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Japanese Sales 12/24 - 12/31


Don't get me wrong; I never said that SMG isn't going to hit a million. I just think that it will be a long time from now, well after it's out of the top 30, and we probably wont ever see the official number until we get a top 100 or some other LTD list months down the road.

Rolf NB

DeaconKnowledge said:
With the absolute surge of PSP hardware sales, I'm left wondering when Sony will pull the trigger on a sequel. At first I thought they'd jump the gun early, but now i'm not so sure.
Being able to build an all-new, more robust security/anti-piracy scheme will probably compel them to switch generations early. OTOH they are probably making money on the hardware and on overall software at this point, even despite the piracy problems, and they could just wait it out until they have a good idea what the next Nintendo handheld will look like.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Raw64life said:
The week after that (the second week after January) sales of everything typically drop drastically and stay that low for a while. SMG isn't going to sell anywhere near 250k next week and it will most likely drop out of the top 10 and never return afterwards.

I want you to look at Mario Party 8 sales.

I can almost guarantee that you will never see a case in which MP8 outsells Galaxy for a week.


Raw64life said:
Don't get me wrong; I never said that SMG isn't going to hit a million. I just think that it will be a long time from now, well after it's out of the top 30, and we probably wont ever see the official number until we get a top 100 or some other LTD list months down the road.

It would have to drop-off a lot as we move through January for that to be the case. As we've seen since it's launch, though, it has legs.
So when will we see the first PSP>DS week?

(I mean a regular week, no big releases for PSP or redesign, before some smartpants comes explaining "the PSP has already been above the DS!!")


listen to the mad man
Souldriver said:
So when will we see the first PSP>DS week?

(I mean a regular week, no big releases for PSP or redesign, before some smartpants comes explaining "the PSP has already been above the DS!!")

Is there any reason to believe we WILL see such a week?


The Autumn Wind
Souldriver said:
So when will we see the first PSP>DS week?

(I mean a regular week, no big releases for PSP or redesign, before some smartpants comes explaining "the PSP has already been above the DS!!")


Yeah, I'd have thought that SO would also do somewhat better.
It's not too bad, but it's about 55% of the shipment, so not all that great either.
Haruhi seems to be doing great (though I have no idea of the shipment).
Souldriver said:
So when will we see the first PSP>DS week?

(I mean a regular week, no big releases for PSP or redesign, before some smartpants comes explaining "the PSP has already been above the DS!!")

So it doesn't count as outselling the DS if it has a big release that week? Guess the DS hasn't outsold anything for the last year.

It's doing very well. I for one am surprised at that, and I think Sony's counting their blessings right now that it's not at the bottom of the list.
PSP sales are really strong in Japan. It's a hot product since the S&L model.
Ps3 sales are kind of crap, but it was expected as the lienup was not the Holy combo.
If ps3 goes back to 15k/week, this will be depressing for SCE Japan.


Starchasing said:
He probably means compared to those of NGAGE software

Well at least for 3rd Parties. What's the best selling 3rd Party game on Wii selling, around 7000 units. And on DS it's either Nintendo and SquareEnix with Layton thrown in.


John Harker said:
So has No More Heroes officially topped 200k yet?
John Harker said:
So has No More Heroes officially topped 200k yet?
John Harker said:
So has No More Heroes officially topped 200k yet?
John Harker said:
So has No More Heroes officially topped 200k yet?
John Harker said:
So has No More Heroes officially topped 200k yet?
John Harker said:
So has No More Heroes officially topped 200k yet?
iidesuyo said:
Well at least for 3rd Parties. What's the best selling 3rd Party game on Wii selling, around 7000 units. And on DS it's either Nintendo and SquareEnix with Layton thrown in.

My eyes bugged out of my head when I read this.


iidesuyo said:
Well at least for 3rd Parties. What's the best selling 3rd Party game on Wii selling, around 7000 units. And on DS it's either Nintendo and SquareEnix with Layton thrown in.
iidesuyo said:
Well at least for 3rd Parties. What's the best selling 3rd Party game on Wii selling, around 7000 units. And on DS it's either Nintendo and SquareEnix with Layton thrown in.
iidesuyo said:
Well at least for 3rd Parties. What's the best selling 3rd Party game on Wii selling, around 7000 units. And on DS it's either Nintendo and SquareEnix with Layton thrown in.

last one i promis plz dont ban kthx


DeaconKnowledge said:
My eyes bugged out of my head when I read this.

*this week*

Come on guys I didn't want to hurt someone. 2 PSP games in the top ten, doing >50k, that's not all that doom.


Galaxy will break a million in Japan. It's about 250,000 away right now. If it averages only 5,000 a week, it'll hit a million in a year.

As long as Wii hardware sales remain high, there's no reason to assume Galaxy sales (or that of any good game) will drop below the 5,000 mark. Even if it did, residual sales over the Wii's life span (at LEAST 2 more years even for the most loyal XDF / SDF members) would continue to push it forward.

Galaxy sold (according to this) 68,000. The next few weeks will be significantly lower.

68,000 (748,000) 12/24 - 12/31
30,000 (778,000) 01/01 - 01/08
20,000 (798,000) 01/09 - 01/16
15,000 (813,000) 01/17 - 01/24
25,000 (838,000) 1/25 - 2/01 <- First full week after Brawl
15,000 (853,000) 2/02 - 2/09

Add in 5,000 per week after that, for 30 weeks, and you break 1 million.

I predict Galaxy LTD in Japan to be 1.4 million. We'll know in about 2 years I guess.

