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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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I'm always surprised people rank Phantom Blood so low, I think for being such a short story it was pretty good and it was the perfect way to introduce how much of an asshole Dio is and show where all of his fuckery comes from.

Speaking specifically of endings, I will say that I don't remember exactly how some of them happen due to it being a while since I read the manga and I just don't remember all the details of the last fights BUT I have a few comments, which I will use mostly going off whatever I remember and Em's post:

Part 5's battle was trash, I'll agree to that since it's easily my least liked part. King Crimson's powers still make little sense today, GER becomes probably the most broken stand ever, Polnareff for all the dumb shit he does becomes a turtle and nobody bats an eye to that event, and just whatever the hell the last fight was is just completely confusing. NEXT.

In regards to Part 4 I actually found it a bit disappointing, I guess it's because it just seemed so static? Josuke keeps trying to find a way to get near Kira but can't due to Stray Cat and then when he does Killer Queen can't match his close combat strength at all, which makes Kira run away again and then Jotaro and Koichi come in and kick his ass. Best part was Kira getting dragged away, also I don't completely understand how Another One Bites the Dust works.

Part 3's final moments were great, I like D'arby the Gamer but the battle with Vanilla Ice is so brutal and then with Dio it's all pretty amazing. I have to say that I agree that Jotaro's sudden power is basically the definition of asspull, the only argument of foreshadowing to this ability is maybe the D'arby Gambler fight and even then it's questionable. Yeah Joseph also comes back from the dead, but I don't care about that because I actually like him so I can excuse that and less so Jotaro's crap. Which brings me to my next point.

Part 2's last fight was great, Stroheim is back, Lisa Lisa is there though the only downer is that she doesn't get to do anything, and then we have piranhas on a plane and a squid and a fucking volcano. It's amazing, it's as over the top as the whole part has been given Joseph's real stand of Looney Tunes Asspull. The volcano explosion sending Kars into space is only justified in my eyes because of two reasons: 1) Because I like Joseph more as I said before and 2) Ok seriously, it's because he actually admits that he had no idea that was going to happen but lied about it to Kars just to fuck with him. Jotaro's attitude when he stops time isn't one of holy shit I can do it too? It's more of a of course I can I'm fucking Jotaro. I already don't like the type of stoic bravado he displays, so this makes his asspull that much more awful in my eyes whereas with Joseph at least he admits that he just got ridiculously lucky but he sure as hell wasn't going to let Kars know that.

Part 6's ending was bittersweet in that it was weird seeing the reset, it was good to see Jotaro die especially with the face cutting in half thing (yes I really dislike him as it should be obvious) but it sucked seeing Jolyne not really get to do anything at that point. She became something of a side character in the last fight against her own main villain. Hell they were relying on Jotaro's power to try and stop him and when that failed they just died one by one. I kind of wish Jolyne's power had been able to try and counteract Pucci somehow even if it was something as dumb as just tripping him. It was also heartwarming to see her sacrifice herself for Emporio and at the same time to see the best stand of that part to kill the asshole priest and Weather get revenge. Pucci dying by asphyxiation is actually pretty great, dude deserved a slow and painful death, fuck that guy.

Part 7's was also bittersweet because damn it I didn't want Gyro to die when he finally got a cool stand :C but also because Tusk Act IV is awesome. I didn't like seeing Alternate Diego with The World though, I thought it was cheap and his "win" over Johnny to be really contrived and made just so that there could be some more sadness in the ending when that wasn't necessary given Gyro's fate. Also, I will always pronounce it gee-roh instead of jai-roh. Dude's Italian that's how it's pronounced damn it.


Unconfirmed Member
Then how come Dino Diego couldn't stop time :V

Because Dino Diego was Phantom Blood Dio's alternate self, and Diego 2 was Stardust Crusaders Dio's SBR equivalent. :p

Definitely wasn't because alternate Diego wasn't added in at the last second.

Because that's not his Stand, it wasn't awakened by the Devil's Palm, the corpse part left him with the ability to use the dino powers.

That actually makes sense.


