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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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I've got my part 4 pitch all set

'Hey so what's Part 4 like?'

'Ok imagine if Ed, Edd, and Eddy took place in Twin Peaks and everyone had stands. One of the main characters is Krillin if he was Gohan."

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Part 4 could go two parts like Part 3 - one for pre-Kira and another for Kira... right? I mean he didn't really last long in his disguise.

Also I just realized how many aspects of Battle Tendency Steel Ball Run has. Crackers are Steel Balls, we got horses like Wham's Chariot battle, stealing items like Aja and Corpse parts, both even capable of doing something to users, etc.


Gives all the fucks
2nd Eyes of Heaven demo to hit the JPN PSN "very soon" for PS4 (ugh, why no PS3?!) with 6 characters playable: Jonathan, Dio Brando (Part 1), Kars, Jotaro, Kakyoin, & N'Doul. There's suppose to be "big improvements" based on player feedback.

Least we get to see how the hell N'Doul will work.
Eyes of Heaven hasn't really impressed me by what I've seen, and the concept of a tag team arena fighter isn't my cup of tea. Hopefully it ends up better than what I've seen, since All-Star Battle, for all its INSANE attention to detail, was an inherently flawed game.



Also at no moment during the episode Last Train Home played what the fuck


I'm not bothered at all by the lack of Part 4 tease. I didn't really expect one to show up, tbh.

Maybe it will be on the blu-ray.
Going to post this here too -

I’ve been thinking about doing this post for a while now, and now that Stardust Crusaders has finally concluded, here it is. Forgive me if this is a bit messy, I had this mostly done before episodes 47/48 when things were added to the OP. I want to talk about the second opening, Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~. Now personally I think all four OP are great, song wise and visual wise. If I had to rank them –

Song – Bloody Stream (2)-> Sono Chi no Sadame(1) -> Sono Chi no Kioku(4) -> Stand Proud(3)
Visual – Sono chi no Kioku -> Bloody Stream -> Sono Chi no Sadame -> Stand Proud
So I pretty definitively think Stand Proud is the weakest. But let’s focus on Sono Chi no Kioku. This OP is fucking amazing when it comes to visuals. I don’t think a lot of people liked Kioku when it came out, because of the lack of a real hype moment (like SO NO CHI NO SADAME, JOOOOOOOOOJO or YA~ MI~ WO~) and the fact it keeps building up to something then resetting it, and the ORA ORA ORA at the end are kind of limp. Sadame and Bloody Stream might as well be classics by now and are extremely good in their own right, but Kioku does something amazing and that is slipping in constant foreshadowing and spoilers right under the nose, sometimes in extremely subtle ways. Sadame gives away the whole plot of Phantom Blood, having the OP filled with iconic moments like Dio kissing Erina, Dio being shot by the cops and living, Jonathan’s father dying, Dio walking up the burning mansion, etc. Bloody Stream is worse on that front, as it spoils Caesar’s death extremely obviously. Now it’s not like they were incapable of being subtle, Bloody Stream sneaks in Hermit Purple, even. And even in the obvious Caesar’s death part, the last bubble that flys by the screen is red, Caesar’s blood bubble he used to deliver the antidote to Joseph.

Stand Proud also did it having Iggy as the “sixth” star at the beginning way before he shows up, briefly showing Hol Horse, showing the group camping after the plane crash (you can see the plane on the right) and hiding things like the Joestar mark on Jonathan’s body at 0:50.

Right after that, the background shows the order of the fights – plane for Tower of Grey, a boat for Dark Blue Moon and Strength, the cable car for Temperance and so on, which is cool. But I mostly want to go over all the little things in Sono Chi no Kioku an anime viewer or even a manga reader wouldn’t have picked up on, and there are A LOT so get ready for images!

First off, the obvious motif of the clock and pendulum. The theme of time is all throughout this opening, foreshadowing the big reveal of The World's abilities and that the group is running out of time to save Holly. The pendulum is also supposed to represent The World itself, as in the final episode's OP it turns into The World.

You can also hear a heartbeat – that’s Jotaro’s. It’s a reference to the scene where Jotaro has to use his Stand to stop his heart to trick DIO into thinking he died. It could also be Joseph’s at the epilogue when Jotaro restarts his heart doing the same trick.

It cuts across the desert, filled with gears - more things pointing toward time. It flies past the crew, ending on Polnareff's Silver Chariot using two swords - a reference to the Anubis fight, the same pose as well.

