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John Wick: Chapter 2 |OT| I Know Gun Fu

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I felt like the movie might have been over hyped by a few, but it hit my expectations and blew it the fuck up.

- I overall like this better then JW1, but the Club scene is still my favorite scene with the
secret assassin gauntlet in the city and park (the pencil scene was fucking brutal and got a good reaction with the theater)
a close second.

- The world building was great. Everything about it is fun and interesting.
- Common surprisingly showed some damn good skill. Ruby Rose was ok.
- Mirror scene was a little bit of a disappointment. Still fun visually.
- Action scenes were on the money. Never a dull moment. Camera game was on point again.
- I liked the ending.
Wick vs the World is going to be fantastic. The only thing that didn't make much sense is why Winston would give him a marker if he's about to be excommunicado?

Those are my quick impressions. Can't wait to watch it again.


Little bit disappointed
Cassian went out the way he did. I thought he would have been one of the assassins in Wick's tier. Still gave him a good fight, tho.

He is almost on par with Wick. The fight was fairly even. Except of course Wick already came from a multiple fights.
Come on. (spoilers / speculation regarding character fates)
Common and Deaf Assassin didn't die, they're going to be on John Wick's team in the third movie when he goes against the underworld. For as super-human as he is, he can't take on everyone alone. Welcome to the next Fast and Furious-style franchise.

Enjoyed the movie, though felt the first was stronger. Going too deep into the mystique can be a very tricky thing, and it was too much of a deep-dive for me. Some stuff I really liked, some stuff was just too cheesy and rubbed me the wrong way. Still, both of these movies are wonderful. They're shot so beautifully and coherently, which is the best thing about them.

Ending speculation:
I also wonder about Winston's marker. Is it for Wick to use? Or is it a pact between the both of them? Is Winston telling him he can't die? Is the mission for Wick to literally kill everyone? Is this Winston's ploy to reset the assassin world?
Come on. (spoilers / speculation regarding character fates)
Common and Deaf Assassin didn't die, they're going to be on John Wick's team in the third movie when he goes against the underworld. For as super-human as he is, he can't take on everyone alone. Welcome to the next Fast and Furious-style franchise.

Common is absolutely not dead, clearly. I think Deaf Assassin is pretty dead.


Come on. (spoilers / speculation regarding character fates)
Common and Deaf Assassin didn't die, they're going to be on John Wick's team in the third movie when he goes against the underworld. For as super-human as he is, he can't take on everyone alone. Welcome to the next Fast and Furious-style franchise.

She's dead Jim. They deliberately wrote it so that she got wrecked by the same move Wick pulled on Common. Difference is he didn't leave the knife in her chest.
I love it when I see a movie and can't get it out of my head a day or two after... John wick 2 is doing just that. I'm ready to watch it again already, god damn.


No. How does she feel about hyper violent movies?

It's interesting that in a flick about professional murder, a dead dog is where a lot of people seem to check out - even though the movie then goes on to avenge said pupper with a body count nearing the triple digits. Equally absurd is that, for those of us that remain on board, the dead dog seems to be incredibly effective as a motivation for mass murder.

I mean, I get it (animals are innocent, the Russian mob is bad, revenge is good) - but still, movie-logic is weird. Or maybe people are. I don't know.


Saw it last night. Loved it!

Personally I think I still preferred John Wick 1 over the sequel though. I do agree with one of the critics that said they thought the gun fights felt "samey" over time.
I just came from the theater now. Woov I need to cool down a bit

I saw a lot of Hitman in this one that's for sure. A John Wick skin for the game would be great

and Chow Yun Fat must be in the third one


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just caught a matinee showing and was surprised that the theater had a decent amount of people in it at 10:40. Audience was pretty subdued but some parts definitely got some laughs and gasps. Overall I'd say its an improvement over the first movie as its better paced, it was very well shot for the most part with clear consistent cinematography and some really cool sets and location shots (also loved the call out to the hall of mirrors scene in Enter the Dragon) the action is more varied and Keanu really flexes his muscles as things are almost happening too fast to really take it all in, and overall I think it handled a lot of things better. Also the world building of the Assassins, the secret mafia stuff, the homeless group was great.

