back from the Multiple Tap show.
opening act was
literally a pile of garbage. it was entertaining though. if you look closely, you can see Mikawa falling asleep standing up in the background.
Avandoned weren't kidding about being sold out of merch. I guess they got some real bare-bones shirts made up before the show, but that was it. I grabbed a T. Mikawa solo CDR and some stickers, but that was about it. I wanted to talk to the lady from Trash-Up!! but she seemed to be in charge of herding the idols so I left her alone. Jiro Sasaki looks alarmingly similar to Honoki from Kindan no Tasuketsu and it was tripping me out all night.
the average audience for a noizu show is apparently "me," i.e. a bunch of haggard looking 30-somethings, but that didn't stop Avandoned from completely winning the entire crowd over after like two songs. bunch of bearded, tired old farts grinning in amusement. Natsuki proclaimed she likes "Mountain Fuji." Konomi introduced Jojo as "a samurai," and they covered
好き好き大好き, which unfortunately means that 2016 is all downhill from here.
Feedback Friday was like 80% feedback, to the point where the members kept missing their cues. Also they managed to get a moshpit going, apparently the "point at the crowd and twirl your finger" move transcends language barriers. pretty good. the constant struggle against microphone cables was also amusing. Natsuki pretty much wiped out at one point after hitting a tangle.
Hijokaidan played like one solid half hour of noise. I was standing directly in front of the PA and had to leave after a few minutes because it was giving me vertigo. that's a new one.
hung around for a bit to say hi to Ava, got about 5 seconds in before they were shuffled off. but shout out to Beni for already having her "ignoring the drunk guy" (not me) game down pat at age 17.
250 mile round-trip, I'm tired