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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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My favorite bros are Gyro, Bruno, Caesar, and Quickcaravan Speedwagon. Hermes was alright, though I never really saw all that much friendship between her and Jolyne it was just more of you're the best thing I got here so might as well work together. Part 3 doesn't really have a single one, though besides Joseph I liked Avdol the most. As for part 4, Okuyasu is alright and Koichi is too whiny.

Crazy Diamond is an amazing stand, but I really liked Tusk if only because how different he was compared to the other Jojo protagonist stands. I think my favorite stands would have to be part 7's because most of them are tools and are not directly confrontational stands like some of the other parts. Mandom was amazing as was Cream Starter, and Scary Monster for being such a different concept than what we had seen before. I really like Soft & Wet's ability but I'm saddened that the protagonist just went back to having a power type again. I have to say though I love Killer Queen's entire design and power even though it seems like it's so OP, D4C honorable mention for awesome name.

Best protagonist is Joseph for being the only Jojo that is basically indestructible and just always awesome. Then come the Josukes though part 4's is better than 8s, followed by Johnny and Jolyne, then Jonathan, and Jotaro and Giorno tied in last for both being boring as hell.

Villain rankings is a bit tougher since I have yet to see Kira's final showdown. Dio Brando was pretty fun for being so over the top as was DIO. Pucci was pretty interesting, in regards to his backstory and just his mannerisms but his motives were a bit odd, maybe I'm just remembering wrong. Kars was one of my favorites because he's basically your classic villain but he's pretty charismatic so that was fun to see. Kira's quirks are really amazing though, and make him a great disturbing character. Valentine was alright, it's odd how he started small and chubby and then became tall and built, his whole reason for doing what he did is also odd because I felt like if he was the president he could have gotten his way for much less trouble and without doing such a large event to accomplish his goals. Diavolo was pretty shitty, but then again part 5 itself was just a massive letdown, the protagonist was already awful the villain being as well makes some sort of twisted sense.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You people must be confused. The main character of part 7 was Gyro. It's Johnny who is the "bro".
As far as the most satisfying death goes, I'd say it's a three-way tie between Vanilla Ice, Pucci and Cioccolata.




All three were massive dickbaskets who more than deserved what was coming to them.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
JoJoLion's weird.

I like the return to more "humanoid" Stands, and it seems more "JoJo' than Steel Ball Run which, during many parts, felt like Araki wanted to break free from JoJo and do something different yet ultimately couldn't.

But otherwise I don't really care much about the characters (Joshuu's a pretty great frenemy though), the plot's a bit too weird, and it doesn't really have a nice theme like the previous parts. Waiting for it month-by-month doesn't really help either, although I've re-read it like four times now, and each time I like it a bit more, so perhaps once it's all said and done I'll enjoy it.

Diavolo is worst villain

I actually REALLY like the other Part 5 Villains...

None of them are particularly deep, but I feel they all have pretty good designs and Stands, and I remember pretty much each fight. I also liked how most of them were actually no worse than Bruno's gang, most of them never really went around killing random people, they were all business.


So far, I really like Norisuke Higashikata. Exploring his past and character these last chapters has been interesting, though it's made it even more difficult to judge what his role in the story is. He doesn't seem like the potential villain anymore.


Is JoJoLion still living that "possible being best part" hype?

Way too early to tell, even then though the new Jojo isn't as cool a protag as Joseph or the original Josuke.

Also, I didn't like the move back to humanoid stands. I felt what made SBR so much more fun were that the stands were more like tools rather than something you summon to fight for you.
Diavolo isn't all terrible. The few fights he had were great and King Crimson is a terrifying stand. Pucci had dat backstory but I didn't feel like he was a satisfying villain at all.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Way too early to tell, even then though the new Jojo isn't as cool a protag as Joseph or the original Josuke.

Also, I didn't like the move back to humanoid stands. I felt what made SBR so much more fun were that the stands were more like tools rather than something you summon to fight for you.

Honestly I'd love to see more suit Stands like White Album, Oasis, and Jumping Jack Flash.


I love Doppio, he's one of my favourite characters. I don't hate Diavolo either, he's fairly standard but I don't get disliking him so much. I always enjoyed the theory that Diavolo is King Crimson and that his stand's persona overwhelmed the original Diavolo/Doppio when he developed it.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I love Doppio, he's one of my favourite characters. I don't hate Diavolo either, he's fairly standard but I don't get disliking him so much. I always enjoyed the theory that Diavolo is King Crimson and that his stand's persona overwhelmed the original Diavolo/Doppio when he developed it.

Explain this theory, as I've never heard it.

One theory I've always had about Diavolo was that he was the mob man who helped Giorno as a child, the one act of kindness he ever did, which ironically bit him in the butt.


Explain this theory, as I've never heard it.

One theory I've always had about Diavolo was that he was the mob man who helped Giorno as a child, the one act of kindness he ever did, which ironically bit him in the butt.

I think it's mostly that once the spirits are switched by SCR, he is only shown speaking as King Crimson. It's probably just a way to make it less confusing but I like the theory.


