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Jeffrey Epstein court documents release thread


Gold Member
he theory is this guy was an epic schmoozer whose entire game was to get powerful people to do terrible things to children so he could have compromising material on them and influence their policy making.
Sounds like a ridiculous bad movie


Simps for Amouranth
The theory is this guy was an epic schmoozer whose entire game was to get powerful people to do terrible things to children so he could have compromising material on them and influence their policy making.

How much that worked out is anybody’s guess, but if you went to that island you probably deserve some concrete boots.
Not everyone on the list would be banging kids, other people would've been there for legit business reasons or for opening doors, facilitating new business relationships etc, now all the fucking staff on that island should be in prison cause you sure as shit don't work on no tiny island and know nothing about what's going on


uhhhh...i dunno guys....this seems like a big deal.

I remember when Trump was president or around that time there was like aome kind of conspiracy theories around pizzas or quanon or something like that. also unghinge alex jones on YT was a big deal.

...these documents kind of validate all those people.
It sure does. If you only read half the document.

If you then read the other half it invalidates them.

There's claims and denials from both sides. It just boils down to who you want to believe.




Parody of actual AJUMP23
There is more coming, the information is being released in waves. I believe some got held up because of a few people wanted to remain redacted I think a bunch was on hold for 30 days last I read.
Doe 107 needed 30 days.


Gold Member

I kinda wonder if the Simpsons writers DID know stuff and just deeply encoded it within the show (given the context of that scene plays out entirely different if you remove any innuendo from Hawking) or they just threw SO MANY darts at the wall for SO LONG that their Nostradamus-esque reputation is just the broken clock striking 12 over and over because there are so many clocks :p I feel like animation allows for a lot more subtext since you can sidestep the filter the actor puts on it more effectively.

Edit: FWIW I just can't see Hawking being into little kids. I think Epstein provided a lot of adult sex workers as well so going to that island doesn't automatically mean pedo action. But Hawking apparently liked the ladies and parties, I don't think that was a super well kept secret in those circles.
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Gold Member
I kinda wonder if the Simpsons writers DID know stuff and just deeply encoded it within the show (given the context of that scene plays out entirely different if you remove any innuendo from Hawking) or they just threw SO MANY darts at the wall for SO LONG that their Nostradamus-esque reputation is just the broken clock striking 12 over and over because there are so many clocks :p I feel like animation allows for a lot more subtext since you can sidestep the filter the actor puts on it more effectively.

Edit: FWIW I just can't see Hawking being into little kids. I think Epstein provided a lot of adult sex workers as well so going to that island doesn't automatically mean pedo action. But Hawking apparently liked the ladies and parties, I don't think that was a super well kept secret in those circles.
Unless I misunderstood it, the reference to Hawking in the email posted yesterday had him being a scapegoated detour if anything bad happened. Or a celeb used as a misdirection or something.
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Trump is mentioned in the Plaintiff's allegations, there are accusations of rape. I forget the page number but it is there in that huge document. As a lawyer, I always assume a party is innocent until proven otherwise, but in this case we gotta acknowledge that there is a lot of smoke and fire here.

Clinton, Trump, and others may potentially be innocent (in the civil sense, at least), but they may also be liable. We'll probably never know because this case will eventually settle like most of them do.
Everything I'm seeing is exactly the opposite. Not only was Trump not involved, he was active (at times) in speaking out against what Epstein was doing. Somehow all the media plastering Trump all over these articles to associate him with it are also, I suppose, "forgetting the page number" and failed to report on any of this.


Fire. Fire really gets in the nooks and crannies of dirty shit heads

Is it wrong to cleanse?

It seems more and more each day vile demons want someone's children for some fucked up demonic shit and the world is normalising it quicker than we can keep up.

Take this Lotus eaters~

NONSENSE! You may cry, they're just doing it as a good deed!

Really though? Have we in the west been duped into normal peado behaviour?

Like I said in another thread, none of this seems real to me. I come from a time where if you mention anything 'children', You're a cunt that needs putting down. Permanently.

I swear to christ if I ever see anything kid related near me, to do with my kid, or someone I know you'd have to put me down down like a cunting rabid dog :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Just so you know I'm pissed, it's Friday. My last post might have seemed emotional. It was, a bit. I'm pissed.

But still, this stuff is fucking ludicrous.

Hang em all


Everything I'm seeing is exactly the opposite. Not only was Trump not involved, he was active (at times) in speaking out against what Epstein was doing. Somehow all the media plastering Trump all over these articles to associate him with it are also, I suppose, "forgetting the page number" and failed to report on any of this.

We don't need Trump to be on this list to prove that he's a sexual predator. We knew this before the list came out.
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We don't need Trump to be on this list to prove that he's a sexual predator. We knew this before the list came out.
The problem is it’s like the boy who cried wolf. Like 10 million times now with Trump. It’s been nonstop attacks on him for years and the vast majority of claims are demonstrably false. These vague articles and unsubstantiated claims linking him to this pedophile ring is more of the same. People need to have honest discourse and the media needs to stop lying. For example, you claim we all know he’s a sexual predator. So many false claims have been made that, even if true, many won’t believe you. Boy who cried wolf…


The problem is it’s like the boy who cried wolf. Like 10 million times now with Trump. It’s been nonstop attacks on him for years and the vast majority of claims are demonstrably false. These vague articles and unsubstantiated claims linking him to this pedophile ring is more of the same. People need to have honest discourse and the media needs to stop lying. For example, you claim we all know he’s a sexual predator. So many false claims have been made that, even if true, many won’t believe you. Boy who cried wolf…

More than enough stuff with evidence to prove Trump is a massive cunt.

Why is this thread even a thing? Mods experimenting with allowing politics stuff back?

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office
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Why is this thread even a thing? Mods experimenting with allowing politics stuff back?
I would say the abuse of children should never be reduced to "politics," no matter who is involved. I just want to learn more about what really happened, and who did what, regardless of what "team" they're on. Then again, it helps that these days I don't really identify with either team.

[edit] But I do think people should avoid using this thread to re-litigate Trump making comments about his daughter being attractive, or various things Bill Clinton has said or done in the past, or Biden sniffing kids, or anything like that. I think this thread should ONLY be focused on any new information coming out as a result of these court documents. That seems sensible to me.
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