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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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Honestly I waver on if I think Giorno's stand is the coolest stand ever or really lame in a Mary Sue sort of way. Visually it fits Giorno
Spoilers for what his stand is:
Vanilla Gold Experience is maybe the strongest stand in existence along with Star Platinum The World, Cream, White Snake, Made In Heaven, and D4C/Love Train. It creates life... Now here is the problem I have with this stand:
1) it sort of greatly overshadows Josuke's Crazy Diamond, unlike Diamond it can heal it's user and bring back people from death as long as it was pretty much the moment they died.
2) It has a lot of abilities that are amazing and get dropped because they make no sense. One of the first fights Gio has he turns something into a frog that gets smashed by Leaky Left Eye Luca, this damage is reflected back to the attacker. This is used this one time because it's the most amazing ability ever. Imagine turning dirt into ants that get stepped on, now the villain instant dies. Also the ability to add life to the living and sort of overload them mentally was sort of cool. But that's dropped too. Overall it's a stand that has very little in terms of weakness unlike pretty much every other main hero stand which has some obvious flaw or gimmick to add to the tension.
3) It seems like despite being a really op but still interesting Araki couldn't think of a way to have Gold Experience beat King Crimson nor to have Giorno help out in part 6. GER seems like the most typical Shonen thing that has ever happened in Jojo, last minute power up that's power is to basically be unbeatable really lacked the creative aspects that made both SC AND DIU's finale so cool.

Though I do really like the product of Dio and Johnathan is this perfect ubermensch blending the positive aspects of both people. It makes sense that his stand is this godlike power of creating life and warping reality.
Finally decided to read this...that sounds like some broken ass bullshit.
Gold Experience is the best because part 5 is the best, you can take your heretic opinions and go please.

I would put a Kappa here but that would make it seem like part 5 isn't the best.
If Gold Experience is the best, then what is Gold Experience Requiem?

a requiem can be defined as a token of remembrance, thus GER is akin to a golden statue honoring Giorno saving anime and manga with his blessed genes and being the protagonist of part 5.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to order about three more Giorno figures to put on my desk/part 5 shrine.
In Eyes of Heaven story mode, Giorno just summons GER without having to be pierced by the arrow again so maybe that's his permanent stand now?

Italy is fucked



Kira just wants a quiet vacation.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So I take it rather than having a long gap like in SC we'll actually finish DiU anime right, especially with the pace we're getting? Or are they gonna stop at Kira's new face?


So I take it rather than having a long gap like in SC we'll actually finish DiU anime right, especially with the pace we're getting? Or are they gonna stop at Kira's new face?
No season split's been announced, and they can fit the manga in at the current pace, so we'll be done in 20 weeks from now.


I hope we get Part 5 soon after. The main crew in that part is ruthless as fuck and I'm really keen to see that animated haha


Having Quiet Life and Sheer Heart Attack back to back also makes more sense for the beginning of Sheer Heart Attack. I always found it a bit too easy that Kira was hanging out in the closet at that suitmakers place, even if he was following Jotaro around. It makes more sense to have him go there immediately after losing his button.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
No season split's been announced, and they can fit the manga in at the current pace, so we'll be done in 20 weeks from now.

Wow, that's nice. Now that I think about it aren't we almost half of DiU? Makes you wonder why they split SC.
Wow, that's nice. Now that I think about it aren't we almost half of DiU? Makes you wonder why they split SC.

well yeah we are halfway though, it's has 39 ep and we are at 19 so we are pretty much at the halfway point

as for spliting SC? maybe it was time or money i don't know? DP was clearly running into problems by the end with all those quality DIO shots


SC was a very direct and plain adapation. For DiU, they're being more experimental, spreading the budget out, and saving more time with the episodes. Like, the Lock would've been 2 episodes if they did it like SC, not one!

Plus they cut out the episode previews and drop the OP/ED whenever they want.
I hope we get Part 5 soon after. The main crew in that part is ruthless as fuck and I'm really keen to see that animated haha

There's no way we don't get Part V. Jojo is David Production's moneymaker. The DVD and Blu-Ray sales are solid, and the series has shown enough interest in the west to get put on Toonami and get the Part 4 manga an official release.


