Namor is the main character of the Marvel universe.
According to Namor.
Namor is the main character of the Marvel universe.
the phoenix doesnt make you do things you dont want to do, it just amplifies the desire to do so. thats why they all seem to take responsibility for their actions.
Stark attempting to commit suicide in here still leaves me in awe.really enjoyed thiese page
Using a massive flood to nearly destroy Wakanda isn't something Namor can walk away from and expect no retaliation.And namor took for his. And sued for peace. And we know how shuri reacted to that.
It was a monthly roller coaster, too bad the artists were swapped mid-arc. Kinda disorienting.The last New Avengers arc was so damn amazing
I think Stephen Strange will end up being one of the big bads.
Well he has the Ebon priests helmet.... So I think in the end we learn the Ebon Kings are just evil illuminati groups (maybe hunted on their world's to the point they said fuck it and wwent to a world of their own to protect their home planets?) And Strange is just their priest.
Dat smug Namor face. Love it.
Considering how messed up time is in between worlds, remember that the incursion that brought the fake JL to their beat down happened in their universe before it did in the 616, Strange himself could very well give birth to them. Avengers already showed us what the mapmakers are and it does seem like the cause may be related to the 616 universe.
You should see his groveling face in the most recent issue.
If it leads to the 616 I would be impressed cause I hadn't thought of that. It's crazy how long this storyline has gone on and how few answers to Wtf is going on have been given.
That's the second thing I love about the guy!Considering how messed up time is in between worlds, remember that the incursion that brought the fake JL to their beat down happened in their universe before it did in the 616, Strange himself could very well give birth to them. Avengers already showed us what the mapmakers are and it does seem like the cause may be related to the 616 universe.
You should see his groveling face in the most recent issue.
That's the second thing I love about the guy!
Doom pls, I need your help man. Cabal is crazy as fuck, they're getting high on killing. Doom, I made a huge mistake. His face when Doom tells him he's no man's second choice is priceless. Doom's son being all casual when he thanks Namor for coming to dinner is pretty funny as well.
There should never be killing. That should be nice and clear. Why are people so fucking thick? Fuck all the code talk and just don't kill. How stupid can assholes be?
Been following it since the first issue. Took a while, but I am loving how batshit crazy its going with the cosmic stuff. A few high points.
Comic book morality getting exposed. With the situation given, Namor is the only character standing up. Well, and Dr. Strange, but get the feeling that is more him going crazy. No matter what, 616 lives on because of Namor and Namor alone. (Well. Dr. Strange killing the JL helped.) The Illuminati claimed the entire problem for themselves, and then lacked the balls to carry on. Good stuff. Ironman, Reed, and BP looking pretty shallow.
I agree with most of this. BP has a large, very vocal fanbase on the Internet and since AvX its been aimed at Namor. Seen it ruin other forums. Annoying stuff. I don't know if I'd call it character assassination, as a Namor fan I like how he's the one that stuck to his ideals over hiding behind morality. No matter what, they puts him ahead of the rest of the Illuminati members.
It'll be interesting to see where it goes. Regardless of how it turns out, Namor saved the world when the others wouldn't. No amount of BP tears can undo that. Even Thanos is technically saving the world with murder. And Doom will likely have to clean it all up.
Woah. I've been thinking for a while that Rabum Alal was either going to be Galactus or a version of Stark (Avengers #1 calling him death) but that "Everything would end sooner" quote is pretty blatant.I can't help thinking that name is some kind of red herring. Sounds arabic, but it can't be.
I did see some speculation around that it's some kind of alternate galactus that ALMOST got born in FF #600, which coincidentally was written by hickman.
That explanation almost works TOO well though.I didn't read the issue though so I don't have any other context with that scan.
Using a massive flood to nearly destroy Wakanda isn't something Namor can walk away from and expect no retaliation.
Considering how messed up time is in between worlds, remember that the incursion that brought the fake JL to their beat down happened in their universe before it did in the 616, Strange himself could very well give birth to them. Avengers already showed us what the mapmakers are and it does seem like the cause may be related to the 616 universe.
the phoenix doesnt make you do things you dont want to do, it just amplifies the desire to do so. thats why they all seem to take responsibility for their actions.
