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Joker 2: Folie à Deux Trailer Drops Tonight


Apparently the box office for this now seems to be tracking at around the same level as The Marvels.

christian bale joker GIF


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Ok guys, I read the reviews and decided to see it anyway.

Fuck me. It's shit. They really disregard Harley's original design and continue with the millenial/gen z slut thing. And the ending made my wife laugh, she's not even super into the Batman lore but has seen all the movies (her favorite is Batman Returns, same as me). Man it's shit. So disappointed. We missed out on Alien Romulus and had this as our replacement cinema night.

They fucked it up SO bad.

The ultimate sin is that it's BORING. Not even in the fart sniffing art house style of boring, it's just flat. Flat, hilariously safe in the way it tries to LOL INCEL! the original. Flat. Boring. Shit.
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I think it’s certainly true to suggest that Phillips wanted to make a sequel that undermined the first movie, but he’s not really given a clear reason as to why as yet. I do believe it’s quite possible that the idiotic opinions of a vocal minority on social media can have a disproportionate effect on spineless movie executives though, because we’ve seen it happen before.

My main takeaway is that if you don’t want the audience to sympathise with your version of The Joker then don’t write him sympathetic in the first fucking place Todd, you fucking hack 😂

It sucks because anyone could easily mock people who think Arthur’s actions are remotely justified (which figures includes a few people in this thread) without telling all the movie’s fans to go fuck themselves. The first guy on the subway could be argued as self-defense (though I don’t think Arthur’s life was in danger necessarily, but let’s not derail this into a political discussion in that matter). The second guy, more iffy, but the third guy was straight up murder as he was just running away and clearly posed no threat to Arthur’s life anymore. Robert De Niro’s killing is also straight up murder, and even if de Niro’s character isn’t the nicest guy, a lot of what he criticizes Arthur for is straight up facts. De Niro even points out one of Joker’s followers was killed earlier that day, and Arthur makes it clear he does not give a shit, indicating right there that no, this Joker does not care about this “movement”, in fact he’s miserable that no one will ever notice Arthur but only care about “Joker”.

And no, Arthur is not mentally ill to the point he could legally get away with this. He even admits to De Niro he just doesn’t care anymore about it being morally wrong to kill who you want. The dude has no defense even with his mental health issues and the government fucking him over on his medication.

The sequel could have dived into this without destroying who the main character is.

Have Arthur backstab some of his followers to escape and evade the police as the followers slowly realize they (and their “cause”) meant jack shit to Arthur who is just killing because he wants to by this point, and the Joker movement loses most of its steam by the end of the film. And yes, the idea of the real (or at least next) Joker emerging from this could work (I’ve not watched Gotham, but I heard they toy with this concept, plus the Three Jokers comic), especially since the main comic Joker is well known for not having a definitive backstory, but don’t do it like this. Have Arthur as Joker go out swinging against the police rather than just dying anticlimactically. Have Harley say something along the lines of, “Joker wasn’t a man. He was an idea. And ideas don’t die so easily” (maybe do it a little more subtle, and maybe not in a way that is blatantly similar to the V for Vendetta line, but you get the idea) as she follows the new Joker into the night.

So the sequel could still take swings at the loser incels while still respecting fans of the original who appreciated the first film but weren’t deluded into thinking Arthur was morally justified or some shit. Like, David Chase, creator of The Sopranos, mocked fans who thought Tony Soprano was a good person at the end of the day, but for as divisive as the finale was it also wasn’t telling fans they wasted their time with all of this.
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Do film makers produce inferior content on purpose at times and if so, for what purpose. Makes me wonder what the thought process is going into making something like this.

At least we didn’t get the scaremongering media tactics like we did with the first one when that was about to release. That was shameful.
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