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Jenna Bush jokes with photographers...why is this even a news article?

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Seriously, is this a bad thing? I'd rather read some BS article like this than some child in Iraq being raped then held hostage and video taped. No news is good news.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tre said:
Seriously, is this a bad thing? I'd rather read some BS article like this than some child in Iraq being raped then held hostage and video taped. No news is good news.

Let me rephrase that question... cnn.com only has a few links on the front page to 1-2 news articles for each section.. normally I'd assume it was the biggest news pertaining to those categories, entertainment, sports, etc.... yet this link is on the front page?


I think its just sad that they have to report something. They can't just be like "Well, today was a good day, nothing fucked up happened we know about". And I think that speaks volumes on some topic I'm in no state of mind to consider right now.
Problem is that this story has been heavily redacted, after the "smell my tongue" pose Jenna cemented her "Wild" moniker by flashing her tits and "putting them on the glass". If needed in November she is fully prepared to bare the beaver.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
samus4ever said:
The other twin is hotter.

I think so...one is hot and one is not. But I can't tell from that picture. And the one that is hot really isnt THAT hot, just hotter than the other one. HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT. How many more times can I say hot in this post? Damn its hot in here.
It's a news story because many Americans are obsessed with the smallest, most trivial things like this story and even this one. Who cares?

As an aside, have you even noticed that whenever it's hot out, people complain and wonder when the rain is going to come? and when it's raining out, they complain about too much rain? Is there a happy medium? I don't think so.

The idea that news shows should have ratings is stupid at best.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
bune duggy said:
It's a news story because Americans are obsessed with the smallest, most trivial things like this story and even this one. Who cares?

Good job on the generalization...
sure it's a generalization but if it's not true why are so many of us Americans obsessed with shows like ET? and magazines that scream at us about Jennifer and Brad's $5000 birthday gifts? why should anyone care about these things?

Maybe I should edit it to say "many" because it is a little too generalized.

I also apologize for babbling.
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