JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang


Yeah, though it's a bit weird since it seems to change all of the hair. I guess Araki thought having the top of a person's head pop off would be too creepy.


they need to at least play the full version again for the sfx ops when they happen

It is a possibility. They did play the full opening of HxH when they changed to the second version.

Speaking of SFX openings. I really hope we get them for all 3 in DiU at some point. Especially Chase.
After months of watching all the Jo Jo's I can finally say I am caught up on this show. I am actually sad that there is no more Jo Jo for me to watch. I might go back and watch some of the old fights between episodes. Does anyone ever explain why Jotaro's hair melds into his hat? I know the Boingo brothers poked fun at it, but was it just a trope? They make it much more of a point in part 4 to show the back of his head.


After months of watching all the Jo Jo's I can finally say I am caught up on this show. I am actually sad that there is no more Jo Jo for me to watch. I might go back and watch some of the old fights between episodes. Does anyone ever explain why Jotaro's hair melds into his hat? I know the Boingo brothers poked fun at it, but was it just a trope? They make it much more of a point in part 4 to show the back of his head.
The explanation is just because Araki. There's no in-universe reason for it.


After months of watching all the Jo Jo's I can finally say I am caught up on this show. I am actually sad that there is no more Jo Jo for me to watch. I might go back and watch some of the old fights between episodes. Does anyone ever explain why Jotaro's hair melds into his hat? I know the Boingo brothers poked fun at it, but was it just a trope? They make it much more of a point in part 4 to show the back of his head.

Because it looks cool.


Well, after over a month of binge watching Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable, I've finally run out of JoJo to watch. Figured I might as well pop in here now that I'm all caught up and spoilers are no longer an issue.

But man, after watching around 100 episodes at my own leisure, it's gonna be painful having to wait an entire week for the next few ones. Diamond still has 6 more to go, right?

Also, has there been any word on the next part yet? I know Diamond started not very long after Stardust ended but I haven't really followed anime all that closely in over a decade. So, I have no idea how far ahead of time this kind of news would generally be announced.


Also, has there been any word on the next part yet? I know Diamond started not very long after Stardust ended but I haven't really followed anime all that closely in over a decade. So, I have no idea how far ahead of time this kind of news would generally be announced.
There's supposed to be some special event in February, so they might announce it there. Part 5 is incredibly popular in Japan, so I'm sure they'll animate it.


I wonder how Rohan is going to explain to the police how the architecture died in his house

"Sir, we found the body in your house, in a hole covered by carpet with his back opened up. This seems pretty open and shut."


"It's so tragic how he died. Well, we'll get out of your hair Mr. Kishibe."


"Sir, we found the body in your house, in a hole covered by carpet with his back opened up. This seems pretty open and shut."


"It's so tragic how he died. Well, we'll get out of your hair Mr. Kishibe."

Heaven's Door is the true serial killer's stand of choice.
Ive watched all of part 4 on Hulu. Their choices for names seem to not match up with what the characters actually say. Is this because they are saying different words than the manga? "Crazy Diamond" and "Echo" are the biggest offenders here.


Junior Member
Ive watched all of part 4 on Hulu. Their choices for names seem to not match up with what the characters actually say. Is this because they are saying different words than the manga? "Crazy Diamond" and "Echoes" are the biggest offenders here.
Copyright laws are a bitch.


I think it's more trademark than copyright. You can use names for the most part, like when Kojima used Diamond Dogs in MGSV, but it seems like they are scared more of the implication of stealing the names than anything. I prefer them being safe and continuing to give us Jojo over using the real names and somehow getting in trouble.

It's copyright if they use the actual songs.
I imagine the biggest issues regarding names are when they take from really well known sources, such as Killer Queen or Earth, Wind, and Fire. Hence why we still get names that slip through like Heaven's Door, Love Deluxe, and Superfly for example.


I imagine the biggest issues regarding names are when they take from really well known sources, such as Killer Queen or Earth, Wind, and Fire. Hence why we still get names that slip through like Heaven's Door, Love Deluxe, and Superfly for example.
And Heaven's Door for example can get by a little easier because the Stand isn't "Knockin' on Heaven's Door."
Honestly, the synonym guessing game makes the stand names 10× more fun :p
I'll gladly take those over no Jojo at all
Worse Company and Flaccid Pancake are the best
Am I the only one that thinks the stands and users are just getting more and more bizarre? Seriosuly, what the hell has Araki been smoking? DiU is so goddamned bizarre.
Also, has there been any word on the next part yet? I know Diamond started not very long after Stardust ended but I haven't really followed anime all that closely in over a decade. So, I have no idea how far ahead of time this kind of news would generally be announced.

