It's no surprise to me that the mentally unstable are supporting Amber Turd. It honestly makes the verdict even more valid. Well, always remember, kids, it's down the street, not across the road. Make it count.
It's a culture war. None of it is ever based on verifiable reality.So instead of after hearing and reviewing all the evidence, the jury must be wrong because we don't agree with them? It seems impossible for some of the people to accept the fact that there'd be a single woman on Earth that is lying.
Shouldn't let myself get annoyed by these articles.
You should show some respect and address Ms Heard as M'Uffin or M'Liar.The sounds of a million fedoras tipping for Amber can be Heard across the nation.
I hope this is the beginning of the end for the #metoo movementThis will be a wakeup call for a lot of progressive men.
Vomits in mouthYou should show some respect and address Ms Heard as M'Uffin or M'Liar.
To be fair, we don't know her on a personal basis so our opinion is useless in defining the type of person she is.The fact you fell for it shows it is believable. The fact that people think it is the type of stuff she would say shows exactly the type of person she is.
It doesn't kill #metoo, it's just that not everybody gets a free pass.I don't want it to be the end of me too because actual victims do need to be heard but it should not be about destroying any man who so much as looks in a woman's direction. Misandrists who use metoo for that agenda are the ones who will eventually kill it.
So remember how Elaine kept grilling Curry about how she had breakfast with Depp or whatever? Well...
So remember how Elaine kept grilling Curry about how she had breakfast with Depp or whatever? Well...
Went to read that paragraph:“ I would have liked Mr. Depp to get ahead of this and to have said, "Listen, I understand you are upset, but there are ways to express how to be upset." The fact that he hasn't probably says potential volumes about him.”
WTF! Why would Johnny say anything to you! You were an ass to Johnny! Without ever having talked to Johnny! What a joke!
Crazy. He thinks the defendant is the mind flayer from Stranger Things or something?If I had groupies and I saw them attacking and harassing someone they don't know, I would have said what I said during the trial; that there are ways to express dissatisfaction, and then there are ways not to. I think when Mr. Depp first noticed this behavior from his fans, he should have re-directed their emotions. While I still feel this intervention would be welcomed, his fans may be "disarmed" by the verdict in his favour.
I would recast Mera. I was thinking Emilia ClarkeRumor is they’re killing her off in Aquaman 2 and cutting all her scenes.
The rumor is she’ll die in childbirth at the beginning, possibly off-screen. There’s a test screening coming up soon so we’ll know then.I would recast Mera. I was thinking Emilia Clarke
Also fuck #metoo
I don't think they will get rid of all her scenes. I think she will be there in minor capacity due to there being scenes she's in that important to the storyThe rumor is she’ll die in childbirth at the beginning, possibly off-screen. There’s a test screening coming up soon so we’ll know then.
She’s not important to the story. The movie is about Aquaman and Ocean Master teaming up to fight Manta.I don't think they will get rid of all her scenes. I think she will be there in minor capacity due to there being scenes she's in that important to the story
True but they kept Ezra MillerShe’s not important to the story. The movie is about Aquaman and Ocean Master teaming up to fight Manta.
They already explained that they can’t cancel that movie due to the costs involved.True but they kept Ezra Miller
Maybe we can learn through this trial about people with borderline personality disorders.
And how they have FP ( favorite people)
And the way they suffer from social issues.
I say suffer as they may not even know they're suffering from it or be able to get real help and control of their diagnosis.
Hopefully everyone can learn more about it to help who suffer from these type of mental disorders without too much judgement and help themselves not get shanked by recognizing the signs of bpd in people in their circle.
There is probably alot of truth from Dr. Curry's diagnosis. Even showing up as Amber appeals her decision.
Amber is too selfish to hurt herself so I don't see her being suicidal. But I allllllmost feel bad for her that she will probably never be able to stop being a lying bitch.
Even when I had call recordings to back up my claims my pregnant ex was a complete liar
Johnny’s team should have done a media tour I feel. That’s is massive public interest, strike while the iron is hot. Do not like seeing the media narrative taking this shape.
You know how this works, do a few and they all copy each other from there.
Half way around the world, where is this dufuss getting it from, it’s at-verbatim team Amber…..
Have a brother whose ex-wife literally attacked a door with an axe, as he tried to barricade himself after years of abuse. My brother ain't small. Strong dude.I had to do the same, although I never needed to use them legally. I saw the pattern of how my ex wife worked, she never did anything if there was a witness in the room, never put anything in writing that would incriminate her. I'd get full blast mentality from her when nobody was around if she thought I'd said something "wrong"or "Lied" when there were witnesses. She'd quietly seethe until they were gone.
Recording those phone conversations where I'm being perfectly calm and reasonable and she's screaming like a banshee were the only proof I had of what she was like to my family. I'd also put her on speakerphone (She never worked that out) if she called and someone was in the room with me for proof again of what she was like. The comments of those people in the room were the validation I needed that I wasn't the bad guy here at all. "She's just making shit up" "She's still going?!" "My aunt was exactly like that with my uncle" and "She still thinks she's your wife".
