really digging this song by Suiyoubi no Campanella, the MV is pretty good as well
Listened to all her (their) albums the other week, really good stuff.
really digging this song by Suiyoubi no Campanella, the MV is pretty good as well
Anyone else checking out Curumi Chronicle's new single?
Anyone else checking out Curumi Chronicle's new single?
Anyone else checking out Curumi Chronicle's new single?[/IMG
This is dope!
They're now with A-Sketch. For those of you who don't know them they're a really neat rock band. Their songs are... bizarre, wacky but still quite catchy. Definitely unique. I kinda see them as more upbeat version of OGRE YOU ASSHOLE but that's not really an accurate description. They'll release their debut mini-album this september. Can't wait!
Liking this.Listened to all her (their) albums the other week, really good stuff.
Yep. Releases soon.Oh wow, didn't know she had a new single coming out.
winnie finally released a new MV!!! "Crash and Burn"! It's promoting the new single of the same name. I'm so happy to see them recording again. Iori and Okuji singing together makes me want to cry ;_; New album 【Nostalgic Evolution】 August 20th!
They were fantastic last month, and I'm considering seeing their live at the end of this month, too. So much love for winnie.
I'm jelly. Hell yeah you should goShould I go to a Mogra club event.
Want to listen to Maltine stuff live.
Oh man, 9mm Parabellum Bullet and Perfume playing Chocolate Disco (second half of the video), two of my favorite bands together, too good to be true... A-Chan rocking that Sugawara-style leather jacket.
Oh man, 9mm Parabellum Bullet and Perfume playing Chocolate Disco (second half of the video), two of my favorite bands together, too good to be true... A-Chan rocking that Sugawara-style leather jacket.
I'm jelly. Hell yeah you should go
"Damn". That's the word I had in my head the whole time. The quality of their songs is astounding. The music is flawless, the vocalist's voice totally fits the tone, I can't stop tapping my foot and shaking my body when I listen to them.
Thanks. Now I'll have this song in my head forever...Czecho No Republic's new PV from their newest album released this week.
Yup haha (had to watch it on though since Sony hates the rest the world)I'm assuming you listened to this already, Kurita.
Nothing's Carved In Stone 『Brotherhood』
Haha you're welcome... They sure know how to make catchy songs. I think I prefer No Way though.Thanks. Now I'll have this song in my head forever...
RadwimpsI was really into bump of chicken in high school. I liked their sound and aesthetic. what are some other bands I might like? ill definitely be going through this thread when im on a desktop. Im really digging qooland too from that post someone made earlier.
Beat Crusaders and Typhoon24 did songs for the anime so I guess you can try them.I'm in for the "and all 'dat" segment:
I've been rewatching the anime Beck and i really like their sound, any other J-band similar to them? I guess i should start by looking at bands who actually made their songs but i can't seem to find that much.
Asian Kung-Fu Generation
back number
The Hiatus
Galileo Galilei
Does anyone know something similar to 殻 (kara), kinda of a ghotic shoegaze-y sound?
I Want City
My Dear Dead Girlfriend
The Komesoudo
Here we go with a very specific question..
Any recommendations for streaming radio stations that play classic jpop/jrock from the 80s and 90s? My wife is managing with a Hawaii station on live365 but they repeat a lot of music. I'm fine with downloading an app from a Japanese App Store if necessary
!!! thats not out till august, im going to assume you got it a live event, also how is the song?
I actually had some help from someone over there to get this haha. Both songs are great! It's the title track and another tune named After School. Their sound hasn't changed really, but it's definitely tailored a little more to the mainstream here. Bigger focus on their poppy side, a much lighter mood overall, and the technicality has been turned down a tad. Obviously this is just a single, some of those things are to be expected. All I know is I can't wait for their next big release.
it looks like the band is looking for fan submissions of pictures/clips for the Break PV!
What are everyone's most recent finds that they're really enjoying listening to? I don't think I've seen artists I don't know mentioned in a while.
Someone said Ikkyu (the vocalist) stepped in to drum on the single, is that true?
What are everyone's most recent finds that they're really enjoying listening to? I don't think I've seen artists I don't know mentioned in a while.