Edit - I shifted everything by 1 week by accident.


iidesuyo said:
*this week*
Did you miss the part where SE is also the one with the PSP title in the top 10? Or the fact that only Capcom h-

Wait, my blood pressure is rising. Better stop for a rest.
iidesuyo said:
Well at least for 3rd Parties. What's the best selling 3rd Party game on Wii selling, around 7000 units. And on DS it's either Nintendo and SquareEnix with Layton thrown in.
Bad luck for third parties then, better luck next gen!
pun intended


SexConker said:
68,000 (748,000) 1/01 - 1/08
30,000 (778,000) 1/09 - 1/16
20,000 (798,000) 1/17 - 1/24
25,000 (823,000) 1/25 - 2/01 <- First full week after Brawl
15,000 (838,000) 2/02 - 2/09

The 68,000 is for 12/24-12/30 not this week.


Saitou said:
Did you miss the part where SE is also the one with the PSP title in the top 10? Or the fact that only Capcom h-

Wait, my blood pressure is rising. Better stop for a rest.

Bandai-Namco too.

Holy shit. I didn't know that people are _this_ sensitive.


Everything hardware-wise went down except for PS2 & 360, but they should all be up next week for the New Year's buying spree.

- Star Ocean's debut is decent, but not amazing. Hopefully it'll get a boost next week before it starts dropping, sales seem pretty frontloaded.
- DQIV is doing remarkably, already a million seller.
- FFIV is holding up pretty well. We'll have to see how it does after the holidays, but it should manage ~700k with no problem, maybe even better. It's unlikely it'll go platinum though.
- SMG still amazes. I think it will have long legs, as well as getting a boost whenever any other major games come out. I think it'll definitely hit a million by the end of January.
- Layton is still doing amazingly. The 2nd games release has boosted the sales of the first game, and there's still a 3rd game that should boost the sales of both. The real question is whether the 2nd game will ever outsell the first game, it doesn't seem likely.
- How is Card Hero doing in comparison to the first game?
- NSMB is ridiculous. It may end up being the best selling Mario game ever by the time the DS' successor is released.


SexConker said:
Galaxy sold (according to this) 68,000. The next few weeks will be significantly lower.

68,000 (748,000) 1/01 - 1/08
30,000 (778,000) 1/09 - 1/16
20,000 (798,000) 1/17 - 1/24
25,000 (823,000) 1/25 - 2/01 <- First full week after Brawl
15,000 (838,000) 2/02 - 2/09
These sales (68,000 / 748,000) are for the 12/24 - 12/30 week, so next week will be bigger.


Raw64life said:
Don't get me wrong; I never said that SMG isn't going to hit a million. I just think that it will be a long time from now, well after it's out of the top 30, and we probably wont ever see the official number until we get a top 100 or some other LTD list months down the road.

I bet you that Galaxy will never leave the top 30 before and up to when it hits 1 million.


iidesuyo said:
Bandai-Namco too.

Holy shit. I didn't know that people are _this_ sensitive.
It's ok. You're a blind fanboy. We're all at that point sometime in our life.

You just picked the wrong console.


Saitou said:
It's ok. You're a blind fanboy. We're all at that point sometime in our life.

You just picked the wrong console.

LOL what????? What the hell is happening here??? Besides the fact that I own and like a DS I'm not the one freaking out.


iidesuyo said:
LOL what????? What the hell is happening here??? Besides the fact that I own and like a DS I'm not the one freaking out.
I'm not the one using multiple question marks nor calling the PSP software sales "not that bad", dude.



Jokeropia said:
These sales (68,000 / 748,000) are for the 12/24 - 12/30 week, so next week will be bigger.

Yeah - fixed that.
I'm not betting on next week being bigger.
Holidays are over, and while there will be more new Wii owners than usual, you've got to think that some of them received SMG along with the Wii as gifts.

I'd love to be wrong though.
My numbers are just there to shut up the damned Mario sales trolls that always seem to pop up. They're meant to be conservative.


SexConker said:
Yeah - fixed that.
I'm not betting on next week being bigger.
Holidays are over, and while there will be more new Wii owners than usual, you've got to think that some of them received SMG along with the Wii as gifts.

I'd love to be wrong though.
My numbers are just there to shut up the damned Mario sales trolls that always seem to pop up. They're meant to be conservative.

What holidays?


The Autumn Wind
SexConker said:
Yeah - fixed that.
I'm not betting on next week being bigger.
Holidays are over, and while there will be more new Wii owners than usual, you've got to think that some of them received SMG along with the Wii as gifts.

I'd love to be wrong though.
My numbers are just there to shut up the damned Mario sales trolls that always seem to pop up. They're meant to be conservative.
New Years is a big gift-giving holiday in Japan.
So basically, between a remake and an anime game in 4 days, 3rd parties have sold more games on a system with extremely bad software sales than any 3rd party Wii game not named Dragon Quest.


SexConker said:
Yeah - fixed that.
I'm not betting on next week being bigger.
Holidays are over, and while there will be more new Wii owners than usual, you've got to think that some of them received SMG along with the Wii as gifts.
In Japan, the first week of January is included in the holidays and is historically the second (and sometimes the) biggest week of the season, only beaten by the week before Christmas.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
So basically, between a remake and an anime game in 4 days, 3rd parties have sold more games on a system with extremely bad software sales than any 3rd party Wii game not named Dragon Quest.
You combine two games in an unusually good week for PSP and they still can't match the first week sales of DQ:S.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
So basically, between a remake and an anime game in 4 days, 3rd parties have sold more games on a system with extremely bad software sales than any 3rd party Wii game not named Dragon Quest.
Yes, but that doesn't make either state of affairs particularly palatable.
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