Next we cut to the group on the stairs, with silhouettes of the Egyptian Gods flying past, the theme of the enemy Stands in the second half. I checked, and they are in order and accurate. It ends with a shot moving downward, everyone frozen in time, ending on Jotaro, who looks up and summons his stand, foreshadowing his ability to fight against The World's time stop. Polnareff is also at the top of the stairs, a reference to him discovering DIO on the stairs. It's also split into the two groups, Polnareff, Iggy and Avdol then Kakyoin, Joseph and Jotaro. It also appears homage to the OVA (this scene never happened in the manga, obviously as two of these people were dead at the time) where they are all climbing the stairs. Credit to Jexhius for helping me remember this scene from the OVA.

In the final episode's OP, the World's fists are what make cracks on the screen you could see before.

After the stairs, it cuts to the group on the roof, you can see the sun setting in the background, and various lights popping up. You can also see the Pyramids in the background and the clock tower Kakyoin uses to show Joseph what The World does, and I think that is DIO's mansion they are looking at. The best explanation I have for the lights is the scene when DIO is on top of the radio tower, pulling down an electric cord and causing a light to flicker. Polnareff is also the only one who moves his body, I dunno why though.

A pendulum swings by and we see Avdol reaching his hand out to Iggy and Polnareff, as if trying to stop them. He is actually pushing them away from Cream, Cream swoops in, splitting the screen, turning Avdol's half red, signifying his death.

In the same scene, right after, the floor shifts to stairs, and you can see Polnareff move down it, a reference to his encounter with DIO when he moved Polnareff down the stairs. Credit to EmCeeGramr because I actually didn't notice this.


And added in the final episode's OP...

Look who you can see at the top of the stairs.

It shifts to Kakyoin, surrounded by string. This is the trap he laid for DIO using Hierophant Green. A pendulum swings by and it breaks, when DIO shattered his net and then killed him.

And in the final episode's OP...

The World cuts in to shatter it.

Cut to Joseph, hand outstretched, and the point going for his neck, the knife DIO used to "kill" him.

And in the final episode's OP...

The knife is replaced by The World's arm going into Joseph's chest, pumping slightly to show he is absorbing his blood.

Cut to Jotaro, stopped in midair, and dozens of the points come at him, the knives DIO throws at him.

Here is a real subtle one - if you look really hard, you can see Jotaro's finger wiggle, which is what stopped DIO from killing him out of shock he could possibly move when time was stopped.


And in the final episode's OP, that comes to fruition as Jotaro summons his Stand while time is stopped.

After that, a star shoots across the sky, splitting into the group. I'm not sure on this one but the only thing I think this could be referencing is when they jump out of DIO's tower and fly down, but I'm probably stretching it.

Cut to Jotaro at the top of the stairs, using Star Platinum to shatter some glass. In the reflection, if you look very closely you can see who is hidden there for just a frame...


Which allowed us to have this amazing scene -

Episode 47 special OP

…Where DIO stops time for exactly nine seconds. Fucking DP, man.

Lastly, the final scene where Jotaro shatters the glass and DIO appears behind him, over his shoulder in time stop. In the actual series, it is the opposite, Jotaro appears behind DIO's shoulder in time stop.

...and finally ending on the ORA ORA ORA ORA barrage. But despite that you can make out someone else's fist...

That's The World's fist on the right, hidden in the barrage in a few frames.

And that's it. That's Sono chi no Kioku, a visually outstanding opening in every way in my opinion.

I was also going to grab some manga panels but that would have been a lot of work and hard to format, and the TV anime shots are pretty much the same. One thing I'm surprised they didn't try to reference was the iconic steamroller DIO drops on Jotaro, though.


Great post, Metroid. Imo overall the best intro by far, so much attention to detail and the song really grows on you.

No Part 4 (or 6) tease sucks, but the multiple shots of the Bow and Arrow have me 99% convinced that DIU is happening pretty soon. Fall 2016 if I had to guess.