Wasn't perfect though as Common's character was just kind of there though I loved the fight scenes with him and Wick. Lawrence Fishburne was good to see again he is just kind of there to pass John onto the next sequence though I'm guessing he's in a third movie in the series with more of a role. The main villain was ok, I actually enjoyed the Russians a bit more from the first movie. I don't think I'd put it on the level of the raid movies but its still above a good amount of Western made action films.

That said why the fuck does everyone get into a close range gun or fist fight with John Wick? Just use a sniper or poison the fucking guy as its nearly a given he will get to you and kill you if you enter his line of sight.


I loved it from the beginning and boy did keanu some amazing action scenes, love how they went in to the lore and showing more of it.

Rebel Leader

Come on. (spoilers / speculation regarding character fates)
Common and Deaf Assassin didn't die, they're going to be on John Wick's team in the third movie when he goes against the underworld. For as super-human as he is, he can't take on everyone alone. Welcome to the next Fast and Furious-style franchise.
Deaf woman is definitely dead


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Why is there even a QUESTION
about Cassian being dead? It was telegraphed in a very straightforward way that he was going to live and that he now owes John
a professional courtesy.

This was the most unambiguous thing in the whole movie.
Why is there even a QUESTION
about Cassian being dead? It was telegraphed in a very straightforward way that he was going to live and that he now owes John
a professional courtesy.

This was the most unambiguous thing in the whole movie.
If in the next movie
those two have his back
that'd be neat

Also was surprised they didn't use the
for any action scenes, maybe part 3.


Just got back.... Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I loved it. Some quick thoughts:

- Holy shit, he killed so many people!
- Common was great, reminded me of a better version of his character from Smokin Aces. (Anyone remember Smokin Aces??)
- The world building is fantastic, I loved the montage
of John getting prepared for his hit.
- Anytime John would use
his bulletproof suit to shield his face always
made me smile.
- Not familiar with Ruby Rose, but she was better here than in xXx.
- The
shootout was lit.
- The
shootout was lit af.
- The
mirror art installation
was visually awesome.
- The doggo was cute.
- I'd like an update of that chart for a count of how many times
John got shot.
- The implications from the ending could make Chapter 3 really interesting.

I missed part of the Larry Fish meeting scene (had to use the restroom),
is his group/org. an extension of the Continental
Just thinking about it some more, and how much I loved the movie. Such a fresh-feeling franchise.

One thing blowing my mind is the
house of mirrors stuff
and the fact that you don't see any cameras in the shots.

Also, goddamn is Keanu in great shape for his age.

Little bit disappointed
Cassian went out the way he did. I thought he would have been one of the assassins in Wick's tier. Still gave him a good fight, tho.

Nobody is on Wick's tier. That's what makes him John Wick. He's the only S-class assassin.
Stupidly excited for this film. Bought the first on Blurry a few days ago.


I must have this poster


If in the next movie
those two have his back
that'd be neat

Also was surprised they didn't use the
for any action scenes, maybe part 3.

Gross. Training up a dog to do violence isn't a cute or fun thing. That would be like in Die Hard: the one with the son where John McClane runs across a bigass ballroom covered in glass and jumps through a window and falls six stories then just gets up and walks away. That's not some cute homage, that's fundamentally misunderstanding The Whole Thing.

Ruby Rose
coming back is also total nonsense. Why the heck would she do that? What's she owe John, why's she interested in helping him?

Some of y'all in here just playing with your action figures dolls.


