JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


Does the paper grow or did he start with large human/ car sized pieces of paper.
When someone is partially inside the paper is this a perspective trick or are they really tiny?
Did he have to scare the driver of the taxi?
How did Yuya catch up to the taxi?
Where did the driver go during the encounter?
How was yuya both flat and substantative. Same goes for Josuke.

Also everything about the nature of stands and cheap trick.

Araki plz.


I completely forgot what Cheap Trick does. Like, I remember there was a stand hides in the back but I mixed it up with Engima. Man what a scary stand.
Hasn't everyone?

Josuke and Okuyasu? Bros for life
Turns Tamami and Hazamada into friends
Gets together with Yukako
He's the only character Rohan actually likes

Even Kira gave him props when they 'fought'.
Well yes, but it's Jotaro.

I feel like Koichi kinda reminds Jotaro of Kakyoin.
He's probably trying to figure out a way to ask him if he likes cherries without sounding like a massive creep.
Does the paper grow or did he start with large human/ car sized pieces of paper.
When someone is partially inside the paper is this a perspective trick or are they really tiny?
Did he have to scare the driver of the taxi?
How did Yuya catch up to the taxi?
Where did the driver go during the encounter?
How was yuya both flat and substantative. Same goes for Josuke.

Also everything about the nature of stands and cheap trick.

Araki plz.

Wow, I'm surprised you were able to ask this many questions about JoJo without giving up and accepting one of the following likely answers:

  • Araki forgot
  • Araki didn't care
  • Araki thought it would be cool
  • Araki forgot and didn't care that he forgot because he thinks the alternative is cooler


Supernatural stuff actually exists in the Jojo universe, and Stands and Stand-related phenomena (like ghosts) are the explanation for why they exist. So where we see Jotaro bend prison bars open with Star Platinum, non-Stand users see Jotaro use "telekinesis".

Anubis, Superfly, and Cheap Trick are the Stand explanations for curses. And at the same time, they tie into the theme of "Stands reflect the mind" by being manifestations of bloodlust, social anxiety, and paranoia, emotions that override rational thought and manifest as Stands that curse their own users, and other people.

the rest of the Enigma stuff is "Araki thought it'd be cool"


But what about...


The answer is always "Araki thought it'd be cool". The rest is secondary.

Oh ok.


So what was Terunosuke's deal, and why did he ally with Kira's dad? Was it just that he's a sadist and enjoyed toying with people?

Supernatural stuff actually exists in the Jojo universe, and Stands and Stand-related phenomena (like ghosts) are the explanation for why they exist. So where we see Jotaro bend prison bars open with Star Platinum, non-Stand users see Jotaro use "telekinesis".

Anubis, Superfly, and Cheap Trick are the Stand explanations for curses. And at the same time, they tie into the theme of "Stands reflect the mind" by being manifestations of bloodlust, social anxiety, and paranoia, emotions that override rational thought and manifest as Stands that curse their own users, and other people.

the rest of the Enigma stuff is "Araki thought it'd be cool"

So does Ghost Girl have a stand as well?


I think Kira's dad was going to pay Terunosuke, but yeah the real reason was that he's a sadist. He's one of the few characters in DiU whose motivations go beyond selfishness into evilness.

Reimi doesn't have a stand, but ghosts are stand-like entities. That's why Rohan was able to use Heaven's Door on her. So she doesn't have a stand, she's like a stand.

e: That's why stand users are able to see the Ghost Alley and Reimi, too, they can see ghosts because they can see stands.
I think Kira's dad was going to pay Terunosuke, but yeah the real reason was that he's a sadist. He's one of the few characters in DiU whose motivations go beyond selfishness into evilness.

Reimi doesn't have a stand, but ghosts are stand-like entities. That's why Rohan was able to use Heaven's Door on her. So she doesn't have a stand, she's like a stand.

e: That's why stand users are able to see the Ghost Alley and Reimi, too, they can see ghosts because they can see stands.

Imagine how much it would suck to have a dead person as your stand. Especially since they can't even do anything.


"Araki thought it'd be cool"

This is always going to be the answer. That or dramatic.

Except for part 5 I read through all of jojo twice. Part 4 and SBR I reread them with different translations, which will also be the case with part 5 once it is complete (which it should be very soon?).

The reason why I asked those questions though is because for me these encounters in part 4 is when I stopped questioning the internal logic of stands and just accepted that being interesting was much more important than being consistent. It was an important conclusion to come to which was always in the back of my mind when anime jojo discussions about stands and how they are perceived to work... knowing that Araki simply makes it up as he goes along.

Anyway so does Yuya see out of the stand like Koichi does? When his or Akira's stands talk to people is it the user's mind and voice or the stand itself speaking on behalf of the user but relaying the thoughts back and forth?
...being interesting was much more important than being consistent.

JoJo has made me think like this about all pieces of fiction and it's one of the reasons why I consider Araki one of my greatest influences when writing myself. Not that I don't strive for consistency but not at the expense of interesting content.


Anyway so does Yuya see out of the stand like Koichi does? When his or Akira's stands talk to people is it the user's mind and voice or the stand itself speaking on behalf of the user but relaying the thoughts back and forth?

Highway Star is pretty much designed for long ranges and drawn out chases, so it makes sense that Yuya would be more directly connected to it somehow.

Act 3 had to verbally give Koichi instructions and explain what it was capable of, and has a fairly short distance it's able to travel away from Koichi, so I imagine they don't have the same kind of link.
Plus, Act 3 seems to represent parts of Koichi that he suppresses or hasn't grown into yet, so there's another level of disconnection between them.


Because of it's range I don't think there is any evidence that he can see out of act 3 but he can definitely see out of act 1 which is why he uses it to scout the area.


Junior Member

King Boo

so is yugioh based on the paper guy? he traps people, and even objects in paper. this guy is pretty powerful, even if you take away the pokeman part.

and why was the taxi guy not even shocked what happened to him?


So what was Terunosuke's deal, and why did he ally with Kira's dad? Was it just that he's a sadist and enjoyed toying with people?

So does Ghost Girl have a stand as well?

I don't think it's so much as allying with him more that he is given the chance to indulge in his fetish so he decides to help out because it serves both their purposes.


Yeah the Toonami discussion threads are full of comments every week about the cut being so bad, even from the first time viewers

it's so bad
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