You get no support or benefit of the doubt as a man unless you do things like candidly recording themwiftt
Have a brother whose ex-wife literally attacked a door with an axe, as he tried to barricade himself after years of abuse. My brother ain't small. Strong dude.
So she called the police on him. They took her word.
Divorced thank God but she financially ruined him and is now a lesbian and kids won't even speak to him. Darlings as well. So messed up. I miss seeing them. No idea what she said, touchy subject.
Oh I have bi-polar. (her excuse, always).
Like fuck she did, was a psychopath. Still court sided with her, she divorced without him even knowing. Just got a letter in the post and went WTF?
Of course due to the fact they bought a house together, so all debt was dumped on him. She rang the bank crying and they wrote her part all-off. Thankfully he managed to get the same but took effort. Had to declare bankruptcy.
Talk about cruelty. My heart truly broke for him, he didn't deserve it.
Edit I'm typing fast on my phone in bed.Sorry if been writing too much about my own situation in this thread but I don't usually get that much of a chance to talk it out.
Jesus, I consider myself so lucky. Did have a Sicilian try to always slap me but I was too quick and always was caught her arm, was nearly enduring at the start. Gets old quickly though, slaps evolved to punches. FUUUUUCK THAT.That's why I don't go anywhere near my ex wife, and if I needed to for any reason I'd have at least 2 trusted witnesses. Last time I saw her post divorce, she started swinging a big kitchen knife around and I know from other mens experiences that I was right on track to be falsely accused of assault or rape.
Edit I'm typing fast on my phone in bed.
You're good my man. Sounds like your doing the right thing. I feel and understand everything you are going through.
I couldn't tell you my experience in one post either.![]()
I've stood trial in children's court for molesting my children. I wish no father that. My 5 and 4 year old children coached.
Then the next year she dumped my son on me. And I've raised him the last 4 years while my daughter has been alienated via distance and not showing up for drop offs sin e she doesn't want to make up the 200 mile distance she created.
I am 24 days away from my rfo hearing to most likely , I'm not expecting because I am a man in this system, but hoping to get my daughter full custody because I am able to prove child alienation via two doctors. I leave tomorrow to drive like 300 miles for a reunification therapy since mother refuses to drive at all and court is useless when people lie especially about money.
Here the latest family serivces report before alienation began right before covid.
Family services after I prove to them they were wrong and lied to. All they can say is
"Its been litigated "
I have no recourse. I can't sue since courts thinks it's detrimental to the children. All they fucking could say is.
"Its not illegal to be a terrible mother."
I also recorded myself every time I am near that person. Phone running in my pocket. I've caught so many lies and shown to minors counsel as my motion had gotten my child her own attorney and two doctors.
I wrote this declarstion for my 6 27 2022 court date. Since she continously kept lying to court. i have three professionals aligned that i pay for dince she lies she doesnt have money. This is my motion I filed in May 2020. It has taken two years. My daughter has not seen anyone outside mother in over two years. Not even her own brother as he is being used as an excuse. Mother now says he molests his sister.
Believe me. I understand the seething burning hate for these people. Im about to inherit the child alienation forum on reddit, I've put all my energy in reuniting my children. This trial has meant so much to me. That's why when Johnny said about the people that supported him through the accusations. I understand and I cry in joy thst I have had someone by my side. It takes alot of time and money to get this sysyem to believe men. But we are getting there.
Wow, so even when she got caught lying about you sexually abusing your children, nothing happened to her and she still retained custody rights?
Of course, some women know it's basically no risk to accuse a partner of something in most cases.
You say that, and then im reminded that "Its just a joke lol" is commonly used to distance yourself away from responsibility and a notion of being scared.Jesus dude, i was joking lol.
Good for you anyway.
You can say the same about all GAF members. But here we are mass-assuming daily what kind of people we are.To be fair, we don't know her on a personal basis so our opinion is useless in defining the type of person she is.
I was once engaged to a woman who showed signs of being like this and I am glad to have dodged that bullet. From what I hear her current husband pretty much can't breathe without facing her wrath.
This why I give credit to the one woman who I had a casual relationship with and though she was heartbroken when I didn't eastwant more she refused to listen to the women around her who wanted her to destroy me and cut them all out of her life. We wouldn't have worked out as a couple because we are too different but I wish her well.
Elaine milking her 15mins too. She's proven right what Morgan Tremane said on stand to Elaine.Propaganda.
Go on Fox news, you will at least reach far more people.![]()
Ms Heard have you ever drank Bailey's from a shoe?
Look at my Mangina... look at it!!Ms Heard have you ever drank Bailey's from a shoe?
“ I would have liked Mr. Depp to get ahead of this and to have said, "Listen, I understand you are upset, but there are ways to express how to be upset." The fact that he hasn't probably says potential volumes about him.”