We'll get Part 4 anime guys. When is the last bluray releasing? Just like Part 2's ending, we may get a teaser in the bluray :p


We'll get Part 4 anime guys. When is the last bluray releasing? Just like Part 2's ending, we may get a teaser in the bluray :p

The bluray just got up to Boingo and Hol Horse. With a volume a month four episode each it should be done in September?
I never noticed the finger twitch or the Polnareff and the stairs part until other people mentioned. However, what's blowing my mind is this one

I might be overthinking it, but it's not just Cream swooping in and coloring Avdol's half red (which btw also excludes his arm, the only thing that was left of him from that attack), it's the trail that Vanilla was leaving when he was circling blindly around Polnareff to kill him. Polnareff is even in what would be the center while Iggy is in a "safe zone".

Holy shit this single second of the opening just has so much freaking stuff in it



Gives all the fucks
Finally getting around to watching the final episode.

Oh god, ROAD ROLLER finally happened & it pleases me so much.
Ranking the protagonists and antagonists (excluding part 8 because it isn't done)



While the series started with Jonathan, in my eyes the true template for future JoJos come from Joseph. Every Joestar becomes just a little bit better when they show off that little bit of Joseph in them. Hotheaded and cocky but savvy focused, Joseph grew up in the mean streets of 1930s New York with no moral compass except his grandma and superman comics. Better still is his inclusion in part 3, where he's shows that even if he's grown smarter with age, he's still the same clever and goofy son of a bitch.


While Josuke is his father's son in many ways, what really makes josuke for me is just how much of a friend he is. "JoJo-Bros" are common in the franchise, but everyone would like a friend like Josuke. He will go to every length to protect those closest to him, and as much as I like Joseph, I can fully understand where Josuke's initial dislike of him comes from. It just makes his eventual acceptance all the better.


I don't get enough foxy women in my manga/anime, so when I was first introduced to Jolyne, who was worrying whether or not the prison guard saw her masturbating, I knew there was something special here. When she starts doing vogue poses during a cavity search, that's what hooked me. Strong and independent but still certainly a teenage girl, Jolyne is just a joy to look at, just a fantastic design. She has just enough naivete to sell probably the most bizarre part of JoJo, being newly thrust into a world of responsibility. Her relationship with her father Jotaro is fascinating, and her growth throughout part 6 is really well done.


Johnny Joestar's position on this list is purely due to his character development and his relationship to Gyro. Make no mistake, Johnny is a side character to Gyro. That isn't to say that he's a bad character, just that he's (purposely) overshadowed despite being a JoJo. That said, his development from a silver spoon in his mouth spoiled prick wallowing in self pity to a fiercely determined friend feels natural and very well done. Also, his deadpan but at the same time completely sincere reaction to Gyro's jokes is what makes those segments.


I think Jotaro gets a bum rap. Coming off the excellent Joseph, Jotaro seems stoic almost to the point of being boring. But I don't see that when I see Jotaro as a whole. While his main inspiration is Clint Eastwood (and it shows) what I notice in Jotaro reminds me of Darrel from the novel/movie "The Outsiders." He' essentially a teenager who had to grow up too fast, since he was basically the man of the house. This carries over into his adventures from part 3, part 4, and part 6. No matter who he hangs out with, he's the rock, the dependable big brother who's always there to help you when you stumble. He's got a hard time expressing his emotions, but it's clear he just wants the best for the people he cares about.


Ah Giorno, what might've been. Overshadowed by the rest of his crew, the son of Dio Brando spends most of the time being the Kakyoin of his team instead of the JoJo. I don't hate Giorno, his idealism and ambition still comes across, and his relationship of the group is what saves him. There was perhaps no moments in part 5 as hype as Giorno channeling his father and mudamudadaing his enemies to death.


There are things to like about part 1. Dio Brando. Speedwagon. Will Zeppeli. But I would have a hard time selling part 1 around Jonathan Joestar. Completely devoid of almost any character agency, most of the time part 1 feels like the story of Dio Brando and how he failed. His one noted idealism is tolerated entirely because of the over the top evil of Dio Brando. There's a reason Araki would want to go back and change Jonathan.



Uggh choosing my number one was so hard. In the end I went with Kira, simply because instead of over the top, Kira is disturbingly human. When he threatens people, he doesn't want to suck their blood for immortality, he will get right in your face and squeeze every last drop of dread out of you before he kills you. He's Patrick Bateman with a fantastic stand design.


Even though Kira is my number one, Funny Valentine could've easily taken that spot. The two moments that solidified this guy was the napkin speech and convincing Johnny to cure him of the infinite spin. Those moments made me feel like I knew exactly where this guy was coming from. His stand ability is essentially a reflection on how this guy just won't give up, he'll keep coming back over and over to achieve his goal. Not to mention, he's hilarious to watch in action.