God damn that was awesome. The action scenes had me feeling like I was on a roller coaster. The pencil scene especially got quite the reaction at my showing.


really fucking rad film. lots of really great moments and i think the only thing that drags it down is the beginning of the film.

the opening action scenes work - they're fun and the surrounding dialogue and shots are funny. it's after the moment when
john's house is blown up
that everything starts feeling a bit slow. i think it's due to repetition and not so much what was going on in the scenes. john wick does a whole lot of walking up to someone who is already sitting down and then sits next to them. even though the scenes have something going on with regard to the plot or dialogue (aside from the manager in rome, who is there for a small bit of comedic relief), the scenes are all treated the same. there's changes in locations, but there's no big change in the blocking of the scenes and it makes those moments feel slower than they should have been.

outside of that, the movie starts to pick up. notably when john wick starts to stock up on what he needs for the job. it's edited nicely and instead of going to one place and then another and then another, it's a montage of information that's delivered to the audience in a more interesting way.

i think where the movie really works is that it can have fun with its fight scenes. john wick is not a totally serious movie, which means you can have 15 seconds of two dudes falling down the stairs, or a passive-aggressive shootout in public. the ending location was a bit confusing visually, but it was also just nice to look at, and built tension when danger could come from anywhere. i think the problem there was knowing where john was in relation to everyone else, but otherwise i think it worked.

and the world is just fun. we know a little more now about how it functions, but we're only told or only see it through how john wick interacts with it. there is fortunately no moment when someone sits john down and explains to him what the high table is because he already knows. the movie lets the audience understand it's probably the organization that controls everything. letting the audience figure things out for themselves gives the movie more weight too. john wick went berserk after his dog was killed and his car was stolen - so the movie's only explosion is important beyond spectacle. ares
dying at the end of the movie is a pretty nice touch too - we know that she's a goner after john pulled the same move on cassian and left the knife in, but their final exchange tells the audience that john is going to do something that's going to get him killed.

i just don't know how they follow this up and/or end it. i think killing john wick in a third movie in a largely audience-pleasing series would go against that, especially when he succeeds against overcoming seemingly impossible odds, but he had the deck firmly stacked against him in this movie and it seems that it can only get crazier. i'm not sure how far it can go before things break.
I missed part of the Larry Fish meeting scene (had to use the restroom),
is his group/org. an extension of the Continental
Earl accepted the coin as payment, but my impression was that the Bowery King is running his own operation disconnected from the Continental. John further warns that D'Antonio will be coming not just for himself but for the King and everyone "under the Table" in New York, and uses this as leverage to garner their help. The Beggars can help John kill Santino and let him bear the consequences (which he already plans to do because he's John Wick and gives no fucks). Or they can not help John, eventually go to war with Santino and either be wiped out or manage to kill him and then be wiped out by the retaliation of both the High Table and Santino's family/organization.

"So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you want to just give me a gun?"

That should about cover the parts you missed!


i just don't know how they follow this up and/or end it. i think killing john wick in a third movie in a largely audience-pleasing series would go against that, especially when he succeeds against overcoming seemingly impossible odds, but he had the deck firmly stacked against him in this movie and it seems that it can only get crazier. i'm not sure how far it can go before things break.

Was just reading this earlier:

The movie tagline ”Chapter 2" infers this franchise is like a book. How many more ”chapters" have you plotted out in your head?

In my head, we're going to go for a Chapter 3 for sure. After that, it's supply and demand. If the audience wants more, the world is rich enough to go for a couple more chapters for sure.

Side note:

"Cassian is who John Wick would have been if John had stayed in the business."
I wonder if John's
Ward would have been the Russian boss from the 1st movie or even Santino.


i just don't know how they follow this up and/or end it. i think killing john wick in a third movie in a largely audience-pleasing series would go against that, especially when he succeeds against overcoming seemingly impossible odds, but he had the deck firmly stacked against him in this movie and it seems that it can only get crazier. i'm not sure how far it can go before things break.

