There should be a team of Thanos' exes
man...king or not, none of his ancestors had to bear the weight of what he was being asked to do - and multiple times, it would've looked like. cut challa some slack.
Hey Thanos, where's that kid of ours anyway? Didn't he become a lawyer?
He saved the universe for the time being but it didn't even matter in the next few minutes. Now he is a broken man with regret and is like the rest of the Illuminati. He's enabling the actions of some of the most dangerous beings in the universe. Thanos alone is above and beyond the Avenger's level. I'm glad to see that this Cabal is backfiring in Namor's face and not just because he killed a world, Namor's reckoning has been coming for a long time.Kill six billion people every x days (if the mapmakers or builders dont get to them first) until the bigbad is handled vs snuff two universes out of existence, killing unknown trillions due to your inaction.
Much choice. Wow.
Namor fucked up when he assembled a group that 1) is far above his power level and 2) has no reason whatsoever to stay on 616.
All the rest? Ok. Those two? Unforgivable.
Dude still saved the universe with his actions, tho, so even with his bawling he's well above the rest of the team, save for stephen.
He saved the universe for the time being but it didn't even matter in the next few minutes. Now he is a broken man with regret and is like the rest of the Illuminati. He's enabling the actions of some of the most dangerous beings in the universe. Thanos alone is above and beyond the Avenger's level. I'm glad to see that this Cabal is backfiring in Namor's face and not just because he killed a world, Namor's reckoning has been coming for a long time.
Yeah that was messed up.i dunno man, he still hasn't been disowned by his entire filial lineage.
Letting Thanos live in any part of the universe is a big mistake.
Yeah... But isn't the story sooooo Bendis though?Sure wish I knew how he escaped the cancerverse, but they keep dragging shit the fuck out...
He saved the universe for the time being but it didn't even matter in the next few minutes.
But seriously why would your first choice to form a new Cabal be fucking Thanos of all people? There is no scenario where letting Thanos free doesn't end in you getting fucked over in the worst possible way.
How was Doom not the 1st person Namor went to? Or any other super smart villain?
I'm guessing that Namor went back to Necropolis and found that Thanos was free. Convenience.But seriously why would your first choice to form a new Cabal be fucking Thanos of all people? There is no scenario where letting Thanos free doesn't end in you getting fucked over in the worst possible way.
How was Doom not the 1st person Namor went to? Or any other super smart villain?
But seriously why would your first choice to form a new Cabal be fucking Thanos of all people? There is no scenario where letting Thanos free doesn't end in you getting fucked over in the worst possible way.
How was Doom not the 1st person Namor went to? Or any other super smart villain?
Thanos has the power set, the tech, the henchmen, and the right attitude for destroying an endless supply of worlds and their heroes.
Doom is just as unpredictable, also has a high chance of fucking you over, and worst of all to Namor, has the ability to shatter your pride. There's a difference between loosing a wild beast and groveling to another king.
What kind of bugs me is that Hickman writes Thanos as a savage beast that has a calm demeanor, while Starlin writes him the same way but also as a cunning genius. I don't see much of that in Hickman's Thanos. Is it too subtle?
Thanos has the power set, the tech, the henchmen, and the right attitude for destroying an endless supply of worlds and their heroes.
Doom is just as unpredictable, also has a high chance of fucking you over, and worst of all to Namor, has the ability to shatter your pride. There's a difference between loosing a wild beast and groveling to another king.
Thanos has the power set, the tech, the henchmen, and the right attitude for destroying an endless supply of worlds and their heroes.
Doom is just as unpredictable, also has a high chance of fucking you over, and worst of all to Namor, has the ability to shatter your pride. There's a difference between loosing a wild beast and groveling to another king.
What kind of bugs me is that Hickman writes Thanos as a savage beast that has a calm demeanor, while Starlin writes him the same way but also as a cunning genius. I don't see much of that in Hickman's Thanos. Is it too subtle? I think it's just me.
Considering some characters like Wiccan rank pretty high in the magic world without being especially intelligent, I don't think there is a strong correlation there. Some of it is study, but a lot of it seems to rely on talent.
I also wouldn't be so sure that the Illuminati are as in the dark as you suggest. Black Panther, Reed Richards, Bruce Banner, Hank Pym, Amadeus Cho, Beast, Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, Iron Man (though he might be out of the Illuminati at that point), and Captain Britain make for a pretty formidable group. Who knows what they have been up to.
Holy shit!!!
This sounds absolutely bananas.
Please point me to collected editions where I can buy this.
Keep in mind that I'm not fond of buying singles and prefer everything nice and clear on trades or hardcovers.
Thank you kind sir.Avengers: Avengers World (Avengers Vol 5 #1-6)
Avengers: The Last White Event (Avengers #7-12)
New Avengers: Everything Dies (New Avengers Vol 3 #1-6)
Avengers: Infinity Prelude (Avengers #13-17)
Infinity: Nothing Lasts Forever (Free Comic Book Day 2013 Special, Infinity #1-6, Avengers #18-23, New Avengers #7-12 Infinity: Against the Tide #1-2 Reading order for singles here (image))
Avengers: Rogue Planet/Adapt or Die (Avengers #24.NOW-28)
New Avengers: Other Worlds (New Avengers #13.INH-17)
New Avengers: A Perfect World (New Avengers #18-23, collected edition not out yet)
Avengers: Infinite Avengers (Avengers #29-34, no collected edtion released yet)
Avengers: Time Runs Out Part One (Avengers #35, New Avengers #24, no collected edition released)
The Infinity tie-in issues are collected as Infinity: Avengers Universe and New Avengers: Infinity, they are included in both the US hardcover printing and the UK paperback editions
Only difference is that the Sentry is mentally unstable and isn't entirely aware of his actions. The Plutonian is insane too but that's because he's angry at the world.I love that the Sentry's power is to be overpowered.
