Alex has me in tears.
When he starts "JOE JOE JOE!!!!"
Alex has me in tears.
thats the greatest gif of all time
First time hearing of this Bohemian Grove "club." Political elites are so creepy.
It's been a hot minute since I've seen Eddie Bravo on JRE. Are they not talking or something?No Eddie is a let downI miss hearing his voice
not that far yet but i'm p. sure they talk about lazar and suchDid they talk about "element 115" and propulsion systems or was that my own narrative on the dream?
hes gone too far man. haha.It's been a hot minute since I've seen Eddie Bravo on JRE. Are they not talking or something?
I recall Rogan being visibly annoyed by Eddie's conspiracy rants on a past fight companion episode lol
Rogan and Jones are slowly becoming the same human form. In the end only tattoos will differentiate them.
Cuntiest I've seen Joe behave in a very long time, maybe since the Sargon episode.
That Spotify deal got him walking on egg shells.Cuntiest I've seen Joe behave in a very long time, maybe since the Sargon episode.
Cuntiest I've seen Joe behave in a very long time, maybe since the Sargon episode.
Yeah I don’t know if Rogan is being a dick because he’s sober or because he’s trying to look good for spotify, but towards the end I wanted him to shut the fuck up
That sucks. Alex and Joe bro-ing out was part of what made the previous episode so fun. Maybe Joe is legit shook after cancel commies were unleashed on him recently and he wants to do a pre-emptive fact check of his own show to pacify them, which of course never works with the cancel culture creeps
My heart broke a little when he told Alex “You invited yourself” to the election thing.
Yeah I don’t know if Rogan is being a dick because he’s sober or because he’s trying to look good for spotify, but towards the end I wanted him to shut the fuck up
~2 hours in and yeah, Rogan constantly fact-checking everything interrupts the flow of the discussion, making it a hard listen. Pick and choose your battles, man. I can't tell if it's the influence of Spotify or just him being sober while Jones is imbibing. Still entertaining, though.
Did all the DMT fuck up Alex’s voice?
I'll say this in Joe's defense:
There is an idea that Alex is all conspiracy nonsense and Joe lets him on and doesn't challenge him.
So Joe keeps stopping Alex and challenging the claim, which is leading to Jamie pulling up that Alex was correct. So the entire attack on Joe about Alex Jones is leading to making Alex look better.
Joe Rogan hosts Alex Jones on Spotify podcast despite ban
Source: ...and yet some people are still defending
People are literally unsubscribing from Spotify and posting pics LMFAO.
*cancel culture isn't a thing, like Antifa*
It was still a very entertaining episode, but more importantly this episode probably did more to legitimize Alex Jones than anything in a long time (which is a good thing because the guy is spot on the majority of the time, certainly more than the mainstream media).
nonsenseNah, Alex Jones will never have any credibility.
what a bunch of pussiesLooks like Spotify pulled it.