I don't "Hate" Diavolo but there's nothing to like him or disliking him, making him very irrelevant at all compared to other antagonist, I wish Metallica's dude can stay alive or something, or have more screentime, cause he much cooler than Diavolo.

Jeez I have better subtitle for part V than Golden Wind, "Jobbed". that's fit so much considering many character got jobbed so hard in this part.


Ooh, so many rankings in this thread all of a sudden. I can never resist a good list-fest.

Parts: 4 > 8 (tentative) > 2 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 5 > 7

I'm pretty sure the only controversial thing on this list is the position of 7, which a lot of people seem to love but I was always thoroughly unimpressed by. It had some good moments and ideas, but they were spread really thin, I felt the whole thing dragged on much too long, I was never a fan of the whole setting with the race, and I never cared about many of the characters. I also much prefer the "humanoid" type Stands of other Parts to Part 7's "tool" type Stands which have less awesome factor and didn't really feel like Stands at all a lot of the time.

Protags: Joseph > Josuke > Gappy > Jolyne > Jotaro > Jonathan > Giorno > Johnny

  • Joseph has the most amazing personality of any Jojo, but Josuke isn't far behind.
  • Gappy is a really interesting character on many levels with his enigmatic nature and...unique way of interacting with the rest of the cast.
  • Jolyne has tons of attitude and is cute too. She needs to keep her Sawashiro voice when the anime gets to Part 6, because that ORAORAORA is pure gold.
  • I honestly really like Jotaro's sheer badassery (and he's the greatest marine biologist in all of anime =p), but he's so completely one-note that I can't put him above Gappy and Jolyne.
  • I love Jonathan's whole "gentlemanly" attitude, but he suffers from a similar issue to Jotaro in that he doesn't have much personality beyond that.
  • Giorno is...not actually that bad, honestly - I like his ambition and sheer nerve, but it's true that he's not really up to the standard of most of the others.
  • Johnny is a boring shit.

Protag Stands: Crazy Diamond > Soft And Wet > Star Platinum > Gold Experience > Stone Free > Tusk (> Hermit Purple, lol)

  • Crazy Diamond is a really great all-purpose stand. Its healing ability is suitably OP for a protagonist and allows Araki to go completely no-holds-barred on beating the shit out of characters. Yet it's not completely broken because it can't heal Josuke himself. It's also really versatile and fun with the variety of applications it can be put to - fixing things in twisted forms, strategically pulling parts of things back together etc.
  • Soft And Wet feels like the most "unique" Stand a protagonist has ever had, being right up there with the more high-concept Stands that are more commonly found in enemy characters. The idea of "removing something from something else" is incredibly versatile with potentially limitless applications, and Josuke has made excellent use of that potential so far. But at the same time, it doesn't feel too overpowered because its ability is so situational and requires creativity to become useful.
  • As the first Stand ever introduced, Star Platinum is fairly simplistic compared to many of the others, but I feel like its abilities are dead-on perfect for complementing Jotaro's "cool factor". It doesn't have any special "abilities" as such (well, for most of Part 3, anyway), just normal human abilities - observation, speed, accuracy and strength - taken to such extremes that they become crazy awesome. And once it develops the ability to use the most "pure cool" villain ability on top of that...well.
  • Gold Experience has tons of potential that it's a pity doesn't really get explored. I mean, it can create life. That's pretty awesome. Ultimately its main function in the series seems to be healing, similar to Crazy Diamond, but it seems fitting for the tone of Part 5 that its healing abilities are more hands-on and imperfect.
  • Stone Free is...all right, I guess. I like its versatility, but it never seemed to really stand out (no pun intended) as much as the others.
  • Tusk is shit. It's not even a real Stand with its own abilities, it's just a vague enhancement of the Spin powers that Johnny already has. I guess it gets points for sheer weirdness. Shooting fingernails? Uh, okay. I'm sorry, there's nothing cool about that.

Villains: Dio > Kira > Kars > Doppio > Valentine > Pucci > Diavolo

  • Dio is the greatest asshole the world has ever known. He screws everyone over and he's goddamn fabulous while doing it. He can shoot lasers from his eyes and stop time. What more do you want.
  • Kira is the most interesting character out of all the villains. Most JoJo villains just come across as a force of evil out to screw the protagonists over and ruin everything just because they can - which is fine, but Kira takes things a step further and offers us a look into a truly twisted mind. He has his own priorities and its own goals, he's fabulous in his sheer ruthlessness and self-assured pride, and he's just compelling to watch at every turn.
  • Kars is the ultimate being, and that's awesome. Screw Giorno Giovanna's little-explored ability to create life, this guy turns his hand into a killer squirrel. He also manages to be such an overt asshole that he gives Dio a run for his money on occasion, which is no mean feat. He's just...godly.
  • Doppio is the saving grace of Diavolo's underwhelming non-character-ness. If they're split personalities, then I guess Doppio was the one who took all the personality. The Doppio-Diavolo dynamic was the best thing about Part 5.
  • Valentine is the goddamn President of the United States of America.
  • Pucci is some priest dude who's homoerotically obsessed with Dio. I don't even know. He's not bad, but he's not exactly the most compelling character in his own right.
  • Diavolo isn't even a character.

