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Jennifer Lawrence: "I won't be Mystique in the X-Men movies"

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I'm shocked!

I mean, she hasn't been really playing as the character for a while now, she was just Jennifer Lawrence in blue makeup for a couple of minutes in each movie. If she herself isn't enjoying the part I think it's good for everybody (but the studio, I guess) that she moves on.
wait wait


What did she even do in that movie? I already completely forgot (along with the rest of the movie). Mostly because she was just "hey I'm here for my paycheck, don't expect me to wear that blue shit". Don't think I've seen that kind of blatant disregard for a movie's fictional rules from an actor recently either. Not that I really agree with 'butt naked lady with paint because comics' either, but it really stood out in Apocalypse that they shot the movie around that obstacle, whereas DofP still had a director's free reign. Or that's what that looked like.

Yeah, she won't be missed as that character.
Mystique wears clothes in the comics so idk where the butt naked comes from.
Keep this bitch away from the MCU! I cannot stand her fake try hard ass.

Marvel if you are listening, do not give her anything in the MCU!
I thought the issue was her phoning it in, now she's tryharding? Also I think calling her a bitch is a bit much considering none of us know her. Is RDJ a bitch for asking for so much money Disney isn't making Iron Man solo movies anymore?
Yep, that was the thing for me. Plus the phoned in acting in the last few X-Men movies combined with interviews that showed that it's not because she couldn't do better, but because she looks down on the movies and saw it as annoying to do them.

She's getting paid millions to be a professional. So be a professional - she's not Marlon Brando.
If Fassbender and McAvoy would act and behave like this - the X-Men movies would have been horrible.
The XMen movies were passable at best regardless.




She really has no chemistry with anyone. She was only good in winter s bone imo.
And in that movie her character is suppose to be this lonely young woman. No chemistry with co-stars required...

But seriously, Winter's Bone is amazing.


Thank god. couldnt stand her being the focus of the xmen movies. not sure if it was her doing or the directors trying to capitalize her fame, but he focus on mystique really funnel the story in a wrong direction. also i didnt feel she had much chemistry with anyone...


Uhhh, if your gonna accuse him of being a pedophile you can leave out the fact that he's gay. That has nothing to do with pedophilia.

You're taking the remark out of context. The focus was on the hetero part. Bryan Singer is a known pervert who seems to surround himself with underage boys. The part about girls is lesser known. The implication is that he's not a gay pedophile like most assume, but also a pedophile with his eyes on young girls.

Jennifer Lawrence was "okay" in X-Men First Class, but I don't know why she was there at all. They made no attempt to fix the character, they only sent it farther off the rails. I suspect the only reason she was there was so that Bryan Singer could put younger girls into nude bodypaint, because he's a bisexual pedophile.


Azazel didn't even exist until the storyline that revealed him being Nightcrawler's father, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

The hinting was always about Mystique being Nightcrawler's parent without confirming it for years.

Since you're wanting to nitpick, I guess I should have just left out Azazel and said "parent", but it was speculated long before he was ever introduced that not only was Mystique Nightcrawler's mother, that his father was some kind of demon during the period when there was more of a focus on Magick (Illyana Rasputin) in the earlier years of the New Mutants. Even more speculation happened again during Inferno. I'm not talking about Belasco either.

Maybe it was just a bunch of fan guesswork that the writers at the time decided to finally implement in some form, but it had been going on for over a decade before Azazel was officially introduced. I also don't know what character I'm thinking of either, since I just looked through #428 and it shows the whole affair with Mystique until she reveals that she's pregnant, but there's either a Classic X-Men, or What If? scenario that has another demonic figure in a suit, but with a lighter shade of purple (puce maybe) from either the late 70s or early 80s (especially easy to remember how different the actual coloration of the print looked back then too from the mid to late 90s and beyond). In that particular book though, the person (I swore it was Mystique) that was with this character didn't actually know he was a demon. It was revealed in the final panels out of view.

Anyway, I've actually been rereading the comics from the first issue in order, so maybe I'll be able to stumble upon what exactly I'm remembering.

She is a terrible Mystique because who would love to be in these shit xmen movies fox makes, mystique in the movies is nothing like mystique in comics, they butchered all these characters in the movies why care about that role... Just sell the rights to Marvel ffs and let them make good movies out of this franchise or just stop butchering this franchise pls thanks bye.

All x.men movies are garbage, ALL.

