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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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So are the rokakakas Kira/Josefumi made different from the other rokakakas?

I reread the previous chapter, and Josefumi implies his rokakaka is different from the normal ones. The normal fruits exchange things with the same person, while the grafted fruits exchange with a different person.

So because the Rokakaka brought Kira back to life, the exchange was
killing Josefumi so thoroughly that his corpse changed to look like Kira's, making sure that people forgot he died.

Then this was followed up by them collapsing into the ground, and the corpses being merged, creating the hybrid Josuke that we know.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
so technically one call kill an afflicted person by Vitamin C by drinking them through a straw?

also I guess this means Josuke has no more liver and Norisuke has no more left arm?


so technically one call kill an afflicted person by Vitamin C by drinking them through a straw?

also I guess this means Josuke has no more liver and Norisuke has no more left arm?
I'm guessing Joshu is finally going to man up and get good.

He'll reattach them with Nut King Call.


Stands are named after films and television series instead of songs and bands.
The universe was reset 36 times. Cars became an immortal being in all of them, so he lived through the resets, meaning there are 36 Cars hanging out on Mars. Apparently they are the 36 souls of sinners in Dio’s plan to go to Heaven.
Part 3’s Dio Brando was a fake Dio.
Rohan survived the universal reset by being so concentrated on his manga work that he didn’t even notice Made in Heaven’s effect, somehow making him immune to it.
The area of Morioh breaks off from the mainland and sprouts legs.
Part 1 Dio becomes the ultimate lifeform. The Holy Corpse is actually his corpse, and he has a Stand that looks like Jesus called the Passion.
Johnathan comes back to life and fuses with the Holy Corpse.
Killer Queen abandons Kira and joins up with Cars. Cars uses Bites the Dust to explode shit until he’s far back enough in time that he’s at a universe where there only was one reset, the Steel Ball Run universe.
Funny Valentine has a son named Funnier Valentine, who in turn has a son called The Funniest Valentine.

NOTE: Everything written below is from flipping through the novel, pics from the novel’s site, Japanese summary blogs, and fanart. I’m 90% sure that these are correct. If you have read the entire novel, please feel free to make corrections.
There are 2 different “Jorge Joestar” that are the main characters in this novel, a ‘English’ one and a 'Japanese’ one. The chapters alternate between the two and both exist in a different universe. The English one is biologically Jonathan’s son, “George Joestar II”, the one who meets Lisa Lisa and becomes an air pilot. The Japanese Jorge Joestar is an adopted child to the Joestar family, and lives in present day Morioh (the one that grows legs). To differentiate between the two, on Pixiv tags, ジョージ is used for English Jorge (USUALLY. George I is also included in this tag), and 城字 is used for Japanese Jorge (he decides to change his name to this at the end of the book).
(Personally, I’d rather use the spelling “George II” for English Jorge, and “Jorge” for Japanese Jorge. Pilot Jorge and Detective Jorge could work as well, since Japanese Jorge is a teenage detective. 「犯人は君や!」)
In the case that one would search up fanart of this novel, Detective Jorge is the one who meets up and 'befriends’ Cars/Kars (with Narancia in SPAAAAAAAAAACE). So, if you’re wondering who the hell is that kid with the star-shaped hole in his shirt, hanging around Kars, that’s Detective Jorge. He occasionally calls Kars by various nicknames: Kars-shachou (President Kars?), Kars-chi, Kars-senpai. Also, he only exists in the 36/37th universe (the latest universe), so one could say his existence is strange or unique (I’m extrapolating this from a fancomic which implies that Detective Jorge only exists once).
In the novel, Kars has blue eyes instead of red in the anime (the novel was written before the anime). I don’t think this is a big deal since he can change his body into anything (maybe he misses Earth *gasp!*) He is also 'nicer’ to humans? Well, not super nicer, I think he mellowed out a tiny bit after a looooooong time. He doesn’t want to kill all humans. There’s a page where he’s got this spiel about his opinion of humanity (I can take a photo of this page if anyone want to try translating it).
I think there is a scene where Pilot Jorge and Lisa Lisa are fighting zombies in the air. There’s also another 'Jojo’ called “Jonda”. He exists in Detective Jorge’s universe and is related to him. Giorno does meet Dio/DIO (can’t remember which), but what happens exactly is a spoiler.
IMO, if you like Kars, you might like this novel (he’s a supporting character that doesn’t appear until halfway through the novel).

The more I read about Jorge Joestar, the more I die.


force push the doodoo rock
I've been rereading using the color scans, and what the hell happened between part 4 and 5? All of a sudden every text bubble had a terrible font with a hideous text effect on it. Part 4 was mostly tasteful in it's use of colored text, but part 5 is like some teenager got a free copy of photoshop CS1 and some wicked text effect plugins and just fucking went to town.