Well, so far the gap between Jojo seasons has usually been almost a year to a year. Personally I expect Vento Aureo to start in the 2017 fall season.


Ive watched all of part 4 on Hulu. Their choices for names seem to not match up with what the characters actually say. Is this because they are saying different words than the manga? "Crazy Diamond" and "Echo" are the biggest offenders here.
It's a bit of a weird issue.

The first problem is that the names are trademarked...but it's more than that. Trademarks aren't like copyrights. You can't violate a trademark just by using it, you violate a trademark when there's a reasonable chance people would confuse the product with an official one.

Sega was able to call out Nintendo by name in their advertisements back in the day because there's no reasonable chance people would think the advertisements were endorsed by Nintendo. But those bootleg "Nintendo" systems from China can't be sold in most countries, because they're trying to be deceive people into thinking it's an official product.

So Crunchyroll and Viz shouldn't need to censor the stand names. There's no reasonable chance a pink muscle ghost is going to be confused with anything from Pink Floyd. But the legal system can't just assume that, Crunchyroll and Viz would have to prove it to them.

And that's the real issue. It would be easy to prove that Stand names don't infringe on trademarks, but the US legal system is long and expensive. Viz and Crunchyroll, tiny companies they are, would go bankrupt trying to fight musical giants. And that's the real reason Stand names have to be censored, they're legally fine, but we don't have enough money to prove it.


Am I the only one that thinks the stands and users are just getting more and more bizarre? Seriosuly, what the hell has Araki been smoking? DiU is so goddamned bizarre.
Part 4's Stands are still firmly in the "Perfectly reasonable" camp when compared to the Stands of Part 5 and onward. :)
Part 4's Stands are still firmly in the "Perfectly reasonable" camp when compared to the Stands of Part 5 and onward. :)

Really? Not, not really. A transmission tower stand? A ghost living in a photograph riding a crow? A guy that can turn people into paper and transport anything in it? A guy whose afraid to show his back? DiU is so bizarre now I love it.


Really? Not, not really. A transmission tower stand? A ghost living in a photograph riding a crow? A guy that can turn people into paper and transport anything in it? A guy whose afraid to show his back? DiU is so bizarre now I love it.
Yes, there are Stands even stranger than those. You have to see them to believe them. Even in the manga thread, words sometimes fail to do them justice lol.


Each part is actually more bizarre than the last. Even Part 8 is more bizarre than any part that came before it, and I have no doubts Part 9 will be yet more bizarre.

(details go in the manga thread)
Nobody here should ever google Jorge Joestar. Not only does it contain spoilers up to part 7, it's some of the most ridiculous, dumbest, bizarre, beyond-comprehension, insane things I have ever read that dared to relate to JoJo.

All I'll say to prove it is "36 Kars" and leave it at that.
Really? Not, not really. A transmission tower stand? A ghost living in a photograph riding a crow? A guy that can turn people into paper and transport anything in it? A guy whose afraid to show his back? DiU is so bizarre now I love it.
From what I've glimpsed in the manga thread the nature of stands and the shit they do get really fucking batshit, with I think
Part 6
being completely fucking whacked out.


So I just started watching this show other day, made it through the first two parts (phantom blood/battle tendency) and it was awesome.

Now I am like 10 episodes deep into stardust crusaders and it's almost like it's a completely different show. Stands? It's cool and all, but what happened to Hamon?

Besides the names "Dio", "JoJo", and "Speedwagon" there's practically no connection so far... (without spoilers) does it stay this way?

It's almost like Joseph Joestar's story was filler and pointless. Should I just shut up and wait?


So I just started watching this show other day, made it through the first two parts (phantom blood/battle tendency) and it was awesome.

Now I am like 10 episodes deep into stardust crusaders and it's almost like it's a completely different show. Stands? It's cool and all, but what happened to Hamon?
Hamon is pretty much gone, yeah. That might seem like a bad thing, but Stands will end up being more than worth it, though they might not seem that way in early Stardust Crusaders.

Besides the names "Dio", "JoJo", and "Speedwagon" there's practically no connection so far... (without spoilers) does it stay this way?