An evil man who didn't know he was evil, Pucci's fatalism drives him to do some downright despicable things over the course of the story. Pucci seems to care for no one, seeing them as tools for manipulation. He will do whatever it takes to succeed, and perhaps no other antagonist manages to be as infuriatingly underhanded. HE KILLED THE GODDAMN UNIVERSE.


The man who started it all. Whose influence and sheer desire to fuck with the Joestars transcends time and dimensions. No villain in any media I've seen has managed to distill trolling and messing with people down to an art-form. He goes beyond narcissism, this is a man who seems to get sexual pleasure just by being alive. He wants to rule the world, but not for any particular reason, he just feels entitled to it. Because he's there and he can, so why not?


For a long time I actively despised Diavolo. It doesn't help that he is just garish to look at, even by JoJo standards. In many ways I still haven't really gained a ton of enjoyment from him. But over time I've shifted my perception of him and I recognize what he truly was; a fuck-up. He's insecure, paranoid, superstitious, and way to proud to recognize A and B. Diavolo works more for me as an example of all the things wrong with organized crime. As a weaselly shit head crime boss, he works perfectly.


I don't know if this is a controversial opinion, because I have yet to see anyone rank Kars very highly. His lack of screen-time is what really does him in. He's honestly the least interesting of the Pillar Men, and the only cool thing that happens with him happens due to hax. He's very much like Dio, but we don't see that until the end. He's just not a very strong villain.


Basically nailed those rankings, with the protagonists I'd just switch Johnny and Jotaro, rest is fine. I had pretty low expectations of Jolyne when I first read Stone Ocean, especially with the way she's introduced, but she certainly grows on the reader, both in style and as a character. Her personal growth and the relationship to Jotaro are among the very best character arcs JoJo has to offer.

I could see Jo2uke be pretty popular when JoJolion is wrapped up and it might also provide us with additional info on Johnny.

As for the villains, it's almost impossible to compile a strict ranking, since they all have redeeming qualities in my eyes. Dio is just a glorious asshole in Phantom Blood and finds even new heights as DIO. Plus ZA WARUDO, WRYYYYY and ROAD ROLLER. Nuff said.
Kars is forever tied to the most entertaining asspull in history and simply flamboyant as fuck, while also being the perfect straight-faced antagonist to Joseph's antics.
Kira has my favorite Stand in the whole series so far (D4C is close) and is so completely different from the cartoon villains before him, making him all the more menacing.
Diavolo commands one of the most memorable Stands of JoJo and is actually pretty interesting psychologically, both in his obsession with the past and his schizophrenia.
Pucci and Valentine are simply ruthless motherfuckers with incredibly overpowered abilities that are fun to root against, yet oddly sympathetic at the same time.
Ranking the protagonists and antagonists (excluding part 8 because it isn't done)



While the series started with Jonathan, in my eyes the true template for future JoJos come from Joseph. Every Joestar becomes just a little bit better when they show off that little bit of Joseph in them. Hotheaded and cocky but savvy focused, Joseph grew up in the mean streets of 1930s New York with no moral compass except his grandma and superman comics. Better still is his inclusion in part 3, where he's shows that even if he's grown smarter with age, he's still the same clever and goofy son of a bitch.


While Josuke is his father's son in many ways, what really makes josuke for me is just how much of a friend he is. "JoJo-Bros" are common in the franchise, but everyone would like a friend like Josuke. He will go to every length to protect those closest to him, and as much as I like Joseph, I can fully understand where Josuke's initial dislike of him comes from. It just makes his eventual acceptance all the better.


I don't get enough foxy women in my manga/anime, so when I was first introduced to Jolyne, who was worrying whether or not the prison guard saw her masturbating, I knew there was something special here. When she starts doing vogue poses during a cavity search, that's what hooked me. Strong and independent but still certainly a teenage girl, Jolyne is just a joy to look at, just a fantastic design. She has just enough naivete to sell probably the most bizarre part of JoJo, being newly thrust into a world of responsibility. Her relationship with her father Jotaro is fascinating, and her growth throughout part 6 is really well done.