Is it so hard to kill him, tho? John Wick's horrific murder rampage in part 1 was ok because he had the moral righteousness of avenging innocence against a shitbag villain (Ioseph) and the system that spawned him. In part 2 it was ~kind of~ ok because he was following the rules. "Honor among thieves" is a pretty weak thing to live for but at least a man had a code. Now, John is nothing but a dangerous lunatic. No ego to guide him nor super-ego to constrain him. Murdering people in "self defense" stops being cool or acceptable sometime around three hundred people capped. Especially since he has literally nothing to live for, why should anyone care about his attempts to preserve his life?
Absolutely loved it. Along with Fury Road, it's the best action film of the decade, IMO. And like Fury Road, I love how tongue-in-cheek and weird so much of the movie is; it really harkens back to some of the crazy action films of the 80s and 70s.

On Ruby Rose:
I've seen some people complain about her going out like a scrub, but I ended up liking it. It reminded me of the siblings, who are built up like these badasses, but then Rama wrecks them in about a minute. John Wick destroys her because he's peerless in this world. Cassien is the closest to being his equal, but even then holds his own after Wick has gone through a half dozen other highly trained assassins.
i just don't know how they follow this up and/or end it. i think killing john wick in a third movie in a largely audience-pleasing series would go against that, especially when he succeeds against overcoming seemingly impossible odds, but he had the deck firmly stacked against him in this movie and it seems that it can only get crazier. i'm not sure how far it can go before things break.
Someone else in the thread mentioned it either but I think one of the big themes of this film is
the organization's rules are designed to not let you leave this world alive. You either die on a job or you live long to obtain the sort of power that keeps you out of the crosshairs. But even then that's no guarantee as shown by Santino using a marker to put a hit out on his sister. I think the third film is going to be about Wick coming to this realization and, if he truly wants peace, he'll have to burn the whole system to the ground and kill the entire High Table.


Is it so hard to kill him, tho? John Wick's horrific murder rampage in part 1 was ok because he had the moral righteousness of avenging innocence against a shitbag villain (Ioseph) and the system that spawned him. In part 2 it was ~kind of~ ok because he was following the rules. "Honor among thieves" is a pretty weak thing to live for but at least a man had a code. Now, John is nothing but a dangerous lunatic. No ego to guide him nor super-ego to constrain him. Murdering people in "self defense" stops being cool or acceptable sometime around three hundred people capped. Especially since he has literally nothing to live for, why should anyone care about his attempts to preserve his life?

the audience likes seeing keanu reeves kick ass, so i think unless they make a movie about john wick where he's the antagonist to someone else's protagonist, killing him off won't work.

Absolutely loved it. Along with Fury Road, it's the best action film of the decade, IMO. And like Fury Road, I love how tongue-in-cheek and weird so much of the movie is; it really harkens back to some of the crazy action films of the 80s and 70s.

On Ruby Rose:
I've seen some people complain about her going out like a scrub, but I ended up liking it. It reminded me of the siblings, who are built up like these badasses, but then Rama wrecks them in about a minute. John Wick destroys her because he's peerless in this world. Cassien is the closest to being his equal, but even then holds his own after Wick has gone through a half dozen other highly trained assassins.
Someone else in the thread mentioned it either but I think one of the big themes of this film is
the organization's rules are designed to not let you leave this world alive. You either die on a job or you live long to obtain the sort of power that keeps you out of the crosshairs. But even then that's no guarantee as shown by Santino using a marker to put a hit out on his sister. I think the third film is going to be about Wick coming to this realization and, if he truly wants peace, he'll have to burn the whole system to the ground and kill the entire High Table.

that certainly seems to be the direction things are heading in. considering the timeline between the first and second movie, and when the second movie ends, it's also even a little funny that in the span of a couple of weeks the whole thing comes crashing down because some dumbass killed a dog and stole a car.
We know that John has to take on
the whole underworld in the next film, but do you see chapter 3 centered around the Yakuza by some of the hints that were dropped in a scene or two?
About Cassian

I think it is pretty clear that they hinted at him staying alive because Lawrence fishburne was given a similar choice to live just like he was so I wouldn't be surprised to see him as a major threat in the final movie
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