He helped save the world when Galactus showed up.I thought that was him but then I also thought he was dead. I dropped Ult. books ages ago.
He helped save the world when Galactus showed up.I thought that was him but then I also thought he was dead. I dropped Ult. books ages ago.
He helped save the world when Galactus showed up.
He's still kinda a dick, it's fine.Last I heard he was a villain. Not surprising that they redeemed him tho.
What if all of this is leading up to some big DC vs. Marvel event? Think about it in Spring 2015 both the DC Universe and Marvel will be in the exact same place with all the variations and multiple earths in crisis and fighting with each other and that egg that was mentioned in Fantastic Four #600 could be the egg that was left over at the end of the last JLA/Avengers crossover:
I know its improbable but it would be insanely cool if true
That cover will hopefully shut up the people who were claiming that Marvel was cutting the characters Fox had access to from Secret wars. Also, the everything ends cover makes me pretty confident that we will see every ongoing run end this summer. I don't know if Marvel will actually reboot continuity, but they will reboot their entire line.
What if all of this is leading up to some big DC vs. Marvel event? Think about it in Spring 2015 both the DC Universe and Marvel will be in the exact same place with all the variations and multiple earths in crisis and fighting with each other and that egg that was mentioned in Fantastic Four #600 could be the egg that was left over at the end of the last JLA/Avengers crossover:
I know its improbable but it would be insanely cool if true
They should let us vote on what comics and parts of continuity we want to keep.
Can we all agree that the X-Men 90s animated series roster and continuity was the best X-Men continuity?
I'd go back a little earlier when the O5 were still "X-factor" and apocalypse didn't suck, the brood were still a threat, storm started rocking her original mohawk and leather outfit, and mutant massacre and inferno were god-tier crossover events.
Can we all agree that the X-Men 90s animated series roster and continuity was the best X-Men continuity?
I'd go back a little earlier when the O5 were still "X-factor" and apocalypse didn't suck, the brood were still a threat, storm started rocking her original mohawk and leather outfit, and mutant massacre and inferno were god-tier crossover events.
thats not even the best x factor lineup
I want Jean back from the dead.
Haven't read "all-new" but Alex and Lorna will always be runner ups in any "best of" competition.
Marvel really has realized they can just do whatever the fack they want haven't they?
Took em long enough to put it together that people will eat up just about anything as long as whatever they churn out is A game...
Looks like i'm heading back to TFAW.com
Will never happen. The editorial staff of both companies have been at each other's throats since JLA/Avengers. As great as that story is, it basically ensures there won't be a crossover between the two for a long time. The Krona Egg was in the DC Universe (it was mentioned in Busiek's JLA run), we can presume it's gone now that there's the New 52.
I'm also pretty sure Marvel doesn't consider this story canon either. Shame really.
Marvel released this video today:
"Marvel's SECRET WARS - Battleworld Revealed!"
Interesting. I think this does confirm that all the teasers were setting up the different "realities" that are going to be part of Secret Wars.
That's a pretty sweet Avengers lineup. I guess Miles and 1610 Reed will have some free time after Ultimate The End.
What makes you think that's an Avengers lineup?
Man, Marvel is going all out on this one. So many teasers.
close tho
Can we all agree that the X-Men 90s animated series roster and continuity was the best X-Men continuity?
Reading Order:
Follow this then continue reading Avengers and New Avengers until caught up.
Alright. I started this the other day, and am about to start Infinity #5. So far this is all kinds of badass, and I am excited to see how much crazier it gets.
I remember talking to some people about Infinity before and the reception I got from it was lukewarm, but being in the middle of it now I think it is awesome. If anything, I think the Thanos part of it is not needed. That is my least favorite stuff in it, and I want to see more of the war with the Builders.
But I know this is all setting up the long game.
One of us! Hope the OP didn't spoil too much, can't wait to hear what you think after you catch up.
Also Secret Wars #1 cover art:
Looks like the Cabal is going to go in on the Ultimate Universe
Wow, is that the Ultimate FF team that had it's own book abruptly cancelled I see there?
It's odd to me that Annihilius is allies with Ronan and Gladiator.
It's odd to me that Annihilius is allies with Ronan and Gladiator.
Desperation makes for odd bedfellows.
That was a bit jarring. I was more confused as to how he was back and that anyone would talk to him after Annihilation. I was late to that story, so my timeline is compressed. How did Annihilus get turned rightside in after Nova turned him inside out ?
It's odd to me that Annihilius is allies with Ronan and Gladiator.
The fact that they brought in an annihilation wave just to get jobbed by the builders was pretty fucking stupid.
The fact that they brought in an annihilation wave just to get jobbed by the builders was pretty fucking stupid.