Say what you want about most of the characters, but First Class and Days of Future Past do a pretty great take on Magneto. Having Fassbender helps immensely of course, but I don't feel like his was just trying to make the most of what he was given at all. I also don't believe Xavier was done any injustices either. The rest of the characters though who aren't Wolverine? LOL. I also happened to think the first and third X-Men movies were utter rubbish, but I really enjoyed the second, fourth and fifth despite all of the mangling of characters. And I'm someone who used to get really annoyed with how the characters were butchered in the 90s cartoon too.


She is a terrible Mystique because who would love to be in these shit xmen movies fox makes, mystique in the movies is nothing like mystique in comics, they butchered all these characters in the movies why care about that role... Just sell the rights to Marvel ffs and let them make good movies out of this franchise or just stop butchering this franchise pls thanks bye.

All x.men movies are garbage, ALL.
For me it's the fact that she's acting all "quirky and relatable", while she's actually a pretty awful person probably. Her acting is often fine, but I can't endorse that "sacred rock" story and the fact that she whined about her pay and when she got flak, tried to spin it to "equal pay for women" despite her still earning shittons of money and it making sense that she got paid less than McAvoy and Fassbender at the time because they were bigger stars back then.

Those damn women always complaining about not getting paid as much as their male peers, right man?


Those damn women always complaining about not getting paid as much as their male peers, right man?

No, I completely agree that women should be paid more, it's just that in her very specific case it was completely uncalled for and a phony argument. She was signed to do three X-Men films for a specific pay, that was less than the McAvoy and Fassbender because at that time, Fassbender and McAvoy were big stars and Lawrence was still very much an up-and-coming actress. People knew her from Winter's Bone, but it was not like she was a huge name. Even then she was IIRC the third highest paid actor on X-Men First Class. Then came The Hunger Games and her Oscar and suddenly Lawrence wants to be paid more, despite Fox just sticking to their contractual obligation. When people pointed that out, she quickly changed her argument and said "yeah, but women in general..."

Mila Kunis did this the right way, By protesting the lower pay for women, but at the same time acknowledging that she has nothing to complain about. Lawrence just wanted something to back up her argument that she deserved to be paid more.
No, I completely agree that women should be paid more, it's just that in her very specific case it was completely uncalled for and a phony argument. She was signed to do three X-Men films for a specific pay, that was less than the McAvoy and Fassbender because at that time, Fassbender and McAvoy were big stars and Lawrence was still very much an up-and-coming actress. People knew her from Winter's Bone, but it was not like she was a huge name. Even then she was IIRC the third highest paid actor on X-Men First Class. Then came The Hunger Games and her Oscar and suddenly Lawrence wants to be paid more, despite Fox just sticking to their contractual obligation. When people pointed that out, she quickly changed her argument and said "yeah, but women in general..."

Mila Kunis did this the right way, By protesting the lower pay for women, but at the same time acknowledging that she has nothing to complain about. Lawrence just wanted something to back up her argument that she deserved to be paid more.

So Mila Kunis is one of the good ones? Knew to be happy in her place?

I'd also recommend revisiting what Lawrence actually wrote about the pay gap, because you seem to be focused on things other than what she actually said.


edit: Gonna get a way late, after-the-fact edit in here to explain myself better instead of just snarking by ass off:

By saying that Kunis did it "the right way" by saying that she didn't have anything to complain about, you're basically:

1) Tone policing equality, and doing so using a pretty common "you have nothing to complain about" suppression argument. This is just a shitty outlook. Wage equality shouldn't have a glass ceiling, even for people far away from the working class like Kunis and Lawrence. And given their stature in society, bringing up their situations can help embolden others to do the same, or at the very least keep the issue in the news. So nah, I'm not having this.

2) You're doing so either over what seems to be a faulty remembering of what she actually says. You're doing so over what are some pretty damn tame comments like:

It's hard for me to speak about my experience as a working woman because I can safely say my problems aren't exactly relatable. When the Sony hack happened and I found out how much less I was being paid than the lucky people with dicks, I didn't get mad at Sony. I got mad at myself. I failed as a negotiator because I gave up early. I didn't want to keep fighting over millions of dollars that, frankly, due to two franchises, I don't need. (I told you it wasn't relatable, don't hate me).


Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale, and Bradley Cooper all fought and succeeded in negotiating powerful deals for themselves. If anything, I'm sure they were commended for being fierce and tactical, while I was busy worrying about coming across as a brat and not getting my fair share.
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