Villain Stands: The World > Killer Queen > D4C > King Crimson > Made In Heaven > Whitesnake > C-Moon

  • The World. It stops time. Simple. Awesome. Deadly. Effective.
  • Killer Queen explodes stuff. Which could be kind of boring, I guess, but it's all about how you use it. And oh my, how Kira uses it. Then it creates twisted time loops and stuff which are convoluted as fuck but I don't even care because Kira makes them awesome.
  • Ah yes, D4C. There's something just inherently badass about not giving a shit if people kill you because you can just replace yourself with a better you from another dimension. I mean, what the fuck? That's audacity of the highest order.
  • King Crimson - which is its greater strength? The ability to do...something...with time, or the ability to melt the brain of anyone who tries to understand what it's actually doing? I say: both. Honestly, I'm not much of a fan of the ridiculously convoluted abilities that Araki felt the need to come up with in the later Parts, but King Crimson is probably the best of that bunch because even if you don't understand how it works (which you don't), you can still appreciate the sheer OP-ness of the shit it manages to pull off. And appreciate that it probably makes sense on some level. I think.
  • Made In Heaven is another one of those abilities that suffers from being excessively convoluted in concept, but at the same time, you can't help but respect a Stand that actually succeeded in resetting the entire universe. Whitesnake doesn't really have the level of awesome that an enemy Stand should have, but its ability does do a good job of supporting Pucci's mastermind role. C-Moon, though...I don't even know. What is that thing. It screws with gravity and turns things inside-out and...and...it's just weird, okay?
Can't believe I forgot to mention Iggy vs. Pet Shop on my Best Fights list! Iggy's my favourite character of Part 3, so it was super cool to see such an epic battle between him and what should have been his natural predator.


Well Johnny is probably the most successful attempt for Araki in writing fully fleshed character, so I'll always have soft spot for him. Same thing for Pucci, I love how he started very low key compared to other antagonist and getting bigger and bigger..
Part 4 certainly has the best overall cast.

I don't give a shit to Josuke's schoolmate though, like Okuyasu , fatty and Stalker girl.. Kouichi are great though. but I guess with Rohan, Kira and Improved Jotaro its hard to arguing about that.

I still feel attached the most to part 3 and 6 the most though, individually they're not the best but I like them as group.

Still choked up so bad to the whole DIO's world thing and
F.F's death


Awesome. I'm officially caught up now. Fuck that Yotsuyu guy for getting in the way of Josuke and Yasuho's reunion. I don't even understand his ability. First he makes some plastic wrap come out of his eyes, then he hides in the shadows, and then he becomes a rock?


The rock thing isn't his ability I think he can just do it for some other reason. His ability seems to just attract all of a single object whenever he touches someone. I don't really know what the plastic wrap was.



The rock thing isn't his ability I think he can just do it for some other reason. His ability seems to just attract all of a single object whenever he touches someone. I don't really know what the plastic wrap was.



Is that real? Oh god Joseph just became even better.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Classic Araki mis-direction where he introduces a weird trait of a character to throw the reader's off the Stand's actual power (or because he hasn't actually figured out what it does himself).

Best example of this is Kenzo from Stone Ocean, when he was first introduced it was strongly implied his Stand had control over water in some way (such as all the prisoners "drowning", and Kenzo's back-story talking about how he survived a fire), before revealing later on that he's just got goofy water-control martial arts, and his real Stand is Fen-Shui manipulation.

I really love Dragon's Dream.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The rock thing isn't his ability I think he can just do it for some other reason. His ability seems to just attract all of a single object whenever he touches someone. I don't really know what the plastic wrap was.



oh hi caesar
I used to not have a Stand, then I took an arrow in the knee.

First time that I actually laughed at one of these jokes.

Now, I have a little question for anyone who's watching Stardust Crusaders on Crunchyroll. In English, they are changing some names (Cpt Dragon, Santviento, anymore?). Now, I'm watching it on Brazilian Portuguese and all the names are unchanged. Is this change a US only thing?


First time that I actually laughed at one of these jokes.

Now, I have a little question for anyone who's watching Stardust Crusaders on Crunchyroll. In English, they are changing some names (Cpt Dragon, Santviento, anymore?). Now, I'm watching it on Brazilian Portuguese and all the names are unchanged. Is this change a US only thing?

They're changed in Australia too, I should use my VPN and try other regions.


First time that I actually laughed at one of these jokes.

Now, I have a little question for anyone who's watching Stardust Crusaders on Crunchyroll. In English, they are changing some names (Cpt Dragon, Santviento, anymore?). Now, I'm watching it on Brazilian Portuguese and all the names are unchanged. Is this change a US only thing?
I kind of suspect they're more worried about stepping on toes when broadcast in English, but for other languages it's more likely to fly under the radar, and even if noticed less likely to be acted on.

I find it hard to imagine anyone'd care about Santana really, but I suppose they also weighed that against how often he'd even show up, and he's certainly not there with AC/DC, Wamuu, and Kars.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Oh man, I could murder a bucket of Popeyes right now.
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