That said, I hope some day they print tankoubon of the digital color stuff.


Wait so in what way is Soft & Wet similar to Killer Queen? I know when first introduced, Killer Queen used bubbles but that seemed to be abandoned once we got the flashback.


Yukako is based on Stephen King's Misery, not yanderes, which didn't exist back then...

...but Yukako helped create yanderes, so yes it's a thing.


Oh really? Man Josuke's power still confuses me to this day. He seems to be able to do new shit every chapter.
Kira's power was to create exploding bubbles, like Kira + Stray Cat in Part 4.

Josefumi's power is the ability to repair or revert things, like original Part 4 Josuke. Like the original, he can fuse things together.

Jo2uke's power is a mixture of both. His power is to unfuse and destroy things. So he can "steal" things like a person's sight, a floor's friction, the water in someone's body, or a cat's fur.

Plus all that, he can make them explode like Kira did. He's used this to launch projectiles stored in the bubble and as a plain attack.


I really like "plunder" as a description of his power. Captures both the ability and that he's pretty brutal with it if he wants to be.


Kira's power was to create exploding bubbles, like Kira + Stray Cat in Part 4.

Josefumi's power is the ability to repair or revert things, like original Part 4 Josuke. Like the original, he can fuse things together.

Jo2uke's power is a mixture of both. His power is to unfuse and destroy things. So he can "steal" things like a person's sight, a floor's friction, the water in someone's body, or a cat's fur.

Plus all that, he can make them explode like Kira did. He's used this to launch projectiles stored in the bubble and as a plain attack.

Oh I was under the assumption that he only had Josefumi's Stand abilities.


I never thought of it before now, and now I want this to be the final trump card in this part... Do it Araki. Killer Queen > The World anyway.


I've been rereading using the color scans, and what the hell happened between part 4 and 5? All of a sudden every text bubble had a terrible font with a hideous text effect on it. Part 4 was mostly tasteful in it's use of colored text, but part 5 is like some teenager got a free copy of photoshop CS1 and some wicked text effect plugins and just fucking went to town.

That said, I hope some day they print tankoubon of the digital color stuff.

That, my friend, is the Duwang effect.
I'm not enjoying Vento Aureo much. I'm on Aerosmith part four right now, and I'm hoping it picks up. It doesn't help that Narancia may be my least favorite. So far, I don't care about any of these characters.

I'm guessing Jotaro/Koichi's investigation plot has been dropped?


Pretty much.
It's a shame because when I started reading part 4 I heard that Koichi was in part 5 and I was like PERFECT! He's the ultimate sidekick in Jojo. He gets along with everyone and has the favor of Jotaro, Josuke, and Rohan, what a cool guy and he has a fun power that really could be explored further... But nope. He just shows up and leaves. Lame as hell. Part 5 dropped the ball.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I love Vento Aureo


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Best fights, most devastating stands, the fabulous meter was off the charts, and Mista and Bruno are still some of my top favorite Jojo bros.


Vento Aureo owns.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
The Italian edition of Vento Aureo had an excellent translation.

The first time I read it, month by month as it was being published, I found it a bit underwhelming, but once I binged through a second read? Shit was fuckawesome.
Vento Aureo has some amazing stands and fights, and knowing what I know about the translation I can't really fault it for that too much.

The only thing I hate about it is the final arc that happens after Diavolo.


Unconfirmed Member
Things I like about Vento Aureo:
-Illuso's death.
-Mista and Bruno vs. Beach Boy and the Grateful Dead.
-The White Album fight.
-7 page muda.
-The Metallica fight is rad, seeing Doppio vomit razor blades and freak out when the pair of scissors form in his throat were great moments. There really should be more fights in jojo where the main antagonist fights another antagonist, or a more neutral character (like Valentine vs. Diego).
-Bruno, Narancia, and Mista were cool characters I guess. Honestly not the biggest fan of Mista, but he does get some cool moments.
-Polnareff effectively becomes a turtle.

Things I don't like about Vento Aureo:
-Fugo just fucks off to nowhere halfway through the story (at least Purple Haze Feedback somewhat makes up for this).
-Silver Chariot Requiem in general.
-Some of the main Stands aren't used as bizarrely as they could have been/don't get enough screen time, ex. Purple Haze, Spice Girl.
-Some character arcs end too abruptly (Fugo as already mentioned and Narancia suddenly dying out of the blue).
-Koichi's lackluster cameo arc, where Echoes Act 3 still doesn't live up to its full potential.
-Giogio is probably my second least favorite jojo.
-I have mixed feelings in regard to Diavolo, he's probably my least favorite main antagonist next to Kars.
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