The ending to Part II was, by the strictest definition, an asspull but I let it slide for similar reasons as Ezlac in that Joesph is awesome and the ending is so over-the-top hilarious that just thinking about it makes me smile. For as little time as Young Joesph gets in the limelight, I'm impressed by how much I like him as a protagonist. So much more enjoyable than Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy, etc.


Part 2's ending is probably the most Joseph ending Araki could have thought of.

Part 6's is depressing. Stone Ocean is one of my favorite parts in the whole series, I love the characters. But you could tell that at a certain point once they left the prison, Araki kind of had no idea where to go with it and just quickly rushed towards an ending.

Part 7's ending is one of the best, much like the rest of part 7. Johnny's showdown with President Valentine is one of my all time favorite moments in the series. Sure, Dio getting ZA WARUDO at the end is a bit of an asspull, but I did like how Johnny got himself out of it. I felt so sad that Gyro died, but I guess in the end I should have known that he was going to die all along, given his family name.


The fight just shows Jotaro gradually strengthening his time-stop abilities, yet if he had it during the D'arby fight it'd be information that'd be kind of privy to the rest of the group. He was present when they open the coffin, if it was foreshadowing he'd have said "Dio stopped time and put him in the coffin" :p
Here's the thing: Jotaro prob. never considered even stopping time til he fought against Dio. All the time he would use SP, he just assumed it was fast enough to do stuff in the blink of an eye, never bothering to take it any further simply because he never thought he needed to.
Furthermore, the whole act of the person OPENING the coffin suddenly appearing INSIDE the coffin they were opening was a major mind shock and more 'defying the laws of reality' than freezing time in the instant the coffin's lid was opened wide enough to see who is in it.

Because that's not his Stand, it wasn't awakened by the Devil's Palm, the corpse part left him with the ability to use the dino powers.

Fair enough.


Here's the thing: Jotaro prob. never considered even stopping time til he fought against Dio. All the time he would use SP, he just assumed it was fast enough to do stuff in the blink of an eye, never bothering to take it any further simply because he never thought he needed to.
Furthermore, the whole act of the person OPENING the coffin suddenly appearing INSIDE the coffin they were opening was a major mind shock and more 'defying the laws of reality' than freezing time in the instant the coffin's lid was opened wide enough to see who is in it.

Fair enough.
That's... what I was arguing against, in regards to some people thinking Jotaro grabbing random objects during D'arby the Gambler being time-stop foreshadowing, because it conflicts events that happen during DIO's World.

I'm saying that if it was foreshadowing, and Jotaro did use time-stop, he'd have been able to identify Dio stopping time to put what's-his-face in the coffin. But he didn't, so it's not foreshadowing.
I'd argue that it is foreshadowing if and only if we consider D'arby freaking out about it possibly being time stopping as the foreshadowing rather than Jotaro moving the objects incredibly fast.


And this is somewhat relevant, as well.



Junior Member
Part 3 is my favorite ending. Everything about it is awesome. Everyone is fucking getting their ass kicked/dying. I had no idea how Jotaro would beat DIO. Yeah time stop can be seen as a deus ex machina but I don't care. It was freaking awesome. Part 7 is my second favorite ending with Johnny finally mastering his skills and defeating Valentine. Could have done without Dio showing up.

1's ending is amazing to me since I didn't think that Jonathan would actually die. You rarely see a main character killed off like that in any comics. 2 is just nonsense but I love it. 5 ,like most people think, was just trash. Giorno becomes even more OP, Pol a turtle, everything else makes no sense. Then that weird last chapter with everyone's death being predicted. 6 was definitely bittersweet. And 4's was a cool joint effort to bring Kira down.

If we're going back to rankings...

3>4>7>2>1>6>5>8 I am just really not liking Jojolion.


Last two things:

1) Those gifs on the last page are amazing.
2) 2=4=7>6>1=3>5. 8 hasn't finished yet so it's a toss up.



When you first get a glimpse of Dio's stand with Hol Horse, I thought it was some kind of teleportation. When Polnareff gets a taste of it I thought Dio was undoing his actions (which would be a really fucking cool stand btw, but I guess Roadagain kinda does this already). When I found out he stops time, these two scenes instantly became hilarious.


Huge Nickleback Fan

This is hillarious.

If we're talking about ending, i personally like Steel Ball Run the best. Everything conclude perfectly and it show how much Johnny have grown.

