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Jeffrey Epstein court documents release thread



If You Say So Wow GIF by Identity


Okay, I think what's happening here is that you're projecting. I theorize your thought-process went something like this: "Since one is a partisan hack and must have 0% unfavorable opinions about one's political candidate, it must follow that one's political candidate must be 100% beyond reproach; hence, if one voices an opinion about said political candidate that implies something against common decency, it must follow 'orange man bad', bleep bloop."

I'm open to, and genuinely curious about, an alternative explanation as to your behavior. Care to indulge me?


Okay, I think what's happening here is that you're projecting. I theorize your thought-process went something like this: "Since one is a partisan hack and must have 0% unfavorable opinions about one's political candidate, it must follow that one's political candidate must be 100% beyond reproach; hence, if one voices an opinion about said political candidate that implies something against common decency, it must follow 'orange man bad', bleep bloop."

I'm open to, and genuinely curious about, an alternative explanation as to your behavior. Care to indulge me?
Take on board what you wrote, now tell me what the outcome is you'd most prefer.

Which is better?
So Trump had dinner with Epstein once but never went on the island? Then you have reports that Bill Clinton was never there but the deposition could only provide three years of him not being there. But yet his name is mentioned over 70 times.

Now I'm reading that in 30 days there's gonna be like another 300 pages of this stuff? I know people wanna have like a list of names of those who went on the Island, but I want an explanation from our Intelligence agencies as to how an Israeli former Prime Minister with the help of Mossad was able to traffic children from the US and our Government didn't know about it. Also Prince Andrew needs to have his head on a pike.


Americans: Arguing about how many left or right wings are on the list

UK: FUCK YEAH, PRINCE ANDREW, Come on, you gotta do something about ole noncy now!

Winter John

I can’t get over that Maxwell chick being held in the MDC. I got dumped in that place when I was a teenager for boosting cars. They put me on the baby level. That meant I was allowed to work outside but wasn’t supposed to be bunked with the sex cases and murderers. It was still pretty rough though. I got put in a cell with 3 guys who were in for bail shit, but they were connected to the same mob. It took me a while to figure out that was why I was put in with them.


I can’t get over that Maxwell chick being held in the MDC. I got dumped in that place when I was a teenager for boosting cars. They put me on the baby level. That meant I was allowed to work outside but wasn’t supposed to be bunked with the sex cases and murderers. It was still pretty rough though. I got put in a cell with 3 guys who were in for bail shit, but they were connected to the same mob. It took me a while to figure out that was why I was put in with them.
The thing I don't get about Maxwell, being Epstein's right-hand woman and all, is that she probably had dirt on hundreds of high-profile 'associates', but didn't bargain a deal with the government to give up those people. That's shady af. Was she worried about being suicided like Epstein?
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More than enough stuff with evidence to prove Trump is a massive cunt.
Evidence? Or enough fabricated news stories bashing him for years that makes you assume some of it is true? Everyone loved Trump before he went into politics. Then all the sudden everything changed. You might be right, but again just saying “more than enough evidence” when the majority of stuff claimed about him is patently false. I just urge all to not treat this like a religion, or a team fanatic and objectively evaluate things. That’s clearly not being done regards to this topic, which is why I brought it up. Hand waving it like it’s okay with another vague statement is just more of the same. We need to do better. And I’m not trying to derail the thread or being politics back here, my apologies if that’s the way it was taken. I just pointed out something false associated with the topic at hand.


The theory is this guy was an epic schmoozer whose entire game was to get powerful people to do terrible things to children so he could have compromising material on them and influence their policy making.

How much that worked out is anybody’s guess, but if you went to that island you probably deserve some concrete boots.
Didn't the dude have like $60 billion by the time he died? I think it worked out well.


Evidence? Or enough fabricated news stories bashing him for years that makes you assume some of it is true? Everyone loved Trump before he went into politics. Then all the sudden everything changed. You might be right, but again just saying “more than enough evidence” when the majority of stuff claimed about him is patently false. I just urge all to not treat this like a religion, or a team fanatic and objectively evaluate things. That’s clearly not being done regards to this topic, which is why I brought it up. Hand waving it like it’s okay with another vague statement is just more of the same. We need to do better. And I’m not trying to derail the thread or being politics back here, my apologies if that’s the way it was taken. I just pointed out something false associated with the topic at hand.

Stop watching Fox News.


Rodent Whores
So true 😂

Yanks all screaming at each other over which side is worse is hilarious.

Indeed. One thing that is screaming at us in the face is that the relevant "sides" are the haves exploiting their power over the have-nots, while the rich and powerful are hoping the rest of us are too distracted by bickering over left/right issues to notice that.


Indeed. One thing that is screaming at us in the face is that the relevant "sides" are the haves exploiting their power over the have-nots, while the rich and powerful are hoping the rest of us are too distracted by bickering over left/right issues to notice that.

The fact America wastes most of its time arguing over which rich, corrupt, unethical bastard is worse is painfully obvious from the outside. Trump has manipulated millions of people into thinking he's on their side - which is his greatest and only real achievement, to be honest. The truth is that the entire US political system is broken - otherwise a piece of shit like him could never have achieved the power he has. And a doddering old fart like Biden could never have been president either.


Perpetually Offended

Even back when he was a 'democrat' people hated him enough to consider naming him as an example of an asshole in the same breath as Hitler.

True. Folks keep saying "everyone loved him" ... No! LMBO! Just because rappers used him in lyrics or he was always in the news doesn't mean everyone loved him. He was really despised by a lot of people. It pretty much started when he and his father were being sued for discrimination against potential black tenants.


Yes, wanting to bang your daughter or little girls is usually consistent with "man bad".

You know full well that when people accuse someone of "orange man bad", they mean it as a blanket statement about the person being a kind of Dem party hack who lacks any nuance whatsoever in their position on Trump. To them, everything Trump does is bad by definition, even though some things (like setting up the withdraw from Afghanistan) may be objectively good. I don't like it when people make my thinking out to be not nuanced, especially on such flimsy "evidence".


You know full well that when people accuse someone of "orange man bad", they mean it as a blanket statement about the person being a kind of Dem party hack who lacks any nuance whatsoever in their position on Trump. To them, everything Trump does is bad by definition, even though some things (like setting up the withdraw from Afghanistan) may be objectively good. I don't like it when people make my thinking out to be not nuanced, especially on such flimsy "evidence".

Uhh okay.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Sad to say that this whole thing turned into a cluster fuck and it would have been better if the documents remained sealed. Doesn't seem like anything has been uncovered by this and it's just a mad scramble to pull famous names out without any regard to what it actually means.
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Winter John

The thing I don't get about Maxwell, being Epstein's right-hand woman and all, is that she probably had dirt on hundreds of high-profile 'associates', but didn't bargain a deal with the government to give up those people. That's shady af. Was she worried about being suicided like Epstein?
Most definitely. She would’ve been dead by now if she hadn’t made a deal. She got transferred out of there. So I have zero doubts an arrangement wasn’t made. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets bailed out soon.
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