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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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What is 2 doing down there? What is 3 doing up there? What the fuck is 5 doing up there?

All kinds of wrong.

2 is damn good. But I didn't enjoy the standard shonen battles, it was just the characters and setting that kept it enjoyable. And Part 3 is great. Probably the most consistently solid for me. It was kind of a toss up between 5 and 6.


I felt that 3 got really repetitive at points due to its formula. Once the enemy Stands got more unique it became a lot more interesting. Part 5 pretty much followed the same formula which is why I rank them the same.


4's start is probably the weakest of all the Stand parts. Dedicates too much time to lame stands like Aqua Necklace and RHCP. Part 4 only gets consistently good at Rohan, Trussardi and Kira.
7 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 1

Josuke > Gappy > Joseph > Johnny > Jolyne > Jotaro > Girono > Johnathan

Kira > Valentine > Pucci > DIO > Diavalo > Cars

However these rankings are in a constant state of flux.


Johnny > Joseph (inc. Old) > Jo2uke > Jolyne > Josuke > Jotaro > Giorno > Jonathan

Valentine > Kira > Pucci > DIO > Diavolo > Kars > Dio

You can't beat Valentine!
I'd vote for Valentine any day.


Kars is probably the most dangerous from what I've read or close enough, but it's hard not to imagine him being the blandest villain in the series. Certainly Dio had a really remarkable entry, the first anime episode was amazingly overboard.


Kars does have the booty.

Still no match for non-fat Valentine.
Kars has da booty, but Valentine has dat back of FREEDOM


Of course, let's not forget that Kira must have the best hands of them all anyways.
Your ranking lists are like your asshole, you can't go around showing them off to other people.

Especially when they're as dirty as Yonafunu's.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Kars is probably the most dangerous from what I've read or close enough, but it's hard not to imagine him being the blandest villain in the series. Certainly Dio had a really remarkable entry, the first anime episode was amazingly overboard.

It's still weird how Dio completely fails with his childhood plot.

I mean, his whole plan is to make Jonathan lonely, but right after the time skip, they're best friends and Jonathan's perfectly adjusted and everyone loves him.


Your ranking lists are like your asshole, you can't go around showing them off to other people.

Especially when they're as dirty as Yonafunu's.

You don't get to comment on my asshole's cleanliness just yet, glass one.

I showed you mine, now you gotta show me yours.
It's still weird how Dio completely fails with his childhood plot.

I mean, his whole plan is to make Jonathan lonely, but right after the time skip, they're best friends and Jonathan's perfectly adjusted and everyone loves him.

Well, I think that it's more that after Jonathan showed that he actually was very capable of fighting back, Dio changed his plan to just winning the Joestar's confidence and then secretly murder them.


7 > 2 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1

Kira > Dio > Pillar Men > Valentine > Diavolo > Pucci

none of that = shit

let's fight

That's almost acceptable, you just missed a shit spot

At least you got the villain ranking right!

For reference, here's a couple of base rules every Jojo Parts-ranking must adhere to:

  • 4 is on top
  • If for some insane reason 4 is not on top, the only parts allowed to be ranked higher are 7 and/or 2
  • Parts 3 and 1 can never be ranked higher than Part 6
  • Part 5 can never be ranked higher than parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7
Well, I'm all caught up for Part 8, which means I can now post in this thread without fear of spoilers! I suppose I should do the requisite rankings first and foremost:

Parts: 4 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 5 > 1 (I can feel the incoming wrath, so let me just say that I think every part of JoJo is friggin' fantastic, but I personally like 6 and 3 better than the seemingly more popular 7.)

Protagonists: Josuke > Joseph > Jolyne > Gappy > Jotaro > Jonathan > Giorno (Seriously, Giorno felt like he was playing second fiddle in his own series.)

Right-Hand Men: Bruno > Okuyasu > Speedwagon > Gyro > CHEEZA > Hermes > Kakyoin > Yasuho (This was the hardest ranking by far, as these characters often outshine the JoJo of their respective series. Bruno's by far the best of these though, to the point where he felt like the protag of Part 5 more than Giorno did.)

Villain: Kira > DIO > Kars > Valentine > Dio Brando > Diavolo > Pucci (Part 6's biggest weakness was its villain. He simply wasn't a compelling character, and his partial victory seemed really undeserved to the point of leaving a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.

Best Supporting Character: FF! I just love her so much. It's a gorram crime that Akira and Shigechi made it into ASB over her.

Best Supporting Villain: Hol Horse or Wamuu. Both were incredible in their own ways, so it's really hard for me to choose one or the other.

Best Stand: Crazy Diamond. Unless FF counts as a Stand in and of herself.

Best Setting: Duwang.
It allowed for some really creative encounters and lent itself to the more laid-back "slice of life" style that made Part 4 so enjoyable to read.

Saddest Death: FF. Makes me tear up every time :'(


Hold up, that Best Bro ranking! How is Gyro so low!?

Gyro > Okuyasu > Bruno > Kakyoin > Speedwagon > Caesar > Hermes

I never really liked Hermes that much, she never really seemed to care about anything other than getting revenge for her sister. At least Polnareff learned from it and gained new motivation to continue. I don't really know who the bro in Jojolion is supposed to be. Yasuho is more of a love interest so maybe Joshuu? But fuck Joshuu.