Marvel just never lets it go all the way, ever since I heard about the Plutonian it gets me mad that Marvel never let the Sentry be similar to that.
Yeah... But isn't the story sooooo Bendis though?
This run actually sounds really interesting, even if it is a rip-off of Crisis. I just hope it ends up with a more permanent change to the status quo. You can't have Stark/Namor/Strange/Richards/Banner/T'Challa just waltz back into being heroes after all of the bullshit they've pulled.
Who am I kidding, all of this will be erased at some point.
This run actually sounds really interesting, even if it is a rip-off of Crisis. I just hope it ends up with a more permanent change to the status quo. You can't have Stark/Namor/Strange/Richards/Banner/T'Challa just waltz back into being heroes after all of the bullshit they've pulled.
Who am I kidding, all of this will be erased at some point.
But seriously why would your first choice to form a new Cabal be fucking Thanos of all people? There is no scenario where letting Thanos free doesn't end in you getting fucked over in the worst possible way.
How was Doom not the 1st person Namor went to? Or any other super smart villain?
Kill six billion people every x days (if the mapmakers or builders dont get to them first) until the bigbad is handled vs snuff two universes out of existence, killing unknown trillions due to your inaction.
Much choice. Wow.
i dunno man, he still hasn't been disowned by his entire filial lineage.
I just want to say I think it's great that we have a dedicated thread to this particular story arc. It's kind of hard to talk about these particular stories in the comics thread because it moves so quickly in there with so many varying topics. I kind of wish we had our own comics forum in addition to gaming and off topic so that we can have threads dedicated to these particular stories
CBR: Hickman & Brevoort Take "Avengers" Eight Months Into the Future
I must admit, I'm sorry I put this book on the backburner for awhile. Adapt or Die was a fairly weak arc. I'm going to catch up over the weekend.
Finished reading it, I wonder how ambitious Hickman's "Time Runs Out" event is when compared to Remender's "Axis". I guess we'll find out next year.
And I agree that Adapt or Die was a weak arc, but at least we know how the Mapmakers were formed.
yeah, hard utilitarianism in practice must be super easy, good point
really enjoyed thiese page
Look everyone knows my disdain for BP by now, and my love for Namor but i will say my piece and maybe you will think i'm crazy BUT:
all this going on? sounds like there's a bit of character assassination on Namor's part by the team. I'm getting flashbacks of Civil War Ironman and how he was the big logical BAD GUY against the emotionally justified anti-registration heroes. Breaking character to make it obvious who to cheer for. A proverbial painting of bad guy whiskers on his character to reminisce the old time bad guys who twirl their moustaches and rub their hands together.
Namor is the regal pride, the arrogance maximus. The idea that things bow down to you by mere presence. and in the real modern world, where kings are few and individuals who display their control in such gaudy fashion are often the target of ire. No longer needed.
So i understand why Namor is groveling and crying and asking for help. Cause that's how you make him have a weakness. Because he represents something that every liberal writer and artist despises. an alpha male.
Now onto BP, as i said i wasn't as fond of the character throughout the years. I've always considered him a gary stu. and let's be honest, he is. It's was always hard to give flaws to BP because, well, of the "implications". he's had ups and downs before, but he always got through nary a scratch. Never a Pyrrhic victory.
But this run has made warm up to BP because like Namor, he has been knocked off his pole of gary stuness in a unique manner. His kingdom taken from him by his sister. His people , whom alot of are inherently xenophobic and arrogant, never fully shared his views. His waifus have left him. He no longer can fall back on his lolmagic metal shenanigans. his entire lineage of ancestors told him to man the fuck up, and he failed the mantle of the BP. he got the boot out of the family tree LITERALLY.
BP is now a tragic story. he is utterly alone. And that, to me, finally makes him a viable character. Everyone in marvel has flaws. BP now has some that are tangible. Both him and Namor are being shaken to the core of their characters. And although i'm a bit iffy with the choices being made for Namor, BP as a character has definitely gotten some upgrades!
Sorry to bring up Anime, but i think of Fate Stay Night when i consider the kings of marvel. You have Alexander the great inviting King Arthur and GIlgamesh for a banquet of Kings.
After some discussions, Alexander and Gilgamesh deride Arthur for not behaving like a King. Someone who, by definition, is exceptional. Who should laugh the hardest. who should be the greediest. who should set the example for being EXTRAORDINARY.
Namor is Alexander, the exceptional. BP is Arthur, nothing but a figurehead. not a beacon for his people. I know we will eventually go to the status quo with Namor just like Tony. but i think BP will come out of this for the better. at least..i hope so.
yeah, hard utilitarianism in practice must be super easy, good point
Why not have him stop it?
didn't they break two infinity gauntlets trying to stop the incursions? might be a bit past his pay grade.
It's not even "hard utilitarianism".
Push the button and 6 billion people die. Don't push it and those 6 billion people die, plus another hundred trillion or so, and everything else in existence including you.
This isn't a choice at all. only idiots would agonize over this.
didn't they break two infinity gauntlets trying to stop the incursions? might be a bit past his pay grade.