Bro Irish is drunk as fuck right now.
and you know this mannnnnn
okay so im sobering, here's what was up for sale - i was trying to post to see if anyone wanted me to grab anything but it was pretty crazy
i got that poster onna right signed by dude too, it looks awesome!
so yeah highlight of the evening was telling him/them i'm a huge nuja fan, as well as his work, and that there's this whole community of us that like threw a party online when his new album dropped, he seemed really happy but lotsa dudes were trynna network or something and my chick had work in the morning so i couldn't rightly stay & by him a drink like i'd wanted, he just seemed super humble & thanked me/us a lot for our support! great guy, just like my man Jaroof said.
it was billed as a trip-hop show at a cool lounge i didn't know existed right off the intersection of our highways in downtown, seeing such a massive turnout (hundreds of people by the time he took the stage, i was expecting dozens based on Tor/earlier stuff) got me pretty happy, gonna keep an eye on that venue, however hipster-y, haha. he closed his set with some EDM & a dubstep track or two, really got people hyped.