"Wow! Thanks for inviting us Kira! You sure have a big summer home!"
"I didn't invite you free loaders. I'd prefer to be alone."
"What, alone with your creepy hands?"


I reread the first few chapters of Part 5, and wow damn I forgot how Koichi calls Italy a "land of ancient history and economic crisis" and how the narration for Giorno's backstory talks about politicans being "corrupt" and police being "useless".

I mean, that's one of the reasons the mafia came into being, but damn.
The constant struggle between "Where's the plot" and manga readers getting closer to crossing the spoiler line is amusing.
I've actually been having a lot of fun without the plot since this cast of characters is actually entertaining, which I can't really say for the SDC cast. I mean yeah SDC told you what it was trying to accomplish from the beginning but it still took forever to get to the "It's DIO-sama! WRRRYYY ZA WARUDO!!!" portion of SDC. I'm actually looking forward to the Yukako part since I actually liked her eps enough to watch them twice. Though I'm sure Kira will be hype as fuck though.


Part 6 will almost certainly be animated. If Part 5 is as successful as predictions suggest it will be, that momentum alone will basically ensure the JoJo train continues.

Plus it would be a cosmic injustice to not get animated Jolyne and crazy-awesome bullshit in Florida.
Which is great, but I wonder what that means for pt6? It doesn't really seem popular at all if merchandising is to be believed.

Part 6 will get animated since Jojo is DP's big money maker. Especially coming off the coattails of Part 5's popularity. That said it might be a different treatment to what Vento gets. I can very easily see Vento getting the Part 3 treatment, where everything is adapted to a T; more two-parters and the artstyle being exactly like it was in the manga.

Part 6 might get the Part 4 treatment, albeit shorter.
Part 6 will get animated since Jojo is DP's big money maker. Especially coming off the coattails of Part 5's popularity. That said it might be a different treatment to what Vento gets. I can very easily see Vento getting the Part 3 treatment, where everything is adapted to a T; more two-parters and the artstyle being exactly like it was in the manga.

Part 6 might get the Part 4 treatment, albeit shorter.
I'd be okay with that, honestly. I love what they've done with pt4.
I kind of hope that whatever philosophy they're applying to part 4 stays.

I don't expect them to deliberately gimp their story-boarding and artistic choices.
Is Part 6 unpopular cause the main is a female?

Probably the most likely culprit.

Other possibilities are that it probably shouldn't have been in Shounen Jump. The first few pages are Jolyne freaking out that she was caught masturbating in her jail cell. And then it just gets more insane and not-Shounen from there.


Is Part 6 unpopular cause the main is a female?
Not sure, but possibly. Part 6 is more popular in the West than it is in Japan, if my understanding is correct. I don't know what Japanese audiences say about Jolyne but she is very popular among Western readers (which makes sense because she is best JoJo).
Probably the most likely culprit.

Other possibilities are that it probably shouldn't have been in Shounen Jump. The first few pages are Jolyne freaking out that she was caught masturbating in her jail cell. And then it just gets more insane and not-Shounen from there.
Naruto fans just can't wrap their heads around Jolyne I guess since she's not a shitty character like Sakura Harano.
Naruto fans just can't wrap their heads around Jolyne I guess since she's not a shitty character like Sakura Harano.

Well, Naruto and Stone Ocean both started in '99, and One Piece had been running for 2 years, so that was the beginning of the shift towards what Shonen Jump is today. It's no wonder that Steel Ball Run only ran for like half a year in 2004 WSJ before switching to monthly seinen Ultra Jump.
Well, Naruto and Stone Ocean both started in '99, and One Piece had been running for 2 years, so that was the beginning of the shift towards what Shonen Jump is today. It's no wonder that Steel Ball Run only ran for like half a year in 2004 WSJ before switching to monthly seinen Ultra Jump.
Damn. Yeah Jolyne doesn't sound like the type that would cater to the male power fantasy demographic.


Stone Ocean was so damn good, dude. The entire latter half was Araki without any limits and I loved every second of it. Can't wait to see Jolyne and co. in beautiful animated form. Here's hoping Jolyne keeps her voice from the games when the time comes.
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