Also want to rank the Jojo's stands

Soft and Wet > Tusk > Gold Experience > Stone Free > Star Platinum > Crazy Diamond

Crazy Diamond is a cool stand but I didn't like what its healing factor did to fights. It kinda removed the suspense of any injury because Josuke could heal them right up. That kind of thing was in later parts as well. Gold Experience's natural ability, FF's plankton healing, the string and Cream Starter in SBR. But I think Crazy Diamond was when it was at its worst.
Gyro > Okuyasu > Polnareff > Bruno > Speedwagon > Hermes > Caesar
Although it's hard to say who the main "bro" is sometimes, like with Kakyoin and Koichi and especially Part 6

Crazy Diamond > Soft & Wet > Gold Experience > Tusk > Stone Free > Star Platinum

D4C > Killer Queen > King Crimson > The World > Made in Heaven

Best Stand: Echoes, D4C, and Heaven's Door Honorable Mention: Sex Pistols, Killer Queen, Crazy Diamond, Soft & Wet

Best Stand Design: Black Sabbath, In A Silent Way and Born This Way/Going Underground. Honorable Mention: King Crimson, Chariot Requiem, The Hand

Best Fight: Highway Star, The World, and Scary Monsters Honorable Mention: Santana, Mandom

Worst fight is Dragon's Dream.

There I think that's absolutely everything you can possibly rank.
Nothings gets a thread moving like opinions.

Parts: 7 >= 4 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 6 > 5

Protagonists: Joseph > Josuke > Johnny > Jotaro > Jolyne > Jonathon > Giorno

Villains: Valentine > Kira > Dio Brando > Kars > DIO > Diavolo > Pucci

Favorite Stand: Killer Queen


Pucci being the the worst make no sense at all, considering he are the most developed villain in the series and his backstory is fucking ace, especially compared to Diavolo that sucked at every aspect. I get it if you can get sour over him, but pls at least he have presence for more than frigging 2 volume.
I'll fight y'all.


Pucci being the the worst make no sense at all, considering he are the most developed villain in the series and his backstory is fucking ace, especially compared to Diavolo that sucked at every aspect. I get it if you can get sour over him, but pls at least he have presence for more than frigging 2 volume.
I'll fight y'all.

I agree. Pucci's my favorite villain after Kira. The guy was so damn powerful to boot and I loved how gay he was for Dio.


Josuke > Joseph > Johnny > Jolyne > Jonathan > Jotaro > Giorno

Diavolo is by far the worst villain in the entire series. So bad.
He has no fucking personality whatsoever, only shows up in the last 2 volumes or so, and looks like a complete joke to boot. Araki lost his mind with Vento Aureo.
Hold up, that Best Bro ranking! How is Gyro so low!?

I really liked Gyro. He was a super-awesome character and I loved his corny jokes. I just happen to love Bruno, Okuyasu and Speedwagon ever-so-slightly more, because to me they all are perfect balances of tropes that are considered to be trite or cliche nowadays.

I never really liked Hermes that much, she never really seemed to care about anything other than getting revenge for her sister. At least Polnareff learned from it and gained new motivation to continue. I don't really know who the bro in Jojolion is supposed to be. Yasuho is more of a love interest so maybe Joshuu? But fuck Joshuu.

I thought Hermes was pretty cool, but she's definitely weaker than most of the other "bro" characters. The fact that she really only has one fight to herself doesn't really help either. Nevertheless, Hermes' chemistry with the rest of the cast was good enough, although I really do think that FF deserved to be the "bro" character of Part 6 over her.

Crazy Diamond is a cool stand but I didn't like what its healing factor did to fights. It kinda removed the suspense of any injury because Josuke could heal them right up. That kind of thing was in later parts as well. Gold Experience's natural ability, FF's plankton healing, the string and Cream Starter in SBR. But I think Crazy Diamond was when it was at its worst.

I love Crazy Diamond's design and the incredibly creative ways his powers are used during battle, so I can't say I really agree with you here. I'm pretty sure its healing ability was only introduced so that Araki could horribly mutilate his protagonists without having to permanently gimp them in later fights (seriously, stuff like Harvest punching through Okuyasu's eye and ripping out a handful of ocular tissue was shudder-inducingly brutal), but the stipulation of the ability not working on Josuke kept the fights tense and suspenseful as he was in many ways the most vulnerable member of the main team.

Since I forgot to rank these in my original post, here are a few more opinion tidbits:

Best Fights: Highway Star, Jumpin' Jack Flash, Scary Monsters, Bohemian Rhapsody, The World, Green Day

Best-Designed Stand: Weather Report. It just looks so dang cool, and I really wish that the only available figure of it didn't cost upwards of $200.

Best One-Liners: "The way I see it; If I make you well again, then kick your ass, I won't be "bullying the weak" then, will I?"

"Tch, tch! Yes, I am!"

"Damn straight! I always plan everything... from the very beginning!"

"Don't you understand? You lost to fate! Walking the path of justice is true 'fate!'"

"Thank you... Gyro..."


Best looking stand is definitely Soft & Wet. Love it's simple robotic look.

I think my favourite one liner is probably Ringo Roadagain's "Welcome...to the True Man's World". He might be my top minor opponent from the entire series.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ringo dabes.

Not a second more, not a second less. For precisely「6 seconds」I can rewind 「time」.
Welcome... to 「The True Man's World」.

No other one-off villain had his sheer gravitas.


Only if it's first in your queue.

Fights later in the series operate very similarly to how they do in HxH, it's probably the most cerebral battle shonen out there.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
More like the most making up bullshit battle shounen out there.
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