Johnny Joestar's position on this list is purely due to his character development and his relationship to Gyro. Make no mistake, Johnny is a side character to Gyro. That isn't to say that he's a bad character, just that he's (purposely) overshadowed despite being a JoJo. That said, his development from a silver spoon in his mouth spoiled prick wallowing in self pity to a fiercely determined friend feels natural and very well done. Also, his deadpan but at the same time completely sincere reaction to Gyro's jokes is what makes those segments.


I think Jotaro gets a bum rap. Coming off the excellent Joseph, Jotaro seems stoic almost to the point of being boring. But I don't see that when I see Jotaro as a whole. While his main inspiration is Clint Eastwood (and it shows) what I notice in Jotaro reminds me of Darrel from the novel/movie "The Outsiders." He' essentially a teenager who had to grow up too fast, since he was basically the man of the house. This carries over into his adventures from part 3, part 4, and part 6. No matter who he hangs out with, he's the rock, the dependable big brother who's always there to help you when you stumble. He's got a hard time expressing his emotions, but it's clear he just wants the best for the people he cares about.


Ah Giorno, what might've been. Overshadowed by the rest of his crew, the son of Dio Brando spends most of the time being the Kakyoin of his team instead of the JoJo. I don't hate Giorno, his idealism and ambition still comes across, and his relationship of the group is what saves him. There was perhaps no moments in part 5 as hype as Giorno channeling his father and mudamudadaing his enemies to death.


There are things to like about part 1. Dio Brando. Speedwagon. Will Zeppeli. But I would have a hard time selling part 1 around Jonathan Joestar. Completely devoid of almost any character agency, most of the time part 1 feels like the story of Dio Brando and how he failed. His one noted idealism is tolerated entirely because of the over the top evil of Dio Brando. There's a reason Araki would want to go back and change Jonathan.



Uggh choosing my number one was so hard. In the end I went with Kira, simply because instead of over the top, Kira is disturbingly human. When he threatens people, he doesn't want to suck their blood for immortality, he will get right in your face and squeeze every last drop of dread out of you before he kills you. He's Patrick Bateman with a fantastic stand design.


Even though Kira is my number one, Funny Valentine could've easily taken that spot. The two moments that solidified this guy was the napkin speech and convincing Johnny to cure him of the infinite spin. Those moments made me feel like I knew exactly where this guy was coming from. His stand ability is essentially a reflection on how this guy just won't give up, he'll keep coming back over and over to achieve his goal. Not to mention, he's hilarious to watch in action.


An evil man who didn't know he was evil, Pucci's fatalism drives him to do some downright despicable things over the course of the story. Pucci seems to care for no one, seeing them as tools for manipulation. He will do whatever it takes to succeed, and perhaps no other antagonist manages to be as infuriatingly underhanded. HE KILLED THE GODDAMN UNIVERSE.


The man who started it all. Whose influence and sheer desire to fuck with the Joestars transcends time and dimensions. No villain in any media I've seen has managed to distill trolling and messing with people down to an art-form. He goes beyond narcissism, this is a man who seems to get sexual pleasure just by being alive. He wants to rule the world, but not for any particular reason, he just feels entitled to it. Because he's there and he can, so why not?


For a long time I actively despised Diavolo. It doesn't help that he is just garish to look at, even by JoJo standards. In many ways I still haven't really gained a ton of enjoyment from him. But over time I've shifted my perception of him and I recognize what he truly was; a fuck-up. He's insecure, paranoid, superstitious, and way to proud to recognize A and B. Diavolo works more for me as an example of all the things wrong with organized crime. As a weaselly shit head crime boss, he works perfectly.


I don't know if this is a controversial opinion, because I have yet to see anyone rank Kars very highly. His lack of screen-time is what really does him in. He's honestly the least interesting of the Pillar Men, and the only cool thing that happens with him happens due to hax. He's very much like Dio, but we don't see that until the end. He's just not a very strong villain.

Good list


Junior Member
Ranking the protagonists and antagonists (excluding part 8 because it isn't done)



While the series started with Jonathan, in my eyes the true template for future JoJos come from Joseph. Every Joestar becomes just a little bit better when they show off that little bit of Joseph in them. Hotheaded and cocky but savvy focused, Joseph grew up in the mean streets of 1930s New York with no moral compass except his grandma and superman comics. Better still is his inclusion in part 3, where he's shows that even if he's grown smarter with age, he's still the same clever and goofy son of a bitch.


