So should we chalk this up as Tony's attempt at a Thanos-Buster or just a general all round Cabal-Buster?
So should we chalk this up as Tony's attempt at a Thanos-Buster or just a general all round Cabal-Buster?
So should we chalk this up as Tony's attempt at a Thanos-Buster or just a general all round Cabal-Buster?
Secret Wars is going to be bonkers.
New Quack City, Eye of Agamotto, New Xandar...? This is crazy.
I present battleword.
That map... Hickman's gonna blow our fucking minds.
Kun Lun, King James' England, The City (likely from Hickman's Ultimates.)
Just imagine how crazy those classified areas will be.
Edit: The explanation for Manhattan, looks like 616 and 1610 will be joining forces?
Edit the Second: lmao Marville
Linkara has reviews for most of the issues. It gets worse and weirder in a bad way.Why have I never heard of this before? Kal-AOL, jesus tapdancing christ.
Ah yeah exposition issue #TeamRabumAlal
She gave Doom the same message and it looks like both of them are still going ahead with their plans. We have an inkling of Doom's plans, but as far as Reed and co we have no idea what they've got up their sleeves. Going from the last Avengers issue it looks like they'll be trying to fix everything all at once. I do wonder how AIM is going to play into all this.
Im still confused as fuck reading this
The Ivory Kings are the Ebony Kings.Ivory King going to be multiversal molecule mans. But who are the ebony kings?
Keep on reading.I started reading this. On Issue 4 now.
What is the point of Namor? He's just a massive dick who contributes nothing.
Im still confused as fuck reading this
Namor is the epitome of arrogance and I love it.I started reading this. On Issue 4 now.
What is the point of Namor? He's just a massive dick who contributes nothing.
So New Avengers is a tie-in to Infinity, or is it the other way around?
Generally I fucking hate cross-overs. I got up to New Avengers 9, then read Infinity #1, which made New Avengers 9 make more sense. I guess I read Infinity #2 next, then New Avengers #10? This shit is confusing.
Basically.the multiversal strike team of Thor, Hyperion, Starbrand, Nightmask and a metric shit-ton of Ex Nihili went and staged an assault on the Black Priest's homeworld in the void only to be bodied and discover that Doc Strange has surpassed them all and that all the Priests are doing is trying to keep the multiverse alive long enough for someone to find a way to stop the collapse, which is caused by some kind of war between Rabum Alal and the Ivory Kings. From there they decided to split up and take the fight to both sides at once, in the hopes that one or both will be defeated and this whole thing put to an end.
We still have no idea why Rabum Alal and the Black Swans or the Ivory Kings want to end the multiverse, only that they're both working towards that goal and against each other. We also still have no idea how SHIELD, DOOM or Reed's team fit into all this, but we do have a better idea as to what the heck is going on in the big picture
In short, we discovered that shit isn't quite as fucked as we thought and almost immediately after that we found that everything is actually worse than we could have ever imagined.
Excellent explanation. Though with the hints being dropped so far, and knowing that Secret Wars is the endgame, the odds of Rabum Alal being the Beyonder are pretty damn high right now.
Excellent explanation. Though with the hints being dropped so far, and knowing that Secret Wars is the endgame, the odds of Rabum Alal being the Beyonder are pretty damn high right now.
Gonna guess some Franklin Richards iteration or Galactus Seed spawn for Rabum Alal.
Edit: oh I see what you mean. Beyonder could be leading the ivory kings with the galactus seed spawn as rabum alal
Old FF villain who learned during the old Secret War that his power was multiversal. So insanely powerful being who can manipulate the entire multiverse.Who is molecule man what is his backstory?
Why is collecting this such a mess?
I don't buy singles, they annoy me. I want a nice Hardcover for my bookcase.
Infinity includes all the tie-ins into itself, why there are no other collected versions of Hickman's Avengers that are just buy and go?
Why is collecting this such a mess?
I don't buy singles, they annoy me. I want a nice Hardcover for my bookcase.
Infinity includes all the tie-ins into itself, why there are no other collected versions of Hickman's Avengers that are just buy and go?