How hard is it to make a Friday the 13th film? I thought the ideas they had for this new one were stupid to begin with. Here's an idea: a group of college kids go to Crystal Lake and get slaughtered. Set it in the snow. Profit.
The remake was fine; I myself just consider it a sequel with a human Jason since that's exactly what it is. The kills were mostly 'meh', but you can't say it wasn't a Friday flick.
I think so too. Every moment of the film is exaggerated, I believe, especially the camp and sex, to remind you of how funky the older movies were. The weak kills and minority characters bothered me.
I been thought they should have made a F13th in the snow.
As for this reboot? Well it hasn't even been 10 years since the last one.... I'm also wondering why it is so hard to get these movies made. Find a good writer, and good special effects, and I wouldn't care how low budget it looks. Hell, it's Jason, just get some good fx, and a good kill coordinator.
Really pisses me off in any case. 5 years to make a Friday the 13th flick, and even with the writer of Prisoners...they fucked it up.
Edit: Wow ^ Next you'll tell me the new Rings movie is actually directed by Gore Verbinkski... I hope it's not.