While Josuke is his father's son in many ways, what really makes josuke for me is just how much of a friend he is. "JoJo-Bros" are common in the franchise, but everyone would like a friend like Josuke. He will go to every length to protect those closest to him, and as much as I like Joseph, I can fully understand where Josuke's initial dislike of him comes from. It just makes his eventual acceptance all the better.


I don't get enough foxy women in my manga/anime, so when I was first introduced to Jolyne, who was worrying whether or not the prison guard saw her masturbating, I knew there was something special here. When she starts doing vogue poses during a cavity search, that's what hooked me. Strong and independent but still certainly a teenage girl, Jolyne is just a joy to look at, just a fantastic design. She has just enough naivete to sell probably the most bizarre part of JoJo, being newly thrust into a world of responsibility. Her relationship with her father Jotaro is fascinating, and her growth throughout part 6 is really well done.


Johnny Joestar's position on this list is purely due to his character development and his relationship to Gyro. Make no mistake, Johnny is a side character to Gyro. That isn't to say that he's a bad character, just that he's (purposely) overshadowed despite being a JoJo. That said, his development from a silver spoon in his mouth spoiled prick wallowing in self pity to a fiercely determined friend feels natural and very well done. Also, his deadpan but at the same time completely sincere reaction to Gyro's jokes is what makes those segments.


I think Jotaro gets a bum rap. Coming off the excellent Joseph, Jotaro seems stoic almost to the point of being boring. But I don't see that when I see Jotaro as a whole. While his main inspiration is Clint Eastwood (and it shows) what I notice in Jotaro reminds me of Darrel from the novel/movie "The Outsiders." He' essentially a teenager who had to grow up too fast, since he was basically the man of the house. This carries over into his adventures from part 3, part 4, and part 6. No matter who he hangs out with, he's the rock, the dependable big brother who's always there to help you when you stumble. He's got a hard time expressing his emotions, but it's clear he just wants the best for the people he cares about.


Ah Giorno, what might've been. Overshadowed by the rest of his crew, the son of Dio Brando spends most of the time being the Kakyoin of his team instead of the JoJo. I don't hate Giorno, his idealism and ambition still comes across, and his relationship of the group is what saves him. There was perhaps no moments in part 5 as hype as Giorno channeling his father and mudamudadaing his enemies to death.


There are things to like about part 1. Dio Brando. Speedwagon. Will Zeppeli. But I would have a hard time selling part 1 around Jonathan Joestar. Completely devoid of almost any character agency, most of the time part 1 feels like the story of Dio Brando and how he failed. His one noted idealism is tolerated entirely because of the over the top evil of Dio Brando. There's a reason Araki would want to go back and change Jonathan.



Uggh choosing my number one was so hard. In the end I went with Kira, simply because instead of over the top, Kira is disturbingly human. When he threatens people, he doesn't want to suck their blood for immortality, he will get right in your face and squeeze every last drop of dread out of you before he kills you. He's Patrick Bateman with a fantastic stand design.


Even though Kira is my number one, Funny Valentine could've easily taken that spot. The two moments that solidified this guy was the napkin speech and convincing Johnny to cure him of the infinite spin. Those moments made me feel like I knew exactly where this guy was coming from. His stand ability is essentially a reflection on how this guy just won't give up, he'll keep coming back over and over to achieve his goal. Not to mention, he's hilarious to watch in action.


An evil man who didn't know he was evil, Pucci's fatalism drives him to do some downright despicable things over the course of the story. Pucci seems to care for no one, seeing them as tools for manipulation. He will do whatever it takes to succeed, and perhaps no other antagonist manages to be as infuriatingly underhanded. HE KILLED THE GODDAMN UNIVERSE.


The man who started it all. Whose influence and sheer desire to fuck with the Joestars transcends time and dimensions. No villain in any media I've seen has managed to distill trolling and messing with people down to an art-form. He goes beyond narcissism, this is a man who seems to get sexual pleasure just by being alive. He wants to rule the world, but not for any particular reason, he just feels entitled to it. Because he's there and he can, so why not?


For a long time I actively despised Diavolo. It doesn't help that he is just garish to look at, even by JoJo standards. In many ways I still haven't really gained a ton of enjoyment from him. But over time I've shifted my perception of him and I recognize what he truly was; a fuck-up. He's insecure, paranoid, superstitious, and way to proud to recognize A and B. Diavolo works more for me as an example of all the things wrong with organized crime. As a weaselly shit head crime boss, he works perfectly.


