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Jezebel : Men Who are Bad at Video Games More Likely to Show Hostility to Women

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A new study which attempted to explain the sexist reactions of men when traditionally male environments (read: online multiplayer video games) are invaded by women has discovered that “lower-skilled” male players were more hostile to female teammates. Or, as PCGamesN put it, “the worst players were more likely to be the biggest assholes.”

Halo 3 was used in the study :

...lower-skilled players were more hostile towards a female-voiced teammate. In contrast, lower-skilled players behaved submissively towards a male-voiced player in the identical scenario. This difference in gender-directed behaviour became more extreme with poorer focal-player performance. We suggest that low-status males increase female-directed hostility to minimize the loss of status as a consequence of hierarchical reconfiguration resulting from the entrance of a woman into the competitive arena.

By demonstrating that female-directed hostility primarily originates from low-status, poorer-performing males, our results suggest that a way to counter it may be through teaching young males that losing to the opposite sex is not socially debilitating

They can leave out the "to women" part, this isn't exactly shocking news, bad players spend a lot of time talking shit to their teammates or opponents.


How do you even make a study about that?

Shouldn't it just simple be that men who are bad at most things are just unhappy people who probably aren't very nice to others.
They can leave out the "to women" part, this isn't exactly shocking news, bad players spend a lot of time talking shit to their teammates or opponents.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If a game stresses me out or angers me, I'm likely to be rude and abrasive to anyone nearby. It's not dependent on their gender.
The title should be changed to "men who are bad at online multiplayer shooters more likely to show hostility to other people".

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I'm absolutely terrible at video games and am completely harmless.

I think this is talking about dudes who suck at video games, yet are also very competitive and love to compete against others despite that.

I'm not good at video-games either, yet I don't really like competitive multiplayer in the first-place...so I don't consider myself in the same category as those seen in the study, because I don't really put myself in situations where I want to show off my skill despite being bad.


I guess I'm bunking the thread since I'm terrible at video games but I think the more women play and enjoy the medium the better.
They can leave out the "to women" part, this isn't exactly shocking news, bad players spend a lot of time talking shit to their teammates or opponents.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If a game stresses me out or angers me, I'm likely to be rude and abrasive to anyone nearby. It's not dependent on their gender.

The title should be changed to "men who are bad at online multiplayer shooters more likely to show hostility to other people".

The article states that there was a difference in behavior based on gender.

In contrast, lower-skilled players behaved submissively towards a male-voiced player in the identical scenario.


I would assume this is for people that play online competitive wise, are bad players, and are the first to talk shit when they are losing.

I only get cocky when I'm winning playing Towerfall with friends. Talking shit when you are losing is weird.
I think this is talking about dudes who suck at video games, yet are also very competitive and love to compete against others despite that.

I'm not good at video-games either, yet I don't really like competitive multiplayer in the first-place...so I don't consider myself in the same category as those seen in the study, because I don't really put myself in situations where I want to show off my skill despite being bad.

I would assume this is for people that play online competitive wise, are bad players, and are the first to talk shit when they are losing.

Yeah, I fall into that category but I never talk badly towards other players. Well, I have in the past when I was younger, but still, it never got to the point where I lashed out in a really bad way.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
doesn't surprise me. there's evidence for instance that domestic violence increases in the wake of england's football team losing games.


My boyfriend's meaner* towards me when he's playing video games

But that's only because I make fun of him when he dies
Which he does a lot
He needs to get gud

*Is not actually mean
Good players of any game usually exhibit humility, it's the best attribute to have when it comes to learning from your mistakes.


Weird but basically standard behavior online.

It gets worse in team games, though, when a horrible player can still be on the winning team. Almost guaranteed, if someone's going to start ranting and raving aggressively, it's the guy who is on a winning team and did jack shit to contribute.

Yeah, maybe.

Alt ought when I do it I'm obviously just teasing my friends (even if maybe I'm annoying at times ahah). But that second scenario makes sense I guess.


Hard to Kill
Well not to defend those players but in the 90's (maybe before but i wasn't born so I don't know) playing like a girl was considered a bad thing, and maybe gamer growing up with theese ads and ommercials diminishing girls might had an impact of their perception on losing against a girl.

just my humble opinion though.
I don't think I've ever heard someone at the top of a scoreboard say "Eww, a woman playing a video game with me, women can't play video games!"

Those who say such things are usually playing pretty awful, as is every other skill they have on display, such as their ability to form coherent sentences.

Also I'm pretty pro at video games, and I also happen to be an incredibly smart, handsome, charming, modest and friendly individual.


I'm OK to pretty good in games (depending on genres) and relax IRL, I almost never rage and tend to try to calm down other people when things start to heat up.
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