Jean Grey wanted to eat planets? An alien planet she had never been to before? The Phoenix did all that shit another recent retcon, being in Jean allowed the guardian of the m'krann crystal feel volition and emotion and it tried them both, the beings immense power is what made it so fucking dangerous to be bonded with anyone mortal that had free will and morals because they weren't consistent. Even Galactus told off the phoenix for this post being linked with Jean Grey. The guardian of the crystal is supposed to be just that, because you know, thats the actual relic of power, not the phoenix...oh wait another convenient change. Jean ultimately died because she knew the Phoenix with ANY MORTAL BEING was too dangerous and the way to release it was to kill its avatar.
So yeah its still all recent changes to character , AvX was what 2 years ago , the other 60+ years of Sub Mariner in his own stories, marvel presents, The Defenders, Avengers and FF4 say that Namor has definitely been drastically changed, even if he did ultimately buy time for Doom to do his work.
T'Chaka was a Nazi? Goddamn Hudlin.
LoL. What the hell did Namor expect would happen?
"Well, let's see. How about I gather the worst murderous psychopaths my universe produced and let them go on a genocidal killing spree across the multi-verse with no accountability."
"What? They actually like the killing? They can't be controlled? How could this happen!!!"
LoL. What the hell did Namor expect would happen?
"Well, let's see. How about I gather the worst murderous psychopaths my universe produced and let them go on a genocidal killing spree across the multi-verse with no accountability."
"What? They actually like the killing? They can't be controlled? How could this happen!!!"
I like it because I think Namor felt he was one of them. And then was surprised to learn that he wasn't. Which is kinda positive for the character, really. I hope that he has an about face, tries to save the day and then just when he's about to T'Challa comes up behind and snaps his neck.
Doom is nobody's second choice.
Wasn't it "No Man's Second Choice"?
Yeah, the Ghosts telling Panther he had a responsibility to do this stuff, and then Namor being the one that did it stood out. Then again, the Ghosts didn't exactly come off in a good light either a page ahead with the "Y u no kill nao!!!" bit.
The illuminati is just...odd, tho. Kidnapping terrax, putting thanos in the same room as the other two, not throwing that popsicle into another dimension once they noticed corvus growing inside it... it's just... dumb.
Avengers: Avengers World (Avengers Vol 5 #1-6)
Avengers: The Last White Event (Avengers #7-12)
New Avengers: Everything Dies (New Avengers Vol 3 #1-6)
Avengers: Infinity Prelude (Avengers #13-17)
Infinity: Nothing Lasts Forever (Free Comic Book Day 2013 Special, Infinity #1-6, Avengers #18-23, New Avengers #7-12 Infinity: Against the Tide #1-2 Reading order for singles here (image))
Avengers: Rogue Planet/Adapt or Die (Avengers #24.NOW-28)
New Avengers: Other Worlds (New Avengers #13.INH-17)
New Avengers: A Perfect World (New Avengers #18-23, collected edition not out yet)
Avengers: Infinite Avengers (Avengers #29-34, no collected edtion released yet)
Avengers: Time Runs Out Part One (Avengers #35, New Avengers #24, no collected edition released)
The Infinity tie-in issues are collected as Infinity: Avengers Universe and New Avengers: Infinity, they are included in both the US hardcover printing and the UK paperback editions.
The last New Avengers arc was so damn amazing
Wait, what? Is that Superman? Why is he there?
It was a very blatant Superman analogue, along with the rest of the justice league. If I recall someone in the comics thread recolored him to look like superman
Doc Strange killed them all
Plus Doc Strange > Doc Fate confirmed. So much ether.Magic > Superman confirmed.
so now we know what would happen if capcom made a marvel vs DC game?
so now we know what would happen if capcom made a marvel vs DC game?
Seems to be a reccurring topic right now in the Marvel universeIt's a shame Strange will lose his title again.
Yep, Doc Strange would rape everyone.