Yeah the end is pretty abrupt but I kinda feel like it was meant to be that way to give the Black Swan monologue more power I guess.The problem is that they spent all that time building up as a threat. But then they resolved it lickity split. It's like they got 3/4 of the way through the event and then realized that they had to actually wrap it up soon
The problem is that they spent all that time building up as a threat. But then they resolved it lickity split. It's like they got 3/4 of the way through the event and then realized that they had to actually wrap it up soon
Yeah the end is pretty abrupt but I kinda feel like it was meant to be that way to give the Black Swan monologue more power I guess.
Uh what
Jettison that rotting corpse into space already. Damn.
Am I missing something here? Why are people freaking over those covers?
That's the cover to Ultimates #1 by Millar and Hitch which is now being used again for Avengers 41.
Glad they spoil spider britain doesnt make it.
Glad they spoil spider britain doesnt make it.
Glad they spoil spider britain doesnt make it.
To be fair, they already kind of did.
We already knew it tho...
*note: Anticipating the question beforehand, Marvel Comics has confirmed that this image is in fact the main cover image to Avengers #41.
Marvel revealed that the 616 universe and the Ultimate U are going to meet in Secret Wars.I like the Ultimate Universe, but I have a lot of it to catch up on. I hope they give it a good and interesting ending, if indeed that's what they're doing.
Avengers 38 and New Avengers 26 are out today.
And both are absolutely glorious. Read New Avengers first FYI.
New Avengers is such a joy to read. I think it's my favourite series at this point.
Tony went off the deep end, hard. I kinda like it though, I mean, how Hickman just bitchslaps all of these Illuminati during his run. Strange got truth bombed by Wong when he asked if he was a good man. Namor was rejected told by Doom. T'challa got scolded by his ghost daddy and ancestors. And now I can't remember if it was in New Avengers when Beast got schooled by the Watcher...
Still, Black Widow and Spider-Woman leaving the SHIELDvengers and letting Tony rot in his prison is stonecold. Nat tearing up seems a bit out of character though.
Guess Thor, uh, Odinson is trying to redeem himself? As is Doc Green.
Edit: Ultimates cover for Avengers #41? Well it kinda fits. Ultimates are assholes, 616 are assholes for the next six months. Everyone are assholes all day long!
I forgot about that one, thanks.
Well, I do think the note Susan gave Reed from Valeria was kind of telling though. "You can't beat this one Dad" or something like it.
New Avengers 26
So I wonder if being captured made it so that tony didn't get uninverted like most of the other people seem to have been
New Avengers 26
So I wonder if being captured made it so that tony didn't get uninverted like most of the other people seem to have been
Haha I love how Roberto D'Costa, fucking Sunspot has become a major power player!
Hickman you genius!
Interesting theory I read:
What if worlds (or some worlds) aren't being destroyed by Incursions? What if an Earth destroyed during an Incursion doesn't just pop out of existence but instead, in some way, becomes a part of Battleworld? Maybe the alternate realities in those 'Summer 2015' teasers aren't survivors of Incursions, they're the losers, with 616 and 1610 inevitably joining them. Time Runs Out and Everything Ends, only then can the Secret Wars begin.
You can't win, it's time to figure out how not to lose.
How do you not win at something but still not lose? Could Hickman be telling us that you can't beat the Incursions, but you don't necessarily have to lose the Secret Wars either?
Hmmm. Interesting theory.
Just finished Avengers 38. Good stuff. But I do have a question about the multiversal Avengers that included Thor and Hyperion. What issue did they get sent out into the great beyond? I feel like I missed it. It wasn't Avengers 37.
I think it was 36, it was definitely right after the time skip.