I don't know if this is a controversial opinion, because I have yet to see anyone rank Kars very highly. His lack of screen-time is what really does him in. He's honestly the least interesting of the Pillar Men, and the only cool thing that happens with him happens due to hax. He's very much like Dio, but we don't see that until the end. He's just not a very strong villain.

Don't agree with your rankings on the Jojo side of things but I think you did a very good job of describing all the Jojos. Villain side was also well done.
I may change my opinion of giorno soon. I've been reading some interesting facts about his character and part 5 may be due for a re-read.

Also, someone on the Jojos forums brought up a tweet from the anime twitter in response to someone asking for a part 4 adaptation. The tweet said that all of the staff would love to work on a part 4 anime and said that any little bit helps (merch wise)

So it's in the fan's hands I guess.


Good list.

I actually like Jotaro in Part 4 more than 3. I think he really works well in the side character/mentor type role. I especially love that he remains a real threat to every villain because of his pure power. Part 3 is fun, but I like him as a compliment to the characters he shares the spotlight with.
Personal rankings are so boring now. Joseph is always first in every list.


Although I think everyone agrees Kira is best antagonist which is kind of a given, really.
I finished Battle Tendency, and it was awesome. Definitely an improvement over Phantom Blood. I have now started Stardust Crusaders, but I am unclear about Dio's coffin. I thought Erina used that to survive the destruction of the ship?

Josuke > Jolyne > Jotaro > Joseph > Johnny > Johnathan > Giorno

I'm really not a fan of Giorno. While I appreciated how much the other characters got the spotlight it felt like, many times, Giorno's responsibility was to stand up, give a speech, and then sit down and let someone else be interesting.

I'm less sold on Valentine as a villain. He did fine for most of the series but during his fight I found him more tiring than relentless. I wasn't even mad that he kept getting back up, I was bored. But we eventually had Lucy defeat The World by throwing Dio's severed head at Dio so whatever it still ended fine.

I'd go Kira > Pucci > Dio > Diavolo > Valentine > Kars


Caught up on Jojolion. Spent a surprising amount of pages reading about stag beetle cockfighting. That...happened.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Ranking the protagonists and antagonists (excluding part 8 because it isn't done)



While the series started with Jonathan, in my eyes the true template for future JoJos come from Joseph. Every Joestar becomes just a little bit better when they show off that little bit of Joseph in them. Hotheaded and cocky but savvy focused, Joseph grew up in the mean streets of 1930s New York with no moral compass except his grandma and superman comics. Better still is his inclusion in part 3, where he's shows that even if he's grown smarter with age, he's still the same clever and goofy son of a bitch.


While Josuke is his father's son in many ways, what really makes josuke for me is just how much of a friend he is. "JoJo-Bros" are common in the franchise, but everyone would like a friend like Josuke. He will go to every length to protect those closest to him, and as much as I like Joseph, I can fully understand where Josuke's initial dislike of him comes from. It just makes his eventual acceptance all the better.


I don't get enough foxy women in my manga/anime, so when I was first introduced to Jolyne, who was worrying whether or not the prison guard saw her masturbating, I knew there was something special here. When she starts doing vogue poses during a cavity search, that's what hooked me. Strong and independent but still certainly a teenage girl, Jolyne is just a joy to look at, just a fantastic design. She has just enough naivete to sell probably the most bizarre part of JoJo, being newly thrust into a world of responsibility. Her relationship with her father Jotaro is fascinating, and her growth throughout part 6 is really well done.


Johnny Joestar's position on this list is purely due to his character development and his relationship to Gyro. Make no mistake, Johnny is a side character to Gyro. That isn't to say that he's a bad character, just that he's (purposely) overshadowed despite being a JoJo. That said, his development from a silver spoon in his mouth spoiled prick wallowing in self pity to a fiercely determined friend feels natural and very well done. Also, his deadpan but at the same time completely sincere reaction to Gyro's jokes is what makes those segments.


I think Jotaro gets a bum rap. Coming off the excellent Joseph, Jotaro seems stoic almost to the point of being boring. But I don't see that when I see Jotaro as a whole. While his main inspiration is Clint Eastwood (and it shows) what I notice in Jotaro reminds me of Darrel from the novel/movie "The Outsiders." He' essentially a teenager who had to grow up too fast, since he was basically the man of the house. This carries over into his adventures from part 3, part 4, and part 6. No matter who he hangs out with, he's the rock, the dependable big brother who's always there to help you when you stumble. He's got a hard time expressing his emotions, but it's clear he just wants the best for the people he cares about.