It's almost like Joseph Joestar's story was filler and pointless. Should I just shut up and wait?
Battle Tendency was always one of the more disconnected parts, but that's how the series works. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is not a continuous story, it's more like a collection of stories set in the same timeline and focused on the Joestar family. Each part is its own self-contained arc, and the tone and theme varies wildly.

So Joseph's story isn't filler because that's not really important in Jojo.

that said, the early part of SDC is easily the weakest section of Jojo, so don't worry if you're not enjoying it as much, it'll get better
You're better off looking at it this way. Part 1 was JoJo vs. Dio, part 2 was JoJo vs. the Stone Mask, and part 3 is the conclusion of JoJo vs. DIO, with Jonathan's descendants out to finally avenge him.

Unfortunately hamon won't become very relevant again, but rest assured that Joseph still makes use of it whenever he fights at least.

PK Gaming

In case anyone was curious about what exactly happened to Enigma Boy (since the anime didn't cover it)

Nobody here should ever google Jorge Joestar. Not only does it contain spoilers up to part 7, it's some of the most ridiculous, dumbest, bizarre, beyond-comprehension, insane things I have ever read that dared to relate to JoJo.

All I'll say to prove it is "36 Kars" and leave it at that.

Jorge Joestar undermines one of the most emotional powerful moments in the franchise.

I could forgive all the stupid, troll-like garbage that's in it. Can't forgive it for doing that though.



I see, good to know. Putting it that way, I guess that's fine. The show is pretty sweet, and if you guys are saying it gets better from here, then I won't complain.

Hamon was a pretty cool concept, I just hate when a story builds something up so much for it to just be forgotten.

It really has been kind of jarring going from how great the first two parts were to the beginning of Stardust Crusaders. Feels like it went to a villain-of-the-week type show. I'll finish the season and see how I feel then.


For what it's worth, back when Part 1 and 2 came out, hamon was a pretty generic concept. You could find similar stuff in most shounen of the era.

But stands, stands were literally revolutionary. You know all those stories like One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, My Hero Academia and whatnot, whose power systems are based on having cleverly used unique abilities over power levels? All of those ultimately trace back to stands.
I see, good to know. Putting it that way, I guess that's fine. The show is pretty sweet, and if you guys are saying it gets better from here, then I won't complain.

Hamon was a pretty cool concept, I just hate when a story builds something up so much for it to just be forgotten.

It really has been kind of jarring going from how great the first two parts were to the beginning of Stardust Crusaders. Feels like it went to a villain-of-the-week type show. I'll finish the season and see how I feel then.
Part 3 gets a lot better towards the last half, my biggest gripe is the main cast though, they just didn't seem to gel right for me, which is something that gets a lot better in Part 4. Part 3 has some fun fights though and the pacing isn't the best in the anime but it closes out fine enough.


For what it's worth, back when Part 1 and 2 came out, hamon was a pretty generic concept. You could find similar stuff in most shounen of the era.

But stands, stands were literally revolutionary. You know all those stories like One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, My Hero Academia and whatnot, whose power systems are based on having cleverly used unique abilities over power levels? All of those ultimately trace back to stands.

Eh. One Piece and I'm guessing MHA based on what I heard use more standard superpowers than anything. HxH definitely takes from it though.
Eh. One Piece and I'm guessing MHA based on what I heard use more standard superpowers than anything. HxH definitely takes from it though.
I for one am ready for the world of Nen powered stands. Araki can draw them and Togashi can write the 16 pages necessary to describe the powers behind the god damn things.


Eh. One Piece and I'm guessing MHA based on what I heard use more standard superpowers than anything. HxH definitely takes from it though.
Devil fruits and quirks don't get as weird as stands/nen, yeah, but it's not the bizarreness, it's the way the powers are applied. Superpower fiction, especially shounen, has traditionally been focused on "power levels". What the superpower is doesn't really matter; it didn't matter that Superman had so many powers, they're all varying ways to beat up the enemy.

Stands, especially once you get past SDC, popularized the idea of powers being based on application. Enemies are fought by figuring out how to counter their ability, and your ability made stronger by figuring out how to use it better. There's no power levels, and a guy who can stop time can be defeated by a rat.

HxH, One Piece, My Hero Academia, and other "ability-based" shounen are all based on application and outthinking the enemy, and Jojo is what popularized the concept.
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