Stone Ocean deserve a mention for having the most bizarre ending, since it's a reboot ending.

For final fight, i can't decide between Part 3 or part 4. Jotaro time stop moment is fucking glorious, but Josuke struggle against Kira is so damn good. Josuke pulling all the trick he learned during the whole story. So good.


Part 4 final fight can beat part 3's if not lame shit in the end, that robbing the protagonist glorious moment.. thus part 3 remain being the best..


The Part 4 finale is great, Kira trying to use Bites the Dust a second time will be a great episode ender for the anime. Part 7 is probably my fave though I didn't care that much for Diego returning, Valentine was a better character and villain. Also Scary Monster > The World.
SBR invalidates this, since there's no Jotaro present and Dio has time-stop anyway. They're just the same type of Stand. They both punch really hard and can stop-time.

Not the same universe anymore though so the laws might not apply anymore. Like how you don't get a stand from an arrow anymore.

Not participating on part ratings anymore, there's no point.
Every part is amazing, but the only one I didn't like that much was 5, even if I like the characters and some of the battles are super creative... it just feels off and the ending was boring imo.

Also, all of 4 is amazing.


Gives all the fucks
Now the question is how much closer will that bring us to Part 3 getting dubbed?

Also PLEASE be on Blu-Ray. The colors in this show just beg to be in such high quality.


I really hope they release a cast list for the dub soon. Really interested in seeing who they chose for these characters. Though I will probably be a bit cold towards Joseph's English VA at first, mainly because Sugita is absolutely PERFECT as Joseph and I can't see anyone else doing the character justice.


Gives all the fucks
I really hope they release a cast list for the dub soon. Really interested in seeing who they chose for these characters. Though I will probably be a bit cold towards Joseph's English VA at first, mainly because Sugita is absolutely PERFECT as Joseph and I can't see anyone else doing the character justice.
I think there's a few anime conventions coming up (Anime Central, then Anime Expo, & Momocon is less than 2 weeks away), so I would assume we might get an official confirmation along with a list of VAs.
Who knows if the cast will be the same when they redub SC anyway.

It better be. Richard Epcar was awesome as Old Joseph. He struck that perfect balance between goofy and serious that makes Jojo great. And Mathew Mercer is a really good fit for Jotaro.

God I loved that test dub.


It better be. Richard Epcar was awesome as Old Joseph. He struck that perfect balance between goofy and serious that makes Jojo great. And Mathew Mercer is a really good fit for Jotaro.

God I loved that test dub.

I thought Mercer was decent but too similar to his other tough guy voices. Something to differentiate it would be nice.


Gives all the fucks
Yeah, test dub was fine for the most part (Avdol was a bit....weird. Not a bad voice, but for some reason, it didn't feel like it matched, though I got used to it). Richard Epcar was great as Old Joseph & I hope they keep him for some of the later episodes (oh got I can't wait to see the one where he gets magnetized).

Patrick Seitz tends to be the go-to guy for giant muscular characters, but yeah, I think either the accent needs to be changed or get someone that closer matches the JPN's tone.


OVA Dio fight is better than the manga's IMO. The only flaw that bothers me is that it should have been kept hidden Jotaro was alive while Dio was checking his vitals.


OVA Dio fight is better than the manga's IMO. The only flaw that bothers me is that it should have been kept hidden Jotaro was alive while Dio was checking his vitals.
The OVA doesn't have "Spot's taken, sorry." though.

Therefore it is objectively inferior.

It also has random building throw from Star Platinum for some completely baffling reason.
OVA Dio fight is better than the manga's IMO. The only flaw that bothers me is that it should have been kept hidden Jotaro was alive while Dio was checking his vitals.

I dunno, showing us Jotaro literally stop his heart using his stand so that Dio can't hear his heartbeat is pretty badass.


OVA Dio fight is better than the manga's IMO. The only flaw that bothers me is that it should have been kept hidden Jotaro was alive while Dio was checking his vitals.

But that last part is really fatal IMO, its what Jotaro built up to and show how he earned it instead show up from flame BS.. what I like tho, they completely cut polnareff involvement and make it more personal and what SolarKnight said.
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