reading your descript made me flash back to the charisma.com concert last friday I went to and made me relive how goddamn sick it was. Good on you.

I better catch as many concerts as I can before I have to go home, I'm lucky I can reach Kyoto, Osaka and Nagoya from here...

Thanks for the recs everyone, I'll check them out.

/edit by the way, if anyone wants to check out more lives around those three cities and they're not too expensive, post here or pm me or something. Company is appreciated - I really enjoyed the charisma.com live but that was because I freaking love their music. Most of it was me standing by myself in a crowd not being able to understand anything (turns out they talk really fast, who knew)


Finally settled down in japan, but all i've been able to do is attend dempagumi events. At least I got to go to the MBS music festival thingie with Shiggy Jr, Gacharic Spin and Tokyo Karankoron. Other than that, all Dempagumi.


Company is appreciated - I really enjoyed the charisma.com live but that was because I freaking love their music. Most of it was me standing by myself in a crowd not being able to understand anything (turns out they talk really fast, who knew)

Yeah, going alone to a concert only works if you are really into the group. I went to see Perfume alone and had a great time anyways. And yeah, language barrier can be also off putting, and I imagine they must talk a lot when they perform in Japan.
Shoegaze idols and megane Younapi are two things I didn't realise I wanted until this!
lol "You made me realise"

she's so cute with glasses
[she's always cute <3]

I think it's funny that Hashida writes better music for the girls than he does for his own band (which is still pretty good).


I can't wait to leave this shitty hotel with its terrible internet. It's almost been 2 weeks, and I can hardly load webpages—I want to listen to music :(((

I'm going to try and see Veltpunch on Saturday night if I'm out of work in time. My last night in Osaka is on Sunday, and I wanted to see Sakanaction, but I'm almost certain that they're sold out. Also, I don't really want to see them in such a huge venue...


not that they sound alike or anything but if you want some more OLs making dope-ass music, how about one of my favorites of 2015?



yo stump i think i'm into this

Try &#27700;&#26332;&#26085;&#12398;&#12459;&#12531;&#12497;&#12493;&#12521;

You can also check The Mirraz's latest EDM mini-album

&#27700;&#26332;&#26085; didn't take, but (parts of) this mini-album is the shit!

Try something that combines high-octane electronica and Rap-like vocals.

We talked about them earlier in this thread but we all have the same opinion that group_inou are the shit!

Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_os8HqfxHc
Therapy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACEBZ-KmuQo
Orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE2ywCcKkdQ

third song got me, first two weren't doing anyhting. I'll keep poking at this one.
love this

what are the deets on this group? or is it just a one-off?

maybe one day I'll actually get around to writing up an OT for onehallyu or something but today is not that day


covering things not on that page:

their manager and sometimes songwriter is big into shoegaze and krautrock and indie stuff and their music tends to cover a pretty wide range of styles.

like a NEU! tribute, noise collaborations, baroque pop, prog, psych rock, etc

over time they've kind of turned into a weird musical collective with the idols at the front and a minor supergroup of indie musicians permanently attached to them (members of Hijokaidan, cinema staff, Hakoniwa no Shitsunaigaku, HALIFANIE, NATURE DANGER GANG and so on)

none of them can really sing or dance (and in Ano's case, doesn't even bother to try) but that really just endears them to me even more

also Ano is a real weirdo and that's a trait i admire in people


maybe one day I'll actually get around to writing up an OT for onehallyu or something but today is not that day


covering things not on that page:

their manager and sometimes songwriter is big into shoegaze and krautrock and indie stuff and their music tends to cover a pretty wide range of styles.

like a NEU! tribute, noise collaborations, baroque pop, prog, psych rock, etc

over time they've kind of turned into a weird musical collective with the idols at the front and a minor supergroup of indie musicians permanently attached to them (members of Hijokaidan, cinema staff, Hakoniwa no Shitsunaigaku, HALIFANIE, NATURE DANGER GANG and so on)

none of them can really sing or dance (and in Ano's case, doesn't even bother to try) but that really just endears them to me even more

also Ano is a real weirdo and that's a trait i admire in people

awesome, thanks for the write-up, stump!

also, hey, it's one of your ava ladies!


More evidence that the quality of their songs correlates directly with their length. RE: Ano, it's usually 3-4 am in Japan when I'm on my lunch break, and if I'm lucky, I sometimes catch her twitcasting her sleep-deprived babbling. I reckon I understand about as much of it as a native Japanese speaker (it's mostly Pokemon noises and "singing").

Pre-ordered 3776 album on OTOTOY.

I listened to the preview for Ghost Cat so much I was worried I ruined the album for myself before I could even get a hold of it. Fortunately that didn't happen but I'll try to hold myself back a little for Leningrad Loud Girlz. The electro mid-album goes OFF and Tomorrow girl Secret sounds like it puts SOPHIE to shame.

Lots of great news here today. Congrats to Dempagumi too. Does this mean they're going to Milan?
More evidence that the quality of their songs correlates directly with their length.

well all their songs that are over 5 minutes are by Daichi or Hashida or the both of them, except for OO(&#12521;&#12502;), so my opinion that those two should handle most of their songwriting holds. :)


Holy shit! Just saw tricot here in NYC at the cake shop and they was G O D L I K E. Such an amazing show I wish it were longer tho and the venue was bigger.


Lots of great news here today. Congrats to Dempagumi too. Does this mean they're going to Milan?
I don't know if it's like a single "World Act" award that has one nominee from each region chosen before the show or each region has it's own award. The later would mean they're going but if it's just one Asian act you'd assume the Chinese or Korean act would get 100x or more votes.
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