I didn't get that far, but I appreciate the info, thanks man. I thought FIOS was a better movie than book--if the movie of Paper Town is better than the book, too, I'll probably stick with that. Just keep the phrase "honeybunnies" far away from it.
I didn't get that far, but I appreciate the info, thanks man. I thought FIOS was a better movie than book--if the movie of Paper Town is better than the book, too, I'll probably stick with that. Just keep the phrase "honeybunnies" far away from it.
I heard about this trailer a couple days ago but didn't watch it due to thinking it would be a dumb romance movie, but wow it looks pretty awesome. Gives me some Wallflower vibes.
Probably one of my least favorite of his. Looking for Alaska would've translated to a movie better (I'm sure that'll be the next book of his to be adapted since Hollywood has trouble coming up with new stuff).