Because he's so useless he lost a popularity contest to Death's Head?
The proper question would be why not have him stop it?
From what I can tell it's probably beyond Future Franklin's abilities as well.
Because he's so useless he lost a popularity contest to Death's Head?
The proper question would be why not have him stop it?
Because he's so useless he lost a popularity contest to Death's Head?
The proper question would be why not have him stop it?
Why not have Legion put them in a box?
Why not have Legion put them in a box?
...where the hell is eternity , infinity, and the in betweener when all this is going down.
Why not have Legion put them in a box?
I'm feeling objectified by the dudes in this picture hot damn
didn't you and slayven get banned for the last one?lol. save it for the next time a "comics are sexist" debate comes up.
lol. save it for the next time a "comics are sexist" debate comes up.
didn't you and slayven get banned for the last one?
there was another one after the one you got banned for? jeez.nope. the LAST one I steered clear of. The one BEFORE that I got banned for.
there was another one after the one you got banned for? jeez.
Don't get banned ya'll or you'll miss the party when Doom kills Rabum Alal.
How about doing neither?objectified men AND women?
yes...yes this is how things should be!
I can't help thinking that name is some kind of red herring. Sounds arabic, but it can't be.
I did see some speculation around that it's some kind of alternate galactus that ALMOST got born in FF #600, which coincidentally was written by hickman.
That explanation almost works TOO well though.I didn't read the issue though so I don't have any other context with that scan.
If this is what's going on then everything is fucked. May as well sacrifice everything right now.
It seems to fit. Same writer came up with the concept, and it wasn't that long ago (2011?) so it's not something long forgotten about.
The "everything dies...sooner" concept seems to fit exactly with what's going on in Avengers/New Avengers. one earth died "prematurely" before it was supposed to, setting off a chain reaction.
There's an explicit reference to that alt-galactus being "born" from a celestial seed, and Rabum Alal's "birth" was explicitly mentioned as the event that destroyed our alternate earth. How many beings are powerful enough to wipe out a planet outright? How many of them are Galactus? exactly.
i would say it's a slam dunk, if it wasn't a perfect fit. It's so good an explanation I'm tempted to discard it.
they should get a league of all the classic characters' kids. those little twerps tend to come out OP.
Do we think nick fury liked the living tribunal? Seems the most plausble
they should get a league of all the classic characters' kids. those little twerps tend to come out OP.
i'm assuming liked means "killed". No, nick fury is nowhere near strong enough to kill the living tribunal. That thing isn't even "alive" as we understand it, the abstracts all use M-bodies.
We'll he did kill the watcher? Just a theory
i'm assuming liked means "killed". No, nick fury is nowhere near strong enough to kill the living tribunal. That thing isn't even "alive" as we understand it, the abstracts all use M-bodies.
Already exists.
Look everyone knows my disdain for BP by now, and my love for Namor but i will say my piece and maybe you will think i'm crazy BUT:
I agree with most of this. BP has a large, very vocal fanbase on the Internet and since AvX its been aimed at Namor. Seen it ruin other forums. Annoying stuff. I don't know if I'd call it character assassination, as a Namor fan I like how he's the one that stuck to his ideals over hiding behind morality. No matter what, they puts him ahead of the rest of the Illuminati members.
It'll be interesting to see where it goes. Regardless of how it turns out, Namor saved the world when the others wouldn't. No amount of BP tears can undo that. Even Thanos is technically saving the world with murder. And Doom will likely have to clean it all up.
I think Stephen Strange will end up being one of the big bads.
You know, part of me thinks the Black Priests may just be Stranges from multiple universes who have just given up and want to end it all.
You know, part of me thinks the Black Priests may just be Stranges from multiple universes who have just given up and want to end it all.
You know, part of me thinks the Black Priests may just be Stranges from multiple universes who have just given up and want to end it all.
You know, part of me thinks the Black Priests may just be Stranges from multiple universes who have just given up and want to end it all.
I vaguely remember someone mentioning that those things are not technically alive at all- just some kind of construct or gestalt being. Don't remember who it was though.
I vaguely remember someone mentioning that those things are not technically alive at all- just some kind of construct or gestalt being. Don't remember who it was though.
Remember Infinity. What was so important about Thane that Ebony Maw was obsessed with?
nope. the LAST one I steered clear of. The one BEFORE that I got banned for.
I would assume it was his power set. Thane is broken as shit.
Is that why we've never seen him since?
namors proven not to have any problems killing masses of people. a world was second nature. he cant even fake morality
This is what im talking about, when did Namor become that? He wouldn't even kill Attuma , now this, such a change.
Well. The world and everyone in it wasn't going to die if he didn't kill Attuma. This is the plot their now in. Kill worlds or let your world and every one in it die. Blooding his own hands to save those under him is keeping with his themes in my opinion. He's always been more about being a protector/defender (har har) than a hero.
Well. The world and everyone in it wasn't going to die if he didn't kill Attuma. This is the plot their now in. Kill worlds or let your world and every one in it die. Blooding his own hands to save those under him is keeping with his themes in my opinion. He's always been more about being a protector/defender (har har) than a hero.
dont know, laying waste to a country is random as shit.
he flooded a whole country, had no remorse in doing so, and then went to gloat about it. there was no reason to do any of that
I do , and thats another recent departure but wasn't he under the influence of the phoenix when that happened , Cyke killed Prof X, and Colossus beat down spider man when under the Phoenix's power so....I dont know if that counts.
Does that being on the lower left look like Thanos? The outfit looks similar.