Ah Giorno, what might've been. Overshadowed by the rest of his crew, the son of Dio Brando spends most of the time being the Kakyoin of his team instead of the JoJo. I don't hate Giorno, his idealism and ambition still comes across, and his relationship of the group is what saves him. There was perhaps no moments in part 5 as hype as Giorno channeling his father and mudamudadaing his enemies to death.


There are things to like about part 1. Dio Brando. Speedwagon. Will Zeppeli. But I would have a hard time selling part 1 around Jonathan Joestar. Completely devoid of almost any character agency, most of the time part 1 feels like the story of Dio Brando and how he failed. His one noted idealism is tolerated entirely because of the over the top evil of Dio Brando. There's a reason Araki would want to go back and change Jonathan.



Uggh choosing my number one was so hard. In the end I went with Kira, simply because instead of over the top, Kira is disturbingly human. When he threatens people, he doesn't want to suck their blood for immortality, he will get right in your face and squeeze every last drop of dread out of you before he kills you. He's Patrick Bateman with a fantastic stand design.


Even though Kira is my number one, Funny Valentine could've easily taken that spot. The two moments that solidified this guy was the napkin speech and convincing Johnny to cure him of the infinite spin. Those moments made me feel like I knew exactly where this guy was coming from. His stand ability is essentially a reflection on how this guy just won't give up, he'll keep coming back over and over to achieve his goal. Not to mention, he's hilarious to watch in action.


An evil man who didn't know he was evil, Pucci's fatalism drives him to do some downright despicable things over the course of the story. Pucci seems to care for no one, seeing them as tools for manipulation. He will do whatever it takes to succeed, and perhaps no other antagonist manages to be as infuriatingly underhanded. HE KILLED THE GODDAMN UNIVERSE.


The man who started it all. Whose influence and sheer desire to fuck with the Joestars transcends time and dimensions. No villain in any media I've seen has managed to distill trolling and messing with people down to an art-form. He goes beyond narcissism, this is a man who seems to get sexual pleasure just by being alive. He wants to rule the world, but not for any particular reason, he just feels entitled to it. Because he's there and he can, so why not?


For a long time I actively despised Diavolo. It doesn't help that he is just garish to look at, even by JoJo standards. In many ways I still haven't really gained a ton of enjoyment from him. But over time I've shifted my perception of him and I recognize what he truly was; a fuck-up. He's insecure, paranoid, superstitious, and way to proud to recognize A and B. Diavolo works more for me as an example of all the things wrong with organized crime. As a weaselly shit head crime boss, he works perfectly.


I don't know if this is a controversial opinion, because I have yet to see anyone rank Kars very highly. His lack of screen-time is what really does him in. He's honestly the least interesting of the Pillar Men, and the only cool thing that happens with him happens due to hax. He's very much like Dio, but we don't see that until the end. He's just not a very strong villain.
This is a great write-up. Convincing, too.

Most people seem to love Kars. I think his insanely overpowered nature is the reason for that, but you make a good point; he's only like that for a little while. I do think he did some cool things before he mask'd himself out, though. Light mode is a really cool idea in concept, and who doesn't love arm blades? The scene where he and Joseph are vying for the stone in the ravine was pretty great. I think Kars is more a victim of his own part than anything else. Caesar, Kars, and Lisa Lisa are all one note characters despite being pretty important to the plot of part 2. Caesar especially gets the short end of the stick, because he has a really cool and unique hamon ability and he doesn't actually win any fights.

I would also rank Dio Brando and DIO separately, because besides having an entirely different set of powers, his personality is a lot less human as DIO. Dio Brando is personally set against Jonathan, and he has a history with him. He played rugby in college. He was still a colossal asshole, but even after vampiring himself he still has this air of cockiness to him that's more down to earth than his Satan-esque persona in part 3. DIO is a man who has an organization of villains working under him, and he's played up to be this inhuman devil from the start, someone you can't even hope to approach on an equal level. Dio Brando never really had that, because hamon's natural affinity against vampires gave him a sense of weakness. Had part 1 Dio been given more time he would have ended up just like part 3 DIO in terms of how frightening and commanding he is, but as it stands he was still someone without the same air of mystery and totally untouchable power than he eventually became.
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