Of all the people they could have chosen, they fucking choose the Camel Cigarettes mascot.
Honestly, how he even came out of his crib after Ether is still a mystery to me.
Voice was and still is annoying, rhymes are average at best, and his success only shows a lot of people had bad taste. Had Big or PAc not Died, crack not got a hold of DMX, or if he didnt have great production this fool would still be rocking Hawaiian shirts on a corner in Marcy.
"Inspired by Basquiat, my chariot's on fire
Everybody took shots, hit my body up, I'm tired
Build me up, break me down to build me up again
They like: "Hov, we need you back so we can kill your ass again"
Hov got flow though he's no Big and Pac, but he's close
How I'm 'posed to win, they got me fightin' ghosts
Same sword they knight you they gon' good night you with
Sh.., Thats' only half if they like you
That ain't even the half what they might do
Don't believe me, ask Michael
See Martin, see Malcolm
You see Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome
See Jesus, see Judas; see Caesar, see Brutus
See success is like suicide
Suicide, it's a suicide
If you succeed, prepare to be crucified
Media meddles, niggas sue you, you settle
Every step you take, they remind you you ghetto
So it's tough bein' Bobby Brown
To be Bobby then, you gotta be Bobby now
Now the question is, is to have had and lost
Better than not having at all
Everybody wanna be the King then shots ring
You layin' on your balcony with holes in your dream
Or you Malcolm X'd out, get distracted by screams
Everybody get your hand off my jeans
Everybody look at you strange, say you changed
Uhh! Like you work that hard to stay the same
Uhh! Game stays the same, the name changes
So its best for those to not overdose on being famous
Most kings get driven so insane
That they try to hit the same vein that Kurt Cobain did
No dangers, so shameless
Invited to the inner sanctum of your chambers
Low chain 'em as the enemies approach
So raise your draw bridge and drown them in the moat
And the Spirit I'm evoking
**Mumbles** Hold on"
And lol @DMX being near Jay Z.